Monday 16 January 2012


Drugs are not rare or regular review, as long as medicine or healing. France such shallow depth review, neutralize the negativity is legal. Do our students have the disease, should make many new Buddha teachings, but all enlightened teachings were taken as their goal.
An A-di-momentum question was very simple, easy to practice but the effect is extremely rapid, profound sense infinite. Speaking of depth, of Shanghai apartment where Princess Di-penetrating nature momentum, seems idealistic Pure enlightenment. Talking about the width, of the Middle House just believe, pray and practice, the corrosion current disturbing consumption, body and mind at peace; to maintain the mindfulness of death is rebirth. Thus, not very deep or how wide?
"A Pure Land teachings benefit all three units, recording and photography both divine Scripture." Every word, every word, every sentence of the ancients have said is true, comes from great compassion infinite plate!
Book "Pure Essence Of Language" by Thich Hien Nguyen writings, teachings are simple but contain only major container full of spiritual practice, clearly recite the Buddha's teachings, The Management staff capacity, advising people to stay close gender, fasting, free student practice compassion to make each day add up head. This really is the boat from the suffering, torch light between darkness of ignorance, is the guiding help industry practitioners Pure escape samsara in the Pure Land where. For the sake of it, so we translated this book in Vietnamese text.
We respectfully appreciated: Upper Venerable Tri Tinh lower (Van Duc temple abbots), Venerable Buu Lien Pagoda, Venerable Pagoda Hoang French abbot Venerable Thien Hung compounded with words: DD. French Post. DD. Tam Hue, Quang Hoi Sa-di, good Buddhists, Hoa Tam, Thien Hoa ... have dedicated help, this book should soon be completed. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).17/1/2012.

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