Tuesday 24 January 2012

Method of meditation
Every day of grace when we touch the mind scenes ranging from fluctuations in contempt should not be an interest. So is the focal center of the afflictions of birth and death, and also is the source of nirvana.
Therefore Buddhist meditation means to teach photography mindfulness. In walking postures, standing, sitting, lying, we must learn to live in a state of awareness, constant light visible in all their daily activities. But for beginners, meditation is a method of revenge win over the other postures.

Instrument meditation
- a union of circles, 2 inches in diameter (20 cm), height of 2 inches (20 cm), put cotton balls, when sitting down to an inch (10cm) was close.
- An 8 inch square tool coordinates to go below, to remove the top.
- A towel or small pillow to wedge the hollow of your foot.
Sitting Meditation Method
meditation has three stages: Input, Head, International. A. Enter now meditating, going to specific coordinates, set the team up on specific coordinates. Sitting on Union, right sacrum between the groups, leaning over leaning back to pull the foot sat the new peace. If the old man sat selling, dragging feet left foot to right or vice versa. If sitting cross-legged, pull to the left foot on right thigh, right foot to the left thigh, pulling it close to the body. Extend belt, collar, correct body upright. Get your hands to be on the left hand. Two hands for over two feet. The overlapping fingers, two thumbs just touching each other, right-way navel. If the low side of your foot. So in the towel with jam. elbow has Slim waist is. 3 times body movements, the initial strength after weakening.












Sit back straight just right, not too uon is not to bend or waist, head slightly bowed (bent and kissed his head being quiet easy) way at the very top tip of thumb, two symmetrical left ear to shoulder, eyes open 1 / 3, visibility less than 6 inches from the intersection point between the legs, face sitting calmly.
Use your nose, do not breathe very strong, do not fold, light to steady light, seemed "very clean air over me to make the place not through the breath flow ", and open-mouth breathing clean out ideas such as" sorrow, sickness, defilements are the breath out. " How to breathe three times also from the international crude (from strong light and then gradually). Breathing complete shut up, lips and teeth fit again, his tongue to the top. From now on only breathe through the nose are all slightly lighter. B. Locations There are three methods for beginners: 1. Book news: a counting book, which is the breath, ie the shop window to observe the very breath, count from one to ten. There are two ways Pub Book News: Pick up and drilling. * Pick: Inhalation of vapor multitude counting, breathing vented to count two ... Turn to ten, then returned to start one. * Drilling: Inhalation of vapor multitude exhale count one, count two inhale exhale very, turn to ten, then start again from one. Just count all the time like meditation. If the time needed to count from one to ten numbers long forgotten or confused, we started back from a ... After a period of practice, he is no longer mastered counting confused again, we step through the stages depending on news. 2. Options News:

"Preferences" is under "News" is the breath. "Options News" is the breath. Where is Inhale asked my wife to know that. Breath out to where we are well known.
While the breath, you should use the intellectual life consistent breaths, exhale without inhaling, then life is no longer available. The breath was so often our lives are also fragile insubstantiality.
When the breath and maturity, he expected tri phase. 3. Tri expectations: First, we follow the breath in peace out a couple of minutes, let the breath to calm the mind, just had not expected to start immediately know the expectations, the calm mind calm outlook. Consecutive coils that are expected, so the prospects for gradual and silent sparse. If they fell asleep dreaming eyes opened to Solemn regulate itself again. While meditating heard heavy chest, the heart is due to sit a bit too sharp to run down a bit. Listen to live near the back bone pain populations, and then sit bent, not straight up. If one shoulder aches, as long as two roles are not equal, are shifted down one side. If shoulder pain is due to flex both arms, to relax the entire body in a position to relax ... The whole body posture relaxed ... . C. Meditation As meditation, prayer before reading the dedication: "May this bring merit Looking across all disciples and beings are full of Buddhist Circuit. " Next, using nasal breathing, mouth breathing three slightly (from mild to strong) Inhale as mindless as breathing and blood circulation throughout the body. Exhale as disturbing thoughts, sickness, defilements by breathing out. the two shoulder blades up and down five times on each side. the head bent down looking up 5 times. Turn head to right. Turn first left on each side 5 times, then leaned back to look up again for a balance. the stretching hands five times. the body seven times, the last time his hands moved up two knees, stress down. Rub surface 20 - 30 times. Remove the ears from 20 to 30 times. Delete the first 20 -30 times. Delete the nape 20 -30 times. Delete the old 20 -30 times. Use your hands to remove from the shoulder down the arm. The left hand removed from the armpit down the side, the two sides combine to delete a row on each side 10 times. Palms must be placed on your chest, back, back massage in hand, two hands combined to delete a row (clear width). Remove the upper three targets, intermediate targets, targets five times lower (chest, abdomen, lower abdomen). Use your hands to remove the belt. Rub the butt. Rub thigh (thigh removed depending on the pain or no pain at the number of .) Rub two fingers between the heat. Pressure in the eye 5 times each side. The first handles the toes, ankles with one hand raised slowly to slightly down. Two strong hands together to remove it from thigh to foot and remove heat 2 feet. Delete this foot finished delete the other foot, does not remove custom number. Stretch your legs out. ruon body forward, fingers, toes just touch the top 5 times. Move it from the union itself, sit still a few minutes to get up, take Buddha. * Note: When meditation every massage movement must be pressed into the skin, but not raw noise. The movements and breathing to start international crude (mild to strong).

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Unified Method meditation taught by Hoa Thuong in Dalat Truc Lam on 8.2.Ky .

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