Monday 16 January 2012


Nembutsu thought the coast was thirty-two generals, forced into the mind, how to open the eyes or the eyes usually see the Buddha. Either method is that professional title claim, acceptance shall not scattered, on long held that, in this life is also found Buddha. Currently, I see most people are taking legal practitioners Tri Pure Attractions. Allows confess our name should not settle for scattered, each concept after another, forcing the heart where the Buddha. When the mouth concept Namo Amitabha Buddha, the mind to shine in every word of each sentence for clarity familiar turn. When calling the Buddha's name, not a review more or less, must be of one heart and mind connect each center. Thoughts like, every sentence can kill serious crime where the road of birth and death of eighty lifetime memories. If no obstacles so difficult to eradicate crime ...
In addition to display flowers unfurl green but non
non Slip-release handle bar ca pure
behold the song im dreaming who
view God as question Sitting Di Da
The life of meditation are popular deep
into the consciousness Hanh Nhon one color
fog lamp casing inert Sun revenue
cap ceiling consist of recordings
that list deep red in A Di
Thousand tri sounds like wisdom to find out!
God as our legs from soi Posted
in Put the loop colored delusions
Nowhere birds seem to avoid
pure winding slopes Save non blue
The clouds drifting far away
Da Di heart healthy leg as this
sentence Oh intensive pink color remote list
with the words Deep meditation na cardboard village
were let go on such recordings as
full sun Similarly Lotus mind
that The Times Arts Division .
Contact Travel
Natural aging As multiplication is still located where Crouching Van Furniture, Scholarships someone pushed the door into the self-proclaimed Zen customers. Geriatric multiplication silent nod, reach out to invite sitting. For a long time coordinates, false positive false light through song structures, meditation incense smoke oven going to tan, guests slowly got up, clothing repair serious, sometimes sparse relaxed opening words:
1. Q : - Theft hear Venerable Minh Vinh moisture transfer where the life course menu at Thien Thai Thieu National Division, which is also the destination of his religious legal entity. When Venerable Tinh Tu Pagoda in Hangzhou, has opened the market to learn them very much, eloquence of location seems to echo the wind thunder and marine interior forest meditation were all in claiming to be the higher tones. Why speak in addition to Zen, Pure Land his suicide, it is advisable for Buddha, his book subjects where large transmission life. Moreover, he again made ​​shelf Simplified Document, mean age: 'There is no Zen Pure Land, ten nine sugar problems, not be Pure Meditation, like people want religious life.' Through a few verses, he does advocate the Pure Land, Zen from Xiamen his words seemed reasonable too much? This implies doubt very much look forward Grand Master directive.
A: Word's very relevant question! However, Vinh Minh Grand Master prop is not the flattering Pure Meditation, in fact his words were instrumental to the Apostolic and Catholic parties. Unfortunately, as in the material, He only said the general strategy, not all that interesting invention, should not be defeated or suspicion of Zen. I learned the Zen, Pure Land is not keen on, but usually through the literature of that subject, should also know the words to.
Pure Land practitioners is easiest to prove, but also incredibly difficult subject says. So when lifetime, Shakyamuni Accessories for every student from the Amitabha Sutra has said that being the difficulty being faced legal trust, last Friday, citing the fact of the Buddhas to break the suspicion and arises for the following confidence. At almost complete economic theory, people say to praise his Buddhas, the Buddha say: 'So we know where evil lives working hard this year attained Supreme Bodhi said because of all the legal world hard to believe Here, it is a very difficult! ' he said earnestly are thorough, extradition to recommend that people believe so. And the Blessed One who has invited his great compassion, saving lives life in hand, as Chrysostom says that a sentence is a shelf, non-multiplication multiplication of worship of all believers, but own the Pure Land doctrine, the world is interwoven suspected heart , is why? By teaching Pure extremely broad subject, the practice of Pure Land is too simple, two points seemed isolated, making it difficult for the audience suspected heart compression. Speaking large, this subject is all inborn photographic recordings: the qualifications of Level Bodhisattva Enlightenment, the birth Nhut Processor are the Pure Land Bridge, under every fisherman to fisherman, who created five reverse, cross the evil, if the signal direction are determined rebirth. Speaking simply, is not cultivators too arduous work hard, do not experience delusions realm of difference, just over six-digit memory red list, which is free Saha, was born Bliss, is retrogression, for until a new Buddha only. Because there is a large but simple like that should matter is the birth place doubts. If he is aware of this point, all will know His praise meant Vinh Minh very intensive, which is not excessive.
2. Q : - The large and simple, I've heard the advice. But in order to reach Zen enlightenment, the Buddha called to see nature, opens the frame to be born in the Western U?
A: - he did not know that fact only. The main treatment steps to achieve more urgent delivery. To have told: 'No to the Pure Land, which is voluntary birth realms?' Now he is not enlightened, assuming the treatment is proved then, e for Bliss in mind for his birth, like buffalo can not pull Now!
3. Question: - The reason the Buddha, The beings born for; scholars only big worry is not complete, if the university has invented (or enlightened), who should follow the example embodiment in which great enlightened misery, not birth and death indemnity lines, but across the components functions. If the level has reached enlightenment but also for being the Pure Land, there is nothing more boring hard to find fun in mind, do not rate the guys are immersed within? I even cowardly stupid, still do not like to do so!
Answer: - See the eggs that hatch immediately want it, recite it back the momentum with GAP! He said that after a show alum treatment, the industry has set off a clean, even the non-retrogression are u? And also do not learn all Dharma, do not need to practice more to show you the results from low to high U? Or did you think after a gnostic phen, all have the same row with the Buddhas, born in death can not be negative conditions U perturbations? If such results are rather general Bodhisattva sa galaxy undergoing constant from then want happy life, and must be so ashamed of him! She had mentioned commandments: 'Hang Thanh Van was at the thai black, Bodhisattva level also when the warm love!' two out but was like, let alone the treatment solution immaturity, to save the life unfinished U? Even where compensation has expressed deep intellectual understanding of a high brightness, the solution behavior of another, even the want of people, but for not more of any rot, do not use full force, but to the evil in this realm of life growing strength of man, that level has not promised Holy Korea. For example, do not bring the boat close sealing techniques, where sea to salvage the three dug up, the whole team all substation purposes inevitable. Luan said so rebirth: 'Want to travel where the hell wants to save suffering beings love, prior to delivery to the other realms, they are sometimes ring you were born and will go back to the fact that birth and death of the chapel. Because of conditions so that new practitioners to the Pure Land. " Tien Thanh Lai also said: 'Not the retrogression, not of birth Rings Radio, should generally not leave the Buddha. For example, not far from her childhood, as young birds can fly just under the tree line. '
Now in this realm Saha was killed Shakyamuni, Maitreya is born. Another case, four sugar animals suffering, cause and effect, delays, hundreds of foreign evil act, non-market disturbances; well known sexual identity every right to attend, damaged coastal landscape surrounded by evil forever. In his current state, did not have to rely Buddha, it was as charming as stirring, commodity mind enlightened few who asked not to rot back? So who revered only kind of Bliss is by that reason. The expenditure in other realms, German legal Amida is said, first upon the scene That'd grace; have them rely sea, into human blood, the liver is the French King, Buddha Thua easy reach. As long as he wants out of the application delivery, and cost constraints? Also hence, should benefit the upper base position is voluntary catch being, he alone is the new medium is slightly lower resolution realizations there?
He does not see the business opens Quan Buddhist eighty, he expressed his self-sufficiency Manjushri's, sure I have seen Buddhist mindfulness eighty subjects, often born in the Pure Land U? Because of that, the Buddha that he signed for a new life: 'He will be born in the Pure World.'
Not seen in the Flower Adornment Sutra, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Vow kingdom extension brings ten tons Shan Tai Dong Tu and public meeting place of waters, that merit should be born in the Pure for u? In a paragraph that says: 'I pray the time of death. Terminate unless all obstacles. Face to face with the Buddha Amitabha, soon was born on Dewachen. '
Back in Business Lankavatara not see, the Buddha has already legendary sign: 'The origin Nam Thien Truc, a virtuous monk name, religious name is Nagarjuna. Or property destruction, very concrete. The world appears self. French Supreme Mahayana. Land Securities Profile happy. Born on Dewachen ' U?
And do not see the Reviews volumes Bodhisattva Ma Ming, compliments of rebirth; in Business General Security Area, Section Buddha promised to the King and seven strains of the favorite wish of An Duong; in Business Cross Army, the German World Religion teaches her methods for Hy Vi to the market five hundred women were probably need Amitabha U?
In some the above, as King and Ms. Vi Section Hy Please have the money of the Rings Radio France Sanh. In Western Architecture of the class was a lot for rebirth. Far east side there is the Son of the lot with the higher multiplication in Contact Social, those principles are sufficient in two tones of Eden, the procedure, all subjects used the concept of Buddhist self-cultivation and promotion of goods up to the born on Pure Land Bridge. Generally the higher magnetic business ethics countless numbers that matter! As both he Manjusri, Samantabhadra is the level Great Bodhisattva, Tai Shan Dong Tu and Tibetan customs they Hoa Nhon were higher in the forty-one. Ma Ming, is of Bodhisattva Nagarjuna, which also ranks Great Teacher Organization.
The multiplication his holy place of enlightenment and of super-reaching than people realize today as the sky with region, but also the voluntary delivery of the West, he said that the treatment has shown no need for Bliss, the bridge to North birth, he is the Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Ma Ming, Nagarjuna, he sure is not using it! He try to wait the amount of viewing proof is by two orders of General Si, and two Teacher Organization; the visit by his encounter with marine disaster to them, the realm of the Buddha acquired and promised to be with her King and Vi Section Hy reasonable problem? The King is the Province of birth of the Buddha's body, want to like them as seven of his clan, the Pure Land if the benefit is not where it makes Buddha king beds and a bridge close to rebirth? Previously stated level of tolerance may be you were born in the birth process, this king Section and someone close to him that the Buddha had attained the Tathagata also advised to sign for rebirth and life, the heart protection holder His support is it not close and deep U?
I see this every meditator lives largely irrelevant whether the meaning of the Tathagata, the district has not clearly Dat Ma, high heart stomach, get familiar with the disease megalomania. When you see the Pure Land practitioner, they look down and smile said: 'That poor job of every fisherman fisherman!' I usually do not have contempt for women ranks of fishermen, but the contempt of his Manjusri , Samantabhadra, Ma Ming, Long Life; that self-love not only the right path, do take root, but also self-healing body and self-forgotten wisdom to subgroup strains. It is also inflict me with Dharma, self-contempt of the Holy Increase business. Buddhas, To see who it was the sort who deserve mercy! That is why the act should he Vinh Minh bring all our hearts compassion Pure advocates, advises life suicide. So when death, Grand Master said before now, with the application is auspicious; at cremation flush countless relics. The next is a regular increase in Phu Chau respect to noise around his tower, many people asked the monk why he replied: 'People are sick when I was heavy into intelligent gender consciousness, Pluto was considered life number is not complacent, to take back. Then I saw the left side have set the altar represent a general cellular phenomenon Germany, Pluto worship of kindness. The owner then asked the security that is the portrait of Vinh Dien Tho Minh Zen Master, for his diligent practice, was born in Shanghai in the Pure Food, the graphics object to worship the King of Hell. ' Vinh Minh Grand Master is the level enlightened through meditation of the Dat Ma straight, but the posts matter where the sun usually works sen Convalescent; these events fully explain the relationship meditator's approval, also being predestined for life extension tonnes degenerate. So I said he was there for the concrete work as well as the teacher is at this point.
Song not only a new Grand Master Vinh Minh so alone. In addition, there is kindness Tan enlightened Zen Master Zen side, the Pure Land practitioner advises. He said: Di Da is very easy concept, the Pure Land is easy birth. The Buddhist meditation very good idea. If you guys a little less radical, life has not been afraid to e treatment, easy to communicate with her ​​mother the next life, they should get very compassionate Amitabha's vow to rebirth in the Pure soon. If you do not even mind that the Buddha was born on Pure Land, old growth would be Damages fall into hell (hell withdrawal tongue). Lieu Bill Chan as Zen Master, in religious texts recommend the Pure Land, said: 'Why do people in concrete Cao Dong, in addition to meditation, and bile from the Pure Land? The reason for that, because the practice is nembutsu way off in the way of spiritual practice. Considering this subject in Great Tibet outside the base to guide the upper upper middle class still photographic recording lower ... Higher concrete objects in non-legal subjects did not realize the non-organic, the magnetic industry attention, is the door that Pure Land Buddhism is simple affordable than concrete subjects? So even though The Buddhist, or Catholic or meditation, are the places of the province where the raw truth. On the subject this, ie you can access countless other teachings ... '
To him as: Thien Y Hoai Zen Master, The Zen Master List Screening, The Life Shenzhen Zen Master, Zen Master Nam Music From France Mats Zen Master, Zen Master Bill Tinh Tinh Tu Zen Master General Information, Hoai Ngoc Thien Thai Zen Master, Zen Master Luong Tran Dao, Dao scratches Road Zen Master, Venerable Zen Master Chan French Lang, Co-capture Zen Master, Zen Master northern human world, Zen Master Eye ceremony, the old man was great in the Northern Song Dynasty meditation subject, but consider the place and show security practitioners have found positive intentions of the Pure Land, but no appointment estimate that random street children. Not only the age was so great, but I often hear a sufficient period of a concrete subject says: 'Most active in meditation sect and the increase in the galaxy, has expressed the same treatment not proven treatment, are provided towards the Pure Land. ' Asked why the position that replied 'He Hai Ba Truong Tri Zen Master is the target of Jiangxi E Matsu, the catechumens were lower natural forest in the manner of his health which founded and bar rules y throughout the meditation subjects are under his legislation, but celebrated. From ancient times until now no one dares to non-profitable markets and was contrary to legislation. According to the rules of his bar, the formal proceedings for the monks to severe disease following wording: 'To group them all recite verses spreading the Buddha Amitabha, and high-concept language Namo Amitabha Buddha, or hundreds of questions and a thousand questions. When the concept is complete, dedicated to prayer that: If the coast is not satisfied, soon be well. As a large term to term, delivery of A Nursing. ' It is not only provided evidence of the Pure Land or what? Back in the ritual the monks had taken the President has said: 'Great are the Amitabha Buddhist concept dedicated to prayer that God ultra pure land, off road career ceiling, lotus blossom is the upper body-products, once born Buddhist results give the sign. ' It is not only provided evidence of the Pure Land or what? Until such time cremation, the bar shall teach: The notion inauguration guide Duy Nam Na Mo Western World of Ultimate Bliss great compassion of Amitabha Buddha ten times the mass sabotage under the initiative.
When the initiative is complete, the dedication that: 'In the past ten claim to positive thoughts, assisting rebirth ...' It's not only provided evidence of the Pure Land or what? So the elderly monk said: "The Zen master in the galaxy are oriented the Pure Land, is to cause it. ' I hear the evidence of the public that have sufficient medical evidence, should not how the North Sea. Whereupon I was suddenly out of his seat legislature Ms. Zhang all have that deep mystery.
His accomplice in this forest, relative to how many you increase the status and ears have heard the same mouth and initiated no idea how many times ten, that was focused in the direction of the Pure Land is not so much again! Yet he did not understand what The Master, has no heart awakening, the error protection: the level achieved without prayer enlightened rebirth. Indeed, the patient approved the galaxy meditation, no one more than he was.
4. Question: - The body of the Pure photography is indeed large, stupid fake no longer dare discussion. But I often heard: 'Di Da nature, Pure idealism,' in that theft also happy! Until about a look at the texts of this tone, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss external domain is like the memory realm. Amida is a religious teacher in the Commonwealth. So far this is the other, beyond sense and idealistic nature! So just what is that?
A: - Accommodation understand that even shallow narrow. He did not know that heart of his legs wide and incredibly smart? Surangama Sutra says: 'The young river to nowhere land outside our body color, is the scene in true color light heart.' Lai said: 'The birth of law, is the scene of idealism.' But what is Buddha mind beyond the U? So the meaning of the Pure Land is idealistic said Pureland in the heart of our feet, like sea foam emerged countless balls, foam balls, without any outside sea. As the land where dust, no dust is not any land nor a Buddha does not mind. Be First St., said: "Only a fully four realms of consciousness is: Pham Thanh Dong tools and facilities Huu Du, It Infinite Barrier Report, and injuries Quang. '
Cu plane Pham Thanh Dong has two: Council Housing Council Housing and UE Pure Power. Cu as copper UE The realm of Saha in this country have in common and ordinary is sacred, that divine and holy are two classes. Two out of the flesh is evil beings, ie four animals, and good human being, ie the sun. Two out of the holy is holy and sacred rights. It is the holy scriptures of the four direct multiplication result, degree Pratyekabuddhas, location of Information furniture grade teacher, head of Special Education collection, credit collection back in the teacher center. Those who share this information or relatives but off sharp retribution but still, should have called it. Right holy is the Bodhisattva head in the realm Media, Report It, President Dieu Giac Quang same order (Buddha) who benefited so fortunate to applicants born in the same plane Cu. By depending on the market right now so called. The above position with in the ordinary, so-called Pham Thanh Dong Cu, and warning residents about the gas in the world, bunkers, barbed stem, mud, and the general mess, on the charming world four beast, so called UE level. Pure copper is Cu as Dewachen, but health district report report solemn mystery here, no four beast, but also called Pham Thanh Dong Cu as being born in this realm are not the enlightened level. As in the business said: 'Rank severe offenders, even when death repent and Buddha, have been reborn.' Thus should know where this plane being longer or infection may also be at. Bliss World also has two classes y old and reported by district newspapers are clean solemn, so-called Pure Land. For more broadly, but called the Pure Land, but in fact he has more class than the poor are not the same. As though the world is Pure Joy Noble, but also men and women and Mount Meru, and Pure Land was like, unclean the same.
Huu Du Realm Media is the domicile of grade II and three class Thua saw Media Bodhisattva Path. But the latter two subjects due to religious customs, or terminate the communication, break out the ceiling came down, lost my life segment itself legal nature, in addition to the three worlds in themselves, but because they have not been specific period or ignorance, there is the variable birth and death epidemic. The reason for calling it means because the multiplication of religious realm of Media Director. Balance is called organic because they are not the ignorant. So the favorite Luan said: 'There are three worlds Pure Land, this is the place of Van Thanh, Pratyekabuddhas residence, France Nature family life, no fragmentation of birth and death.'
It's Realm Newspaper Radio Barrier II where there are no excess, just mere steps in the method body Bodhisattva. Those who break this partial ignorance and partial legal identity documents, is true retribution. But because they are not the end of ignorance is very illegal business profits, legal brutal nature itself, and this realm is called the High Performance Report. United Business People said: 'She is ten retribution holy head' is only for the above. It's called newspaper The reason, as the Great Artists was the general custom was, found the true wealth effect illegal retribution true life. Call Infinite Barrier is by Bodhisattvas here, the religious vacuum, sharp mind with each other without hesitation. In explaining the Flower Adornment Sutra Human Da La Vong world, is this scene.
President Quang disregard the truth about such as legal, wise extreme level of Dieu Giac. This is the Buddha Nature as Truth, which is the body, which is the body, the body and not two degrees, the seat of the German Na Lo Price, also known as The French Tanh. Often is the moral law itself. Naturalization is the moral liberation. Quang is prajna virtue, as the letter Y has three points, not to leave, one is three, three is a resource. This is called Secret Tibet, the international realm of the Tathagata, truth is often the end, the extreme purity.
The two realms before the accommodation of Buddha Body Applications. Tuesday realms also belongs Applicants also belongs Report, which is the official residence of Buddha Body Report. Wednesday realm is not that part-time Applications and the Application Report, Report, is the domicile of the Dharmakaya Buddha.
Four realms above, depending on the place of the religious divide, but in fact remains one. So you want to cover the true mind, boundless state of the ceiling as in the ten directions, is the realm of mind, every sa the Buddhas of the three generations, as well as the Buddha in our mind; all without external the mind that. Understanding this process is that there is no realm does not rely on the heart that we founded, no Buddha nature where we do not rely that of birth. The domain is Bliss memory than ten realms want it not to be idealistic scenes of Pure U?
Bliss World was like, the pontiff was also a German in the realm of nature Di Da. Know just enough to cover a ten consciousness gender, body, and the text message, not the same identical problem. Should know the mind, Buddha, sentient beings, is a three, and can not vary, sentient beings and Buddhas support is, each memory allocation involved. So said the ancient faith: 'We born in mind by the Buddhas, each ceiling are Bliss, the Buddhas of beings, each main concept was Di Da. Ten of the net collection during UE moment. An excellent idea center, meals throughout the legal world of recording. " See then that all available natural enough in the legs can not boot-up by the coast. The mind has such a different point of spending ceilings? So it can: 'In every each bare all realms. In each each center all attention. Each center rehearing around each other. Identical match does not take no obstacles. Also evident are not hidden. All members of no less than. ' foot sex scene involves immense international attention on this level, as European networks of heaven to treasure Thich Thien, shadow and light of how many particles are collected European continent is in a county, the ball and a particle of light appeared throughout Europe in all other European counties. While each European Affairs each particle is mutual, but this can not be a European nuclear particles other continents, other Asian nuclear particles can not be this continent, but not complex mix, which leaves no division, per each presentation throughout, is not based in ! Bliss World to ten realms like memory in each domain as well as a European counties. Speaking through a more subtle realms of eight extra multiplication to holy heaven, who, tu la, animals, hungry demons, hell, each and every one of the European counties. Amitabha and is also one of the European counties. So, find a Buddha, which means that ten Buddhas, but also about being seen in nine of the ten directions. Buddha infinite, all ten metal neck is a press cutting customs staff, no other legal expenses!
Thus, it, like ten spirit through memory realm, being justified in the mind; quality posts where nine lotus products, lower legs separated out as Buddha? The commentary above are proving teaching of the Buddha, The, Holy, Hien has been so honored. Understanding this process will show the world all Bliss is idealistic, a Buddha each ceiling are idealistic; Germany Di Da is the nature, each being a Buddha are also nature. So even more doubt?
France's true mind is an infinite wide, covered the ceiling of the world, Buddhas and sentient beings. In most feet to it, the world's ever-changing beings, the subject of being killed; Sedimentation analysis of optical clarity and constant, called the foot as subjects. Truth really can be a common interest, compounded of two subjects and not of it. All noun: Chan Center, The Nature, The Body, Buddha Nature, the Tathagata Tibet, France About France Nature, Wall Decor, Nirvana, Dharmakaya, White his wife awake, as Lai Lai A polynomial, The Area Forum Lai, Prajna, vacuum, is it possible for him only. To return to this fact, the Buddha's teachings into two subjects. Tones such as True, Tam Luan, Thien Thai, Zen, Thai Ministry of Tibetan tantric, from which no subject that goes on. But the tone: The Xa, French General, Law, Hua-yen, Pure Land, and Kim Cang Password Ministry of Education, it is from the subject property that may enter. So you understand the depth of the meditation of Prajna, or suspension of license of the Hua-yen, will not recognize the other colors, not even as sharp, colors are not, is not sharp. In contrast, the study is not exhaustive, if you do not have all also agreed not accept. But there is also accepted that diet afraid cause and effect, healing and avoid evil, life after the blessed effects of natural, or is able to recite the Buddha born in the Pure Land. Until such approval not all will come to all cause and effect, your Buddhas, future threats to three items. So has the moral commandment says: 'Better be accepted as non Tu, do not accept as a mustard seed!'
The mediator, who could not recognize the true mind, should be heard 'idealistic Pure Land, Amida nature' , yet misunderstood that his pure heart that is Amida and Pure Land, and not have Dewachen or any other German Da Di. Although the origin of any Dharma, China and Vietnam also have the wrong class was not accepted. They basically have no Uncle Di Da, Bliss, there is no hell, heaven, or as rising domestic local nature center is visceral, not have any German Earth Store Bodhisattva. As the pair wore black ants saw darkness everywhere, no matter who was preaching how many words, how many books translate, communicate to the patient outcome is not accepted. Those who do not normally accept proud self-sufficiency, for themselves as superior, your minister who is serving. Considering that the economic interpretation, they also want to propagate the Dharma Center, not to reverse the results defame Tam Bao himself was wrong, causing many people are misled by. For example, had the right mind to want to save lives, no doubt the understanding of medical school are not fluent, again made ​​many more sick.
So the business service, sermon, you all are blessed, as if preaching Buddhist practitioners to wrong us, do not understand business.
5. Q: - have called pure inert solution through each point of the ceiling are Bliss, why realm of Saha back to UE?
Answer: - Because of the ordinary business sense, but the net where the UE. Also see the Buddha label all disinfectants are the net. Shakyamuni's warning, it opens to the UE u?
6. Q: - Li idealistic includes all employees and not afraid to use, I believe the vast, is mysterious. But the young guys love where love, not leave UE career, how to be pure?
A: - Heart it closer to the memory, clean the realms of pure mind. Duy Kinh Ma said: 'For the Pure Land, prior to purification of mind; depending pure mind, pure Buddha.' tu Pure France is a magical subjects to come to inner peace, no longer any special facilities more!
7. Q. - As for roughly the Pure Land teachings, I can hear is reasonable?
Answer: - Pure Resources is not a low, confused by the new prisoners are; Method is not high and low, high and low sound basis that due to distribution. Since the radical difference being together, so the practice has in many ways. However, if short, can be divided into three subjects are: meditation, memory concept, and they are happy.
One subject said that meditation as taught in the Pub Business: 'Buddha Tathagata is the law's body, into the minds of all beings. So when he thought the heart of Buddha, the Mind is a good general 32, 80 depending on the beauty, as the Buddha Mind, Buddha Mind. Sea of Buddha tri turn right from the birth place of mind. Therefore, he must remember thinking and visualization techniques other body the Buddha. '
Terms of Eden said: servers coming down the Tathagata Buddhas, is explaining all the Buddhas; few words to remember to think about, is only for private contemplation Amitabha. France's body is a legal body of the Buddha's Report. Purification of beings, the body itself is legal, should be called in; as the sun rose Sunday is coming up every ball down hundreds of rivers. This is only the Buddha himself in the body, the animal can customize this image. The law itself is only about Buddha, throughout all space, taken to be the legal world. As practitioners of Buddhism is consistent eighty this subject, enter the appropriate solution, to say in our minds. Buddha is as Buddha consciousness is not original, pure consciousness of them new. This is the Buddha mind, that told the hearing protection: Buddhism is not original, pure consciousness of them new, e fear that people misunderstood that suddenly, the new Buddha said. Start to talk to religious customs, the practice has become so called.
Like magic Tong said: 'To think Buddha, to understand the population. Maybe it is the sense, that starting from this place of customary law. The law is the body's sense of the Buddhas, the Buddhas because no evidence of other expenses, all of nature's beings. If the vision, a new visual display should say 'legal mind that body from place of birth.' Lai Duc Amida Buddhas and all the same a French body a wisdom, as such applications. Germany appears to be the body that is Amida itself appears to be Buddhas, Buddhas show the body is said to be able to Di Da. So in broad cultural texts through to the Buddhas of contemplation Amitabha. From the words themselves or under the legal world is talking about the director's sympathetic touch and wish to enter the appropriate interpretation.
Criticism of the two solutions above, Mr. Dung Tam said: 'If there is no previous solution, the subject visualizes the Buddha was not a restaurant; as there is no solution, e misunderstandings that scholars of being and Buddhism, different. Two solutions have been fashioned into each other, but notes that customary law. '
Mon Monday, said memory block is hanging on to general practitioners or good, or over the title of Buddha, are known as memory concept. Will this be the reason. The Flower Adornment Sutra, bourgeois Deliverance said , 'If I want to see Germany Boundless Life As An Lac Lai and the world, then optionally be immediately seen. I can know all the Buddhas and national level depends, among the miracles of God. How much of this scene, not where I come from, not where to go, no country and no shelter; and I personally have not really walking, back and forth. The other Tathagata does not come to me, I did not go to the place of God. The reason for this, because I understand all the Buddhas with their heart, are like dreams. Understand themselves as the center of the beam, as the ball is legal in the country. I was enlightened mind as a magical, all Buddhas such as illusory scene. Lai said the Bodhisattva Buddhas in the mind, are like an echo, like hang drum, depending on which emits sound echo back. Because my mind as treatment solution can be customized so that Buddhist concepts. '
Regarding paragraph above, he Trinh Nguyen explained that: 'From the first sentence to the server for the explanations he is idealistic reasons, ie if the treatment center that linked the heartlessness as eighty feet. When practitioners understand the general situation are bogus, is the idealistic, ie idealistic and enlightened mind is Buddha, depending on the memorial site, where such is not the Buddha. Following paragraphs set out four examples: a romantic scene for instance no reason to not go, ghosts, for example in the country is not a reason not to, general illusory is no such instance for no reason, for example echo is no such case of tan. The first example is to say all are idealistic, for instance, said Monday it is not idealistic, for instance, said Tuesday it idealistic to assume, said Wednesday due to high idealism. Four four-bar example are full of information and particularly to show reasonable idealism, all content is members do not mind, that is what the Flower Adornment Sutra. '
If one understands the reasons above, I accept the four-digit lead Amitabha Buddha, not the mind, not heart, nor mind also, the mind can not not not, stop all current future past that concept, which called the idea of ​​memory. And six times every day so that photographic mind not to interrupt thoughts, not being a concept is not to exceed strata that goes straight to Buddha. This is also known as the most interest.
Concept of memory, as in Surangama Sutra says: 'Remember Buddha Buddha, or the life to come, will definitely see the Buddha, the Buddha is not far, no other borrowing costs means that the enlightened self-interest.' Hay like the other books have taught, or system memory for a lifetime, or over the concept of three months, forty-nine days, one day, for seven days and nights, or every morning tomorrow hold ten memory. If one uses deep faith, prayer set, serving as lead sentence nembutsu dragon with water, such as tiger based non, it is very Buddhist in nature are being reborn in the Pure Land. As in business, to the ordinary class compiled against contingent evil sins, even if the death care profession title ten Buddhist concept, was also reborn. And this is the best call center.
In short, most of the communication center is consistent across the four reasons, which he used to recite the Buddha mind, corresponding to no wisdom, come to the net feet. The mind is most practitioners still hold center concept, a concept not to mix open, no longer come to thoughts. The most attention is the subject of the upper base, single minded message about every medium and low.
Mon Tuesday, saying they are happy as well to use more practitioners rebirth of Bliss. As in the Flower Adornment Sutra, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Extension Disaster tons Dong Tu and the mass meeting where the sea used to being king ten great vows Pure Land. Ten great vows is: Feast of the Buddhas, praise the Tathagata, ranging from the offering, repentance karma, as the joy of faith, a visiting Buddhist Zhuan Falun, visiting Buddha head in life, often in Buddhist practice , depending upon every living being, and in all directions around. In every prayer he had said nothing when realms, realms of being, industry beings suffering of all beings, I vow to finish it. And he should use three professional body, speech, mind, so that no interruption of prayer, not bored tired. By the time of death, all things are of personal leave, up to the base were disbanded, only university that prayer with you in every moment of the joint between the birth of Bliss. This is about using force to voluntary rebirth.
Bao Dai as the Business Area, the Buddha Maitreya told him: 'Ten things consciousness, not flesh out stupid, evil, who many afflictions can be played. What are ten things that interest?
1 - For they arise from our university, not harm.
2 - For great compassion they arise, not to picture the brain.
3 - The Dharma of the Buddha, dedicated holder, do not regret my life.
4 - With delivery our dharma win rings, not attachments.
5 - calm mind happily, not taking advantage of support, respect, respect.
6 - Heart of the Buddha in position to race all the time not forgotten.
7 - For the respect they arise respectfully, not to be fallen down.
8 - Do not take before the review, with the birth of Bodhi heart decide.
9 - Heart contamination is not pure, diligent cultivation of good base .
10 - For the Buddhas, detachment commanders, started our custom concept.
This is secondary to the heart of the ten bodhisattva, the rebirth of consciousness should be. If there is he who accomplished one of the ten mind, like being the world's Bliss without such consent, when it is not there. ' The business of talking about using mind power to rebirth.
Again, as in the University Business Center Da La Ni Bi, Germany Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Buddhist transparent: 'White Exalted! If any action being over the Great Compassion mantra, but also fall into the three evil way, I vowed not to become the Chief Enlightenment. Chanting the mantra over this Hall, if not the birth of the Buddha, I vow not to the Chief Enlightenment. Chanting the mantra over this Hall, if not limitless eighty eloquence, I vow not a primary sense. Reciting the Great Compassion mantra over, all hope for in the present, if not as voluntary, the notes are not called La Ni Da Great Compassion Center; only except for the work of evil, but who do not even care into. ' Moreover, even those who recite the notes as interest: The albino, standard, rebirth, can be born in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss or the other. This is talking about psychic forces to rebirth.
And, as in the Sutra of Boundless Life Quan said: "For delivery of Bliss, to cultivate three blessings :
1. Hospitality and support their parents, chief worship, compassion is not killed, ten healthy business.
2. Tho over tam provisions, keeping carefully about not violating majesty.
3. Play our Bodhi, news of causality, the recitation of Mahayana scriptures, encouragement tons monk.
Tuesday of this is the chief merit of the industry's net Buddhas past, present and future. ' This is about using force to blessed rebirth.
Besides those who took the temple, tower, creating objects, praise and worship, maintaining boy sex, burning incense, scattered flowers, offering a flat white security, alms giving, if well-mastered sound, build trust voluntary dedication, can rebirth. The articles cited above is that they are well known. But voluntary behavior was not the same size, of the difference, then that Buddha, heard legal, medical chief feeling any different there than bad, this is just saying the university strategy.
Want to delivery of Bliss, one can use one of the well: volunteer force, mental capacity, mental capacity, blessed to dedicate resources, not only visualize a special subject or title charge. However, in his four methods, a practitioner must be true to the point of pure merit, happy healthy new achievements have hope. But who often use heavy karma is not easy to stage, happy hard not easily heal, only have to practice shifting where tha name of power, is beyond doubt. Therefore, the An Quang Master said: 'Class ordinary incompetence which was reborn, thanks from all of the power unto me.' So who wants to recite the Buddha's life is now part of rebirth is assured, should take the lead list to the right, and the merit, such as chanting, maintenance notes, handouts and other healthy behavior, to the support section, new safety guidelines.
In three subjects of his God As shown, the other great subject to talk about It's the first Buddhist Memorial, lower middle class hard practice. Tuesday Mon, then use regular class, many of Kamma, also has little hope, should only be used as the support. The only method the list of subjects over Monday that people can really act and hopes realized. However, because the base nature of other beings, he must talk to enough people to taste that choice. On the basis of the translator only solution most often born out today that the benefits justify the harm that's all.
8. Q: - I hear the same genius who single-core E is the base level, a lifetime of proven results. Why not recommend Samantabhadra he was born on U.S. realms born in Tibet but advised Bliss, how is that?
Answer: - In the Avatamsaka Department has asked his words. The number you've replied, 'That implied several reasons: because of conditions, as provided Nhut to mind, because no planes departed the United Tang, because that is the master.' previous two straightforward reasons. The third reason is that in the United Tibetan world have died of Buddha, domain Bliss ago ten want the memory of Buddha, all of which do not look outside of her race. The reason is as in trading Wednesday said: 'Or see the Buddha of Boundless Life Legal Affairs, as many Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara of noise, immediately praised the German body catabolism Na Lo Price. Na Lo Price is Tathagata United Holiness Tibetan realm, Amitabha has the catabolism of his body, what other information he has, so new to say 'that is the master.' In her say: 'Universal Hien Bodhisattva disaster and customs are the extension of Bliss by his genius is the one who understands telecoms news, the location Manjusri, Samantabhadra practice, wisdom and blessings are commensurate with legal process world. That's higher interest, but was able to realize the intelligent, the text of the Scriptures, but because of the inadequate resources, can not enter the population throughout the world to benefit beings as the Tathagata. So the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra advised him, for them to sea, Princess of Pure Land, Amida close, not unexpected for all the colors of penalty. '
9. Question: - In the unfortunate subject they say: 'May well have not the same size, of the difference, then that Buddha, heard legal, medical chief of feelings, all also different than the poor; the two subjects are consistent memory concept ideas, not the religious people, the generals have different feel reasonable?
Answer: - The course was trying to be different. So he told Vinh Minh: 'The rebirth has nine products, not the one spot. Or who rely on the chemical state, that application of the Buddha's body, or a notice of the birth places, see foot of Tathagata; or who go through many lives, new surplus of primary results, or have you just being a night super site immediately upstream. In short, because people are not happy rebirth base contract, with padded base profit basis, with the pros that should be soon blossom and fruit of a slow down quickly, so the time gap. ' spruce From Home also said: 'The split products but it is only nine distribution strategy; if perhaps responding to international distribution has countless products.'
10. Q: - Bliss is the same Cu realms, realms It's not the newspaper, why say 'or notice of the birth places, see foot of Tathagata?'
Answer: - He said that there are separate realms outside the realms of real life in the same Residential or what? Know the three realms of the other realms do not leave the same tools that have, only the body, landscape and the life that's all the same not the same! As in the business said: 'The body of the Buddha Amitabha high memory like sixty na-do sa-tha constant fouling by the week.' The old moral order that is itself commentary to Report It. The world Sukhavati There are four levels are not the same, but the planes were all the same. Should he Kinh Khe said: 'Now this realm Saha fully four degrees. As contemporary marine paintings are strictly not leave could have done, but the higher Thanh Van did not hear and know. '
11. Question: - If the plane has enough Saha four degrees, it should stay in this practice which in turn, need to spend for delivery to Bliss?
A: - but all four of this world, but because of the same Cu UE level, it is difficult except for professional practitioners infection. Want to escape from industrial contamination, one must be born on the same bridge in the Federal Housing Pure Land. Should Minh Tu Ton Say said: 'Realm to AC Saha severe coastal landscape, the religious believers to witness to the last decade moral freedom from suffering. Bliss Southern coastal scenes, so when about nine months of both products to customers no rot. He opens not hear the Lotus Sutra says that the church is the Great Victory Tathagata Notice, since then has gone through life as the small dust of endless boundless Buddha but also in the position where Thanh Van, or Why? He will forever by the retrogression should have spent far longer life. Such as Shariputra previous life he was head of the continent, but also mind blowing, case ignored is that religious class U lie? Generally, in this realm because there are many negative conditions, the practitioner vulnerable to falling back. So the faith was told: 'Number of new Bodhisattva mind as much as cotton mango caviar, but the ending is not much left.'
If he who has the direction of Bliss, by winning his grace the realm, whether ordinary lower-class bars, and immediately sat up rotten. This is the reason for the inevitable in life, so that the multiplication of meditation techniques.
12. Question: - In the ten directions, the residential realm Pure very much. Now own the world's only Bliss and unique coastal landscape in commendation was won magic realm, is why?
Answer: - Business Theory Amitabha Buddha said: 'We did not have to deliver in the realms of suffering, just enjoy the fun, so called Bliss.' Landscape Bliss is charming in monthly sales, special events upon being beneficial to this realm other than the Pure Land, but the amount of ordinary care in the three worlds can not be understood. Coastal landscape is hereby temporarily bring in Saha comparison to compare the strategy through:
In this realm the human body natural life blood flesh is birth is suffering; other realms are beings which are chemical shower, not even the suffering of birth. In the realms of this life-changing weather, people go to the aging time was weak, the other realms of the world in spring, no night, day, hot, cold, suffering beings are not impaired elderly. In this realm the human body regulates four great difficulty, much easier being sick; realm there is a diamond being physically clean fragrance, no suffering of sick. In this realm few people who live to seventy, impermanent attack quickly; other realms of being the life of the boundless life, no suffering in death. In this realm the human body is erotic attachment wire binding, suffer for that particular physiological death; another realm where beings incarnate shower, his wife and children without parents, should not be suffering the grace love separation. In this realm who does not hate people who trade, so as to meet all hatred suffered many afflictions that distress; whole other realm is the multiplication took steps helped improve mutual assistance, without suffering the injustice in Assembly realizations. In this realm many poor people lack the poor, although the rich also know how to desire fails; the other realm, the life of the food, clothing, housing, the second storm, how much it wants, are the natural chemical, being happy, no sorrow of disappointment. In this realm the human body or the bad, the base is not enough; realms other beings have 32 good minister, diamond body beautiful, luminous with light. In this realm being in HR reincarnation spell rotation, where the upper realms there are good you were born of a legal entity. In this realm there are four beast suffering enough; where three evil realms other name still is not director. In this realm many hot mound pit row, thorny jungle, filled with the memory of evil; where other realms of gold, the soil, trees soaring golden sky, bright pearl floor, racing four-color flowers. In this realm, the Song Lam dead, Long Hoa far; the other realm, Di Da Blessed is the sermon. In this realm, the Quan Yin, The Chi, healthy bed of dear name; where the other plane, the upper multiplication Bodhisattvas to win every property. In this realm, the same ma heathen, as the brain disorder district level practitioners; other realm, the Buddha of pure, absolute volume of foreign ma. In this realm, the best silent fame, making love or spiritual; the other realm, serious health policy, no coastal contamination. In this realm, the mosquito swarms beast, that the multiplication is not peace; where other realms, musical tree water birds, said the constant sound legal.
Comparing the two realms of strategy, more charming scene was far less true, to say the priority list for the exam do untold! But short term weakness nor outside the two points: one is because Bliss revenge win situation, so play can encourage willingness of affection and provided direction beings; two are inter mysterious grace, so it may help ease the rebirth of religious progress on the road quickly. Thus, the same plane in ten Cu Pure though many, but separate full Dewachen win grace, the texts are only provided as well by the claims.
13. Question: - In the ten countless Buddhas, the sentient mind can close. Failure to appoint this particular Amitabha, is why?
Answer: - In his three reasons: Because Amitabha deep vows, as they are born in this world is predestined great with him, and as the teacher of two of the Buddha in the West and East High inter- with each other.
The first of the cause, as economic Boundless Life said Amitabha during prisoner, has many large vows. Section weak expression in the prayer is: 'When I become a Buddha, if you want to being born in my country, good hard base and cultivate the media claiming the title of my mind for ten concepts, such as who did not attain I vowed not born into primary sense. He who was born in my country but also retrogression and no decision was Buddhist, I swear not a primary sense. " Should the United strictly afraid to say: 'Buddha Amitabha has the advantage of deep prayer to guide sentient beings Saha in the realm. '
On Monday the cause, when Shakyamuni was in life, being heard from the training, provided direction on a lot of Amitabha. Since Buddha nirvana on, not every review is up to men and women, rich and poor being cowardly, who has heard the Dhamma or not know anything about Buddhism often claim to recite Amitabha Buddha. Even aggressive class, who do not trust, to meet danger accident scene, or when excited, plaintive murmur, suddenly also called Amitabha Buddha. So when children play often bent shape, looks Buddha Amitabha; people singing or three year old little baby do not speak fluent, well known concept of Amitabha Buddha. The encouragement and still nobody knows not the concept that what is predestined? As in the business of Boundless Life, The Buddha has said: 'Now say this prayer being made ​​to see the Buddha of Boundless Life and his country. Those who want to step on escape routes, should demand rebirth. The practice everyone can practice, then do not because we destroyed the birth of our skepticism. In the life to come, when the three organs kill interface, use the volunteer force of compassion, the only head up this business a hundred years. The living being is predestined to meet, in its discretion would all come to attain degrees. ' Lai said: 'After this experience destroy it, Buddhism completely lost in life, only four letters handed to Amitabha Buddha save sentient beings; he who does not believe that defame, will fall into hell, take all the suffering. " Therefore, should he of Eden said: 'Be aware of other Buddha realms previously, there predestined great. '
On Tuesday the cause, the first feeling you are told: 'Shakyamuni application being unclean realm, bringing grace: remember evil, suffering, impermanence, stumbling accident, but discounted for being, making their birth boring but please practice the right path. Germany Di Da embodiment where the pure land, using the coast: a clean, happy, long term, not retrogression that photography of living beings, making them popular affection that the heart starts back leg power. Nhon Hai saint subjects used two extracts and make primary education photography circulation, so the relevant degrees of each other. Back in addition to the Buddha to teach three teachers of being redundant, especially Buddhist mindfulness to said subject by Amitabha to lead those who have not been high. So, in economic Mahayana, the Buddha instructed security graciously, always praised and encouraged the rebirth. '
Three reasons stated above why Amitabha own failure to be appointed, of the ten Buddhas.
14. Q. - About the only only Dewachen, appoint its own failure Amitabha, the same meaning: extraction, photography, boring, good, I've only heard wonderful. But suppose the foot is equal in sound mind, if also fed popular notion, which is also the hate, love, get, give. Thus, errors, or reasonable?
Answer: - He had deep understanding of the above, the new words he asked. Popular boredom that is not in love with hate of the world, which is the common way to turn ordinary into the holy Buddhas of the ten directions. If not fed up, how to turn ordinary otherwise have preferred to take, how the holy city?
So from the ordinary to the sacred, from traveling to the holy equiangular, progressive period that were in the past to remove popular boring. As long as the multiplication has shown positive results to the throne is the Dieu Giac, last no longer the preferred bored removed, to be such as equality. So the faith was told: 'The practitioner must first be removed to go to places not taken up. When the department was removed, it is not removed along with the still the same. ' let alone capital Pure Land teachings by Shakyamuni and Amida founded, for being an encouragement, a sequel to keep lead and if people have no concept of magnetic cattle industry, how I leave her realm, there is no popular demand attention, how delivery of Bliss? The birth of the Pure Land is nothing to win him to grace the realms of color achievement of Bodhi, then getting fed up with the most popular was not out loud, why is there to say?
15. Q: - Theory removed was right, I did not dare discussion. Song of rebirth are left with no idea of birth or very affordable?
Answer: - He told Eden : "The birth location for Pure devotion, but understand not being able capital. That is the very birth of birth, and purity of mind Buddha. What fools were being bound, heard it being interpreted as a birth, born again heard very mistaken about that not being anywhere. What is that being born and not being very afraid what opens U born? ' School Block Zen master says: 'For it is born is born, often lost in serving error; for the very being is not born, lost in serving error the. Born without birth, not born, but being new, the fact that the First Emperor. " Y Thien Zen Master also said: 'birth is being decided, but the truth is not on.' Theory of the three Grand Master on, that meaning is clear and now I would take the word nature, minister to explain the more extensive. As for nature, the true mind mystery still, can it not being capital. As for the general harmony of conditions when, in truth illusory mind is born out generals killed. Because the nature or the Minister, to say you were born is born. As minister by nature which is so very beings that is called birth. Understanding this means the birth of the Pure Land, which is born of idealism may, without being born, where reason is left!
16. Q: - Theory of rebirth, the meaning is clear. Song about it, this life of scholars, in thousands of like people, some who can understand? So they think that as long ago Bliss ten realms like depression, was distant route, when the public network, how can arrive? Grand Master did not know what policy to adopt the explanation that reasonable?
A: - the suspicion was so bummed! I have repeatedly spoken out not the heart, not out of mind, but he was not yet understand? Song did not spend the other, just because many people have mistaken that his mind on a narrow range in body color. They did not expect it is only expected way, but in fact each one foot wide center of boundless, encompassing sa world, filled the damaged state. So the ten vain endless infinity, every sa boundless wealth of the world, are the heart of our coverage and filled them all. Ten want to see then that the memory planes only in our mind, in fact very close, there is far more? And when the public network is reborn, also born in mind, in fact very easy, is more difficult? Amenities Ten Reviews said: 'Ten realms like memory is to flesh out the mind of the ordinary labels in reincarnation, but said that HR only. If for career achievements being purified, the heart of the forest in general, was born on Pure Life Center, just the concept soon was reborn. So the Kinh Quan said: 'the realm of Buddha Amitabha is not far way.' Back karma inconceivable, in concept soon was born on Buddha, no need to worry about distant way. For example, the dreamer, but in the body where the mind goes all over the bed where strange as when awake. The birth of the length to the same.
The business says there is room in the tray around your finger, soon was reborn. There is room talk about stretching your arm, or speak in a moment. Clerk told to feel confident: 'In over ten consecutive moments like memory realm, because the mind which mystery.' The great point above examples show that: because being in a large center of his foot, it is easy and very close to that time. Hang up through the legs wide attention, now I only based on the heart of his ordinary narrow, set an example to understand: For as from here to Ambassador Tay Thien Truc, route through several countries and remote want more than ten miles. Some people go to the West but not God, but heard others have gone back to the familiar turns narrating, note carefully where our mind. Later, while he is sitting, suddenly recalls the previous concept, think of a thousand miles through the country, like miles to the country, and to link the country to do Heavenly Bamboo; immediately find out realm of each stage, as at first thought that her body to the right of that country. The rebirth of Bliss nor outside it moral, or fingers between the tray and went to a concept, is more difficult for U? If he does not want to cultivate the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, of course is difficult; as purified His career achievements are the go is easy. Just be determined to be satisfied, not when there Buddhas lies where?
17. Q: - the non-magnetic business, all difficult rebirth, that's for sure. But why do ordinary against the evil of the death and rebirth can? I do not understand that point and place in doubt, look familiar turn taught Grand Master?
Answer: - In the Kinh Quan taught: 'Lower delivery products is lower as a person sins against staff, compiled evil, do all the work is not good, due to bad karma, it was supposed to fall into evil paths, through many lives, suffer immensely! But after death, who he met good knowledge and comfort to hear the sermon, it is recommended to remember to Buddhist thought; song or multiplication due to the desperate suffering should not be thought in mind. Good is say: 'If he can not remember the Buddha, be justified even mind Namo Amitabha Buddha sound to complete ten consecutive thoughts.' The other evil sources obey wholeheartedly confess the name, so in each concept serious crime where the road kill of birth and death in the lives of eighty memory. When he Buddha, suddenly golden lotus as the sun shines out in front Nhut, in about a concept, of course, soon was born on Bliss and the world that should be in the next shower of twelve chronic modern life . When the lotus blossom, who he sees Germany Avalokitesvara, known Mahasthamaprapta use compassion, because I tell the truth and the Minister of the legal obstacles to eradicate crime. Listen wedge and natural law fun, give rise to Supreme Bodhi. '
Passages on the scene indicated by the lower level being demeaning. Twelve university life in the shower, but a long time away, but who finds himself reborn in the world in a separate vote, enjoy the happy life as sun gods which provide Training Benefits. So the ancient faith was told: 'The happy flowers as Dao Li. Unlike ordinary thai of the world. '
In Fear, the people against the evil that is reborn, because the evidence, that even the Buddha mind, the chapters should be eliminated. So attention to the concept of provincial Buddhist rebirth is predestined to win. I myself, after consultation with the texts and the interpretation of the Pure Land, the estimated end of the three means:
The first, the multiplication nembutsu only in the short time that evil can prevail against a lifetime career, is the force due to heart very strong willed decision that called modern mind. He likened the situation with wisdom enemy siege, is now endangered by suicide regardless of the network itself, should recognize the power of extreme valor, broke out beyond the median.
The latter, who was yet created evil, or the death song was eighty, when reminded of death hear, to be easy to force. It belongs to the class, which in Buddhism is called Huon's excess supply. If the multiplication is not eighty life, all his past life also had religious orders. He has good seed to mature period, when death should have good knowledge counsel, who then slash where sufficient good karma, the ten concepts that are successful.
Third, if not by the practitioners in the healing business life or previous lives, all to death who had to recite the Buddha with earnest repentance extreme. Should he Vinh Minh said: 'Because of conditions which can not, should not the evil karma; to clear hyper-vicious, to see where the inferior mind. So a popular winner of gold hundreds of cotton balls, a little flickering flame burning grass straw like the same standards. '
One of sebum on the coast, plus the merits of performance, power of Amida prayer, when the dying man to win against evil is sin shields, born in Bliss.
18. Q: - Living in a bad year life, each person is guilty; suppose not create active against serious crime, it also gets on other errors. If people do not repent or not repent that I kill, the average time of death and time are even recite the Buddha, there is rebirth or reasonable?
Answer: - Those who practice such are reborn, so thanks very inconceivably great vows of Amitabha. Business First Na said: 'As true to bring the rock to the boat, so thanks very rock the boat should not sink and was transferred to the other side. If no boat is even a grain of sand to bring the water, grains of sand that is still sinking. ' rock to heavy industry for example, grains of sand for example light industry, power boats of the Buddha's example to pray. Although heavy industry people that know how to repent even mind to the Buddha, the Buddha also leads, such as rock passenger boat to the other side. Light industry but who no Buddha, the network will depend on professional general suffering of samsara, such as sand grains sank, because no boat transport. So in theory the Buddha is reborn industrial zone, is still carrying on business that was born west, the main sense. In the Pure Land text, sections on the four planes also said: 'The longer sufficient or infection, has been born on Pure Land Council Housing.' As Hung Tuan, General Truong Quy, and one in Asia are taking part as the Iron Industry Job live birth, when the dying person who saw three massive herd of buffalo to pull the guillotine, who saw birds flock to pursue mental multiplication operations throughout his eyes, making the bed wet blood. But because even the Buddha mind, so all three are out of business neon pear (hell), was born in Bliss. The legend of this is written clearly in the Pure Land Hien St. Luc. The work on this is not evidence of the Buddha's power is what?
Please bring another example to be clear: As with the offense should have been the prison, but who knows with the king for help, thanks for waiting shelter set up at work; by King said millions should not be in shape. Wedge by which go straight to the base business, no one caught holding. So the West From Sao said: 'They were born on Pure Land is the only way by Shakyamuni, Amitabha to lead, and the Buddhas of the ten are household concept. As people across the sea, was sailing to, again by hand direct salary, plus the wind upon, should be able quickly to the other side. If still not step into the boat, save link domain where evil place, it is the fault of someone u? '
19. Q: - First said: 'Every ordinary are any rotten throne.' Humble opinion, any house is rotten to the class who are not negative karma. Now the hungry career rebirth, but also any that?
Answer: - Only to be reborn as all of retrogression. Kinh said: 'Those born on, all district offices where the convergence.' Lai said: 'In the realms of Bliss, that being born on that pedestal are grade A rogue.' reasoning Cross said: 'There are five predestined for rebirth makes no retrogression:
1 - Do volunteer force of Buddha's great compassion over photography.
2 - Light of the Buddha is often inspired to itself, so please Bodhi multiplication of gods is always incremental.
3 - Birds, water, trees, wind, music, emits French: suffering, no, impermanence, selflessness; practitioners being listened to our Buddha, the French idea, concept up.
4 - We were born born about Bliss, you sound all that good upper level bodhisattvas, great stumbling all accidents, ill-grace, not pagan, evil spirits, so usually calm mind.
5 - Having been born in his realm, the feeling of infinity, and the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, calm practice through infinite lifetimes A Rising States, "
Ancient faith and said: 'Do not pray out loud Pure Land birth, pray all are true rebirth. Pure Land is not only born, was reborn are all retrogression. '
20. Q: - Draw a lifetime to create negative, while only recite the Buddha's death, has been reborn industrial zone, it is not retrogression; volunteer force of Amitabha profound, it's inconceivable! So now I create the charming work, sometimes I will recite the Buddha's dying to be reasonable?
Answer: - Unfortunately! Word is foolish mistake, something more dangerous than alcohol poisoning, had hurt her back hurt every spread to monks, who, in life good credit again! The reason of ordinary death against evil known as Buddha, because before they had good base, good fortune, karmic, so they are having good knowledge, confidence and start serving the. It is the wish for good luck in one, where everyone must be like? Vicious Nghi said: 'In life that ten out of the death was not recite the Buddha :
1 - Do not see you healthy, so no one advised concept.
2 - Industrial suffering urgent, no time to spare peaceful nembutsu.
3 - center speechless, unable to confess the name of Buddha.
4 - hysterical insanity, not attention to the memorial.
5 - At the train accident, loss of composure even.
6 - suddenly encountered the tiger leopard beast harm.
7 - When death is your evil undermining confidence.
8 - Meet violence comatose patient is unconscious but died.
9 - Being lucky escape battle between army.
10 - which fell from above the ring. '
Ten events on this is the often heard, not a review up, on, men, women, any class can also be caught. This is due to sufficient existing business or industry moves left, so things happen suddenly, no longer timely escape. He was not a saint multiplication of network sufficiency, that is when death has no business or industry, the level is not enough tha heart, third eye, said his death when the public network good or bad, but not normal times Buddha, to the death if you have one chance in ten that bad grace, whether it be like? Until then whether or how much good living Buddha stood around knowledge nor how to save, and the consciousness he would go into place depending on the career that began eight victims, many lives suffer, said there also hear the name performance of the Buddha as affordable today?
Assuming he is not the evil coast, only sketchy and chronic diseases share, dying at age four separation, bone tendon transfer withdrawal, suffering horrible body and mind, like a scab being stripped tortoise, a crab drop in boiling water, how to recite the Buddha? Although he was not sick and die a peaceful way, when death or life is predestined e end, concept to remain king, afraid of death that makes life and mind baffling disorder is also not nembutsu. If you are on, then re-add the service is not done, the following is not set, called the crying wife, nor concern hundred spare time to recite the Buddha. No waiting time of death, assuming he was not dead before that a little sick in the body, must try to bear the pain, restless moaning, asking him to find drugs, someone needs an repent, troubled thoughts, not Buddhist mindfulness easy photography. Although he was not sick, they were advanced age and poor health, low enough failure, charcoal coat sad brain, just above the body take care of the elderly is not complete, certain information has to recite the Buddha? For example, when he is old, the body force is robust, but also wearing the world, not conception life definitely, four east-west pipe, anxious enough to sign, bringing vast knowledge, how can recite the Buddha? Although he was like free grace salvation, have a desire to practice, but for the general world, if you look not comprehend, grasp unsteady and definitely not complete, when in contact with foreign ownership can not be charming, depending on the scene that crazy mind island of peace even how to recite the Buddha?
He tried to think, just as old, sick, healthy childhood so if there is a comfort level where the wearing of heart, the mind can not be right for Buddha, another scenario is to wait until clinical evidence? The cost, he also said according charming artifact life, not that is the word delusion, is where the heart is to make mistakes? The business world, such as dreams, magical games, such as foam balls, echo, and not just transient moment, it is necessarily true interest cost on the way to his rescue? Although he has created large-scale temples, raising the bar so high religious status, was familiar with many of his birth right to the rich, the center is proud to have succeeded where religious way, really did not expect to rectify the violation of the sacred commandments! By virtue of each extension's neck saying 'The only interesting place ordained to salvation, not the race by industry compounded because there are many mistakes in it, have not seen e for heaven, hell did before! If the living dead is not complete, then all of the industrial property are the cause of suffering. A blindly gone tomorrow, depending on the newspaper industry that life, as long as it is new or has been done on more shackles chains, the hot cauldron more than wood, strong forensic took place itself, anchoring the allergic type of change you want life! '
Through a few words, if people have a desire for liberation, the feeling for your body, must be the heart cry! Sensei was a strong counseling so, where is the promise of his life artifacts grace, then wait for the new death nembutsu u?
He opens not see from the center of Zen Master said: 'In life, people's money like mountains, concubines, full house, where they do not want to be young forever day and night to enjoy the blessings this world? But as life being limited, in May urging old age, death opens bias to the rich, very respectable career diet where the intellect? As long as the industry was feeling guilty, and spending habits is swell; lifetime loan to pay compensation, jet launch party for life! These things said, the most human eyes have ever seen and ear has ever heard. The life choices to wait for old times, the house will be finished and Buddha, but the appointment die young or old, and yet say so, was that few people know the lo-year-old high nembutsu? Stock multiplication said: 'Do not wait to recite the Buddha's getting old. At the same wild child has many graves here! " Lai said: "People from a young, married and to raise their children, in a live birth must be hard to know how the bitter suffering! When the breath was gone, the family's money, all left out, only the business that goes. If a child cries, it means the less known, burned for a few sheets of paper money, blessed procession for three business years, then on the shop also turn rice cultivation; is called also remember her father said. Unfortunately I have no taste, just close their eyes, their parents, early bone healing, it has lo win the land war, arguing sparse conditions, when the waste and then dissipated, even on the same time forgetting. The real life ending too just like that, there is more worth waiting for an appointment! So step out that far wide, to recite the Buddha's early practice, the children each own individual merit, only parents who worry that the only duty, do it yourself for life as buffalo horse! ' Please guide add a few words of this ancient faith: 'Laughter injury to the rich. Lo enrich thrilled! Hu rice weevil being deep. Vault full of clutter. On balance held thoughts. Night burning was calculated. Inert and body shape. Shocked and troubled mind. Very often when suddenly arrived. Industry offers immense sea waves! '
His kindness was so earnestly recommend prompt, where he promised to make life work and then wait until the grace of death nembutsu new U?
So he thought life should consider the short-lived fragile, as fire personal ice, lightning-back air shocks, new, so it has lost, there is more permanent? Must be identified for sure, and excessive sick time is not old yet, so the guard over, cast off body and mind, is an optical audio on a day care for Buddha, is an idle moment free from one another meticulous, time of death everything was arranged, it was also available open access road west shines! By no originality when first karma, until then it was too late to repent! So think twice!
21. Q: - Word has assumed stupid mistake, despite the four-horse car line can not be picked back up! Play through some of Grand Master taught, who would not cold heart! Indemnity as well thought of but also easy to calculate but retreating when advice is strongly prompted diligent, at the cost obstacles encountered abuse from retreating periodically leaning in another direction. Most are told: Results of the nembutsu probably wait after death and, while currently only found hardship but not necessarily true even more benefits. Is it appropriate also the cause of the rotten heart of the late spiritual anorexia?
Answer: - see his site has not been wide. In the business says: Those who press attention over the title of Buddhist life, the life will be ten victories:
1 - On the night are usually all the gods, idols, and every great power lay hidden under the support of relatives.
2 - Often twenty-five as Germany Great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and all the guardian with you.
3 - Every day the Buddhas concept households; Amitabha usually free life he light photography.
4 - All devil as deleted, La Police were not hurt. All poisonous dragon, snake and poisons are inviolable.
5 - No accidents such as the water flow, fire, the enemy resentment, training name and yoke shackles, prison, death planning.
6 - The first business of turn evil to destroy. The network is unjust killing wedge, by virtue Buddha, have been liberated, no longer as vindication.
7 - Night resting peacefully, or dreamed of good omen or magic that won best body of the Buddha Amitabha.
8 - ordinary happiness, beauty bright air returns in full force and employment have good results.
9 - Often helping people respected, or happy and Buddhist worship.
10 - When the heart is not afraid of death, mindfulness appears, see Amitabha and Lowland St. We hand gold radio to rebirth in the Pure lead, and make life happy future enjoying the mystical life.
Ten benefits of the metal gate on to say, the texts were recorded. Nembutsu has the benefit of present and future as such, it is urgent measures and weak in the subjects of the world. So just try diligent practitioner, do not bring skeptical mind.
22. Q. - On the subject recite the Buddha taught only by the grace in many ways, so the suspicion was dissipated, and his credits also opened district play. But first said, "the Guardian of the world, cast off body and mind, 'that life circumstances are different; upon charming man is free, you can follow, forcing hundreds of people that do to practice ?
Answer: - If the practitioner knows the feeling of impermanence and passionate scenes for emancipation, the charming albeit with reversibly fun format, the net than Huon, or entertain the reception, care of the investment, treated like grace cancer, octahedron, what's not afraid to recite the Buddha. Stock multiplication told: 'Non welcome high street hard silver cloud. Dense structures throughout the brief wisdom! ' Lai said: 'Mai re Amitabha. Afternoon is Amitabha. Whether darting fold. Do not leave Amitabha. ' So the scene is idle wish, stir yourself, if people set it to the Bliss and know how to use the mind, there is no grace that hinder both the religious concept.
But those poor weak capacity, the more your life, to be in than trying to find some free time in the memory to keep quiet, and custom power nembutsu or more or less. Take a course or the like or want to question three, three thousand or a thousand questions, and keep the level constant, do not interrupt. If you do the many charming, little peak free moment, every morning starts practice the Islamic Legal Career Cross Mindfulness, like life on hold, thanks also to lead. Have the time or the means, in addition to the Buddha, or chanting over the notes, handouts or repent, depending on the option that forces religious blessings, even though there may slightest merit, also provides direction in the West. Of such use, such decisions will be reborn, but also increased more dignity.
23. Q: - so far, who postdoctoral just heard a lot about this notion that Buddhist philosophy is not understood, and Islamic Legal Career Cross Mindfulness how our own course has not been reported. Please indicate by Grand Master?
Answer: - Mindfulness in Buddhist thought is charming thirty-two generals, forced into the mind, how to open the eyes or the eyes usually see the Buddha. Either method is that professional title claim, acceptance shall not scattered, on long held that, in this life is also found Buddha. Currently, I see most people are taking legal practitioners Tri Pure Attractions. Allows confess our name should not settle for scattered, each concept after another, forcing the heart where the Buddha. When the mouth concept Namo Amitabha Buddha, the mind to shine in every word of each sentence for clarity familiar turn. When calling the Buddha's name, not a review more or less, must be of one heart and mind connect each center. Thoughts like, every sentence can kill serious crime where the road of birth and death of eighty lifetime memories. If no obstacles so difficult to eradicate crime.
As for legal Mindfulness Cross, every morning starts he should kneel before the distribution, or accept the hand stand upright toward the West, for Buddha in a row, always a bit, every bit as a concept, ten little as ten concept. When conception does not limit the number of sentences or less, depending only slightly short term, focused always for all relatively new concept only. Keep nembutsu for fluent English turn, not low not high, not unfolded Huon, a little ten consecutive thoughts, do so scattered mind. This is a legal mind to borrow a little photography, where you specialize Nhut, and to keep as a lifetime, not a temporary leave days.
On the dedication is complete after conception, even into the heart using vowed that 'You are (legal name), play hearts Bo, a heart shall networks Amitabha, vow of Bliss' . Up ancient Buddhist vows: 'If we want on our country of birth, name calling all your heart, for up to ten concepts, such as not being, not a Buddha.' I wish to rely, from the power of the Buddha, kill sin blessed birth . I will abstain from death, to know the date and time before, definitely excluding obstacles, the Holy We Buddha, reborn to lead, quickly realized the Buddha would say they want all kinds. '
Cross Subject Mindfulness In Career on a method first essential of faith has taught. This subject was very traditional and there are benefits to society, people should obey the nembutsu.
24. Q: - For the people in the network continuously, depending on the amount of shares that faith has taught a rigorous method is clear. But we are the world-class foreign, how to use it to work?
Answer: - Before I said there are many types of practices into three photographic subjects. In his three subjects, each in its sole discretion select or special training or part-time practitioners, only weak and keep your mind set foot durable, self-will result.
25. Question: - The monastery shop, idealistic legal concept, it seems that the subject of the upper atmosphere. And pray in the Flower Adornment Sutra ten, ten economic interest in the Protection Area, as well as the use of interest rate spread. If the air base mismatches, e for the unfortunate hard! I consider this self-identity and base their preferences, the only professional title shall, if leisure is more Buddhist repentance ceremony only. Italian Grand Master like?
A: - Good place! He said himself that amount! Considering the fact he said very well with the theory of special training Infernal Grand Master Shan-tao. The theory is roughly as follows:
Special training is being so much heavier offensive, crude right mind, consciousness disorders, which are too sophisticated restaurant scene, it is difficult to deeds. So great saint who so merciful protection professionals now claim the title, because name calling is easy, if you hold a concept of continuity, soon was reborn. He who practices like lifetime, about ten people, ten tu, tu hundred percent on. Because why? As charming magazine not so easy to be mindful. Because the Buddha's along with the other. Because the teachings are not inconsistent. As agreed by the Buddha's teachings. If you give special training to the needs of the magazine well-being of hundreds of thousands of people are just hoping to be three or four. The reason for this, because by the complex coastal disturbances losing mindfulness. Because the Buddha's left. Because contrary to the teaching. Since no agreement by the Buddha's teachings. Because the system concept is not in sequence. Since no continuum to indicate penalty. As though having good behavior that corresponds with fame. As popular as complex as obstacles conditioned the Pure Land birth to oneself and others.
From a very specialized body of Amitabha Buddha, without any other ceremony saint; specialized mouth confess the name of Buddha Amitabha, not recite the title business and profession other professionals thought that Buddha Amitabha, do not mix trash the other memorial. When the industry of greed, hatred and delusion, emerged as the practice to interrupt, depending of options to repent, do so through the day, by night, by now. Must hold one thought how pure, not mixed trash, no open ends, which are the true wealth between.
On this special training is very indirect measures of the Grand Master Shan-tao. According to Thien Truc Stories, Grand Master is the reincarnation of Buddha Amitabha. Accommodation up his theory, the main point is where the concept of continuity concept. She also told the Master Son: 'There should confess the name scattered, neglected vow.' And Vinh Minh Grand Master also teaches: "It provided a pleasing life, whole life from when the sitting is usually towards the West. At worship, Buddha, the vows, earnestly to press into, not mix thoughts, as the state is going to be the continent, such as who is in prison, as people experience resentment chasing the enemy, as the fire victims urgent, a heart for help, voluntary rotation out of suffering, of very fast delivery, to the throne jewels, paid off four gifts, the function of the species. Only like, all the women did not take. In contrast, if the words and behavior are not the same, no firm beliefs, thoughts often force continuum without interruption, giving it the lazy late to hope reborn, I am afraid that when death is difficult to see you healthy, being very professional inducing, pain without radiation pressure into mindfulness. Why? Because the current human, death is at work; people have for it, the new results do not fail, as they echo loud echo ren away, and soon the new ball so straight. '
26. Q: - From concept so that each connected to each other, in fact I still want to be like. But not only dislike of the power, the first idea does not host, or the old perception unforgettable, or ideological outlook uprising, or exposure to zinc keeps charming landscape instability, or feelings up trying to prevent such disorder clinic. Was sitting on a time series, this is our hope has run out east to west, suddenly it went away a few thousand miles in any want, nor self-knowledge. Sometimes a busy care spending, they always come in ten days or a month, mind still entangled screws not forgotten, but it just was not done up, let alone break! This utter shame really, but think it is sad! do not know what a reasonable value for, please ask general indication?
Answer: - It is the most common illness cultivators. In the meantime, if he did not necessarily blame the commandments, it is difficult to achieve very indirect measures of special training. I heard the old three things necessary to blame the commandments, because he expresses so carefully remembered for:
The first one is to think of the newspaper press. Cultivators have hidden. Take a guard through the grace grace Buddhist teachers, as part of his family, and acknowledgment of the birth parents support it not be as deep U? He was ordained to leave because school should be directed away from the native place for many years, suffering extreme hardship parents he did not know, when old age or painful disease that is also not care medicine. Time to meet the parents, he did not know, or have news of late is late. When he was young, when my parents for raising children to take care of business that cause many poor, dead or rotten time into the way of suffering, hope he saved, as the thirsty to drink, limit looks like rain. If he was lying off to practice suspended business failed; has failed to save it not finished, how can parents save? For his parents he is out taking care of the physical part, but not the soul be saved, that is, women forget that grace is the great disloyalty. Kinh said: 'offense disloyalty, will fall into hell.' Then do not mind interruptions of special training, is that industrial hell.
Nonwoven and clothed him, no-till and eat. Rooms, houses, blankets, pillows, rice, clothes and medicine are also offered by the Vietnamese forum. Sensei taught each commandment: Store credit good for shared devotion to the Three Jewels truncated portion of the family to bring offerings. If the practice of virtue is not circular, the matter is the fabric of grains of rice, the next life must also pay compensation. Vietnamese press reported he now wants to take care of special training for the industrial purification of his people. If he does not interrupt the delivery of a professional concept. All have been part of the loan reincarnations. And our hope is that the cattle industry or being so miserly.
The second thing is to have it take. The practice must be determined to arrive at results. He has such an enlightened meditation life meditation, while not essential for religious education teachers. To this day not mind quiet location, the first concept is exciting, when they want to implement, at the proper description itself, when they preach, talk at the meditation, the will divided to three or four wrong. Sensei told: 'outstanding problems in mind, that means a reincarnation. Love thought born just, like life to be bound. ' The reason he is not mindful, because there is so approximate wonder, and the thought even the skeptics as well by not deciding. So the monk insisted that the will not, that's the focal point of the three maps so depraved.
And if people do not cultivate the will to decide, they can not keep gender based. Do not be confused idea of photography can record yourself and export. Kinh said: 'Better pour boiling water into the mouth, breaking vows not to breath life of this world of believers eating the Vietnamese people. Better to use hot iron mesh wrap his body, prayer is not about to close out this life of devotion to dress the Vietnamese people. ' The more, because the world is not dignified, so the interest as expected; personnel was expected that the the special training is interrupted. The concept is a discontinuity, where only the grating industry's boiling hot and the U?
And if people do not cultivate the will to decide, all authors do not recognize the relatively illusory, easy to damage the line running under the name of profit. When the fame of the birth of his passionate heart, fame or fortune of others to hate than losing our birth. To have said: 'craving fame go on the road demons HR animals, let compassion to hate the oil cauldron fire pit!' So one thought is interrupted hungry demons, this fire pit.
The third is the fulfillment requirements. The business was magnetic, so try to do that is the fulfillment. Fragile human life, impermanence such appointment. As he now had the silver hair, wrinkled skin flowing strokes, general decline evident, burns longer period of death a few days? So he must try to special training, how to have certain symptoms rebirth. As the ancient Far Master Hui Son Block, three phen clear that Buddha head. Thanks again as Master Hoai even claim the title of Buddha, Amitabha immediately see larger luminous light, is the perfect minister. And when Major Master Kang nembutsu a question, the public immediately seen a Buddha from the bay mouth, until hundreds of thousands of sentences and the like, to show they each particle sequence. These have to be fulfilled like thousands. If he does not mind interruptions, it is easy to see the Buddha; as is interrupted, all difficult to see the Buddha. Have not seen it with Buddha Buddha ungainly. And the difficult birth ungainly Pure Land. When not being born on Pure Land were all sooner or later fall into evil paths. The concept is a business disruption is so tam map. And deterrence must be serious!
Three books on the scene, the magnetic remember thinking it must then blame a solid set systems, how the mind does not leave the Buddha, the Buddha did not leave the mind, touch the traffic direction, the Buddha's life to be found. Saw the Buddha in Bliss, sees the Buddhas of the ten directions, and see ten Buddhas, or Buddha nature that's true nature. When you see the Buddha nature, then the agency will use the money. All these new voluntary compassion, the population throughout life. It's called the Pure Land Zen Zen Pure Land that is so. Then his mind Vinh Minh said: 'Yes Pure Meditation, apparently tigers grow horns, this life as a teacher, later as the Buddha.' it not be fulfilled during the U? Must try!
Meditators just amazing just listening delight, quiet second transmission, seems to find more material was lost. As the old Thien Nhon say: 'Pure Meditation with not two, if it touches the willow, love is the love, not by outside legal interest, in addition to measures not mind, do not get it wrong!' heavens bowed consecutive multiplication that said, 'I am very fortunate to be protected only by the grace, now known way!' and from that weight back.
'Pure Meditation with not two, if it touches the willow, love and the love.' word of God as Grand Master is indeed accurate. Because every true mind how you want legal marijuana, national function of the infinite, where Zen called the Lai Area Forum, which is suggestive nature Di Da. Surangama Sutra says: 'Ten ways being nowhere in his mind like clouds floating point between the immense blue sky, let alone in a boundless world of nothing u?' Ancient ethics also said: 'Hang it sa legal Bodh, think of how universal reach Bodhi! ' Because foot care should be included if the audience want to understand Zen meditation with no reason not, then there is Uncle Bliss, your the needs of life, all is not the understand Zen. The reason he was God as expressed in many ways just as thoroughly to break the connection does not accept it. Part can, vacuum bright mind implies infinite world, known as Zen and Pure Land boundless world images in true mind, all net status as illusory, called Pure Meditation. On the application, he should have realized when the hybrid nature, then start up the atoms of the Buddha dignified behavior, achievement beings, known as Zen and Pure Land if used subject to the Pure Land of charming photographic back foot nature, called Pure Meditation.
In short, Zen ie Pure Land, Pure Land that is Zen. If your Pure Meditation is not fully understood, and your Zen nor Pure transparent information. Willow the willow all, love is the love, by the principle.
is the heart That is no exaggeration of
the other Pure Meditation is a state where
the solemn Phuoc sights of

Hue he considered constant flux sa very
bright western sun is the color of magic
deep Buddhist faith Prayer marine fouling
Ngoanh the street from someone soon Province?
Domestic Trade in the realms forever!
camps Nhon Tay

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