Monday 16 January 2012


"Pure Language" is a collection of poems Pure my teacher, old lay House Contact Housing. Previous name of this book is "happy nembutsu Sao Trai Poetry" . In the 1950s poems lessons from more should be changed to "awake" . Lower colon master of poetry filled with the essence of Buddhism as it is made ​​from higher luminous organs, which flows naturally, each one natural verses are magic crystals make the reader opens the mind. The meaning of words can be said to awake the warning to the Pure Land practitioner, it means that the pure nature or delivery obligations but pure mind, Infinite Purity of Enlightenment (the name of Amitabha Buddha). Pure contemplation is the same design, speech is speech sound in mind. Net language is the manifestation of pure mind and feeling of emptiness testimony market pure, natural obligation to restore the pure nature, but always constant contemplation.
Net Languages ​​online only treasure which the availability of practitioners. Please select three poems to the public offering.
Posts made in the first Bliss Am, Gaya Buddhist mindfulness.
Originally Posted: Temporary Service:
Buddhist Mindfulness at the Japanese Buddhist Anniversary
Tinh spirit spread his torso radically scattered
Oldest English vague inkling
favorite Miss Korea quickly after slow chronic Before
Signing multitude No tone syllable
'Getting involved not connected to
any improvised Tam Tam is not the mouth
Thanh Thanh no real concept photography concept photography
Contain Contempt support Nurturing a sense of
moral Stock ancients than that of carbon dioxide
as test concepts such notion measures how
the blade is difficult Vinh nan the blade.
Bar rhythm patterns are consistent English
audio Amendment right word sounds circular member (unknown)
Mao set tight constraints intensely sincere
comfort resin poised before an idle
mind Thanh Thanh associations with respiratory center
support bar Tam Tam with bar
y Thanh Tam same center bar connecting
Vong Vong concept self-concept bar stops by itself
Buddha as the European brand names such as Asian Buddhist
Mindfulness Center as early as wire line
switches and Theoretical Division, the separation
agreement, then switch into a string bracelets Agreement
Tam Tam does not leave any glass Buddha Buddhist
concept Mouth Trade ly not leave any thoughts
as online As customary European continent wire pierced
the Continuity Continuity does not stop any
The one-feature one-Not
Available to professionals specializing in concept to concept before
any disorder The function is not yet disorder
before school tuition into the blade blade
legs to the foot specialist Damage is devoted to
self-reviews of performance effects found himself
Impartiality Not asking the question of
complete self-test your application for a visiting order for consideration
Master Ha (Ha Lien Residential aged layman) to these poems in the VTP nembutsu in 1944. Buddhist Master Control That very carefully and strictly in accordance with the Dhamma, the official who attended the retreat were to recite the Buddha. The advice of these are very practical experience that he went through and wrote poems to make a guide for everyone.
The first paragraph in the first article about the mistakes that the nembutsu is easy to see and to take every precaution.
[The Japanese Buddhist Mindfulness
Mental stampede]
The first two sentences say the nembutsu ideological focus, not the spirit, mood unhappy, will taciturn, not aggressive, extremely complex concept, if not more severe is giving the election, these were I signed that. Even [English inkling], the sound is not clear, others clearly do not listen, listen to yourself do not know. [Previous rapidly after the late], beginning at conception is very fast, the more memory slower is not enthusiastic. [No accent], together at mass nembutsu type usually open to keep the rhythm of the sentences of everyone nembutsu together. At each home nembutsu can also open, if no surgery is used to clear rhythmic concept is easier than photography center. The rhythm of each word in the sentence must also be equally nembutsu, not as fast as slow. The sound of each word in the Buddha's name must also have a rhythm, not as big as small. Rhythm rhythm is very important, if the concept is easy rhythm is more successful. If there is [not connected] is worse. The next question after question not before, the most important Buddhist concept [Pure same design concept] (contemplation connected, constantly skeptical). [Center inappropriate mouth], recite the Buddha's mouth, but that the thinking mind computing another story. Buddhist notion that thinking is haphazard: "He treated me the damage is not good, think again finished remember to buy a new TV" . In another situation is that too many thoughts, continuous rise flat out can not be skeptical. This does not need to worry, this is a natural phenomenon in the Buddha, not to look to. The secret cure is delusion "Despite the exciting prospects concept, I just heard the Buddhist concept clear."
[Thanh no photographic concept]
Sounds of the question nembutsu works great. The key concept in Buddhist teachings is the mouth and the ears hear the Buddhist notion of their brand concept. So to all six senses photography must first photographic recording before the tongue and ear. Italy also have this idea of general performance, hands rosary, Buddha eyes, nose, smell the incense worship Buddha. Photography is the most important senses atrial based photography. At nembutsu alone is the best idea in a way , "Kim increasingly responsible" , ie concept softly enough to hear, just hear the sound idea that has support her breathing. Niem whispered the voice can not hear, but more difficult to hear. Large and small sound can also change at scattered or disturbing thoughts arise, they may loudly. When concepts are pure concepts can then small talk. It's best to hear his thoughts sound, this sound can help your photographic mind. This is the special characteristics of the practice won nembutsu. The ancients said: "Get the sound as Dharma" . Bliss is where the legal world music store said, were the natural audience for Buddha, the French idea, concept up. This is a legal English nembutsu negative thoughts must be with a clear tone and continuous non-stop, at conception must be truthful, urgent, and purity. This concept is sound you sound wonderful virtue, the object concept is you have ten thousand Buddhas dignified virtue. Noble wins this supreme sound from the ear go straight to the values ​​of self-consciousness and the mind. Self-inductance effects are wonderful and very difficult because infer it. So the most important concept is that I myself hear that concept.
[Feeding consciousness]
If at conception in the mind scattered sessions, the Buddhist concept sounds very complex nature hard of hearing disorders. The mind is not focused, the headphones do not know. Sound concept that does not work, the more interest photography photography all the senses can not be. In contrast, there is bad influence "raising awareness" . If your thoughts are neglected, you are not only not "turn of the mind" but also foster further knowledge. We practice the goal is moved into four eight-way location. We recite the Buddha is to bring awareness to distinguish transformed into "wonderful place to observe" . If we recite the Buddha, but not in tone, scattered, unfocused sense, not continuous, not like my thinking about oral memory, audio memory is not photographic mind, how this concept is not only not moving in which the execution path. Stock moral concepts such coal is too vain.
Body is difficult, China (1) difficult birth, difficulty having trouble hearing the Dharma, Pure hard to believe that you believe, you take the Buddhist concept. But the idea you this way so the new old lament: mindfulness this way [it is difficult to permanently blade]. Buddhist concept of mind when any disorder is difficult, we must first achieve a blade nembutsu (the block) before. We have to become blade concept, at least, ten questions, many questions are thirty, fifty sentences. If there is a lot more to a string, two string [string]. Buddhist concept of blade that is within this concept in mind the question for Buddha, no mind disorders, from beginning to end a sentence Nam tissues are Amitabha Buddha. Qualifications of its own how completely understood. So the concept as mentioned above, it is difficult to rebel, should be avoided, must be prevented.
The first paragraph in the article comes first in time the taboo nembutsu. In contrast three paragraphs later comes to how to recite the Buddha's last true and correct.
[English rhythm are] just sounds nembutsu harmony, peaceful. Sound is very important, if the notion that husky voice, not sure they are not bad. When people hear the clear sound is pure mental pleasure naturally harmonious body and mind, the mind will be back disorders, and not an image bright.
[Rhythm] is sound mellow harmony, tranquility, calm, noble gases, have rhythm.
[The word just sounds round (specify)] letter to correct negative thoughts. A word in the title of the Buddha Amitabha to read is "A" rather than "O" . If that concept does not start properly, they must fix. Concepts to be clearly English, do not be hoarse or opaque. This audio headset is uncomfortable, the spirit of love, whereas clear audio clarity for the audience happy pleasant easy calm center. Music has a strong influence, now hear her spleen and excited to hear the music now completely different effect. Forum effective spleen good she is more special, just a few hours listening to the restless mind of the listener anxious can calm down. The sound effects sound great so nembutsu must be clear (air staff).
[The husky fit
(Assuming the device intensely)]
Now recite the Buddha to the emergency as well as losses at the front of the Buddha, or as time goes on the sea, is about to sink in distress to call for help with all your heart, then each of our thoughts emanating from the media center very, very same urgent, effective sentences linking Buddhism under the preceding sentence, the so-called concept towel tight, intensely, and also the "pure design concept relative (continuous)" . For those who have given the keys light up, first making the cloth intensely close nembutsu this time, avoid harassment. Mindfulness is a long time, not only during certain key concepts that have been intensely in anywhere is always a question always in mind nembutsu. This is hard? In fact, where one prevents a concept where you? If you want every idea to idea, then, so are their decisions are not difficult. Actually, who do this are rare. If the custom option will keep the question where this Buddhist concept of blade performance is not a problem, going to achieve "single minded" then.
Pure Land teachings good as well in this place, the partner who can do it, not a subliminal none too difficult to do well, even as enlightened conversation is difficult, not everyone can do , in hundreds of millions of hard to get someone to do it. In China you can say the names of ten people are not enlightened? Nembutsu is different, everyone can meditate. Nembutsu must intensely, in the mind must be of general effect. This can be done, the problem is you yourself are not subject to memory. When there is sorrow born again, you do not take memory. Anger, impulsive, restless as sorrow, joy is sorrow. When your high-interest, friends, guests busy, happy talk, you forgot to recite the Buddha then. These are all suffering. In fact, while negativity can also recite the Buddha, only now you do not like concept only. If you are a natural idea would be to rebel.
[Sober comfort
(Resin before an idle)]
This sentence indicates illness of many Buddhist concepts today. There are a lot of people but the rush of blood to success very quickly impatient. So is there hope for the heart. The enemy's victory is the practice of nembutsu has gradually come to the very concept idea, from a place with no need to enter the contract requirements, from the rebirth of the very birth. Be quiet calm, no anxiety is the first, pay back, the mood is fear, fear of loss, not an anxious mind. In addition to comfort. There are a lot of effort but because so eager to rush into an expeditious and restlessness. From a comfort level went up again to let go like grace, not ham does not need, as a recipient down in the world, the mind does not care about anything outside the nembutsu . One question always Buddhist name is money, not afraid to hell, not crazy, so the "President but" an interest. So the word comfort is very important. Conversely, if anxious to see the Buddha, seeing auras, the point is to be will eventually get sick and unobstructed. Stars that we can comfort? This is due to devotion. If you have confidence, then your mind is very safe. Someone tell me why the concept is still skeptical that delusion too much, make that hard to be reborn. These obstacles make their own. Incidentally Ich great teachers have said: "Well being is not all due credit where voluntary or not." You have a firm confidence, you vow not true? There loss is not attached to the world this Sa Ba, fans the world Sukhavati, not prayer reborn? In fact, many people still linger in this world, but to live for several years, but want the real birth old! So if the world Sukhavati fans must be found of great aspirations. The many friends and relatives in their lives many lives are now suffering deep circulation in the ocean waiting to go rescue her. But you now also is still in deep moral suffering, now do not have the power to save others. Only after then reborn, thanks to the Buddha's blessing, the new power capacity and wisdom to save others. There is such a mood, so have great aspirations, and credit such a natural wish to know the concept Buddha will certainly be reborn. If you want to be reborn, the lower the credit and may elaborate on. If you believe deep set, you vow to be reborn certain. So, when you recite the Buddha, the mind will no longer restless haste and natural comfort.
[Thanh with care,
Center with audio]
The sound emitted from the center nembutsu sincere, pure heart, the natural harmony, peace, goodness, higher elegant. The sound of the magic of this question from ear nembutsu into her own mind, sound headphones is the sound of his thoughts, so naturally compatible, sound of mind. This sound effect is universal Buddhist faith solemn sound base from the atrium into the mental self-concept. Self-care for Buddha, the mind is Buddha. So the mind must correspond to the sound heard (of text information bar). Payment with interest, with sound mind. So saying: [sounds like y]. Tell understandable: I recite the Buddha, for Buddha is sound, the sound helps me. I recite the Buddha emitted sound, sound this makes me, so tell each other that is shifting concept. Every concept so skeptical outlook is not required except cleaning concept, [prospects concept itself off].
The third paragraph:
[European names such as Buddha,
Mind as string]
If you do not meditate, this European grains each discrete particle of each particle, which is [the isolation Division]. When you get the idea the European wire pierced particles into strings. So Buddhist nembutsu is to take effect pierced into the string, this is [the Agreement, the strings]. [It does not leave the Buddha] meant to be anywhere at any time during Buddha's mind does not leave the question to this effect. Will not this hinder you guys, all of which are subject yourself have done or not. Want to do to "not leave the Buddha mind" , first [left no concept Mouth]. At the mouth are concepts, not necessarily as a Buddhist center. If the mind is Buddha, the Buddhist concept certainly mouth. The mouth always recites this name as well as Buddha [as wire buckets], this question next question before [Continuous endless].
Wednesday Section:
[Not the most attention,
Prior to specializing in concept,
Not without disorder,
First study of blade]
This article comes to vital issues of the Buddhist concept today. Many people see the translation of legal economic salvation Di Da Ma La Cross has said to "any disorder of mind" to think that if you do not mind any concept to most disorders can not be reborn. But that notion may be to this level is difficult, so pessimistic they become frustrated and negative lo vegetables. Actually this is not the mind of the Buddha of Boundless Life because of economic, moral rebirth triploid (three Silver Sanh) has set out the basic conditions for the rebirth of the "most specialized concept oriented" . That is just your honest professional Buddhist recites this name, but does not require you to have any disorder of mind. Moreover Amida's economic wizards Xuanzang translated as "any system memory disorder" . This sentence means that when you recite the Buddha's very dedicated, no haphazard thinking, this condition is easy to do more. Most attention is divided into "single minded" and "most of the mind" . Concept to "single minded" and from the comments, or terminate all or all natural. Concept to "the most mind" it raises at least partly out of ignorance (ignorance a total of 42 sections). 10 comments or divided into categories: family comments, edit comments, player comments, about the, wrong views, greed, hatred and delusion, chronic or suspected. Includes items from, or of greed, hatred and delusion, the subtle side. Who can eradicate these hindrances? Only a little greed, hatred and delusion, chronic, you can not reach "single minded" . For example, greed, who also want a good map. No matter what part it also involved other people respectfully, this is the part list for position.
You may not be angry? For example, a true story happened in the 1930s. There are his wife of a minister, she has many years this religious concept. The house has about a rift with daughter, a religious concept, but today she is still angry that the abdominal daughter, not suppress her inner bad idea to think about killing the bride per hectare is angry. She went to make a knife and when he saw the necklace is worn on the hand, pulling his new repentance and leaving the heart to kill this person. Si is even more chronic, high-drain, pride, envy, obstacles, his right, who wrong. Breaking out of greed, hatred and delusion, this side is "single minded" , damage is too difficult. Arahat off the ants and make smuggled from or reached through, piece (cut off) of self, escape birth and death. If you recite the Buddha's teachings to stop the ants and then escape from or out of the birth and death certificates, it is hard as Arhat, why say the practice is easy to cultivate, is the best way off? Of course, no need to reach the level of investment or the ants and, Bliss rebirth Pham Thanh Dong Housing need not reach the "single minded" . If you can achieve the better, can delivery of Balance Organic Media. If the evidence is "the most mind" , breaking a delusion, it can show a legal body, born of the fact Newspaper Ornament The (national level of the Bodhisattva), part of the Permanent President of Optical Power.
We base on the "system concept any disturbances" in the translation of Xuan Zhuang, and magi "most specialized concept oriented" in the business of Boundless Life, you can claim that the most specialized concept direction is a necessary condition to have. That is the most specialized professionals has not changed and is dedicated to memory and system memory over any disturbances.
Of course if any disorder of mind to reach the commercial rebirth possible. But if not the most professional attention must first be thought. Specialist invariant is said to most people usually change their opinion. On this mountain the mountain looks it, they can not be satisfied with the practice of their religious concepts. Today to meditate, tomorrow over pay to learn; nembutsu two days and then want to study qigong. These people to study what is vain. We are Buddhists, they must listen to the teachings of the Buddha, the Dharma Ending practice only recite the Buddha's teachings can be liberated, to be the most specialized concept direction Amitabha Buddha.
[There are no disturbances,
First study of blade]
Could do a little disorder nor must first make the blade. You can not stampede but dozens of questions that you have a blade concept, in recent sentence without thoughts. This is the true condition of the public. One day someone told me that he could not find the two sentences are pure Buddhist concept fully effective. I told him that he said damage is not wrong at all. So we have determined the true concept, first the blade concept.
[Damage is diligence]
(Damage to attendance)
"If it's not freezing
How bright apricot blossom scent. "
Freezing is not trivial. We were deep ocean circulation in the birth and death do not know how many lives it. Buddha said: "Only when the white dog, my bones are also high in Mount Meru" . Rotation direction in the continent of birth and death countless lifetimes, must now shift back in this life does not go further transmigration. This is a very important story that we could not resolve the. This is important, other things are the children's games, bubbles are as illusory dream photo cells, and oil to go too much good it is bubbles. Although very beautiful, but that over a certain moment it must be shattered. I nearly eighty years old then, blinking is not shattered. All is not impermanent, suffering, and so must be true to the foot specialist. Some people also cultivate a little something, in the province located at the thought meditation, Buddha Recitation is time again to go to school over the notes, like concept Di Da, I want to address Tibetan concept, concept Guanyin Bodhisattva. This is not a joke tu damage that is fun. Specializing in the leg to the foot of the natural effect can be seen. [See Effective self. Not asked. Ask for self-examination]. Like water, hot, cold self-knowledge.
Last Monday: EXPOSURE good SHELF
Coarse organic nembutsu great merit
Develop bodhicitta practice good cross
Buddhist meditation theory supreme profound
Of contemporary calligraphy works humble audience measures
Four industrial facilities solemn tam net
Test the object's minimum weight of
Of non-market broke down the
Patients with lower birth Reporter knowledge
Mystical magic negotiations incompatible theories can
Three traditional self-legs very old concept
Just try Instant diverse markets
Suffering from hundreds of customs that make
Love life has birth and death based promotion
Direct embezzlement body on the throne drought
Five concrete bowl single most teachers take over
Set rift silence foreign media
Too hoan too sick for the market
Cuong perfect example mental disorders center
Strong will as free as air capacity
No self interrupt any impurities into slabs
Human Touch interest penalty support
Be careful about potential gas conversion
Concept of real distress to most
Tap out any air any except Buddhist
Astronomy as one single shot time
Any comments Di Da ha area
Try the non-allergic non-nan heron
Eighty full by Tin Nguyen Hanh
There is great merit new nembutsu
Develop bodhicitta practice good cross
Buddha says supreme profound meditation
The law is often seen as shallow
Dignified posture pure business
Firmly hold the world not to commit
Break down the door of non-market
Letting go of normal birth of understanding
Talking legendary say not involved
Three-digit pin honest communication concept
That lamp in the dark
Boat in the sea of ​​suffering for cutting ma
Uprooting of birth and death in many lives
This dose is close to an idiot
In eight teachers a concrete question summarized
Do not look outside the vehicle concept
Too slow too fast are sick
More and more mental disorders center would most
Press as hard as iron, such as gastric washing
Do not break the blade itself is not complex
People with heart penalty touch
Body planes gradually changes
Not stop disturbing thoughts do not
Buddha did not set out unless air
Now as a question of thousands of thousands of questions
What concerns do not see the face Di Da.
That is not easy nor difficult
Eighty are due May Hanh Tin
Monday the content of this profound meditation. Why say is meditation? In the General Business Group said:
"The bad people's idea of ​​Amitabha,
Market Name supreme profound meditation "
Roughly translated:
If people just meditating Amitabha,
Vi It is extremely good.
Not only is meditation that is deeply meditative, Zen micro photo, but also a profound meditation supreme. Intellectuals in ancient China (class of university lady) a fan of Zen, Pure Land contempt, arguing that only the new Zen is profound magical solutions, Pure class only for fishermen fishermen (the old man to touch her). In fact, this perception of them is crazy, and his blind son of a wealthy family's wealth is in the wealth to be hurt. There are also many long time without success, to become negative, which is something I should not. See business contracts are not entered, much less qualified to meditate, learning is much room Tantric doubt, the practice does not follow they are so only the nembutsu it! People with such views but the Pure Land practitioner, but not to Calculate the awareness and perception accuracy.
This profound meditation supreme is that just at that moment Prajna. Majority when it comes to meditation is just the first year at the time. They all use the word Zen, but there is a huge difference. Business school said in the first degree (generosity, morality, patience, energy, and meditation) as the blind, to Prajna new eyes can see things in heaven and earth. In saying this profound meditation not want people to initiate meditation, that is to say you are to recite the Buddha is also a supreme being involved profound meditation.
[There is great merit new nembutsu (Huu great new merit nembutsu)]. The first sentence as well as English lion amalgams (screaming) shocks hundred animals. Speaking for those who despise the Pure Land, do not believe that fishermen fishermen can recite the Buddha's Pure Land and contempt. The Pure Land cultivators do not think its low air base, not capable of other religious teachings, no new measures so that the Pure Land practitioner. So that only people with "great merit" can recite the Buddha's teachings believe deeply and then recite the Buddha is. So we have more confidence. In the business of Boundless Life said: "The bad any current accumulated wisdom blessing, Dharma disability U test documents, ie " If previous generations no favor religious blessing following details can not hear this nembutsu teachings, even only temporarily listen to a little bit can not be " . So this question very well, you must promote the spirit, courage raise, must be fully confidence, the practice is extremely revenge win today we met with grace, we should cherish.
[To collect good practice bodhicitta] Kinh said Boundless Life reborn three steps are required to develop the most user bodhicitta specialized concept . Play bodhicitta is intimately say in the "Calculate weak heart" , introduced here simplified as follows: Bodhicitta is the mind together, from the center of great wisdom, great compassion and great vows force. Flower Adornment Sutra says this center as well as three oil lamps also found, to have oil wick, and light, three things are not missing. It is said that bodhicitta light, wisdom, compassion and prayer power three lights together, as a Buddhist worship. We often pride spread vows: "We vow of endless birth, suffering the infinite vows, vows countless Method Study, Buddha supreme vow of directors" , which is upon the "the" distribution center. Upon the "reasonable" distribution center, the stars, it is business as Kim Cang said "The boundless boundless beings, but it's not a human being is the" . These are all affordable break. You all day of his birth but no general birth rate. Bodhi mind must arise wise and profound way.
[Tu Cross charity]. In general, the teachings of the Buddha to take legal Thua Thien Tam Thua added to the Five and Human Thua Thua. This is the entire teachings of the Buddha. Decision no more and enlightenment but also as bad as old. If they say they are enlightened lie, people do not do well but requires a Buddha, this is farce. Good practice is the story of male death, female workers made ​​good, evil people off for charity. Keep the five precepts, the body, good tu cross the heavens were born. In contrast with cross cross is wicked good. Three of the evil of the body: killing, stealing, and adultery. Four of the evil of the mouth: lying, fabricating say, two-dimensional grid, and say evil. Three of the idea of evil: greed, hatred and delusion . Cross is not as good and evil cross stop evil, do not kill, but also liberating life, but do not take handouts. So say good tu cross the heavens where delivery is easy, because it relies entirely on his own strength. Nembutsu Buddhist vows reborn force is blessed, but I can not recite the Buddha said about this good I can not do so is wrong. Refusing to do good deeds for others, the benefits have not bodhicitta? If no bodhicitta can not reborn? Therefore a good practice to. Nembutsu is the right behavior, we must be complemented by damage many well-supported. Kinh said Boundless Life intimately, the fifth time we have evil, suffering second year, fifth incineration. The first year wicked as killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, and drinking (as compiled by extension evil). Life is in the fifth subject is evil agony. Life after the right of the first year of hell burning. In continuous business counseling and encourage good team must cross.
[ Buddha says supreme profound meditation (Buddhist doctrine supreme profound meditation)
The law is often seen as shallow (God's law or superficial audience effects)]
Buddha Amitabha said concept is unsurpassed profound meditation. But many people say the opposite is nembutsu crude methods. Damage to something so vulgar? It is said that the nembutsu is the crudest method, they are crude. Because they said so shallow is shallow Buddhist legal concepts. Therefore we have found little interest (rare heart), can listen to the practice, the practice may be to believe this is the good grace to accumulate good base from which many lives. We must strive to respect, not at this time the sun sets please hurry to go home.
[Oai industrial facilities solemn purification (four industrial facilities solemn tam net)
Firmly hold the world not to commit (the firm's significant minority of animals)]
Four suspected of four postures: walking, lying, sitting. We are the Buddhist concept of the four primary radical postures of body and mind must make solemn. Tam is a professional body and mind, all of which must be pure not polluted. Before the end of the world is not right (in the world). In the worst gender interests is by law (dharma defame). For example, say Buddhism is false, the butt of this law, we would not have said. But we also have the ascites method, many people say when you joined the classics that is counterfeit. The damage that is a good knowledge of defamation have you back in and said, accompanied him unethical. All such things are in French. Intentionally added it is not good. Added is not true "gain in" , says less is intentionally "harm reduction butts" . Me with very severe measures, especially the people ordained and shall do evil than the non-ordained sin is more serious. The precepts are not killed Zhang Tam, Tam Truong future was to kill the tie. The ordination is different, broke four world is key to the underworld. If you look transgression, you have to kill him again, of course, but you have to hell, down the mountain training cauldron of oil. So we can not ordained and gender studies, can not understand the rules. Precept must not be violated. If you break the precepts, then you are being undermined belongings holes (illegal). As the cup with hole in a bowl full of water flowing out at the end. So "consistently among the" four words to remember in my mind.
[Breaking down the door of non-market
Letting go of normal birth of understanding]
There is a market we have a non, non, there is market loves taken away, these things are not treated the same, the first to tell right from wrong. From then on things like negativity born no escape, so-called door (of). It's like a hell on earth employment that, alone as "the pancreas" (subjects who used to bury the king). The cause of all evil things from the word "fall" (I) make. There is one person, there is no permanent escape to, so claiming to be "important" . The story of this non-market where there is no way to escape. Anyone know who was ordained in the temple of this non-story market is less outside world does not? So saying, Ah, if you can so we are no better than renunciation. The secondary market of non-self is not the home is, who is also ordained. This non-door market, that is my right you're wrong, non-market non-market does not break any practice can not be.
Step one step further, [Letting go of understanding normal birth] in the head filled with things that do not require knowledge, self believes he is very well educated, the only damage was a wrong number. So let go of all the This second, wipe out. Must elaborate on the word "discharge". Discharge is let go of what knowledge (understanding) is not necessary . But that word is very difficult to discharge, discharge yourself easy, let go of knowledge is difficult. In the poetry of the House were he pointed out things that saved this basis.
[ Talking legendary say not involved (Dam mystical magic incompatible theories can)
Three letters honest communication district concept (real old traditional chief Tam self concept)]
The mouth that said suspension is not thoroughly clear mind, subliminal words that bad behavior, whether to speak very fluently, wrote the famous book, the title Buddhism honorary doctorate, for his people and for a What it's useful, great for the birth and death absolutely no involvement whatsoever. Understanding as many obstacles to "be reasonable" deeper, compared to the negativity and obstacles of "the" more difficult to eradicate. Generally get themselves tied his rope, to move back slipped. The truth of course not so, but also give rise to Supreme Bodhi, follow the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha Amida prayer and customs, only Buddhist religious concept. In Buddhist Abhidharma concept only religious name for Buddha, just honest thoughts only a red question list. No one to center, without exception delusions, not taking the situation, did not participate (nembutsu) is one (the above four be called the four secrets of Buddhist legal concepts). Male models are just a question of Amitabha Buddha, sentence by sentence before connecting. This is the supreme profound meditation, it is a true transfer of Shakyamuni Buddha. Shan-tao great teachers have said: "Originally by Shakyamuni Buddha appeared in this world we just want to say Amida prayer customs duties." Ich great Incidentally master said , "A brand is a legal question nembutsu A tanning Overview La Tam Tam Bo obtained by the Buddha . " The only damage is to recite the Buddha's feet all transmitted teachings.
[That's lamp in the night
crew in a sea of suffering, for cutting ma]
Only damage is rather nembutsu tree lights in the long dark night of being, as the boat out of suffering, for plant protection "vajra king" guillotine than code. It is important that the word "earnest" (really old), who despise life "keen and regular" . Net languages ​​have a saying: "Religion in normal medium, capitals of trying to understand, roughly translated: "in the normal direction, unfortunately people do not understand" .
[(If desired) Extraction of the original birth and death in many lives
(Right) relative dose this idiot]
We as human beings, to hear the Dharma, which is believed Pure Land teachings, it is thanks to cultivate new generations have been. We have a lot of religious life, why today was wandering in the place of reincarnation, birth and death in the sea rising, diving into? Just because the basic root of birth and death are difficult to eradicate. So therefore we have to play big aspirations and decisions in this life, eradicate the fundamental roots of birth and death in many lives . This is a great lens even on high, the greatest story never happened in many life, higher self-awareness and visual interest to others, so do not care to risk their lives to this body to eliminate all the difficulties. Like enclosure within the same message of the enemy desperate to find a way out. This is the fight between karma and I (foot care). Must use the weapons damage, not hit pretending to perform on stage, so to this as a desperate idiot, not a clever cunning stratagem. They also have every hour of every minute of the first highly precise, consider the situation, connect with your right, winning fame, the deception, not stop taking the second tactic, in the end, the disadvantaged as well as their only. He wants free beings from suffering the same birth and death of course have to eliminate these behaviors, despite the ridicule of his life as an idiot will not regret it. Zen Master Tong Cao Phong (national teacher of Master Nguyen Trung Phong) for taking the first dialogue , "while not a dream, he at first owner to close up the network security" , should be: "Is this a foolish life fools, to have understood this at the same time " . As expected, the age of five years after his radical treatment.
[ In a concrete question summarized Eight teachers (most teachers Five Eight single tone recording)
Do not look outside the vehicle concept (Set rift silence foreign media)]
In Zen Buddhism is "a five-pointed blossom" (First five Eucalyptus flower opening). International Year is to make concrete, Tao Dong, The Threshold, Van Mon and French labels. Eight Catholic Church is lower, Tiantai Chemical establish self-education: Tibet, Information, Special, Vienna and a break from teaching Chemistry: Single, Salons, Secret and uncertainty, a total of eight teachers. In tones of Zen Buddhism and the eight teachers in the Lower Church are short sentences recorded in Buddhism this effect. Incidentally Ich great master said:
"Twelve of the Tripitaka texts, all the rules, and one thousand seven hundred Zen koans are also effective in this short sentence Buddha" . Talking all meditation and Buddhism are in question this effect, for Buddha's name should know this question is full of merit, ie the total momentum la ni . So absolutely not while reciting Buddhist teachings to find the sublime, find another way by any means, that are plaguing their own (use of self-interference).
[Slow too fast too are sick
of mind expect more attention as disorders]
Previous article saying nembutsu sound big and small, should not interrupt the rhythm. This paragraph says memory is not too fast or too slow. Too slow, easy start up and delusions created "medical care of" . Too fast, easy expeditiously and ear heard not clear nembutsu great effect. Therefore a slow and fast are not too good, to know the regulation for the appropriate speed. The method is often effective, the concept started a little slowly, slowly concept hurry, faster until no further, then stop, then start again from scratch. At conception without exception delusions, not to single-mindedly. This is the main content of the four secrets nembutsu. Baccalaureate School Chuyet Tang is a very famous verse: "Education the key to increase patient delusion" (roughly translated to more than delusions further currency). Because unless delusions are more likely to be "minus one plus two" . The same doctrine so as not to single-mindedly. Nembutsu is at least not to mind or distinguishing calculated considering not consider myself to be single minded. This is no longer the "honest expression" that is compounded solutions.
[ CHI hard as iron, such as gastric washing
(Chi patience as free as air draft)
Do not break the blade itself is not complex
(Any break any issue into the blade itself)]
Vows to be tough as steel. Amida Buddha is at the time prisoners have the vow is: "Whether this relative loss in the suffering, the mind is willing to quit permanently moved" , this is giving us questions "Chi hard as iron" . Chi to be tough, but care needs to paste. If you try to accept their opinion is becoming increasingly difficult to promote education, the flower is nothing but harm. In business speak of Boundless Life in Dewachen who have "smooth body and mind needs" . As long as said gas needs fine mind, the teaching of natural ease.
While nembutsu is not interrupted and complex disorders. Space is not complex (without interruption and without complex disorders), the Buddhist concept of blade natural ease. If you get any disorder of mind is doomed to achieve eighty Wang Bao Buddhist mindfulness.
[People with mental kick touch
The body gradually changing planes]
We recite the Buddha is the practice among the location (time prisoner of the Bodhisattva). The heart of our current concept of Buddha is the mind in the place known as "heartless" . The concept is a concept we are Amitabha, the Buddha attained enlightenment have dubbed "Buddha". When we recite the Buddha, "heartless" and our "kick" of the Buddha Amitabha mutual touch each other. In the heart of our faith, including thousands of Buddha Amitabha. Heart of the Buddha covered everywhere (variable necessarily correspond origin) we recite the Buddha's conception in the mind is Buddha, the Tathagata knows all that, not at all may be false. Moreover, our hearts and mind of the Buddha are also covered everywhere, so the Buddha also in our hearts. Now why we can recite the Buddha is? Because Buddhism is our concept, our Buddha that life is photography. If photography is not Buddhist life is suffering, we can not recite the Buddha's bound to be. When we recite the Buddha's time our Buddhist concept, people appreciate the interest penalty on each other, touch direct communication is not inconceivable. So gradually make the body (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind) and outer realms of our constantly changing, improving natural metabolism. So says a new [body planes gradually changes (care about the potential conversion)]. Weapons are all things, great local mountain rivers, big world, small to dust (for ceiling). Everything is as we recite the Buddha nature is not known whether gradual shift change (become better).
This story is even more confusing story of our body and mind, depending on where the mind and touch the Buddhas that create the transformation. Know the mind and the foreign matter is not two. Flower Adornment Sutra says: "tri necessarily self-care solutions market," translates as "variable measures are all self-interest . " Volume Luan said: "Tam's spoiled behavior, only mental work", roughly translated , "Tam's all mind-made." Duy Thuc Weak Xu said: "Do the scene very possible, depending on serving children birth, self-care workers birth, adequate reimbursement of same. " All of them explain morality "does not mind two things, and it is an object" . Ancient Zen Master said: "All great locations as well as a subject's eyes sa", that is to say the earth is a master of his eyes. The ground is just so immense an eye itself, at nembutsu as "heartless" and "penalty" touch each other. All updated monthly, stars, men and women, young and old included in "human interest" do not bear the feeling of the "human heart" ? So the damage situation of the world, all things are changed or better, become more relevant, more appropriate transformation to you and your practice. For example, a person is so unjust to meet your debts, you recite the Buddha's words from the injustice of your debts and then be dissolved. We should know what is the use of local public resources that will benefit the region. We should not think negative thoughts are selfish Buddha, a Buddhist concept righteous deeds for the area. Not only do they create blessings for that region, but also bless the earth, they also create a blessing for the whole world is always legal. All there is nothing can not be changed. So we have about what they are suffering so hard nembutsu this effect. But why this disturbing things always come out so stir you skeptical? Because you are not using the powerful. If you use the powerful and stirring, it will not break you. All of us and everyone, all the world are slowly changing silently. So the ancients when going to a strange locality, they do know where that kind of faith? They know that by considering the landscape trees in the mountains and rivers, if the result is enlightened in that area, where all things are different.
[Affliction concept is definitely not
Volume air but not the Buddha]
Negativity accumulated so many lives many lives difficult to break than. If not we must first be rid of to clear it. Like a glass of cloudy water is too much turbidity can not be used. So to stand for turbidity to settle to the bottom. Above the water then can be used. In such countries as the most professional in mind. Quality has not settled down and dirty like disturbing rate is not pressed flat. Natural justice are not so reluctant. These bad habits accumulate long rest called a gas. For example, seeds of the religious court or fake severed Shariputra, but also to play it (anger), is called a gas. Master Ha market is opening two sentences or "Tri-economic world view nembutsu teaching, do not consider themselves tricked old errors", so that set new air old error is important. Fully air only to subtract the Buddha set new do, so here say except files are not rid of all gas, which is want you to actively eradicate it. Buddha was enlightened "discoveries" said the usual way is to detect corona said, but more important than just feeling great mind. The great interest shown in this sense is if the file does not stop except for gas.
[Now as a question of thousands of thousands of questions
What concerns do not see the face Di Da]
There are two possible explanations:
1. Concept a thousand questions a thousand Buddha also clearly apparent effect like that idea at only one sentence, no thoughts. A very clear memory question, the nembutsu sometimes be so, but that last up to a thousand a thousand questions like this are pure, natural world Sukhavati rebirth, flowers blooming see the Buddha, and lo sad something, but fear not see how Amida Buddha?
2. One thousand one thousand sentence like a question. A sentence is like a thousand a thousand questions, give out the number. Nhut had similar means (much less do all the same) (one that is much, much that is, a), beyond the "status" from the "insights" , inconceivable. Because inconceivable, I certainly did not write much anymore, no more drawing pins into the snake again.
[That is not easy nor difficult
eighty are due May Hanh Tin]
Both the lay Bang Tang is revered in the Zen.
Mr. Bang said: "Nan real nan, department ensure that oil adrenal life?", Roughly translated "hard or difficult, one hundred and sesame oil burden to put on the tree?"
Bang She replied, "first adrenal Botanical patriarchs mind", roughly translated: "On the hundred grass that patriarchs."
Matching girl named Linh said: "Any difficulties any allergic herons, Russia lobe hybrid schemes that bastard", roughly translated: "It is not difficult nor easy, hungry, tired to eat, then sleep."
Lao Buddhist concept that is so profound meditation supreme.
"Football's head jelly, express really express review", roughly translated: "Stick to head the rock, exposing the truth of this . " Who told you hard with the easy, difficult and easy to say, the ancient Buddhist past are long gone.
Nembutsu only eighty eighty, is king in the eightieth, so called the Bao Wang eighty. Wanted to be eighty this just Tin Nguyen Hanh, Wednesday three wage. Credit must believe deep as six credits of the first great master said Ich Incidentally, as chief credit of the great teachers Save said. May need to pray fervently, earnestly aging behavior is true nembutsu.
Last Tuesday: LABOR FACT stop
Dan was just old concept
Real all problems like galaxy
Wear the same no matter
Retirement self-review data tha
Just wish you great powers
Pha Na delusions have
Scattered incidents of illness
That distinguish invasive
Very good coastal scenes valve
Buddha the best algae
Pin Cu single concept
Decision of Sa Ba
Just honest thoughts
No need to ask why
Do not worry, and other similar
No comments oneself and others
Just wish you strong
No more fear of delusion
Scattered many diseases
Easy to distinguish ma
Coastal landscape is not good or bad
Buddha will wipe effect
Question question the true concept
She escaped Sa decision.
Previous article said: "Three words transmit true honest expression" use all "Old It Niem" link next to the following, we have to hit the target in the red heart, is the best in those who receive Holy teachers.
[Just honest thoughts
without asking why]
It is very normal aging, but that is very rare. In the Tang Dynasty, someone asked an old woman up a mountain road station how to. She replied: "The circuit directly past", roughly translated , "Just go straight." Many of Zen are not "out" she is. The word "live circuit" is like "old truth" , both are very common, and also very special. Magic is magic in that place is not for you to think. If there is room to think are not right. Buddhist mindfulness and meditation are the same. So uttering the first sentence, then speak up immediately: "Just be honest expression", is absolutely the only honest nembutsu. No one can ask this question and that, if shareholders are asked questions are no longer eager west again. So the subject Tong said: "Any question as weak fouling fouling data" translates as : "Do not ask why and if I like."
[Do not worry, and other similar
No comments oneself and others (self and others)]
Y Tong Hua-yen on Friday but said the minister that "legal confusion about the problem" . Six generals are: general, special, and, walking into, and passing. Six generals are from generals used to discuss three ways that the meaning of equality and difference. "Dong and allergic " is equality and difference in general. For example, the Minister of brick and timber are not the same, but that could constitute a home space, showing the general "contract" . Ceramic tile and wood each have different appearances, this is the general "allergic" . From the minister , "the" and "allergic" to be inferred that the "total" and "distinct" on "may" and "the", "into and damage " on the application. So here use the "total" and "allergic" to delegates. "own" Buddha and "tha" Buddha. Himself that is self, others that is forgiven. My mind is free, everything is forgiven. So the "same" and "allergic" covers all the equality and difference of "may" , "General" , and "use" . Self, others include all opposition and unity of the people, their (human self) and mind objects. All are not asked and did not notice, in the mind alone is only a question of Amitabha Buddha and Buddhism each sentence sound of this performance interconnecting, will naturally be pure and clear.
[ Only wish you strong
No more fear of delusion ]
In the atmosphere of Da Di explanations have said: "Non-believers pray vision deficiency, deficiency leading non-voluntary action, non-title over the chronic deficiency of voluntary behavior, children of believers witness" translates as:
"Tin not enough, the vow is not, prayer is not enough, not enough to lead practice director, responsible operator is not enough, the name can not fulfill their vows and of the message"
So know the serial volunteer force and follow trust and lead the parade. Said:
"Tin is deep vow Supreme Bodhi; credit so true prayer is the guiding of that province if the Credit Prayer permanent, when thoughts of death or one thought ten was reborn. Without adequate credit Prayer, even though the idea to move the wind blows, rain-proof, strong as iron wall is the wall will not be reborn. "
Said: "Well born or not is based on a Prayer or no credit, all products are high due to low or shallow depth over the name . "
That is a spiritual rebirth Pure or can not completely rely on that person Credits Prayer or not, if you believe deep (primary credit record and credit) and may set, without fear of daily nembutsu are more delusion decision to be reborn. Conversely though a lot of thoughts, thoughts to the wind does not move voluntarily without credit can not be reborn. So the market may find extremely interesting testimony of Random Ich win great master teacher and two verses of the House on this very appropriate. Master Ha also some verses as follows:
[Despite delusions lying around
I literally clear idea]
Let yourself come and self-delusion to self arise and kill yourself, just being completed immediately killed. Speaking a little more depth, in addition to damage nature is no delusion, self-expectations concept is just as well as mental outlook on the water waves. Ask What? Water as a wave. Delusion in the mind incessantly used only scattered, if the concept can honestly skeptical, long maturity concept, the outlook is not natural born.
[More scattered the disease
easy to distinguish ma]
This center has many lives as ape not always the most quiet professional, scattered into practice, of course, sick. People are a bit too middle-aged patient is not unusual. But if optimism and very grid that moves left and retribution in hell a million times worse. Scattered as well as people with myopia, "the ghost" and was made ​​the organization of enemy agents, the result is a very tragic. So do not make a difference, compare better or worse? Similarly good or as good as new there? Now, the joy, the sadness at no time are not in the distinction, not always mind to leave this stuff to try it. So the supreme law of revenge win infinite compounded. So he Ha said: "net discrimination is that" , concept to concept back adhesive question always compounded, are expected to damage rather then how that concept is.
[ Landscape bad bad grace
Buddha will wipe effect ]
English nembutsu this implies nothing to wipe all the distinctions of good and bad in and of worldly world just as the wind blew autumn leaves, a clean smooth winds. From a sound mind, sound effects are Buddhist, Buddhist name is enough universal faith, all things photographic circles, so the language can recite the Buddha has enough merit thousand things, with enough power and supreme merit, infinite power law, so could wipe out discrimination and things scattered damage prospects. English nembutsu reached his ears, reached in the mind, such as the European particle clearance, reflecting the continent of particles. Light of Buddha mind to reconcile the language of mutual growth performance goes straight to the end.
[The concept statement is true
escape Decision Sa Ba]
In this two-sentence letter to explain the most important is the word "foot" . Accommodation also recites that "truth" determined to escape rebirth Sa Mrs. Bliss. How new is the "truth" ? Explained most easily understood, if concepts like the "truth" must be true (loss) concept. Not pretend, disguise tricked people, does not focus on form, no other purpose, no hope for too much, not a shape with no real substance. Very passionate, very sincere Tin and lead the Prayer List, which is eager to recite the Buddha. In a little more simple, if you hear her recite the Buddha clearly apparent that, quite clearly hear the original question, this is true thoughts.
The above three "Pure Language" made ​​it clear all the profound sense of Sum. Finally, all "Live Mindfulness Round" includes all of the Pure magical, meditation, and secret. The concept does not draw more foot on the snake again, please order part (conception).
Da Di Da Di teacher self concept
Export concept Di Da Di Da hearing
Di Da Di Da immediate past thoughts
Originally hybrid concept Di Da Di Da
Da Di Da Di taught me concepts
Oral concept Di Da Di Da hearing
Da Di Da Di are just thoughts

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