Saturday 14 January 2012


They have at this time not degenerate so that you can place a knack that presses down upon and people should not take place or that of his excellent review of comparisons. Hiding evil is that good positive people, there are mistakes, then meet privately with counsel not to speak evil out to make people lose their honor and have a good job of remembering that one should learn at the same time very praise for all to know.
1. Discussed clear improvement
If taken as a crystal wall that said, the charity has a fake leg, which is dead straight track, a yin and yang, or does not have bias or justified, is fully loaded with, have a higher profile, easy or difficult, will need to discuss explicitly.
Do good without understanding the reason, feel free to practice their work is good, surely not from karma, take the heart wasted in vain.
- What is a good foot and assume good?
Once there was a student of the grape audience Middle Upper Room air (a high rise Yuan Dynasty), which asked the Buddha's hand as the ball good and bad press in the application, ie do good and see good, evil see evil, this it is good that children who are not prosperous, but the other guys are evil family to thrive, such as the Buddha said about the press response to baseless stars?
The Venerable Master said: The flesh mentality is not cleansed, not pure, unexploited property labels, often receiving good as evil, for evil is good; who is not so rare, were left to their own confusion evil is for good, for good is evil, crazy crazy island without blame or even to notice the sky is the wrong response, U is unfair.
Defiled student asked: People feel good is it for good, evil is seen to be evil, why security is so confused crazy island?
Upper Hoa told them to try such a situation is to see how good is evil. One in four people said, who was abused verbally beating evil, honor is polite to improve.
The Venerable Master said not so certain.
Another one for the greedy who took the seven of the evil, preserve the integrity, transparency is a good bar.
He also told not so certain.
Everyone turns out examples of good and evil, but central upper weathered are sure is not so certain.
People are sometimes so they explained to the upper air.
2. Defines good
Trung Hoa Phong upper instruction that helps people called good, just because I call evil good. For people to be helpful even if the network also is rated good, whereas only because their interests should be respected even if the well is still evil.
(1). So who do bring good benefits to the public, but the news is true, but because he is his private interests, which is from the author.
Back to improved self-generated heart is true, set in old habits is false, but not before general foot, first minister that fake ...
Also doing good which comes from the heart is true charity, but also superficial perfunctory do is good. Further improvement of one without thinking of any reward is the good foot, whereas hope is false reward is good, that's what you need to self-scrutiny.
- What is good music, good positive?
That whatsoever good works than to know that a positive good, do good that outsiders do not know is that negative virtue. Negative virtue is rewarded, positive effects good fame. But fame is often dump old rider for many people today because of greed is the name of trying to harm, falling into evil, against those who do not sin, but keep getting unfairly galaxy mode, then the very time their children thrive.
Perhaps like the yin and yang, right to the heart more fully understood.
- What is right and not right?
The ancient state of Lu Lu have any redemption law is the servant who was captured in another country it is important for the prize money. Cong Tu (Confucius student named Four) without getting off of the bonus.
Germany did not get as upset heard that told: Four books and work loss. Oh holy Oldest dynamic behavior can change correcting customary practices, as the model for immediate follow, not just the idea to do the suit itself.
Now the hole is less rich, many poor people, if you receive a reward of money is not territorial integrity is not rewarded, the poor copy of the ransom money to continue? From now on make sure no one redeemed people in the vassal of another.
Themselves (name, student Confucian virtue) to save people from drowning, being eaten a buffalo, Tu Lo received. Confucius or happy story told: From now on in the hole will be many people who worry about drowning emergency.
Just take normal eyes that see, the Zigong compensation is not noble, Tu Lo buffalo is getting low, but the comment from Confucius that prepared from Culvert Road.
So that people should not think only of immediate benefits, but to consider how that action affects anything bad about not following this.
No one should talk to their benefits in this life but to think about the distant future, nor should I think that for individuals to think for whole world, the mass again.
The do now though ostensibly friendly but future harm to the deceased, the charity that does not improve.
In the current job but not good but the later has to rescue the benefits now but not good but the food is so good.
In life there are many similar situation, such as that concept is valid, is a faithful, from the center that left the ceremony actually means, not faithfulness or kindness, determination must be carefully selected.
- What is bias and legitimate?
Mr. La Van ancient Italy, from the vizier at the new, old home report, four local people to welcome such behavior Polaris paint. But there is a village drunk who slandered him. Is a sure sign of real part of nature: who say do not accept, shut the door ignore him.
Over a year later, he was executed criminal. Is aware of the new situation regret that the price that we caught that day he brought home the sanction, he can be fined for a misdemeanor from a felony to avoid later.
I was just wanted to keep his goodness forgive him, no doubt nurture the flowers out of his extravagant death penalty for crimes like this today.
It is a flower out of the heart good to evil. For good or even that of the mind to evil, evil that is the center of the back healthy.
- What is the full and to (sell and chronic)
Kinh said the good service that does not accumulate to much is not enough to be of good fame, the evil remains without many graphics not enough to bring close relatives.
Shang said the book has too much crime as the country head down the shore so that Wang was killed. The storage area as well as good things, if hard work will surely complete warehouse storage, but not lazy, not built up to full competition. The success story is full of charity or to sell or complacency is.
Once there was a female pilot on all Buddha temples, making offerings to the poor but, in the only two bags, bring all to worship.
Abbot personally do penance and worship guide. After the woman hired to provide, you have plenty of money and wealth, to bring a thousand Buddha temple of silver offerings. Abbot only sent his disciples to celebrate change in direction only. Women find that the creditors immediately asked: Before I was only offered two contracts that the staff person to do penance and worship and directions to now offer thousands of silver, which he did not do it yourself holiday is wrong?
The monk replied: Before giving money indeed but little from the heart sincerely, if you personally do not increase the feast is not enough kindness in return is that. Now although a lot of money but offering care giving is not even a as before, be sure to find you up map well enough to celebrate.
With our media offerings of alms only two communities in which the good is perfection, and giving thousands of silver that our media is not necessarily the only merit that is only partial.
Quyen Ly Chung Dong Tan La teaches how to practice knitting iron into gold points can bring life to help people.
La Dong Tan asked that the gold could not degenerated?
Ly Chung Power to 500 years after gold will return to the original substance is iron, then they say: So be in harm to life 500 years later, I was not allowed to learn what to do.
Ly Chung Rights Protection: To cultivate the necessary accumulation of merit 3000, but just a word you say there's enough merit then complacency 3000.
Here again the theory of a full or part satisfaction with it.
Healing the mind has not attached to each job will be fulfilling, but in contrast to the healthy life that is only half.
For such offers of help who do not find yourself in helping, in addition to not see the receiver, not the intermediate object that provides help in giving it called tam moral status is not the best pure heart.
Such generosity, though a lon rice can cause immeasurable blessings, a thousand silver coins can spend the next life. Bad neighborhoods in the heart of attachments, but giving the whole bar of gold, good fortune is only half.
This is a good way to full review, back, upper, all that.
- What is the great and small
Cleaning the old soil, an official with the Academy of spirit photography was brought down to Sheol. Pluto sent the judge the book recording the good and evil things to consider. If you compare the book is filled with a bunch of evil is for good book has a thin atmosphere.
Pluto to bring to the table weight, the other a thin book all the more serious evil record book together.
Gained new importance of the question: This year I have 40 years to life that I could sin so much? Pluto said: Every one thought as evil is a sin not to wait until it is actually committed or not.
Achieving the key questions in the other thin notebooks What good deeds recorded.
Pluto said: imperial university was expected to start remodeling the stone bridge in Tam Son, a digital you can break, the text that is recorded in this book. Trong Dat said, but with the digital version, but not y court said Zheng, the first event is useless? Pluto is the security for, or not y but according to court visit, but it's a good idea who is in the interests of the people they want to go from the hard labor, from heavy duty high gallery, if that word solo is the y court under the state merit was a tremendous person. So if the aspiration to work for national interests galaxy, the mass is small but doing so with the greater merit, even if thought to benefit only for myself but there are many that do merit re so small.
- What is hard and easy?
The first grapes the past have said we want to overcome his mind to win the starting spot so difficult to overcome that mind before starting.
Discusses Confucius said kindness is difficult to start from where the previous execution, that is, where it must win their hearts, hard to do because it is done to hide.
Such as the old man in Jiangxi have made teaching their letter, the poor people having a lack of money the wife he is going to be the servant began, he immediately put the amount of student admission that he had put be redeemed in two years out, so that the other spouse from being separated. The old man surnamed Zhang in the province of Le Truc, people see a person with debt woe, have pawned his wife and children. He then put the money to spend in 10 years to redeem, so the other wives and children are safe. People like to save money on the fact that two cases are rare, few people do. Near the old man as they advanced age in Zhenjiang, childless heir, who once brought in a young girl to do to load the card, but he did not capture that brings ruthless refund. It is difficult to place rings which are rings.
So the good fortune to enjoy the sun will be back.
All that the people have money, so that they may wish to report it is easy to make, easy to do that without his self-destructive. The poor miserable want to report it is difficult, but difficult to do, that's real is so precious.
3. Depending coast very good tu cross
But at the moment of your affinity to rescue, or rejoice that the good merit, if they distinguish each lot, but roughly ten categories as follows: to help people with good, keep the devotion, into all the good of the people, encouraging people to do good, to save people in peril experience, designing and remodeling has major benefits, Tai charity, preserve legal protection district, respected religious leader, lives mercilessly species things.
- What is a good help people work together?
King Shun was not old news you see people fishing in the lagoon Error Trach, both paintings occupy thick deep-water fish, while the elderly have to find where the water is shallow but swift little fish type, should have no compassion ring, went along to fishing. See who is devoted to his paintings silent stones do anything bad to her nature, and that people that have heart gave way, he praised the example that there is also room for others. One year after the deep-water fishing in that room who have a heart that does not compete for each other anymore.
Oh, the wise king Shun, take it not said that flowers are the teachers advice on this product! But do not use that word myself used as a model for others to edit. This is where the heart size and craftsmanship of the work that King Shun.
They have at this time not degenerate so that you can place a knack that presses down upon and people should not take place or that of his excellent review of comparisons. Hiding evil is that good positive people, there are mistakes, then meet privately with counsel not to speak evil out to make people lose their honor and have a good job of remembering that one should learn at the same time very praise for all to know.
- What is the good of all?
A stone thrown in a pearl if left shattered as surely will rock tile, but if you bring will surely honed into a carved jade Contain Khue staff. So that ordinary people do good deeds or wills and that their qualifications can proceed successfully, the example should encourage their support, or praise or encouragement kept encircled them; or transparency measures for their protection or share with them so unjustly that is the envy of their cocoon defamatory, remains so help them be successful alone.
Basically people usually do not like people who do not like her, such as the wicked do not like charity, not like the gentleman's profile. People in a village, which is less good, many bad, so people are less good at the difficult life can be firmly established.
Furthermore the trench out, intelligent financial officer, upright character is not important appearance, details should dislike or people misunderstand that criticism and therefore are more likely to be the good that people are damaged improvement is often ridiculed, laughing, only have the new post-bourgeois people understand the love that line Khuong help them succeed. Payment to the real merit is very great.
- What are encouraged to improve
Man was born was born as a man who has no conscience.
Vast blind road of life is easily rotten, sinking sake list.
For those who also take advantage immersed take the name evil karma created, we should try to alert them to escape the charm, just like they are going through a big dream in the long nights that we help them destroy the , promoted unless all the infinite grace that's immeasurable.
Du Han Tang Dynasty have said using words they recommended that a life, do they recommend the book are hundreds of lives. The healing here suggest that compared with the same people who do well in the somewhat impaired, but the patient for medication, counseling is time to procure the performance very much. And as users themselves act as a pattern, an example for people who saw to their disenchantment known natural faults that amendment no less effective is the area without leaving anything; have two means This will not be missed. Want to help people who need intelligent advice is clear, that although the time, but not for loss of income charges saying that his words are not heard, nor to lose people, ie people may have been advised that his wealth do not miss the opportunity to take action to heal, such as poor understanding that a no-brainer.
- What are the critical research
People who have met with disaster when misfortune occurs. So when meeting someone yoke forest landscape look like victims themselves in distress, but excluding research hurry lo, or take comfort transparent excuse, or use the wisdom of eliminating clones. Death can only say: do not need to press forward the great new, just rescued the victim at the quarter level.
It really is the word of man is this goodness.
The take away food, clothing to life, so very valued for money, now we can let go of the heart that is left are stingy, the surface shall be the time to help level; at last started, which seems reluctant to do, but eventually let go of familiar but then self in an act that can be washed our privacy, selfishness, fraud sea are put away.
- What is to preserve the legal protection right?
Contributing to merit construction of temples, Buddha the hard work, serving classic publications, lectures handed your books are protected dharma teacher.
Themselves are learning, understanding and practice of true dharma dharma and bring it to spread to others, he is also chief legal protection.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).16/1/2012.

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