Friday 20 January 2012


Ambassador Gungthang often taught that the man is a rare grace, when we only made ​​a single human life alone . Although we have experienced many lifetimes ago, we still do not know how to live this life so worthy. Currently, we are fortunate to be healthy from physical to spiritual, it is practice of Buddhism. Life is so very unique. Teachings of the Buddha is so special. Originally by the Buddha Sakyamuni, then passed down the great teachers of India, then spread through Tibet (and many other countries), and today the tradition of Buddhist practice is still alive everywhere. In snow country of Tibet, we have the traditions of Buddhism. This lifetime is an important time for us to try our best, to bring Buddhism to apply yourself and all beings.
A memory of the Dalai Lama
Although each of us are made of precious human lives, but they often enjoy life without being aware of this valuable. Moreover, we do not recognize the limits of life in which we are not predestined to be valued teaching and learning: The birds, animals that live inside our species, but not able to understand the direction . Even as people but if we are born, do not mind to the teachings of the Buddha, as well as the animals do not have knowledge. Many people have heard but of teaching, but for whatever reason it does not practice it is not much benefit. We are lucky to infinity, we have not been born in a world without early Buddhism. We are free, not hitting some great, there are the conditions like this, you should be aware of the potential and value of their circumstances are.
Even the small businesses that also do not have the time, right place. Want to sell goods shall only fail-season only. Similarly, farmers know about the weather changes, they know when to plant crops immediately, even if we have to work hard day and night to make up. A person may freely and with grace, we must seize the opportunity to leverage upon this coast. Of course when it is very important conversation practice, I do not mean everyone should start practice. Obligation to do what we even talk of learning, is also not a good thing.
The most important practice in Buddhism is to transform the mind . So to convert the new center, we meditate. Meditation is a means to help us get acquainted with the active form of the mind. In practice this way, we also sought to tame the mind rebels and their indiscipline. The mind is also called the sense of (Mind) is the training can be. Just like when we practice to equine animals, at first it was a difficult thing for wild horses, but we gradually train it, it will listen to our commands.
The first time too, when we are new parts mind to, it usually has many thoughts and deeds that it is difficult to control. When we meditate and get to know what good we can train and slowly transform the mind. Meditation is the way to or change our mind, transform it into a better place.
1 .- turn the mind
When we reflect on the value of human life, along with rare opportunities we currently enjoy, we'll need to transform your mind, and we also expect banks to be more visual. We need to practice meditation for the mind familiar with the topic we imagine, for example shops such compassion. So we will transform your mind. For example, when thinking about the suffering of sentient beings, we care responsibilities arise, to help stark them. From near the gui , one becomes familiar with positive action.
When we meet someone for the first time, we are not aware of the attitudes, habits or their feelings. But when they are more familiar with, you will become familiar with how their reactions. Playing with good friends, we will catch the good. We can also reduce the habit thanks to good friends, because I do not want to be careful mind you. In our mind there are many, countless special type of mind. The mind has three main categories: one is neutral, the other benefit (good) and the third is immoral. We need to become familiar with improved mental state, like we should play with good friends. We need to foster the positive mental, things that benefit us. Like the garden, we should plant flowers and useful, but we had to pull out the weeds away.
When talking about what might make sense for interest value, we must try to use his right mind. We must minimize the negative perceptions pessimistic strengthen and nurture what is positive. First of all, to tell the difference between the positive perception of what negative destructive character. We must nurture and develop all that is good. With the disturbing mind like anger, jealousy, competition and problems, we need to find out why they are harmful, because of where they arise in our minds to make us miserable, unhappy? Understanding these obstacles because they bring, we can make them small again . One can not simply say that the perception is bad because it teaches such classic. We have to look to see how bad they are.
For example, when we get angry and express that anger is a powerful way cruel, they say nasty words with others. When mad, we no longer distinguish what is clear. We face a terribly ugly, an apparent attitude. The constant bickering family is happier than reasonable? Those opposed to where people struggle for peace is there not another? Of course not. If we have a surprise guest or anger, perhaps we are not happy to welcome them. But if the client is a funny, loving, we would sit and play just pouring tea. One can easily recognize the anger, jealousy, eager to win in others.
The basis of all the evil in us three things: greed, anger and eager to win . When we know the harm of this mind, we can recognize the signs when they are about to arise. Recognizing this, we can guide your mind toward the good. Practice this way is very efficient and useful. Speaking of meditation, we often think about sitting still on a high mountain. Buddhism is actually to transform the mind , the only way we have transformed the practice of meditation and continuous. Wherever we can accomplish this transformation.
Once we reach an understanding that through the eyes of meditation analyzed, we should focus on it for some time. Combining analytical meditation with a focus on subjects that can help transform your mind slowly. This method is more effective than a hundred times all recite prayers. Under this method, we can make life precious meaning. Instead of practicing immediately, the appointment you will do tomorrow or next month or next year you will not catch up. If you think you can only practice after completing this project or to arrange completion of the other stories ... practice time will never come. We know that when caught about life, more and more we have much to do more, like ocean waves never stop talking . I should know better than to stop and start practicing.
2 .- Starting Off Right
When I was young, I just have to memorize and recite. I have many a time but do not like. When my twenties, I try and have little knowledge of the truth, Nirvana. I hope to cultivate long-term static as long as three years or three months, but more and more busy I do not have the time. Currently busy though, I always make time to practice.
Whether ordained monks and nuns lived in separate rooms, they always talk to. You can never be free, from all activities. So every day you must search for some time to practice. Every morning you should be taught early to meditate within a couple of hours. If you are sure that when you end the practice, which means you do not really want to study the Dharma. Gangthung He said: "If you want to practice, never leave until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow beginning" . Meals must begin now, to get to someday be able to have time, you're dead dead. Death is sure about, but when it dies, no one knows, it can go any time, so we can not delay the practice.
Practice at a young age is extremely important things, because then our body and mind are more energy and fresh. Normally, when old age is often sick and memory loss. Those who practice from a young age, often operating on old fast, fresh and sharp intellect. As long practice, become familiar with how to transform mind then, the moment of death we can put our minds to the practice of meditation. Good practice, you will be happy to welcome death. Practice just recently, you will not fear death and even less practice, there is no anger at what unfortunately died.
Start, we purify the industrial action by recognized them openly. Every ten million editors and Bodhisattvas, we repent of the evil committed professional ignorance of many lifetimes. We would get an error and repent. Why do we repent all the bad karma? Because if not, the industry will be able to command the death to us . So forgive us for resources, rely on it to get rid of the bad results of his career was the cause. We must recognize and purify the reason for the rapid industrial death without warning day will come. It does not wait for us to do everything else as it does not wait and allow anyone to live more simply because that person has not done enough good karma. Whether healthy or ill is no different: death no one ever waited . It can get online when we're not ready.
Life is fleeting and pass quickly. I will have to leave all my possessions and relatives. If you do not understand is that we often create professional data of body, speech, mind or body for those documents. Although they are friendly or not, it will all go away. You are also dead. Furthermore, we have created even more bad karma or good for them then we will go. Friends, enemies, relatives, possessions are all temporary, impermanent and will go away at all. Will come when we can not see or hear them. I only see them in memory. You will find things like a dream. These are all phenomena and the environment in which we lived are only faint memories.
3 .- good karma and bad karma
However, industry data that we have accumulated will be there, and your enemies even though we had left, the wrong career course would also have caused problems in our minds busy, sorrow makes us, if we do not find and purified by removing them. So do not understand the fleeting nature of her, we do not know that I only live a little longer time, so we have greed, hatred and delusion caused instructions how bad karma. We are indifferent to being, attachment to friends and enemies jealous anger. We accumulated such a long professional life course, while shortening our lives themselves. Day and night and not wait for. Every minute every second elapsed time and our life is shortened by themselves. Life towards final certainty, can not be changed.
Finally, we can only rely on the good deeds we have done. If you live a moral, if you have ten good practice, develop your compassionate heart can have a strong capability of good karma, it's the only thing to help you when life ends. No one and nothing else helped you. Then your mind has nowhere to hide, and you can see I did not create much karma. You will lament: "Just because ignorance, not knowledge of this awful situation, the loop is attracted to sensual pleasures most of the time that I have created many amateur fleeting life. I waste time on useless activities. "
True refuge is Dharma . We take refuge in the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, but the experience has taught the editor does not cleanse the evil industry beings by hand to remove them . Editor can not switch to the wisdom of his mind we are. Beings are freed only when you see the truth. We have to rely on legal protection is something we really ...
Thus, mean that we must rely on the practice of Buddhism. When one becomes a common disease, we also have to listen to doctors. So when hundreds of thousands suffering from mental defilements, we rely on legal means to hear the teachings of the Buddha, which he considered a wage y. Without suffering any medicine outside the root word Buddha's teachings.
In this century, two world wars I and II battle has killed many people. A large group (about six million) Jews were killing Nazis. Many millions died in Stalin, Mao. The reason of mental rulers that disturbed. When we do not know how to quell disturbances in consciousness, they will launch themselves work, the results can be devastating. We can say that an insane person can also destroy mankind and then. All the problems of suffering, the previous session of mankind in this world are because of the mental state of unrest, disturbance.
All the good and happiness are due to the desire to help others benefit (benefit others), even for works that belong in a secular or spiritual dimension. Although we do not follow any religion, all of us should have good hearts. Thus we will witness peace and peace. When someone smiles at you, is it more reasonable happy? When people grimace or nag her, but I was also upset? We are creatures of social life, the basic principles of life is a partnership and closely correlated with each other. The spirit of cooperation is built on compassion for one another. If we have compassion, we will be happy in the family, with neighbors and their community lives.
Conversely, if we just plot against each other angry, we will have to be very rich but not happy. During the dictatorship, a spy who monitor all actions in the community, even their family again. As a result, no one will believe anyone, always doubt everything. As soon as we no longer trust, and do not know our sincere appreciation of one another, how happy are we? I will be live in a society of fear, doubt and would like a crow, afraid of its shadow.
So you want to create a welfare mentality to others, for being the essential condition for a peaceful life today in the developed countries, there are many advances in techniques and materials. But because humans lack of inner peace and compassion in the hearts of these countries are faced with many problems. If you think that there is enough money brings satisfaction and happiness are so confused. Altruism is certainly a significant condition.
Due to technical progress of the destructive potential of modern big war unthinkable. Of course, we would argue that sometimes it takes war to peace-building. But how can we have lasting peace based on place of war, hatred and shooting others? Real cooperation, peace and lasting bliss can only build on the spirit of compassionate charity. When going abroad teaching, I also stressed that compassion is a very important business. In the Buddhist scriptures to know the main points raised altruism. It is our desire to develop the Buddha nature of all human sufferings.
The Joy of Living - Dying in Peace

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