Friday 20 January 2012


Modern generation know a great development, especially in terms of material, but at the same time, our society is in crisis and we must face the serious problem.
There are issues that cause lies outside our range, such as natural disasters: we can not avoid them. In contrast, many other issues can be for us because we have to endure them only by the temper of our shortcomings, due to the tragic omission in which we: I rate them as surplus . The reason is because of our motivation, we just need to modify the attitude of us, we had no reason to exist.
These conflicts caused by what? The most common is due to the ideological differences, unfortunately sometimes be raised by the different religious beliefs. That is quite important to have a proper attitude.
There are many philosophers was born. For my part, I see compassion as the foundation , relying ultimate place of humanity . Over and these qualities tend to love your neighbor and help them when they suffer, because they forget themselves, is an attitude that people have just woken measures. When people use it, kindness, manners and passionate qualities of mind manifestation. He was the first to be happy. Those around you feel an atmosphere of joy and sympathy that he does around his reign, is also beneficial to know how. But this kind of experience can not stop there but extends from this circle. Thus, one can pass from the same individual to individual, among the citizens, this country via another country, from continent to continent to another.
The method allows the same information to promote comfort needed to analytical thinking and meditation. It rests on a fundamental principle: the compassion, care for others.
But other than that there is no "I", and the conventional view, which I can not deny. We all have a real sense, anchored deep into the seat of our deepest, it is translated into: "I want this" , "I do not want another" . My sense is naturally expressed in us and also comes with a natural desire for happiness and a denial of suffering; it is not only natural but also the right thing. We want to be happy, we do not want suffering: it was completely legitimate. We do not have to be justified.
As such, we have the right to be happy and not suffering.
"So love is natural, this right belongs to my happiness or for all?" You asked me the same. There is a difference: when you say "I", which relates only to a person, even when the "all", it means talking to countless people.
To this was not abstract, so the thinking outlined by the following picture in mind. Imagine one side is your ego, so far it's only worried about their own benefits. Across a crowd full of sucking the living eye. In the middle is you, Tuesday factors observed both sides.
Do both sides have the same desire to be happy? A terrible suffering?
Both have been satisfied, is not it? Certainly not denied! But when people are mobilized by love yourself, then people see that nothing is more important than his own at all. However, the value of oil that selfishness is a large claim he is, it represents only one person, and it recognizes the value of oil in the first few others, the others he is a wealth of .
The impartial observer can not say the contrary is clear that. Recognize easily the greatest majority of the more deeply one person, he understood the value of others in relation to himself.
Then the following questions: Should I use other people so that they serve my purpose? All benefit only one person, it would not be fair, and whether it can be done, it is not enough to make me happy. It is right and the ability to bring the best of themselves to serve for all. It is the source of great pleasure. If you persist in this attitude, the idea is reasonable, you will see that compassion, love, others will grow. The longer you can extend mercy to your enemies. What constitutes a normal player can not do. Because, for the neighbor, parent, child, make sure you have love, but that's just because they are mothers "your" father "of your" children "your", and because you you them. When love associated with attachment, one can not love those who expressed views contrary to ours. We are too involved in serving the interests of our privacy.
It is different from love born of gratitude came in the light of life in all its forms, of what it owes. Starting from there, love is quite wide so as not to exclude anyone, even enemies.
In this progress, the need to develop tolerance and patience. And who else if not the enemy may give us opportunity to express them? Parents we u? The U of our teachers? They are not what's best for that. Our opponents, themselves, new to us it is engraved. Let us accept them honor him: in this regard, there is no better teacher! Friends, most teachers are not particularly closely with, and with less fervor.
Many times, I was able to realize that the worst period of his life are also the richest period , the knowledge and experience. When life does not lead us astray, progress easily, all mild, and that's great. But there are bad days, and it fell into despair and hopelessness. However, that is in opposition to give us the opportunity to learn. It was then that inner strength, determination, courage to face the trui wrought with challenges. Who gives us this chance? Our enemies.
That does not mean that one must bow before their own. Indeed, although in ways that people use, it can be a challenge to power. But, in his deep, one must not lose the peace will not forget compassion. That is possible!
Perhaps you think: "Well, the Dalai Lama said" Absolutely not. You can experience it and judge it yourself. Nothing worthy of your efforts by developing the capacity of love. I said and I repeat again, that's the main message of religion. In this area, rather than engaging in philosophical debate, please enter the compassion, it is really the essence of them. People can self Buddhists as people try to increase this expansion, while trying to practice this virtue, though it is not set up radio Buddha worship. Indeed so. Oils for what religion you are, do not stop because of the philosophical problems . I say that the benefit of you, accept the primacy of the real victory is essential in the daily life of you. In this respect, Buddhism, Christianity and other religions do not differ much. All have a core of human progress, brotherhood and love. The general intention was for the religious. Take one of our key and you will realize that there is little disagreement between them.
Back to Nirvana, but sometimes people often wonder, my sense is the question that is not the most urgent. If you follow the line of the month on a life of honesty and showing kindness, compassion, kindness, selfless, then it would automatically take you to Nirvana. In contrast, if the trumpet of your philosophy about topics that are not careful in the everyday things you dared to reach a very strange nirvana. If the daily practice of all you are nothing, surely it is not appropriate.
Applied in everyday life, these tips proved wonderful. Whether or not people believe in God, whether or not people believe in Buddha, whatever - even when people are Buddhists - who believe in rebirth or not! It is important to live a good life. A good life not only with delicious food, beautiful clothing and a lovely roof, which is also animated by pure intentions, a compassion not dogmatic philosophy nor scholars . It is understood that other people, men, women are brothers and sisters of ours, that is respected the rights and dignity. The ability to help each other belong to a wonderful man. It should help people in hopeless misery. No material assistance, it expressed concern for a moral support, expressing sympathy was precious. This attitude to the leaders of all our activities.
In the modern world, according to some people, religion is no reason to exist only for those who place in the remote end, while in the world of work and politics, people do not know it to do.
I disagree. I told you, my belief is simple: the main purpose is love . All appropriate actions and cavalier - especially the small things - all from one engine. In politics, if you have pure intentions and for them to improve your social, then you're a good politician and honest. Politics has nothing bad in itself. Sometimes, people blame it, people say it "dirty": Where incorrect! It's a necessity, a tool was created to solve human problems, social difficulties. It is not an evil, it meets a need. In contrast, when these individuals vague, reckless and true engine seized power, then politicians could become "dirty".
We can do such tests in the field of religion: if I preach with a bad engine, my sermon becomes bad and harmful. But that's not a reason to blame the religion not to see it as evil.
So motivation is key. So I simply put my faith where love, respect for others and the right food. I'm not dedicated to this value for the field of religion. They are consistent with the political, economic, trade, science, law, medicine, engineering spirit with a human task support and they have the means to at least reach the heart kind enliven the area. If not, instead of giving a more positive, they become a threat to the world, a fear for all. Human beings have a life and death needs of compassion. Looking closer, the world is less happy than it might seem so. When I went to a new country, at first all seemed bright. The people I met started telling me that everything is fine, they do not have anything to moan. Then the current date, I listened. I heard them talk about their problems, they are many, obviously very popular. Society is falling into a deep discomfort. People complain about loneliness and exhaustion. Frustration, anxiety and distress about the state of ethics is increasingly popular. Justice and uprightness incompatible with the intrigues and mischief. Claimed to act in the interests of others in a climate that selfish, talking about peace, love that never noticed anything to them when things do damage that can progress to the extreme oppression or war: the signs are not concealed. They say a failure.
The climate of this anxiety now the veil from the background to everyday life of us. The terrible truth, but it's true. Maybe people will think of other solutions, the solution inside the transformation that I have mentioned before, is ideal and is not suitable for our situation here and in the world right now. However, I persevered thinking that if people continue to chart on a social model is completely conditioned by money and power, little attention to the real value of love - a model in which humanity lost all sense of justice, of kindness and honesty - is the next generation could be prey to the difficulties worse, and the terrible suffering is over.
Thus, although an inner change may seem difficult, the game is worth opening. I firmly believe: to test the impossible.
It was successful or not is another matter: for oil if we do not reach the goals that we have specified for themselves in this life, what is not important. At least we tried to build a better world, based on true love and not on personal interests.
The operator busy every day sort of problem was apparently targeted at those most urgent. But that does not stop at the same time they know the dangers in the long run human society and must be asking for.
Take an example: we need a healthy body and healthy to avoid illness usually small. If you accidentally have, good body and mind structure allows us to heal quickly. Also on society. Investment of a fully "realistic" in the short-term solution, since the temporary benefits is like taking a pill on the disease. While at the same time worry for the future care of people like to cultivate a healthy body. People do not exclude the preventive measures, to see the immediate problems and long-term problems.
For many years, I observed the world, I think it matters, as the issue of Tibet is my country. I met people who are different from all the natural horizon. Since the foundation, all the same. I'm from the East, you mostly Westerners. At first glance, we diverge. The more I emphasize our differences is a growing distance between us. But if I look at you as the person with the same kind to me, the people, the same type, with a nose, two eyes, the gap will disappear naturally. We are created from the same flesh and blood. I want happiness, you too. Starting from the understanding, recognize each other, a respect, a trust can really born among us. Help each other and harmony will manifest themselves out. That is something that could not end the same trouble.
In today's world, all closely linked together. Does not have a country, a continent which itself is the owner of its own destiny. The fate of each can not be apart from the fate of all. So the key is to establish among us a true understanding, with clear intentions. Thus we have successfully solved the same problems.
It's a joy when the same information with wisdom and heart from one person to another, and that he needed to know how! A clean engine is the key.
Re: Wisdom and compassion

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