Tuesday 24 January 2012



Where is happiness?

One day, a crowd gathered to elves try to destroy human life. Goblin leader spoke:

- For men, happiness is the most valuable. So let's steal the most valuable things and hide them where they can not be found. The people you see?
A goblin spoke
- Bring happiness hidden atop the highest mountain on earth, sure people will not find out.
Goblin leader shook his head
- then one day they will sought to conquer the highest peaks that.
- So be happy hiding deep under the ocean floor, a leprechaun say.
- Then one day they explore the ocean depths by means of modern goblin leader shook his head again.
- Bring on another planet to hide it, a small goblin proposal.
- People are trying to explore the universe and other planets, clam bored goblin leader.
- Yes a fact: People or find happiness everywhere, to see happiness in others but often do not see happiness in yourself. So let's hide the happiness of every human being, surely they would be impossible to find ..., a female goblin said slowly.
The crowd sang happy elves and decided to follow the suggestions on .
Is the happiness of man may be other hidden elves lost clusters? The answer depends our own in the process of finding happiness for yourself ... (The Chocolate for a teen's dreams, Van Anh translation)
LESSONS LEADING MANAGEMENT: Unknown cluster goblins in the story may take action or not, but the truth is most men are now frantically running to look happy being outside. Accumulate assets, shop repair facilities, creating division title ambitions ... to rearrange the world order or conquer the universe, people have been doing but seemed happy to be still far away. No one deny the value of fame as the material properties, houses and other means of life but actually they only contribute to comfort, to meet temporary human beings, rather than basis of happiness. So happy to find out just hopeless journey, the game began with quail happiness is suddenly looming suddenly hidden throughout a lifetime. If there is no happiness outside, but hidden within each of the , then why are we suffering? The problem with death and who have a diamond in cross-dress without self-knowledge should be brought poverty status (economic France United ). Back to the bright inner peace, true to themselves by the primitive mind is not defiled by opening the door of happiness within. When will we realize that it is simple , "In the only available search pearl" (Tran Nhan Tong) it then we will not be traveling more than enough for happiness. The size as well as the lack of human happiness is the heart of insecurity, chaos. All things are concentration is safe. Therefore, controlling it to gradually rid of greed, hatred and delusion and pure radial to completely break down wisdom is true happiness show herself.

Posture of Buddhists
(The "posture" in this reference book and quoted from the book "the majesty of Buddhists" by Thich Minh Chanh.)
1 / Ethics and Conduct
The behavior is called Buddha posture and economic behavior.
Behavior is an act of gesture, speech, dress every day. Behavioral conduct are modest. The acts of the right gesture, serious, modest behavioral gentle, cheerful, polite courteous virtue shall be commended as well. In contrast, if people take action, the number to remove crude gestures, streak rude, aggressive, ugly, no one will want to close.
Majesty of a Buddhist unfortunate fact is expressed in actions such as offering Xa, Lord Buddha, walking, sitting, lying, eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. ..
- XA Chao
When meeting fellow monks or direct, hands amnesty offered as follows:
Stand straight, feet close V-shaped, arms folded across his chest, 10 fingers upward. When the ball between his hands are not, the fingers are not staggered, not to horizontal mouth, the hands are not swooping down.
Before the amnesty offer two hands clasped in front of chest, while Amnesty body stooped down on an angle approximately 60 degrees, hands down the amnesty also, together with the concept statement "Amitabha Buddha."
Do not stand over 3 meters away. Do not stand on higher centers down, not sitting amnesty, amnesty is not just walking, not amnesty a hand, not holding hands amnesty material, working hands dirty or not amnesty, amnesty is not the type of surgical operation.
Buddhists arriving at the temple and to offer him the abbot.
- Lay Phat
When ringing, the bowing down, hear the bells put up. Do not stand in the middle of the ceremony hall. Do not place people pass through the ceremony. No place on the podium ceremony of the Buddhist monks.
When the monks are eating, shaving, prayer, work, business administration ... not be celebrated.
Posture when bowing : Adjust yourself seriously, legs closed V-shaped, two hands clasped dignified pose, slowly bring your chest to the forehead, bent down, hands down is complete back hands out and forehead touching the ground in between his hands. The whole body must be lowered to the ground, feet stretched, ass close touch on two heels. It's called "In stature to the ground."
When standing up, his right hand against the land, the left hand hold position hands, slowly bring yourself to original position, and an amnesty amnesty.
Kneeling position : back to upright, head slightly bent down, hands folded neatly in front of chest.
- Tuong DJI
Buddhists must take deliberate gentle, mature, whether indoors or outside line should always be kept upright minister going to take solemn but not natural. Do not walk around with a jump, do not glance at the two sides look, or sing oysters clams, not to bend, not to tip heel, do not walk around with a hand up and down so high, do not walk around wearing undress or colon.
Must give way to an adult before. Not in front of me, not to horizontal shoulder with him, to go behind him. The car, giving for the elderly, weak up front. Do not jostle, jostling won loud as the loss of a Buddhist.
- Kinh Hanh
Step right foot in English for Buddha, step right foot to put down the correct letter "A" and "Buddha", step left foot fell into the "South" and "Da." Solemn hands clasped before his chest, not shaken shoulders swaying, head slightly bowed, eyes do not look down both sides. According to many Buddhist clockwise from left to right, when his turn also rotate clockwise.
- General Standing
Do not stand against the wall, based chair based column, do not stand humbled, not standing hand on authority. When the monks stood talking strictly stand, put your feet under the V-shaped, two hands raised or let down. When the ceremony, chanting to stand strictly upright, his hands clasped before his chest. No day by day it looked lie glanced concerned, do not go back disorder.
Do not talk or stand on the high calling of monks is low.
- Tuong Ngồi
If sitting in a chair to sit up straight, his legs hanging straight down to the ground. When not sitting ngoeo head, neck ngoeo, no stooping, no horse racing, based tilt, not sitting face down on the table, no chair squat, your legs do not sit the subject, do not sit vibrate thigh, not swinging two legs, not your legs on chairs, on the table.
When chanting, meditation to sit straight, back straight as walls. There are two ways of sitting:
- lotus position : left foot right foot placed on his thighs and feet must be placed on the thigh left leg (pulling it close to the body). The hands should be placed back on the left hand, two fingers touch each other.
- Selling old : left foot right foot placed on the thigh or foot to left foot placed on the thigh. The hands should be placed back on the left hand, two fingers touch each other.
Free if seated monks go through to stand up amnesty offers.
Do not talk when the monks sit standing (or sitting meditation, for Buddha).
When meeting with him, he sat for the new sat, not allowed to sit in front.
- Tuong Nam
When sleeping or resting, not lying on the left, because the heart located on the left side of the thorax, the heart will be suppressed, blood circulation is, easily lead to nightmares, (possibly with supine posture body straight, legs closed, hands placed on the abdomen or straight, should get blanket covering the lower abdomen for privacy). Should not be so prone lungs were forced to shortness of breath.
Located in the sand wall is lying on the right, stretched limbs (similar posture Buddha Nirvana), this is how peace is good, just elegant both healthy.
- Tuong An
In the temple as offerings to the sugar meal. Mass dressed in white, sitting lap memory ven behind the colon clean, wide sleeves note not to touch the food.
2 / How too Tang
- Right hand press auspicious auspiciousness :
Thumb finger pressure Arabia has placed close to the palm, the remaining three fingers reaching straight up. The left hand: the middle finger and thumb pressure Arabia shrink, reaching three fingers straight up, making the tripod, place the bowl in between. Put his left hand across his forehead lift bowl, pressing his right hand a visceral level set skull-cap.
- Tam đề, Ngu quan :
Just before serving spoon and three years of legal consistency, raising the bowl with both hands across his forehead, each hand only use three fingers: the thumb, forefinger and middle finger. Then to bowl on the left hand, right hand Spoon three tablespoons rice attention to. Then spoon to the bowl, spoon upside down back to front, right hand under the left hand, bringing trauma horizontal glass bowl, secretly concept restaurant staff.
Before the meal should wash your hands. Firm to sit upright, not bent close to the table, pressure puffy face that close to the soup and rice dishes. When the food did not suck rice should talk. No scratching to dust by others, or on food. When sneezing, choking back behind rice to avoid winning the seat by the spray. There should be small, the sound burp yawn, (when yawning right hand covering the mouth), to minimize brandishing English dishes, no big mouth open waiting at dinner, at the mouth to cover dental floss. In depth reviews of rice have to pick out for privacy to people sitting near that. On the dining table with delicious delicious dish, taking care not to students, pick up many delicious dishes, the encroachment of other processed items. Need something out of reach items, the effective transfer gium by others, not so large or call to speak up for food. When food is not great-breathing galaxy tongue tasty compliment regimes should reflect food to cure sick skinny. When drinking water should be poured a bowl, cup your hands to drink slowly improving. Wait for the meal before everyone finished eating, get up once.
Living in the family or they have correctly applied the phrase "military advantage sociable", meant to be split to give tenure each other fairly, not to gain more share.
3 / How it time to increase and broke
Charming Buddhist monks sometimes want to provide or offering, first the center, dressed in white, put your hands on a holiday tray Lowland offerings. Increased transparency effect or appeal in accordance with ritual offerings (take a bow, then kneel up white work, or stood a dignified amnesty amnesty and transparency effects). Once loaded monks life, then went back for three bows.
Three security offerings is the duty of the Buddhists, to contribute to security holders Tam and propagate Buddhism. When net assets should be offered to a small disk on the table, not the money in hand or tucked into pockets monks (rude).
4 / How to wear
Buddhists should wear elegant, unobtrusive medium of stature, not too tight or too wide, do not use the colorful, showy flowers, do not wear too thin fabrics, not wear stylish clothes bizarre, revealing, sexy.
When the Buddhist retreat furniture, all have to wear blue clothes.
5 / how to communicate with people
When communicating with someone to keep calm attitude of joy, not too warm or flirting laugh, to be honest upright, modest needs peace, not skim, not for talk, not play long.
When you talk to him to keep politely, standing stately palms, or standing, do not laugh or talk loudly joking. Not to love their parents, brothers and sisters to the renouncer.
When you see what the problem is even difficult to stay calm, peaceful, not pretend angry scowl.
To know the prestige and honor his promise by not speaking carelessly mopping. Do not talk to the vague assumption, very harmful, to listen and speak at the right time, right reason, not to say too much, not big brag, do not say disparaging, not joking, do not say encouragements.
6 / Spare Parts
- When on the phone to keep in mind :
When the Buddha, if you have plugged in Quality incense and should not burn more.
No standing on the main-white.
Do not arbitrarily hit the bell, empty, open, opened.
Do not compete for seats.
Should not hold hands dirty business.
To cover your mouth when yawning.
- our chief duty :
Regular monitoring care to remind them of their members, such as illness, non-sleep time, not keeping proper posture. Regularly report to the Organizing Committee know as well as the necessary things that are not self-resolve.
In addition, candidates must live the spirit of Force. Do not see the faults of others, to make donations to help the construction failings of style morality. Do not neglect to ignore the shortcomings of others in terms of behavior.
These are essential issues in the life of Buddhist practice, you should pay attention, learn and practice to practice Buddhism in the days lost to achieve peace results, benefits.

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