Monday 16 January 2012


At one becomes a Bodhisattva, all the Buddhas of three times [the Buddha's eight] will come to the ceremony. At that time, it has become a hero higher, because we assume responsibility to work for peace of all beings impartially on the basis of the close or position. Because we already assume responsibility for the whole community of beings, and becomes a great hero, all the Buddhas of the three times I will bow my head. Therefore, the Buddha had told him to University Ca Houttuynia (Kashyapa), "Hey, Ca Houttuynia. Those who have the heart of glass or even college credit in us, not to pay homage to the Tathagata text (Tathagatas), should instead pay homage Bodhisattvas (Bodhisattvas). "
Because of that, we have become bodhisattvas whether an end is personal. Although we can not achieve the goal in this life, at least we must try to keep the end in mind. Any good, any duty of a Bodhisattva, we need to mimic the duties in daily life. If you do that, then whatever we do will become richer and more effective. The ends are absolute must work for the welfare of the whole community of beings. At the moment became a Bodhisattva, the supreme responsibility it is to work for the welfare of all beings. That is the key jobs of the Bodhisattvas. This is because, at that time, Bodhisattva completely within the influence of a mind hardened righteousness that cherish all living beings. He fell completely beyond charity care, so the concept is no longer self loving iris blocks in his dreams.
By these reasons, Bodhisattvas are often dubbed French or Con Son of Buddha. All the daily living of you called the Son of the living Buddha. Go into the activities of the Bodhisattvas, by engaging in activities persist, we will reach a full state of the most quintessential, ultimate Buddhahood. At that time, we have achieved the greatest benefit which man can attain to in this rebirths.
Topics discussed in Tam Cross That Bodhisattva, can be interpreted as thirty-seven of the Bodhisattvas, thirty-seven or description of the principal Bodhisattvas. Once you become a Bodhisattva, the duty or at work becomes critical; we can not be a Bodhisattva without living on. Let's share the same mind: a strong desire to make a Bodhisattva, powerful prayer someday become a bodhisattva, and the strong desire can act like a bodhisattva. Because we share the three things mentioned above - the desire, prayer, and desire to imitate the duty of you - so important is that we need to understand the duties and actions of diverse Bodhisattvas, almost able to follow the right way. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).17/1/2012.

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