Wednesday 25 January 2012



nguoixuatgiaI. TU liberation
Today will talk about "Tam Hanh's The Monks", to remind the public of practice.
Because long-term practitioners have gradually lost my original aspiration should be to constantly remind everyone aware of his work. We give rise to religious freedom and pluralism of the secular or tied world, practitioners should be made that, the drainage process, not the trivial to do. If not for the will of the world we lived in real life, it should vows of the new director, set life free from gas bound collection of the world.
In accordance with Buddhist teachings, the person ordained to wear or damage tomato-sa sharp dress (dyed), the robes were dyed dark colors to look at it, little attention. Also called Y y liberated, each wearing this y renouncer must recite the verse:
Disaster recovery liberation
y formless field of merit
over morality served Phi
Quang subjective being.
Renunciation is a lofty mind very well, beyond the world, so that ordinary people have worked hard to do.
Tang, General country director Do Hong shop to ask the Zen Master Radio Address on the meaning of family. Zen master replied, "Renunciation of false non-energy costs of imagination." This means that the person is not a renunciation of the minister can do.
You see the position as minister of the world, was ordained in the lead, so the production is super Vietnamese family. Because when renunciation would solve the problem was human bondage from countless lifetimes far as love of family sex parents, siblings, relatives, friends ..., if passed this is not trivial, what should be easy to do, not only that, but geared towards more free birth and death. On the general body, before the jewelry in the world but when it is ordained to cancel, ie over the lifetime of the mold as the verse was initiated when shaving:
Remove the air the more
Cat charity from relatives of
direct Renunciation Citadel
Sent necessarily human.
That is the part of the Mahayana shaving, shaving is to cancel the fine form of the world, even as the Raw Water shave the eyebrows, as to the general deterioration, so please no attachment more. The will to maintain the noble family of liberation is wearing identity passes and cut off sex sex bound by the narrow one, as parents, brothers, friends ..., always rolling around I, this ego only. People love to cut things on to the lead, called "Renunciation Citadel direction", but sometimes cut off the emotional parent family then returned to the temple columns, that's brotherly love. There are cases when the temple then the brotherhood, sisters or parents in the temple again, is contrary direction.
"Renunciation Citadel directed "Being ordained priests at St. extension direction in this world, what is the little!
"The most of the people "Is prayer religious enlightenment to save all sentient beings, not just to find my own fun. So, you see aspiration, our job is too noble, too super Vietnam!
In Quy Son Landscape Book, The Book attack: " In accordance monastic authors, developed the ultra-sufficiency, as center allergic to . " That is the renouncer is taking steps to overcome the wide sky, not just bike on the ground, the mud this time. "Mind the allergic capacitor c "is on your mind and body of a monk to other secular . Body shaved beard hair, dyed and dressed in different care must change to make the renunciation of practice, do the hard work, patience in the direction of the hard rings, not preoccupied the wealth, fame, identity itself in world; not only ordained minister in the temple itself, but the mind back to a secular, it is very sad, deplorable! So, renunciation is a marked step, a milestone of his life, not an easy thing, trivial conversation.
He recommended prompt An Act of the following subjects: "Renunciation is difficult because of very severe lead may not see often, like themselves to be easy. That is the moral shoulder, wearing bring a sense, pure precepts to obey the new dead time. What is so difficult? That is, cut off completely separated from the secular path of intimacy, far from nature such change situation with others, do things that people can not do, cut off the people who can not cut, rings suffer humiliation, leaving the body network should be called difficult, is the director's name . "
You see, I was ordained to do so yet? Cut separation from the secular affair, rather than the amendment to the life, do what we can do, to cut things one can not cut, to cut off the affair, that the attachment attachment of life; to endure sometimes sacrifice my life for guidance. You check to see that his work is sublime, super-Vietnam world. But because of the large temple long accustomed to disregard, forget lofty aspiration. So, who is ordained to reconsider whether their mental well-deserved yet? Regarding appearance, shaving body hair, dye free to wear in the temple that we have made a step in the liberation then, but must consider whether the behavior is back respectively, have contracts with meaningful solutions free or not?
By the second step is considered more important than one's mind is not very religious? It is this new life decisions of every practice, not only is the minister at the temple only. You check to see how we were then?
First of all need to ask to see: We cultivate liberation is liberation something? There would only release the appearances of this world only copy? The Quy Son teach " Mind the allergic process , "which form the heart and to other secular, to liberate the mind happy, does not just liberate the body only!
The new position in a short time, then do not say, but you made in about five years, ten years or more, was long in the monastery carefully consider whether a reduction is not disturbing? Things are not attached to a lighter? In life, the craving, take fame, voracious, taking sleeping ... while you can reduce, or ordained remain the same? So, when I wore dyed, each person must consider carefully whether you have made the same person on? When eating cake, drinking a glass of water other than the first? If dressed like ancient beauty in the world bad choice; eat cake also commended bad split ends; drink a glass of water as well as recovery options require longer secular. I see others are more religious than you or I, or others who are more valued than their praise, but jealousy does not care? If jealousy is what the mind is the mind? So that is allergic to not care or like in real life. Then the happy and sad at not ordained to be more or less reduced. Try to see reviewed? Maybe not here I just remember back lo the world, still happy and sad as old or so?
In China, Mr. Han Son (incarnate Bodhisattva Samantabhadra), a poem to remind people to do ordain:
Remind him of family groups
to support his lavish
Next family to
delicious tongue, lips sweet edge.
Joneses bent mind as
the VTP Full Day
Tri set the key economic
Lu Shen Buddha incense burning.
From time to voice tone air
six times by prostrating
night after night, never to be located
only in favor of money.
In the self-interest in such
high moral Seeing
students decry hate
Division match trick musk.
Unfortunately! Buddha-momentum-da!
That is, he reminds people of the country, every lo pursue a life of luxury, tongue lo find strange eating delicious food, the more curved the heart lies, not the renunciation value. Bowing over the business because the time course, not lead to learning experience enlightenment. At the bell from time to burn incense and chant Buddhist ceremony, took to his voice to the shelf or six times bowed, every night is not included because any benefit to be very religious. So in self-interest in such.
Seeing one higher his moral center, then to hate, jealousy decry. Fact that people with high moral, religious joy must be better, so that we more advanced practitioners in the book, whereas only jealousy: " The parents that do the same for religious people to compliment ; or is that parents themselves religious or anything but what is or what! Also bad as anyone, well dressed, as well as their processing that merit rather than nothing or what? "That is the debugging mode to lower each other, that jealousy is not good. Doing so provides distributed trick like that can compare with what are musk, He than "hard place" where no Buddhist enlightenment?
That is his message as South Son renouncer check yourself virtue, his majesty see that corresponds to the behavior of family yet? The merit good value for the religious freedom is not happy? To use the advanced practitioner shame! This is so often found in the temple so long neglected. Must be considered carefully so not deceive himself the new, longer ones feel bad, so bad, then shame awaken to rise.
He also advises the Director An ordained: " He was ordained a leave of secular form must be reinforced to run out of love, appeals very birth . " Renunciation is the secular left this form must be made ​​to run out of love with infertility. Not ordained and still live under the same official status.
" What did not stir again just like the rest? Kinh, Dao less depreciation, the excess death has no clear path to follow, way back into the mud . " That is meticulous and ethics of our practice every day to wear less, but the life is re-added. We must often practice self-control, if not just to the loss of his life interrupted. Especially today, the era of the civilized world vulnerable to material washed away, as the human eye at time is. Sometimes we also advocate for the Buddha, because this charming other coast that collect it again. That's why those things are dangerous, self ourselves often have to mature. Path is the path of purification that does not come clean, go back to the way the increasingly muddy deep, pity, pity!
" The lives zip past, or in a moment, pain in hell, hard copy to complete before. Now try counseling, legal rules must be considered in the planned "
He is eager to remind everyone to remember the impermanence suddenly can not foresee, just a moment alone is not breathing but sophisticated religious ethics is not something, not evil smart form will carry a balance, then pain in hell falls even more dangerous!
The monastic life of the herd owners such na is not small, so this loan taken to repay what is this? Therefore, each meal must be of interest to the renouncer senses. Five custom is to shop carefully this year to attack his policies, so ashamed that forward. But sometimes because we know so easily ignored, making lei to get through. Rather the army is customary to shop for and see that the religious life of the creditors now na very large, very heavy, must cultivate that deserve thanks for owners such repay. So, those working in the kitchen, the warehouse also need to remember is to keep all of the candidates carefully.
In the past, in the monastery archives is to find a Tri choose to be ethical, responsible for creative direction and not see often. Every cook should also consider carefully what items, valued experimental offerings of credit reform, even trivial things but have to use so worthy, so should the use of valuable new life. Cooked, before moving up to nine bowing ceremony, followed by an offering. Recently the owners such as esteem, just look for the public health, so the owners such heavier rock.
German Stock story: There is a teacher that in our experimental use of all wanton disregard means recommended wake. One day, he sent a medical attendant laundry, medical attendant to bring the wash basins are skeptical that the y swell, held forever sink to wash, so that attendants to take the foot pedal down but still not down. He saw him standing afar off, to say: " I took four grains of rice to see how forcing four corners . " Attendant heard the so-y follow immediately sank. Remind people that the new teacher: "You see? Rice of all heavier experimental rock, eat and practice to know to reciprocate, or they will be rotten. "
Both he and Cross South Dak Son, is the emanation of Manjushri and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, when the National Thanh temple looks like a crazy person, per meal, they do not line up, only son in the kitchen, choice of leftovers of them brought up in turn and then use a clean, reminds us that want to increase. So, we are ordained to be aware and respect the forum offerings all na candidates, if not careful the threat.
This story tells you to often check my own: In the reign of Taizong, the year of Trinh Quan. The European region in a temple monk named Ba Dat. This person desires to drink, but in the temple that day often say. Then, back into work as Direct Drive of the permanent repository. Given the chance, he secretly took their money up to buy alcohol, was a few years, he died. Then, in the temple to buy healthy buffaloes. (As in ancient China, the temple land should be used buffalo to plow).
One day we were sitting up in the princess saw the animal chasing buffalo herds return to the temple, then buy this new buffalo behind. There you find it somewhat unusual increase noticed, said: "The parents see there! The walk of stars, but this buffalo ridiculous as she placed our days. " As she placed on living normally drunk alcohol should not bad posture correction, today saw the buffalo come like Ba Dat's footsteps. The buffalo heard the name of Ba Dat, just go through immediately turned and looked up toward them. We see this increase should say: " It was then she placed , "and told him:" If that person is she placed it, go here with us . " The buffalo heard, before they went up the ground bending head, eyes preferred rates. These increases should make sure that she placed first comforting pat, someone compassionate tears thinking Anyway the past is the brotherhood, this should have fallen on buffalo mercy instead of repentance, then passed on Buddha- for buffalo.
Next year is the ninth Emperor Taizong to fight the Liaodong area, the court is wrong with excess Ta Vu Van Details on the collection of all buffalo population of the European and the district as food for the soldiers. When the temple to find buffalo, buffalo She put away the start, it curvet range have not been hitting. Increased we see that the new recount this incident to the hearing, and he also sincerely ask forgiveness for it. Then you hear the that the stranger, said: " Well, then the teacher talk to the buffalo, I just wanted to see it only, but I do not have to force it to take away . "
These increases relate to the buffalo heard, then the buffalo come out to meet him. He said: " Kneel , "then he knelt down. Seeing this strange thing, he was stopped again arrested buffalo.
You see, if not careful cultivation are in debt, then take the body. Therefore, the group often mentioned " not smart fur bearing horn to repay Rice team shirt . " Try testing a few years back in the monastery, now your life's all about how experimentally na? Day two meals, clothing, housing, water, electricity spend. One day life how much? One year life how much? If repair is about five years of your life now na owners such as how many? Then the merit of his practice is how much to compensate, not good value? If not match, why? Must check it to see fear, if not then see that every day just like lo live comfortably, sometimes prompted angry wanted to practice.
He embodied in the Ten Dac Thanh Quoc Pagoda is an orphan boy abandoned in the street, he was assigned to Room Can bring back the temple culture, so named Dac Cross. Everyday, he in sites of low herd National office of Thanh temple, just recently herd singing wine heaven. One day the monks gather to celebrate the Bodhisattva's theory, his buffalo to lure of low, based on door clapped laughed, saying: " The multitudes from the beginning " is a large group gathered around.
At that time the Prime coordinates so that Tri Law rebuked: " Ke is crazy! Why to make noise, obstructing the theory about it . "
He Dac Cross said: " I would not be a drop buffalo, buffalo herd this because most of those who look after our employees the increase in less time " . Finished, he referred to the legal effect of each monk had died, and only buffalo is something called the increase was president then ... again, it would then go to buffalo. Then they rose and awe in which they increase their self-examination and modification of practice, when I was a Bodhisattva is to the exit.
You do not find scary? I usually have to check is the responsibility of the organization. By persons holding the material is easier to use than the mass of jewels, so you will be hard, Thu Bon, Tri the ..., the user must be careful, if the waste is misplaced guilt. As we increase the territory of the forum owners such na certainly should reconsider the practice of their faith. Five teaching focus to consistent to consider whether his virtue be complete or not that life is rice. Is the pilot for our media server offerings into a calm mind. The debt offering normal light heart, and who bring all offered sincere heart is as heavy debt. Thus, each one more wake-end process integrity practitioners, must be made ​​to press forward, permanent vows, keep practice spirituality without falling back. Tho trial of any right now na credit trivial conversation, not in practice few meals and then neglected, gradually cooled again; that each person must make a strong, solid move. III. UP TO PRESS FORWARD, vows strong.

In real life as well as directing, who want to achieve big things to make solid media, must overcome difficulties towards success, not to make a form. The Rooms are Zen masters verse:
It is not difficult, nor easy
only real man you will.
It's a new release very strong direct
power forwards such as games.
That is the work of a monk is not difficult nor easy, but you is not even true or not? There also is difficult to become even easier, there is no directive to the difficulty. Easy to do without a few meals and then press it well into neglect hard, there goes even when the excess is converted into easily move forward. The real new direction from a strong lead, lead as the game advances. You remember, our practice is to make a revolution within, rather than commonplace. That is, collective enterprises struggled with since beginningless lives so far, that is to break up the chains of ignorance from many lives many lives has made us all, now have mastered it, as all birth and death . While billions of people around this world bow before it, the monastic practice to release it where that easy, not every game. You try to think our industry has set decorations set from the beginning to now is any sense for how long? Now we have to break its own back, what should not unusual, even a firm must make to move forward.
Remember the example of the Buddha when sitting under a vow to take off-topic here, if not enlightenment, then even broken bones nor flesh stood up, so his new direction. Buddha did so, The brotherhood has come vow to practice what? Please then go in there crying out, or who said they left work, so, what must be made even. From so long as to where to place. Should there be a vow, make a firm direction for the new practice strikers. We give parents, family and career of the world, quit all the pleasures of life in the practice direction shall be the great awakening of religious life, if this is not done yet restless sleep, Where are leisurely day out, and sad happy mad hate that little things together is helpful? So how big achievement! It is the secular mind back then.
In the spirit of determined practice, the ancients did not even have time to cut nails, nasal swabs, the first time that hate sad happy angry with each other. So we study the ancients, for it encourages self-awakened myself forward.
Khiem Dao him to meditate with the Zen master Hue University is a time that is the great light, a day Zen master Great Master Hui brought a letter sent to Mr. Truong Cong Tu Chew far away, the journey must go one, two months to come. Not the old days like today the car is to go a day or two. If you are like so what went wrong? Good, because it is a game from two months to go to prison, there is no travel case for the reasons for any case, this is a good reason they love it. But for him the other Khiem Dao, he went to crying than the fraternity wrote that he directed Tong Nguyen: " I meditate a full life is unclear big, today have traveled far on the missing elaborate, how can the corresponding, I do not want to go. "anxiously lament not want to go. Heart of the ancients as well as compared to us today, why?
So each person must realize that the largest of its chunhs religious establishment for progress, not be neglected. From time to time how sad it would make traveling to the other slowly, let the mind is more sparkling decorations set, then the largest ever to complete? Must have the willpower to rise higher, but not trivial by date! Remember, these stories and bad, the contrary is not a problem, we are so big that a monk, no time for such small things, so check back then even ashamed that development forward.
Zen Master Credit in Vietnam Learn about 12th century life of the Unknown No. 10 Speech Communication. One day before he went to burn a finger Buddha offerings and vows: "C has many lives went rolling on the ceiling work, this definitely would not wish to recreate . "
He set up permanent prayer, religious progress is sustainable so new, not as the living temple of time and then return to the heart of the world. So you remember the liberation of that country practice is meditation, it is essential to take up meditation to comprehend, to break to break the " birthing center "firm, the Center has kept us from the very aquatic life to this day still not out, the unknown because we break it. It is mind suddenly goes into the birth and death and adhesive on self delusion born of this should then die, not out of the vicious circle.
Today we see the Dhamma, having lit the path of liberation to quickly break the heart of birth and death, than if tu not careful, we will raise it again. Must remember this body and mind are false grace " not me "," not me ". Mini Me carefully, very thoroughly consistent with this body for only a punched bear meat, which contains the knowledge that nothing is to borrow it all. And to think it is true that it is immediately accepted, and orders more nurturing collective mind of birth and death. If we do not comprehend, did not invent the great work yourself, how to break this heart of birth and death? If no birth and death is heart breaking to take something that is impermanent arrow fend waiting now? You see I do not fear!
In Communications Jiabao, he stressed the point God: " As people try to sit in the big fire escape, the running around is not a step, stopped one step does not work, look at other people is not . It is to him, should not be afraid of fire power, such as the network itself, not look at people, no other conception of birth, not subject to suspension, closed before running straight, and then run through a good person . "
That is the only time there is a sharply pointed straight forward, not to insert into any other concept. At that time, but the fire died halfway it! So are we! Is in the fire of birth and death is impermanent, they must run a straight shot but do not let any other being a new concept out. There are few meals halfway breath in birth and death will come back, not out. You think so frightening to see, so there should be new and strong willed.
Now we just run out without a need to start thinking more other concepts, so they meticulous to ensure effectively. If the worry was still sorry to think back would run out to anyone save themselves, or unfortunately remember pending tasks, if there is any other idea, how this concept runs out? If not, the birth and death from this life to do so in time for settlement. Especially the older you are not careful they do not get up? Must see to understand so scary that even for a firm established to move forward. Be sure to place themselves in circumstances that are sitting in the fire, impermanence, birth and death is always around, and we still run to run back and forth in it. Each person should have strong willpower aggressive, always deepening awake how to solve the problem of his own birth and death, not a normal idle day.
Y Am Zen Master when the Master-way down in tears, laments, " Today was also the world! It is through empty. Not know what tomorrow again! "It's not like someone just wear it passed.
Lam Te He once taught us: "Behold the Great German! Do not have time to day choices, paint up before the big without light, and dark gloomy shall not dare to bed over time, our vibrant picture hangover lo run to seek guidance. After effectively today, the table of brotherhood talk like this! Please advise the fraternity, do as rice porridge ! "
Brotherhood happy to hear the old mind and heart check how long? Direction, how their vows? How ashamed to see that test charge, so that moving forward. IV. Summed.

In summary, each of us have met your affinity born director of family, right to practice the right way, this method is not a little charming. People sometimes ordained priests, but not having the correct way to go clear, but to divert the danger. We are such good grace to know the real appreciation that is not the original aspirations of greatness when mental renunciation. Each day in the lead must always remember that consistent standards of review do believe it now na, not ashamed to receive food, clothing, housing owners such na forum. Always keep out of the country, is to transcend her, not to drop back down and rotten, so it is sad. Please consider this story to check their brotherhood remember, waking her.
There is an increased origin Silla (Korea) religious virtue is often an experimental host your own lens offering ten years. Family business owners of this pilot in broad, so the confidence of all the candidates are very strong, dedicated offerings. When the monk is missing, a few days later, in the garden of the owners such a suddenly dry tree it grows on a special fungus. People in two delicious soup (meat), the whole family are delighted to eat mushrooms every day. Then there is a nearby neighbor heard thus we waited at night two thieves sneaking climbing wall, while she took a knife to cut the ear mushrooms, they suddenly heard the sound of trees emit:
- Who is that? Why cut my flesh? I owe him no!
He heard her snatch too scared! But reorganizing the questions: - Who is it? Plants respond:
- I was the day before by virtue Master less thin, have received mind respected owners such pure offerings should be born again to pay the debt, he could help since I returned home for trial, I was freed.
The neighborhood is close to home owners such monks should also know this often back and forth here. He waited bright neighbors, to confess and report to the owner knows. The homeowners struggle listening tears, fainting always, incredibly long time picking mushrooms is eating his teacher. Then wake up to the first mushroom repentance:
- Sir! I ask each other to remove the debt discharged.
The neighbors are fine, go get a hundred rice agar to return to this home. Then the trees all grow mushrooms.
This is a story by the author of Master of Landscape Luc likes himself narrates. The reason is, there is an increase in Silla called Dat means nearly eighty years old through China, to rely on the Master's Temple Mount. Oh that this old monk, also has the virtue to all offerings of respect for your costume this medicine. Due care should be to increase the appreciation gained definition, a new cry sad story Silla monk of mushrooms for hearing, and said:
- After this make sure I cut the meat back to teacher compensation. For a long time he also offered me.
So check that you are afraid? The monks of this practice is ethical rather than religious play. But usually receive all of the experimental offerings of respect, but also failed to make timely merit, should be paid back to the temple. Let alone the lack of religious faith we lack the will to do? Check to see fear, see spine tingle! The position is even less religious but virtue, but how can we? So each user with ham enjoy life more, have the heart to see people have also offered suggestions for more, not smart to be dangerous. Need to firm up even to try to advance religious settlement for his big finish. Illegal business must accumulate wealth for the death deep new vitality, their autonomy taken away. If not, what time to get help when it go? Now it is customary " five aggregates are not "not anywhere! Now to collective ownership, to set a decent life, which is set to accumulate professional orders, elaborates the firm.
To this end recall of Zen Buddhist poem for each common Indian mind to wake her: Mac monster ca-sa major leisure facilities, the center-right Decor Set of san. Most reporters have set each raging fake deny That's body, pure anger.

Roughly translated:
Do not wear loose words ca-sa re
Ataxia available, since then!
How long set each diaphragm reporters that
blink, as players who have lost relatives!
You remember: Do not wear this ca-sa loose through the day. Wear this robe is a very serious and not trivial. You do not think people wear this shirt prostrations, offerings and feeling well too! Wear this shirt is a burden, a great responsibility, so the lung can not let go leisurely. Because why? " That the set of available then . "
Ie in the y Decor (seven) that are available in the mountains, since then. Set of hell. Immediately coat Ataxia is a hell it is available. Practitioners are not careful of his coat which it locked do not see often. How long on worry free set each diaphragm can not remember, suddenly took a body like a flash game. Loss of body hair, the team brought buffalo horn as she placed, then became how to keep your hands! Should be common practice to remind yourself, remember that causal scary!
Please consider adding these few words more: Each is the renouncer religious freedom, in the temple trying to be honest with each other, remind each other with advance practitioners, forget those less happy sad angry little hate unnecessary, for the same tons of different books. We have only one thing is, " the first hit beyond the fire ", do not have time to hate sad happy mad.
Monday is our family relatives spent a monk, the brothers together as brothers in a house, and help each other, and religious reconciliation process. Often self-check yourself, to blame the poor see it and remind myself that, I proceed to wake up. Less responsible person, that is, their self-blame is more responsible people, of whom see it or forgot less of the bad things, to spend? To promote good things.
Remember, we are in the temple one day, a day in debt, must always be grateful for his protection where even one day. There are cases here in the little dinner and then immediately left something sad, sometimes go out there and say bad back, that is the grace.
The ancients said, his days will be thanks to a shelter one day, let alone that we have in a month, two months or a year, two years, so thanks for his huge shield should be grateful. If you forget, what good value thanks to the behavior of the renouncer, should have known that. How happy here together, and practice, and help each other to this fire out of the house. These are reminders sincerely to all the same mass.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).26/1/2012.

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