Friday 20 January 2012


Having what we call a 'precious human body "means we have been born as a human being and given the freedom and convenience that. Not only do we have to have the premise of the physical (body) necessary for the practice of France, we also have to have a mind consists of three types of trust.
"The Free" in this document means that the circuit was completely preoccupied by other matters. For example, if you were born in the realm there is so much suffering, we will completely dominate the situation that does not have little opportunity to practice French or devote time to other things positive .
Buddha preached about eight different levels there is no freedom to practice Dharma. He taught in a way that corresponds to the way people thought that era (the era Buddha in the world). But today we should understand that these realms are not considered special places, but rather they are the kind of experience we have been born as a result of their own professional maturity.
The first three of the eight state of mind that the Buddha taught that the three lower realms: fantasy realms, realms of demons, and the animal realm.
When you experience these realms exist, we will suffer severe that he could not do anything else, or was completely lucid enough to work with the French in that field.
In some scriptures, the Buddha describes this state of mind in a way that suggests they may be the world similar to our world. These words correspond to the notion that people have about our world at any time and particularly given the practitioner Shravaka - followers of Thanh Van redundant.
However, if you think about the state of paranoia, one will realize that maybe they do not mean a real place, by the Kinh said molten metal everywhere. If we ask that anyone molten metal and is used to fuel a fire, we find that they can not literally exist as they do so is described. Rather, it is by every individual living beings have karma with that kind of existence to experience it as completely bogus. Because of ignorance and error, the minds of the beings who have led their own experience between a hell.
However, whether it is a world of "real" in the sense that, as long as we state enterprises suffer this pain will not experience cessation. Illusion completely suppressed, we can not afford to try convert it. I really think we are in the realms of hell and so have to suffer. Because of this intense pain that one can not contemplate the meaning of Dharma and do not even look to the practice of France. Whether we want to do these things is not. In contrast, a state of mind that the experience of happiness and joy are very strong that no thought to the practice. It was a heavenly plane. The gods have different levels of sex gender, gender identity and gender invisible. In the education world has six different types exist, one of six categories is called a heavenly plane. A rebirth in this realm is the result of the accumulation of an enormous amount of good karma. By this karma we experience happiness and immense pleasure and I totally neglected in it. I want to enjoy sex in all these states and not through any little disturbing. Do not suffer any kind of suffering that we do not care to attempt escape from this state. Living in joy, the thought was enough and did not have the motivation to practice Dharma.
Lust and the invisible world is the result of meditation. If we are attached to sense pleasures while still practicing meditation, we can finish course when the mind is totally bliss of these states accounted for leaders. An office in a state of deep meditation, one does not feel attracted to foreign material, but totally fun wandering in the mind. Not experience any feelings of grief which the mind becomes very peaceful and not be motivated to convert.
However, even in the realm of the state has no chance to practice French. Such as being born in a place where people have no idea about the positive actions and negative, we can not follow a good path and avoid the bad roads. This is the case of the primitive society where those who man lived, they can be people, but not always behave in the usual way.
Other people may be born as a human, but they are completely caught in the wrong (as opposed to what the French) that they can not practice. For example, there are those who believe that to make the sacrifice of the animals because they were sure to kill animals can lead to liberation. wrong is a very serious problem, because they not only hinder us in Dharma practice, which may even lead us to practice a bad way again. So it is a major obstacle to the practice caught in the wrong.
Others were born with the inability (illness) in mind. They have no ability to understand the meaning of the French by listening to teachings. Even if they get advice on what to do and what should be avoided, that counsel did not mean anything to them. They absolutely can not understand that. The word Tibet is known as a "Kunga." Although the term is also used for the deaf and dumb, in-circuit this text it means primarily the inability of the spirit. Intelligence of these people is very limited and they can not distinguish between good things and bad things to be avoided.
Finally, we may be born in an age not living Buddhas appear in place of Buddha Dharma and completely unknown.
There are different periods in the evolution of a world which we call the "kalpa" (life) or age (EON). Between the manifestation of the historical Buddha is the period known as the "dark times" , then no Buddhas appear. Being born in a period like that means you can not connect with France and thus no luck to practice. There are "eight free" means not being born in this state one of the eight.
TEN ADVANTAGES (ten of ownership)
However, there are other necessary conditions for Dharma practice. It was ten or eleven favorable property. Here we distinguish two groups of five owners. The first group depends on its own, depending on the group after the other.
- The first is that a person must be fully equipped, not defective and good works as a man or woman.
- We must be able to meet a guru and take his place for catechesis.
- After the received doctrine, we must be able to practice Dharma.
- In a certain extent, we have not been sick in body or spirit to the practice of France unimpeded.
- I will not be one of the five acts of extreme evil. As a result of the work: injury to a Buddha, killing an Arhat, kill the father or mother , or to divide the Sangha - who suffer violations will be very difficult to achieve any level realized in this life. The behavior is completely evil.
Besides the five conditions associated with this itself, there are five other conditions related to other things:
- A historical Buddha to manifest in this world.
- This Buddha preached to.
- Doctrine must also influential in this era.
- The teacher must also transmit these teachings.
- The teacher must be able to preach the Dharma properly - in other words, teaching with compassion.
Born to be a ten provided this property is the best assumption to practice French.
Precious human rebirth
Because of this rebirth is the best advantage to the French practice, it is called "precious human rebirth." The term "rinpoche" in Tibetan means "precious" or "jewel . "Here it is used to describe the body, because in fact it is so precious and is extremely difficult. Once you get the body and possesses many qualities, it is inconceivable value.
This is why this type of reproduction is called "regeneration precious" - there is a body which can be used in the correct way to achieve liberation. Body is difficult because the major premise of this is correct behavior. To be born as a human being, one must avoid making ten bad behavior in past lives. But if we look around us, we will realize that in reality how many people give up the bad behavior. Compared with a normal body, a body of "precious" is more difficult to achieve. Having the opportunity to practice Dharma in this life is not the result of acts perfectly fine, but it comes from the strong and vows to be reborn deliberate way, this makes it possible to develop development and practice.
Consider the number of people compared to the number of animals they are so easily seen. For example, we may not have much difficulty and count the population of a country. In contrast, if we want to count the enormous number of animals, that's because they can not be countless. This gives us an idea of ​​how little some people than the number of animals.
Moreover, to find that only few people have been eighteen conditions - eight and ten freedom conducive to Dharma practice, we will realize this is very rare chance to star. Get a big city with five million people as an example, if only a thousand or ten thousand of them practice it was more then France. However, this is hardly the case is far from happening. This alone shows the precious human body, then how rare. Look at its huge population of the world and see some people who do not have an end of ten negative actions, not only among Buddhists but also within the practitioners of all religions and those who do not follow any religion teachers do, we will see that the small number if compared to the total number of people living in the world. Then we look at how many people know how to pray for the sake of others, not many people there.
Due to track these factors, we would become aware of the advantages we have and how lucky they are to people in a situation to practice French. Thus we can see that this good fortune to know how extremely rare. This encourages us in a direction of his life right path, decided not to waste this opportunity because, as mentioned above, life was extremely difficult.
We must realize that our life is in Vietnamese, the real pros to do and make efforts to use it to attain enlightenment in this lifetime. If we practice good, although not necessarily the super of the most, we can become Bodhisattva in this life. If it is not very good practice, we can become Pratyekabuddha * (* Pratyekabuddha "Single Enlightenment Buddha," level from time to practice without a teacher and wish to reach enlightenment without a teacher) . If you can not do that, we can still practice and accumulated road link ** (** In the path: the path to accumulate, the road link, the path of seeing, path, numerous road course - a description of the gradual spiritual development until enlightenment) . At least we should try not to waste this life, but instead use it in the best manner possible. With this decision in mind, we can certainly avoid retrogression, can maintain our level, and even developed far beyond. It shows us the plight of Vietnamese advantages like. We should really appreciate that.
Shantideva (Shantideva) has taught this by using the example of a teacher and logistics. If the teacher and paid handsomely to be kind to his servants, he would be happy and work well. This also benefits the teacher. In contrast, if the teacher was bad to most people, it is natural that he would work poorly, and the teacher will not benefit us.
Likewise, we should treat ourselves well. As such, later we will find ourselves in good physical condition and can develop a positive mind.
We should not waste any moment. Instead, now we should practice Dharma and do not delay it, because we can die at some point and lost opportunity. From the moment of birth, one step closer to death firmly and can not be asserted when we die. All conditions can cause death and did not know it ever happened. Certainly, death almost in every moment. Because of these factors that the present moment is very important and we should best use our time here and now.
To be able to practice, we need to bring the conditions of eighteen precious human body and to develop proper confidence. Types of trust - sometimes called faith or devotion, in Tibetan as "DAPA" is classified into three types of trust:
- The confidence of the conviction,
- The confidence of the wishes or desires, and
- The open space trust or faith in truth.
The basis of any belief is the conviction. Type the first belief is most important, because it was developed through a clear argument in the morning. We should not take anything with blind faith, but we must find a convincing argument. For example, there are those who believe that participation in a holy war and kill others will surely be reborn in heaven. If you believe in it blindly without any arguments to convince millions that they may be confusion, lost.
Buddha always recommend that do not follow a teacher because of his attraction that must first examine the teachings of the teacher. By carefully consider the teachings, we will discover they have it right not, and if so, we can observe the teachings. For example, if we buy gold, I would check to see if it was not real gold. Dharma is characterized as the more I analyze it, the assertion that it is right. However, the Buddha emphasized the importance of each person must discover for themselves the Dharma.
When we are convinced the doctrine of self confidence Monday as the following: our own desire to attain enlightenment. We will realize that it was the right thing and want to achieve it.
Tuesday types of trust requires that the pure mastery and understanding of the qualities of enlightenment. If all these conditions converge: eighteen conditions necessary for the proper kind of rebirth, the mental condition as well as three types of trust, then this is a perfect situation to practice Dharma real results. Thus, we can develop the right engine, which means that the French use to benefit sentient beings, and no obstacles on the road.
Principles: "We Should Not Waste this Opportunity" - Buddhism TODAY, Vol.3, 1997 by Khenpo Rinpoche Chodrak.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).21/1/2012.

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