Saturday 14 January 2012


To founded a firm wishes emancipation from the cycle of samsara, we need to fully control the causes and conditions and considering the reasons for this desire to escape. The first thing to recognize is our body and mind have been arranged to suffer. Four Noble Truths [1], all the teachings of Buddha was first directly addressed this issue. These truths are hard to the truth of suffering; aprons, the truth about the causes of suffering; kill God, the truth of the cessation of suffering and Religion God and the truth about the way suffering.
The decision to present the truth only after the manner ordered so the Buddha has a great significance for our spiritual practice. Buddha taught the truth of the first format that stresses the importance of understanding what we tend to be at peace again is actually suffering.
When will realize that you're sinking in a sea of suffering, you will be prompted to start up that wants to be freed from her suffering. And with reason, that you feel that first need to destroy immediately the cause of suffering. While exploring the root causes of suffering, you will discover that the suffering and retribution. Therefore, you are likely aware that the cycle of reincarnation and suffering of its being constituted by the conduct of your business; that it was wrong career history driven by negativity; negativity is due from roots of the following is the mistaken belief in the sustainability, or to the inherent existence, or to self. If you bring separate our thinking about the self; we will discover that we tend to think of it as a real independent existence outside the body and mind. When we try to locate it, it immediately away from us. Buddha was revealed that no such self exists; that our beliefs about the self an independent upstream is at the root of all suffering.
In the many different religious beliefs, a group of people who do not accept there life after death and another group is accepted. Can be divided into a group of people to accept that life after death, a group determined that the same afflictions of the spotless mind can be eliminated and purified while another group believes that can not be. The group later held that until the mind is suffering from. Thus, eliminating negativity also means that the mind is destroyed. In the group who think that consciousness will eventually be separated from the structure infections and other afflictions - it is a private group Nirvana Nirvana got the place is full cessation of suffering, is a highway safety high touch to make deep transcendent realm. Other groups identified nirvana as a state of spiritual detachment after sorrow and enter the realm of truth as [2] . Nirvana righteous in the presence of the spiritual platform, and that is labeled of the Buddhists.
Suffering God:
To understand student Nhut Empire, dry; people need to think about suffering. We often set themselves up as a class treasure in the universe and often self-treated is more precious to the Lord Buddha. However, this type of attachment, did not bring the end to the shores of peace. Because of the cortex, so far, are mixed within samsara with immeasurable consequences boundless life. From childhood childhood to now, we have experienced many ups and downs, shaken and confused. Our life to be surrounded by many problems, much suffering, much trouble and countless consequences of failure. Life will eventually end in death and I do not know for sure that it will take us where to go anymore. I verify that the true way and there is a path that can help us get rid of this existing dissatisfactions. If life begins in television as a stand-alone with all forms of conditions, and end with an official no longer has any continuity that the result is constant helpless to escape. And if the result is the case, then we should live by the doctrine of pleasure. However, everyone knows that pain is an expression that we really did not want to seek deliverance and that is worth pursuing if it can achieve full liberation from the suffering thoroughly.
My business, industry, fishery and that we were bound within samsara and suffering . As we know, even in a moment (lightning) he could be all three industrial accumulation and the moment of (brief) that has pushed us down the lower realms. The tie has arisen from a mind is not subdued by the ignorance and because of the misperception about my self cause. The concept of a natural self segregated independently will inspire us immersed in all kinds of karma that leads to the result is suffering painful consequences. This attitude only to fall as long as all of us that we shall always obey any orders using the wrong boss. So, we need knowledge that you will not receive the benefits harvested pursuing interests when he said the only protection. The day was holding such attitudes, that day can not get the chance to find the bliss of true happiness.
In such critical situations, let us try moreover examination I can remedy this affliction. Experience first born was a painful experience for both parents with their children. Newly born, suffering a natural instinct for clinging to our bodies and minds, so that obstacles do not mind that I directed to be Buddhist to practice law. The main body is where it becomes the play raises disturbing factor. For example, when sick, physically debilitated, we field ie; to be healthy when born, we immediately accept charity care. The life course is a continuation from the dead and dying to be followed by a switch other beings. If this is still not enough, the movement itself was born as a basis for many other victims suffering yoke. Because this was the transmigration of the supply situation for many other afflictions next to start and then again for the bad karma and grace to lead to evil.
Body that we keep as a treasure to have come from the physical mess. Our body is made from a synthetic semen itself is fine but her father eggs. We will be avoided if clothes are stained with blood and semen or if there is any falling popularity drops to the ground. Nevertheless, we continue to worship their own self; try to use good clothes to disguise themselves, use fragrance to cover up their smell. Parents, grandparents, our ancestors were born from the same fluids. Traceability, we found that the body is the final product quality of all the above impurities. Carried one step further, one can see the body as a machine produces feces and urine. Truly pitiful to see the worms, a swallow to eat dirt and the other for excretion. Nothing to cherish precious an impure body like that.
In addition, humans have the ability to threaten the survival of all the earth. People like Stalin, Hitler, Mao Zedong, because the mind is not subdued so that they not only accumulated a great deal of bad karma, but also affect how the living, creating a wealth of sadness, suffering and tragic torment.
Next is suffering because of age-old suffering failure [3] . Aging over the years pile up gradually; so we could not have known to patience. When driver age ball, we will lose the flexibility of their young son and did not digest the food that float past us like a ham. The names of those who do and those things which before I remember very clearly, but now because of old age can not remember where. Eventually, teeth fall out, leaving hair, eyes glaze, in the village. Eventually I'll have to return dwindles away and people began to abandon the run even glimpse the shadow of it. When it comes time to rely on the help of others, people will avoid meeting you.
Next is the patient suffering [4] . The sick body, the mind is restless agitation increased so you will be tormented day and night sickness endless. Illness has also hindered as you can not eat what your favorite item, what do you want to do. And you are forced to taking medicines that you have horrible taste
Next is the element size [5] . You will leave all your valuable asset, the separation from loved ones and even the body you have worked a lifetime pursuit, you will be separated from it. Suffering of mortality estimates were obvious to us should not need to explain more.
After meeting up with a plaintive size [6] , for example, must meet the hated foe. Even in the present life has a lot of experience with paralytic mind. Tibetan people we lost freedom; that is suffering increasing resentment Assembly there. Even people of a great superpower like the United States has been measured everything so annoying. Sometimes they indulge been damaged because of growth in a mature environment such material. Because the control block by excessive competition, they were living in that throbbing anxiety than others. Compete to a certain extent is good, but if the curb excessive competition as has happened in the U.S. will lead to jealousy and envy extreme discontent. In many developing countries of material, sometimes people still throw away food in the oceans. But the other side of the globe are the African countries with millions of people starving. Indeed difficult to find any possible complacency that completely satisfied.
Next is the cup size unknown [7] . For example, the Tibetan people have lost our country is still suffering separation mourning for loved ones dear. Bridges are also a paralytic type of suffering. Implants such as civet lost season or starting a business failure, etc. ...
Another aspect of suffering is suffering right of the size of the uncertainty [8] . Through this re-born many times change and sometimes only in a life cycle of this, all things are changing. Parents, our friends and relatives become enemies and enemies become friends the enemy, or the birth parents will move back to our own children. Nothing is fixed with certainty.
Tsong Kha Pa He taught us that we take efforts to prevent all forms of reclining tilt emotional bias against others, because based on discrimination or the rank that this is revenge, this is you, this is friends and relatives. Please think about any of our life within this loop and look for some idea arises disgust fills [9] for transmigration [10] . There is a suffering another humiliating, it's hard not knowing met [11] . For a true contemplation of food to which they have been eating this all my life, I will feel tired and surprised that eating like the intent is to do? This is the case of this life, so how much life past lives if we try to contemplate, so we'll restless about his life? For example, all the mother's milk we drank from the age-old childhood to now? It is already beyond the reach of our imagination! Please observe prosperity to every situation as well as pain in the rotation cycle is continuous and not think to see if any experience you've never experienced. To achieve a form of spiritual satisfaction, we strive to enjoy; all joy and happiness of all in reincarnation as a feeling is never satisfied, it's just endless although we have sought How much to enjoy them. We have to think that satisfaction does not know, it itself is a great suffering. I have experienced countless and boundless experience ups and downs in reincarnation. Thinking to the vain of such experience, please clarify if you do not begin to suspend the circulation of this pernicious right away, any further forward are not significantly more whole. So let's start developing a faith so deep aversion to the entire process has been the experience of righteousness in this cycle.
There are a pain having to move on and let go of the body continues. So far we have experienced many lifetimes and wear implications on how the shape, but we remain forever skeptical public to make life and my body is flowing with many meanings. We did not accomplish anything if I just put on numerous counts including the body shape.
I re-experienced many times of conception recurring and recurring sales. Buddha taught that if we pick up pebbles, used to count the number of our mothers, each symbolizing a mother is the same score will not take . When you think of all the prosperity in reincarnation ended an unfortunate and wrong, as the legal language says: "The End of convergence is scattered; the top honor a recession; of having remove the separator; of life is collecting thousands of farewell. " In short, every experience, every bliss, all happiness in samsara are suffering grief ends in misfortune, whether sung outwardly appears prosperous and How much more great travel it is the same.
Types of suffering Monday called Hoai size [12] because all the joy of the world are happy and well into the final suffering, so-called hard Hoai. Suffering damage had been mistaken as a happy experience. For example: if you are a fever or are hot, and if cold water to flush flush to the body, you will feel some comfortable feeling. And we see this as a kind of happiness. Or, after a long-standing walk, you have the opportunity to rest, resting moment he seemed truly great happiness. But this is not an experience of true happiness, what you're really feeling is the radical gradually stop the suffering of the past alone. If the rest is a delight true faith, may continue to sit forever be sure to create pleasant feelings like that. Nevertheless, you feel tired and want to stand up or sit down if long continued further.
Types of suffering Tuesday is dry [13] , which means that our mind-controlled by too many conditions almost unbearable suffering in any moment of any. All three types of pain can be described as follows. If you burn injury, when applied to medicine will cause you to paste some sense of healing and comfortable. This is like the case of Hoai suffering, because although the most comfortable but the pleasant joy can not be sustained. If someone accidentally hit or boiling water to flush the wound, you will really feel the sharp pain re-numb. It is clearly evident suffering, suffering is suffering. What can cause the two initial ones. If we did not get burned, we will not have the experience that followed. Pain simulation has contributed to the suffering other conditions as in pure strength and body possession of mind we tend to put us to the next and suffering. The characteristics of the body itself has contributed to the conditions of conditions were burning. And it was set in advance to get ready to bear the yoke of suffering victims. This is dry.
We should clearly understand knowledge in all kinds of suffering as the suffering of other species of animal, the species of the hungry ghosts and hell beings; all righteousness might occur in humans. After the Chinese occupation began, many people have died of starvation in Tibet. At the Tibetan people almost have to eat leaves, insects, crickets and worms. These cases are so similar to the demon of hunger. Also occurs in Africa suffering so, it is the millions who die of hunger. In countries at war, children who suffer in misery miserable as hell, because the influence of political differences. When Stalin came to power, he applied the method tyranny and inhuman tyranny to rule the Soviet Republic. According to the document, under Stalin's rule had to 14 million five hundred thousand people perished before the Second World War. Many of them, the Russian peasants died of starvation, torture and abuse. The Communist Party is to be inherited an abundant life and food cheers. They must be protected when warning soldiers lunch for fear of rebel farmers and food sack.
Even the gods must also suffering. They can see that before they die, they are suffering mentally. Experience teaches that the will of their corolla fading; clothes and their bodies began heavy stench. They have undermined the whole thoroughly exhausted the potential of good karma after enjoying every sensual heaven. So they will fall straight down to the lower realms upon death. Tsong Kha Pa taught, because failure to test all the suffering of reincarnation in general, and individual suffering in every realm of the mind that we feel give rise to deep aversion to all experiences are term in the cycle, and give rise to a powerful way to escape the heart of glass . For then we will really begin to try formally investigate the causes that have brought misfortune to know how detrimental it. So, the question of the Second Empire-Monday truth, the truth about the origin of suffering will follow follow.
Tap to
Negativity is the main cause of the movement born in reincarnation. No negativity, just like the seed industry would have been destroyed and will not have enough capacity to cause a birth story continuity. Search the remedy to eliminate disturbing indeed very important, and this depends on you, that you have received disturbing tri genuinely not correct? Therefore, we need to come through clearly on the common characteristics and the characteristics of individual suffering. As the Dalai Lama he first said, let's subdue enemies in the inner self, it is disturbing . External enemy can be hung as a single but can become friends of our future life. Even in the present life, they give us the opportunity to practice patience and compassion, because basically, we all look the same; the fun we are to avoid suffering. But internal enemies such afflictions have a little advantage at all, it just broke and destroyed only. We therefore need to clearly identify the enemy, look to see how it still works like? Any psychological state to kill them break the calm of the soul, and bring to mind the spiritual implications, causing sorrow and grief tormented mind are called afflictions.
Let's identify some major afflictions. The first is the participation mortgage, that's intense belief desire for, or for beautiful objects, or for fun suong.Tham sexual experience is like bringing your mind to force a foreign object into the object, it is difficult removals. A different kind of affliction, which is anger. When people are angry; right away we could see they were nervous, bloodshot face, turning even their eyes are also red. The object of indignation, whether noisy or lively inanimate are not worth anything as charming and so refuse. Resent the inner state has not been subdued, very rough and does not mean peace. A different kind of affliction- arrogance -that spiritual state which one to brag with lofty status, class, educated by his own behavior based on whether the self as the center point; for whether you have achieved anything or not, I still felt himself lifted obtained. He who piled nature would be very arrogant pride and we were very well. Next is ignorance , that is, the identification error of the Four Noble Truths of the law of karma, etc. ... Ignorance is presented separately in this discussion, it was like to mention a complete psychological delusions , opaque nature of the Three Jewels of the business and legal rules. What's disturbing is skeptical thoughts flicker hesitated not sure is the Four Noble Truths or the law of karma or no rules.
A different kind of affliction, that is the kind of wrong , is the hasty assumption about the nature of reality. The first kind of the wrong kind of mentality is focused on self and believe that the true self exists, or has a substance-righteous fantasy that the body and mind temporary our impermanent self is a permanent, independent liberty. The other type is the wrong kind of wrong belief there is no life after the dead, not operational and no jewels. The explanation is based on false self, there are other disturbing rise. For example, if the dusk sky and if you can roll the rope you are mistaken rope snake. To then get mistaken idea that the serpent rope will interact and will lead to all kinds of reactions such as fear in the mind, and will lead to all sorts of actions, such as running away from home or try to kill snakes ... all based on a fundamental misunderstanding pure simplicity. Likewise, we believe that the wrong body and mind possess a certain form of ego. As a result, all sorts of negativity will follow as serial sexual needs and hatred. Because viewing behavior as self centered and misconceptions about this ego itself which we discriminate and distinguish themselves. Then according to the way others treat us; we will see a couple who favor close, and attachment to their approval, while a few others are distant and listed them as enemies. So our anger and indignation as fully booked so focused on ourselves we become self-prime and pride of his own importance. Then, if the tight attachment of misconceptions about the ego was too intense, we will start to question that is moreover taught the selfless teachings of the Buddhas is worth to be trusted? So we start the meter doubt karma, the Four Noble Truths, the Three Jewels. The above will give wrong leads to skepticism. Whatsoever all starts from a false belief about one's self is really in itself.
When defilement arises in you, it will disturb the quiet peace of mind your comment, and it also blinded sight of your judgments about others. It will leave a very deep spotless, not harm, but harm others. For example, if the student was too angry to fight, you will cause a nuisance to neighbors. Anger will cause loss of merit and make you lose all your assets and friends. When anyone gets grip by the influence of rage, the guys are really losing the dignity of a person. We humans are equipped with a complex brain, and we have the capacity to judge right from wrong and capable of measurement situations to the left of the problem. Compared with other useful species, we have a unique gift supplies, however we lose the possibility that when we are weighed down under the influence of intense suffering. Whether we can make a determination that, but we have lost the capacity to judge. Subdue the mind is the most critical in the life of a person.
As Mr. Tsong Kha Pa taught all realms of reincarnation, which can be transferred to delivery, from the extreme points exist down to the lowest realm of hell are suffering in nature . The pain is not so vain, and has not been created by an omnipotent God who does both. They are the product of the industrial depression and of our own spiritual state is due to be made ​​to promote that. The root cause of all suffering is ignorance, and ignorance should have been a mistake insights about the nature of things, and saw himself as a real self can exist independently. This ignorance makes us exaggerate the state of things, and has caused makes the distinction between ourselves and others. These things will bring the experience of lust, of anger ... and the result is taken to all sorts of negative behavior. We also produce all the unwanted suffering for us. If you do not want suffering, we try to evaluate whether, the cessation of suffering is possible affordable? If ignorance makes us hope that a self serving false consciousness can be avoided by modifying the mistake was. Can achieve this by the onset of righteousness in us a kind of inner wisdom can comprehend it directly opposite power of the mind, which is a kind of wisdom can comprehend is that there is no an inner self truly exist, and the other is a state of mind directly get to the absence of such a self-cling is the ego as far as interpretation is certainly at the beginning and and strong. However, because it is a rational way. There is a more introspective form, which is the comprehension of the self, seems very weak in the first period, but it's in very reasonable agreement. Sooner or later, the insight can also explain selfless gain the upper hand. In the early stage period, the truth may not be very clear, but when we approached the more truth, the truth gradually become more self-control. What is wrong in the first stage of franchise companies are flexible and strong, but the outcome when a thorough examination of how much more it becomes more fragile essence and finally lead to disintegration.
Others with mental distress, it is not part of a major nature of the mind. For example, people are impatient conduct but also at the center air cylinders. A person who is very impatient temperament is not really that would anger the public. Thus, when the disturbing state of mind such as anger and desire rise within us, they are very intense and powerful. But, if we are aware there is never the case that the state of mind continued presence. One other fact is, we can not have two opposing moods same time for an object, just like for someone can not just have a deep hatred, just a warm compassion victims are.
There are many different situation of righteousness in our mind; have the situation of extremely small subtle, some old standards and a positive number. In the district left the main dipole which we found very clearly that the more advanced and increase familiarity with the cling this is the other side to become weak. Therefore, the pollution and disturbing righteousness in our mind can be eliminated. Our experience proves that there are some really hot nature and prone to inciting a young age, but has become very peaceful afterwards. This shows the nature center we are familiar with love and compassion vast endless, the power of anger will gradually reduce.
Dao De
As we have seen and understand that everyone experiences in reincarnation are inherent nature of suffering enough, so we should vow to pray sincerely to be liberated. Do volunteer driving force, we must proceed on the path of psychoanalysis: Gender, Dinh, Hue [14] . In psychoanalysis, a cure can eliminate toxic negativity is wisdom understanding of selflessness . Toward that end, first need to obtain a stable spiritual, devoted to the foundation; that spirituality may be so focused because based on pure morality. Therefore, we also need pure morality. At the initial stage, priority should be doing, that's the morality, because morality is extremely urgent need.
Tsong Kha Pa He taught that mindfulness [15] is fundamental to all the teachings of the Buddha . For pure morality, political power (true knowledge) and memory resident (residing in mindfulness) is required. For us men and women are at home, the pure morality of abstinence to avoid breaking the karma collection is the foundation of spiritual practice towards enlightenment path to liberation. If we do not consider the essential, practical, such as morality, but only looking for ways to practice the religious complex we simply false, not really serious and genuine care. Practice of psychoanalysis, we should pursue the attainment of a liberation, not only for ourselves but also for all species.
Scriptures teach, the body is the best way to practice Buddhism and to efforts to end samsara. Even with the body, the life of the laity in family also often preoccupied in all sorts of problems, all sorts of trouble. So secular activities that they were preoccupied usually not helpful to understand the practice of their practice. In the life of monks and nuns you would normally be deemed to have helped the practice is extremely easy to end the cycle of reincarnation. Tsong Kha Pa taught: If you are a monk or a nun and the aspiration to engage in monastic life would be more consistent when thinking these shortcomings and inconveniences of life at home , with the advantages and disadvantages of the monastic life. thinking like that, will end up in your hearts the deep imprints of karma for that one day it will turn into the coast to guide you towards the life leaves the body cut even today you still have not explicitly chosen this path of renunciation. In secular life, if the rich fullness of life, then you will be overwhelmed by many problems and anxiety to preserve the heritage; if poor then your life will only attempt to find a grub brush livelihood. There are many material possessions and not tri-sufficient (enough said) this is not a way of life of a monk or a nun. Monks and nuns should not be involved in the trade deal unless you are fall into debt. Making trade and engaged in too much of the financial donations when you have sufficient food reserves and need to really let go. If you have no religious way of life with humble hearts and sentiments that indeed there is enough difference between the fishermen spent Oh , and the monastic home, except that only one appearance with the difference of clothes.
There is a monk from Dan Cam Tu (Gandenmonastery), he was a meditation practice very seriously. He made a vow never to live under one roof, and he has trained so many years past. He told me that one day when he is situated, a pure snake crawled across his face and stared at him. The Zen master looked back to the snake and started to talk a little bit of legal terms with it. I felt quite excited as it seems that your meditation is transmitted to solid solutions. He told me, he looked solid for a long time and slowly crawl away smoothly.
Awareness on the importance of the rule has been emphasizing the Buddha himself and open market. When the Buddha entered Nirvana is, he had been questions asked, who will inherit him and he taught that the rule will be scouting and teacher of all Buddhist teachings. He proclaims that the one who rules his successor.
To fix the illustrious afflictions, key issue is to know his self-consciousness, and to know the top priority to self-check for any strong emotion. For example, someone very passionate pleasures and feel, with a very hot and very nature of ignorance and laziness. You have to cut their personality problems and seek to win the exciting adjectives most revealing. As mentioned earlier, you need to actually attempt to make sure that there is no vows are violated at all. However, if you discover that you have violated vows a few things you should not ignore that most of all, please immediately apply the methods needed to restore them purified. When screening a violation you should always remember to think and meditate deeply to avoid recidivism. Take the notion that "the relationship I did not do, because even violate the oath can also undo "a very dangerous situation results; this deliberately is like drinking poison and thinking that will be cured.
Once voters receive essential characteristics of morality and thinking how peaceful quiet if you can eliminate all negativity; it as explained earlier, you must first realize individual each type of distress. Once we identify the location, nature and meditation to destroy, ruin of them, and then apply mindfulness and political power. For those suffering stronger and more explicit as to how much they fight protest immediately, like a hammer to smash the iron sharp. If you just leave them, they will really hurt yourself and for others. Negativity seems very powerful but if you analyze carefully the negativity is not really such a strong reputation. I once had a problem in the marketing guru of my afflictions are indeed weak it because sometimes they seem to express a very strong start. He replied affliction primarily because you do not need to nuclear weapons to destroy them first. And I began to understand his mind.
All we need is to win a glorious affliction is just have the will and the persistent effort. Defeat the enemy sorrow, so great is the need to have the appropriate attitude. Status of our spirituality is so important that his Supreme Master Shantideva India whenever I meet anyone, the first question he raises is , "Today you have an honest heart does not address?" You can type defeat a common enemy, but they can still come back and coordinate attacks continue. But when negativity has been eliminated and there is no way they could come back.
Any corn that you obtained from the Buddhist monastic law also needs to be evaluated and judged on the basis that the trust is moreover attached to your meter indicates a growth industry, and so perhaps it is the morality of you have become pure and capacity of afflictions such as ignorance, hatred and greed has reduced the self-righteous of you? If it deems that because you have complete religious complacency to modify his mind and has overcome some essential symbol of distress such as anger, ignorance and the results for sex education that is an achievement to large. Shantideva He taught that these are ordinary heroes are those who have killed their opponents, not necessarily a hero because the people they killed sooner or later it will die and they actually are killed the only dead zombies . But someone is trying to fight off negativity that can destroy an enemy that really is a hero in the true meaning of this title.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).16/1/2012.

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