Saturday 14 January 2012


"In these economic nirvana, Lankavatara, do not eat meat for morality. If a bhikkhu sure that the Venerable Catholic nuns, Buddhist to eat meat, to wear silk, which is the word that theory, is defamed me! " Buddha taught that, if not before eating contaminated fish could also witness the fruits of the holy as amended Nam concrete evidence. But if you compared the two aspects of fasting and saline, then infected with a vegetarian diet the mind more easily; to like about Compassion means equal, the fasting completely reasonable. The teacher should know that just means extra Yee temporary Mahayana teachings is true cure. So practitioners should be guided by, and perhaps reconsider your abilities, do not be too high for themselves for free in solution is the one who, with the saying "Tuu through the flesh too. No problem Bodh" (meat eating quality wine on the outside as well, do not be afraid to release the information), but wrong.
Thich Thien Tam
De Yeu :
In Vietnam, not only Buddhism, but in other religions there are many vegetarians. As for Buddhism, but most of all use fire crackers, but few people understand the reasons relevant for this. Part of, has not won any vegetarian date, or not practice abstinence, shallots, garlic, procession, she said things like spices in the dry shrimp, oysters dry. So should not merit integrity. As for the reason, many people do not understand the righteousness of the cause of vegetarianism, or wrong information under false theories, or ideas from a variety of vegetarian and many are born our conceit. Do not place primary interest was found, so ending the practice is not sustainable. Also, have you fell for vegetarianism is suspected by the Chinese practice of poses, not the Buddha say, the proof is in the origin of Theravada Buddhism still eat meat but also the result of . The reason for the suspicion that, because they do not understand the meaning of the Second redundant facilities and the true meaning of Mahayana. Have suspected that perhaps the ancient Buddhist vegetarians as well, because when seeking alms, people offered him knowledge of what to use, why do we have to fast? - Please do not take care of the survey beings that was, because we are not comparable to ordinary Buddhist liberation is higher, which means fully divine beings in the chemical level. In any case, within the meaning willow Kinh, the Buddha stated the cause of the love of the flesh without blood, counseled his disciples to use frugal nature, then we should have and every y in the Buddha's teaching that the of. Moreover, the economic Angulimala, they not only own Sakyamuni, which all Buddhas are not bleeding flesh.
To help students of Buddhism in terms of advanced practitioners, in this presentation of the process, the advice of the ancient virtues of the Tathagata vegetarianism, world watch, free delivery. We hope that the directory where the program may give false browse useful things.
Item I - meaning of Vegetarianism
According to the concept of ordinary Buddhists in Vietnam, fasting is to use the frugal nature, do not eat meat and the second heat of the new cereal (administrative, shallots, garlic, compress, manic piles). If using fish and innovative team, known as salty. But in fact, the word "Lent" said vowel farm is "left" and Trai means Central or Times do. The fact that central or mid-day meal at mid-day, if you eat the midday call to non. And frugal use substances, so-called "real elements" , meaning "to eat" , a new more accurate. However, the word Trai Pham translated from O negative and three sa tha (Upavasatha), it means 'purity' . And by eating the way nature also makes human body and mind pure light, so the move was a new school of Mahayana sense Attorney to see the same with the Trai . So English "Chay" although not completely accurate with its original, but also a significant part, the author would use the word pen with the intention to use this material for frugal with the popular conception of the Buddhist Vietnam.
Most Buddhists do not understand vegetarians plausible meaning, if any questions are answered by grace roughly: "I was fast to set the net for more calm nature of Virtue" . Then there is the illusory rumors said: "Fasting will bomb from an accident, or Lucifer forthcoming, or is about to end of the world, who are not vegetarians will die out, do not attend the Long Hoa" . The legend above are not based on, making many people tried to force a hard forced fasting, ending over a period of time and then also left. According to Buddhism, fasting is the following meanings:
1 - Since being mercy : Forums is a charming, well known species of pain and distress wish to live afraid of dying, unless the particular pretext. Being tripped yourself or cut yourself a little, but it is painful, let alone the stabbing scene, knock killed, missing grill, cut meat, banh da! So why do we calm it fun, eating on the infinite suffering of beings? When about to be killed himself had cried fear, or relatives being killed is also laments, resentment, grief! So why do we leave it to other beings fear pain when about to be killed, along with relatives of separation? Buddha of great compassion who is, should children be the Buddha of compassion that a vegetarian diet, to avoid direct or indirect killing was full of tragic. In economic Lankavatara, the Buddha told the Bodhisattva Great Hue: "Those who eat the seeds of all pronouns. We see reincarnated beings of the six anchors, eternal brothers parenting children with each other husband and wife. They eat each other beings, all the meat of their continental relatives. The beings that dreaming is not known, often being murdered heart, causing more suffering big business, that should forever be circulated in the way of birth and death , not escape. Ke did not eat meat, will be immeasurable merit convergence. If everyone does not eat meat, not to kill anyone. Do people seek to buy meat, you have these guys killing for financial profit as being for sale. So the people who eat meat to kill living beings, both are guilty. "
2 - Because of the industry to avoid evil look: - By participating tidbit, so I created the killing business. But because of ignorance obscures not clear lens of causality, so watch where business perpetrators know that behavior back to their own suffering. As of causality in the business, who create confusion, as any serious threats to the three maps, the light is subjected to painful disease or premature death, and the hardships of war. Nirvana Business said: "Poor killing of three levels: upper, middle, lower. Industrial grade look down, from ants to kill all porcelain. The creator of this crime must be rotten to the three maps, subject to the suffering on the lower level. Why? by small species, whether ants, mosquitoes also have some good base, if murder it shall be subject to criminal reports. Industrial secondary is close kill from ordinary man to the rank of A Na Ham. The creator of this crime must be rotten in hell, hungry demons, porcelain, subject to the size of the secondary. Business is killing the upper monitoring from parents to Arahant, Pratyekabuddhas. The creator of this crime , must be rotten in hell A great monk, subject to the size of the upper. "
3 - Because greed to stop infection where the ceiling : - In the ten legal world, if told in brief, only two anchor: divine and holy. Ordinary mind is defiled defilement, sacred text Clean quiet in mind every morning. So for every Buddhist should want to exceed the ordinary saints, escape the suffering of samsara, to remove contamination on the net. That want inner peace, to prevent infection for the six units of six ceiling. Those who eat vegetarian but find it difficult, because it was like the good food, that is also infected with the bare root damage. So easy to want inner peace, the Buddhist practice, from vegetarian to vegetarian period.
There are who ask: - Why the Theravada Buddhism still eat meat? And if not pure, why was the right back of achievement? Please respond: - depending on circumstances Buddha as radical, while the excess Yee said teaching means to temporarily open for Net contingent eat flesh (not that kill, do not listen to kill, no doubt kill yourself dead meat animals, meat Other animals eat leftovers). But when the teachings of Mahayana doctrine, he used the banned blood thoroughly humiliated, since loss of compassion equal, and the cause of samsara loan. As the economic Surangama, the Buddha also advised not to use the leather items, by using a longer life of the body part being it is still in debt, let alone eat meat? In economic Angulimala, he Bodhisattva Manjushri said, "White Exalted! Should human organs because the Tathagata, the buddhas do not eat meat?" Buddha said: "Behold Manjushri! All living from the cortex, So far had the same life and death reincarnation as relatives of the continent, as well as changes impermanence singing games. My own and other species the body is substance bleeding flesh, so buddhas do not eat meat. Then again, being about world is falling, meat species is their meat, the word Tathagata does not eat meat. Behold Manjushri! As dead cows themselves, who all use it as leather shoes who bring alms precepts. As the order to keep Life is not about legal bhikkhu; if life is not over but break the precepts, but the lack of compassion. So, not feeling part of the body beings, which is in turn separated predestined to kill it " . The Tang Dynasty of China, Dao Tuyen elite lawyers hold strictly, the divine embodiment often advocated. Under the Attorney Declaration Signed Sensors, Philanthropy Professor King said to the Declaration that "youth in the Tathagata was born, one day he told reporters great natural light, dragons, demons, gods: - Following the Dharma take away, there are accepted by that bhikkhu Hinayana teachings of our area, do not understand the meaning Pi ni, Sa told me to meat dishes. Therefore, the elderly make up a scene out of killing as well as furnace of meat. And a bhikkhu silk dress close the pub miles away, did not study the three organs, such holding prohibit sex, make us think of religion, it's worth mercy! should know from countless lifetimes to now, we practice Bodhisattva has renounced the head, eyes, marrow, brain, because compassion is not sorry for giving my life to living beings, which it probably told his disciples being eaten? Ta nirvana Then, replace the bhikkhu who lead us to heaven he taught for enlightened beings that result it may be any natural multiplication grade teacher but being eaten u? When one new director, but the law is open to year net food-suffering, but that's not really the meat of the four species, which is the best meat meditation any thought to our evolution. In the economic nirvana, Lankavatara, do not eat meat for morality . If a bhikkhu sure that the Venerable Catholic nuns, Buddhist to eat meat, to wear silk, which is the word that theory, it is slander! " Buddha taught that, if that does not eat fish before infection can also witness the fruits of the holy as amended Nam concrete evidence. But if you compared the two aspects of fasting and saline, then infected with a vegetarian diet the mind more easily; to like about Compassion means equal, the fasting completely reasonable. The teacher should know that just means extra Yee temporary Mahayana teachings is true cure. So practitioners should be guided by, and perhaps reconsider your abilities, do not be too high for themselves for free in solution is the one who, with the saying "Tuu through the flesh too. No problem Bodh" (meat eating quality wine on the outside as well, do not be afraid to release the information), but wrong.
4 - As for the body and mind gently, easy on the religious practices - Vegetarianism if properly, with the toilet, and making mind-soothing tranquil convenient way to practice. So again, using salt, you feel tired in the heavy, heavy meals over substance. The scientists have east-west property name recognition claims. As he Seneque, a philosopher, said: "Every meal, it is self-poisoned meat, to test people without suicidal or covertly. So many men were sick and die early." The renowned medical doctor like him: Soteyko, Varia also Kiplami also said: "In the meat is toxic stuff is very dangerous for human health" . And Mrs. White, a female scientist, after an experiment has stated: "The first seeds, fruits, beans and vegetables are the food that nature intended to feed us. The only way to cook it simply grilled, then eaten in a hygienic and very complementary. It makes people physically healthy, mentally and prevent countless illnesses are " flesh and blood which is inert substance before, more more animals being killed being our resentment, poison gas stored in the cell, or having to take sick animals, such as occupational diseases, sickness parasites ... if people do eat from being sick?
Have you asked: - If the element being a vegetarian is enough, why do I often see people who are vegetarian and looks much green and lean? Please respond: - It is different for many reasons, not a fault in the food vegetarian; such as psychological problems, or do not know how to use fire. Psychology, as a vegetarian with a hard stiff nature, forever craving salty things, mistakenly thinking that vegetarians lack of health often falls anxious fear. Or a monk, but not kill the dream thoughts of lust, or thinking too much work. The influence mood was not good for health, as we often see evidence of someone who spent a worried night, they light the face of apparent apathy looks emaciated. On the do not know how to use fire, as those who are missing the vow, so vegetarians can take a mandatory, but just like chao, little slices of melon, lemon pepper or salt to the meal. Also my opinion is to ascetic practice, so little attention to their diets, or storage in beets, cantaloupe, fried jackfruit fiber, or salty foods like meticulously map, but actually not how many nutrients. In addition, the practice of the nature of the Vietnam temple chanting ritual, often through the night for days. The activities of the Vietnam Buddhist poverty, lack of monks and nuns to study, to take yourself too much, so when the school's most ill think thin. It is the great strategic reasons for making the practice generally poor health, was not error where the fish do not eat meat. If vegetarian, but the way, with the understanding lead happy, and not overly religious way inadequate, it has less disease, the more there are benefits to body and mind.
In summary, the significance of fasting is that compassion, so to avoid evil, because infected leaves bare, so good agreement for road repair. If set up where four basic points that use this fast, then the practice will increase the strength and wisdom blessed. As opposed to basic, all work only nature of time, hard enduring, to the benefit is not necessarily true on the practice.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).16/1/2012.

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