Tuesday 24 January 2012


Majesty of a Buddhist is expressed in actions such as chanting, Lord Buddha, walking, sitting, lying, eating, drinking, sleeping etc. .. Xa Hi

When the monks have offered amnesty to his hands as follows:
Stand straight, feet close V-shaped, arms folded across his chest, not to horizontal mouth and offered amnesty question together with the expression "Amitabha Buddha."
When offered, not to stand 3 feet too far , not to stand on high amnesty, amnesty is not sitting, walking and not amnesty, amnesty is not a hand, not holding things in hand clinics, working hands dirty or not amnesty, amnesty is not the type of surgical operation.
The Buddha e arrival at the temple and to offer him the abbot. Before chanting note:

The body must be clean, wash hands, rinse your mouth before chanting.
- When washing hands reading notes: Get the washing water , for all sentient beings, are pure hand, life over Buddhism. The project owner ca da sa ha (three times).

- When to read notes mouthwash:

Rinse pure heart, the mouth hundred scented flowers, typically within three business clean, the Western Buddhist students. Court implied rare sa ha (three times).

- If Buddhists eat meat, before chanting mantra should read:

Language retreats to choose from:
Three-phase project that Pha, our technical momentum phase, which have reached phase, three-phase multi-function arts. (Three times)

Sanskrit Music:
um! Soa brewing and almost stone, metal and achieve that, Soa brewing and nearly had lobster (seven times).

When the power on to note:

When the Buddha, if you have plugged in Quality incense and should not burn more.
Do not stand on the main-white.
No bells beat arbitrary, empty, open, opened.
Do not compete for seats.
should not be holding hands dirty business. Hold the books should be held on the chest, not to be clamped under his arm, not to the ground, not to the lower level and go through again.
chant to recite the English mine
When the Buddha finished we must step back, eyes looking Buddha, do not turn away immediately.
When yawning to cover your mouth. Lord Buddha

On hearing the bell, then bowing down, hear the bells put up. Do not stand in the middle of the ceremony hall. Do not place people pass through the ceremony. No place on the podium ceremony of the Buddhist monks.
The monks are eating, shaving, prayer, work, business administration ... not be celebrated.
How to get: Adjust yourself seriously, legs closed V-shaped, two hands clasped dignified pose, slowly bring your chest to the forehead, bent down, hands down is complete back hands and forehead touch the ground between his hands. The whole body must be lowered to the ground, feet stretched, ass close touch on two heels. It's called "In stature to the ground."
When you stand up, his right hand against the land, the left hand hold position hands, slowly bring yourself to original position, and an amnesty amnesty.
kneeling posture: back to upright, head slightly bent down, hands folded neatly in front of chest. worship Buddha:

Buddhist altar to put on the highest
altar grandparents Buddhist altar set lower than
the worship of gods not share a table with Buddha and Bo slap. General Travel

Buddhists to go quietly deliberate, mature, whether indoors or outside line should always be kept upright minister going to take solemn but not natural. Do not walk around with a jump, do not glance at the two sides look, or sing oysters clams, not to bend, not to tip heel, do not walk around with a hand up and down so high, do not walk around with a white shirt to wear or take off.
It gives way to go before adults. Not in front of me, not to horizontal shoulder with him, to go behind him. The car, giving for the elderly, weak up front. Do not jostle, jostling won loud as the loss of a Buddhist. General Sitting

When chanting, meditation to sit straight, back straight as walls. There are two sitting:

- lotus position: left foot right foot placed on his thighs and feet must be placed on the thigh left leg (pulling it close to the body). The hands should be placed back on the left hand, two fingers touch each other.
- Selling old: left foot right foot placed on the thigh or foot to left foot placed on the thigh. The hands should be placed back on the left hand, two fingers touch each other. Chess Set

When sleeping or resting, not lying on the left, because the heart located on the left side of the thorax, the heart will be suppressed, blood circulation is, easily lead to nightmares, (can supine position with body straight, legs closed, hands placed on the abdomen or straight, should get the blanket covering the lower abdomen for privacy). Should not be so prone lungs were forced to shortness of breath.
Located in the sand wall is lying on the right, stretched limbs (similar posture Buddha Nirvana), this is how peace is good, just Elegant both healthy. offerings to

security offerings to Tam is the duty of the Buddhists, to contribute to security holders Tam and propagate Buddhism. When net assets should be offered to a small disk on the table, palms and sparse. The clothing that

Buddhists should wear elegant, unobtrusive medium of stature, not too tight or too wide, not the colorful, showy flowers, do not wear too thin fabrics, not wear stylish clothes bizarre, revealing, sexy.
When the Buddhist retreat furniture, all wearing blue dress . In the bathroom:

In the bathroom, before the animal bowel down to the three for which you know to avoid that. To keep the toilet clean for all people, do not let other people complaining that their cleanup costs blessed. Felling trees:

trees that shelter the gods should fund before cutting trees, especially the perennial plants to incense must you move the cloth away, three days after the new cut. The different postures:

What Works also deliberate mindful
To slippers neatly to
not litter indiscriminately in the scenery or public places. how to communicate with any person

serving in the Meet swaying bowed and said: "Amitabha Buddha".
When communicating with someone to keep calm attitude of joy, not a smile or laugh too column is answered, to be honest upright, modest needs peace, not skim, not for talk, not play long.
When to keep talking to him politely, standing stately palms, or standing, do not laugh or joke said aloud. Not to love their parents, brothers and sisters to the renouncer.
When something despite difficulties encountered trouble to stay calm and peaceful, not pretend angry scowl.
must know to keep credibility and his reputation by promised not to say reckless raid. Do not talk to the vague assumption, very harmful, to listen and speak at the right time, right reason, not to say too much, not big brag, do not say disparaging, not joking, do not say encouragements. Buddhists have to live the spirit of continental air. When you see the faults of others, have subtle contributions to help build correct, is not seriously disparaging words, grub hook makes them unhappy.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).25/1/2012.

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