Sunday 22 January 2012


T procession of all I said about his name, designed to be talking about the meaning teased out his six kids.
Every spring comes, everyone is different in New Year greeting cards. In the temple in general, especially Mahayana Buddhism, most of them wish each other a Di-Lac spring or a spring of happiness throughout the year.

As Buddha what is linked to spring, we need Di-wishes for a spring touch. There are many who have studied history, they think that New Year's Day birthday is the day of birth of Lord Di-touch. I do not know it was born of a birthday or any incarnation as the reincarnation of past lives far away. We only know that th January was a Buddha chickened DI-LAC.
Why do we need to know how much that, without this being considered on birthday comes from? Because the history of the Bodhisattva countless applications themselves, how can we base a long, took it as standard. So we see that despite the lack okay. It does not bring satisfactory results, so for that reason we are not eager to see if it is the birthday born in India or in China. We only know one thing, it is important on behalf of Di-Lac that we often recite often voluntary. When we had on that Long Hoa Nam-size low birth cardinals to come, Di-Lac Buddhist Religion. That said we can sign the legendary Guru Like Form-ni-ca. He later mystical sign that the Bodhisattva Di-Lac to provide birth-rate heaven. At the end of such virtues will come of this Mrs. Ta-world discourse. Ever life expectancy is only the last ten years. Humans then eat the healthy kind that is undergoing a change in the accident sword etc. .. died only a few on young mountains. These people see that they should eat the meek ​​survive only now. They practice new center, maintained good collection. Life expectancy for these people up to forty eight thousand years old, about the Di-Lac Buddha was born. You see the sign that said suspension shall last long before he was born? Perhaps we go from birth to about a hundred and a thousand times, that met him or not? Yet there is much in the chest clapping confess that I am Di-touch. So they claim it's impersonating, abusing words in business districts to sign in to make it mistaken. The truth of course heard the true Buddha Buddha was born Di-Lac is just a memory now reduced our time, because we do more evil. For the most evil collection are made, as most do evil so life is increasingly reduced. Just a hundred years old decreased, down to ten years is how many years? Now we are in the period from sixty to eighty life, temporarily say age sixty. Down a hundred years old, as long as ten years old. Then ten years of age increased from forty-eight thousand years old, is also much longer. Thus was born the time he was far away. I've said every Buddha was born not work overlap. So ever the Buddha's teachings Form-ni-ca, word jewels are no longer known, will have a different Buddha Buddha was born as the Di-touch. Today we remember the rim wall word jewels, and filled with Buddhist temples, monks and nuns are full of sugar, how to say all the Buddha's teaching? They have to work where overlap. That we talk about the significance release date Spring. Why do we call faith-Di Long Hoa Lac cardinals? Because Buddha-ca called Ta-she cardinals, the cardinals in the realms of Ta-she is. But Di-Lac Buddha attained enlightenment under the tree will Longhua in time, so-called Long Hoa cardinals. He is the Buddha will become in the future, and how far future it is difficult to underestimate the time being. But we believe that the future Buddha will be born. If Buddha was born, it was a privilege for being, as a torch light for humanity. So therefore when you think the Buddha was born as we feel a fresh source of happiness. For all our New Year's Day is the beginning of a year, opening day for the next year. That year with the overwhelming Buddhist promises. Promising what? - The promise you will become Buddha. It is very lofty promises are precious. We all promise that tomorrow will become a Buddha so sure. So this New Year's Day is the day Buddha chickened Di-Lac, was also promised happiness to all beings. Happiness by rescue victims suffering from the cycle of reincarnation, not happy in the team's mediocre education space. So each year to New Year's Day, the entire Buddhist monks to the temple with the words Buddhist ceremony called a day early, but was really chickened Di-Lac Buddha, the Buddha on chickened will become. Di-Lac is the Buddha image on the outside but also the promise in our interior. We will remember the Buddha in tomorrow, we also remember there is always tomorrow we will become Buddhas. So for New Year's Day should not just bow to the Buddha with devotion alone, we also hope that tomorrow we will become a Buddha like him. So we all Buddhists wish each other a season Xuan Di-Lac is a spring promises to be a Buddha. Government for themselves, not only by virtue spring Di-Lac on the outside. That is the deeper meaning of the Buddha on chickened Di-Lac on New Year's Day. We all remember the days chickened Di-Lac Buddha is remembered for the beautiful hope of tomorrow, not only remember our Buddha Di-touch that I forget where. That means I say to come, Long Hoa lower cardinals being. Now we go into the meaning of his image. Make sure we all have seen images virtue Di-Lac in the temple. Sometimes people seem to worship Him with fat; grin. There are other places such idolatry which has six kids. The child then stick her fingers very navel, her nostrils, the hook, then hook her mouth, her ears, etc. .. Examples He did not mind not just laugh, or unobstructed at all. Why so? Pictures that say something? It is essential, we should focus on that spot. Make sure you do not forget the learned Surangama allergic Buddhas at ten gates, homophobia statement for his A-nan and public hearing "him birth and death to reincarnation, is his six senses, not something else ... him propeller Supreme Bodhi, also the basis of his six, and not something else. "So also is the root of birth and death of our six senses: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, that. Root of the Bodhi Nirvana are also our six senses. So the path to enlightenment or return to the path of birth and death are one or two? Birth and death but also to go that route Bodhi Nirvana also go that route, but that is different. A person shall go upon its way called upon to save a people committed to reverse, also on the path that goes back called inverters. Take the way that upon birth and death. Take the reverse that is free of birth and death. So there's no two ways. For example, our Saigon, Vung Tau is also on the road - Saigon. Saigon - Vung Tau is the only road. But talk about going back to Saigon, said to Vung Tau is going to go back out. The only other one who went back out, go back a very time. Different in that. Sugar is one that goes against or upon two-dimensional, the result will be two different tilt, and two different locations. Likewise, where the six bases of our way if we agree with it, that we walk in the transmigration of birth and death. We went in the opposite direction with it is that we return to Nirvana, Bodhi, liberation etc. .. So to clear the path, but say it a lot, but the religious basis for not only the six bases in six runs naked outside. If the six bases to follow six ceiling called upon to save, go in the direction of reincarnation. If the six bases in six ceiling is not running, no infection, no stick, no problems, it is returned to the Bodhi Nirvana nowhere stranger. Di-Lac Buddha is a Buddha will become in him by tomorrow practice what? The main image is the most specific answer. Each child soi ear hook of his nose that he has not appeared frustrated laugh, no obstacle seemed upset. So he will definitely become a Buddha. you just do so? Does anyone hook ear be? If someone hooks your ears will not hit rock well, it was not beating. Is that it? His hook nose, too. So for our six senses, the next one is unbearable. Accommodation unbearable obstacles that we do. Six kids under the name, technically known as force, that is robbing six children. It's devastating. But it really broke or not? If they do not hook ear discomfort was itching to see more is unobstructed. Now we can say almost one hundred percent are unobstructed by the words out. The words detractors yelling, cursing, all these things to my ears, which they regarded as the wind blows solar or wind blowing leaves outside, willow branches, it is what is evil or not. If you find that verbal hostility, deep irony poisoning, malicious, etc. .. until then, you do? Depending on his mind that angry frustrated, because the words say. I recorded it with the mind of hatred, darkness, then, it will become poison to make the ruins of the treasure home. If you just hear it, but dang that is easy for it to go where the wind is shifting away, not in his problems, his natural self in peace. So therefore, we must cultivate the religious right at its six bases. Tai hear praise or cursing or processing is highly etc. .. I also despise, because no real voice. Themselves are not true, let alone a voice outside. His mind does not work that won her the baby and then hook the ears. I have beautiful eyes that are bad, all the images that front, though his image does not move well duh not attached. So many images spread before his eyes brimming, I still own in peace. Otherwise I see a picture, I linked to it is pretty bad. Then beauty lost her fear of it. If it's bad, angry consciousness. Such an image is to do with me are most disturbing image. No images are called happy in themselves, which are not already full of suffering nature. The fact that images can be disturbing or not? Self who is suffering? Thus, where his radical negativity. I do not see it that his attachment to it, not self-indulgence in it, I do not hate it, it still is it. What Where There mistake? Mistakes are the heart of his attachment. In his own anger, not guilt image. When his anger has not approved, not yet accept the attachment, it is a treasure house has been robbed already. Eye to bring images into stolen treasures of his house? That bell hooks baby's eyes. If you are not stuck back, the image is the image, I remain calm, then, the child do whatever he has, I have peace. The nostrils, too. His nose smelling odors, smells, do not smell stuck all secular. Regarded as flow past the nose of smoke and died, no nothing, nothing is real, then, is what makes their infection. In contrast, in our ignorance, so they prefer to smell, to smell the upset. So bring the enemy to rob themselves of his treasure house, and self-made obstacles. If you smell the fragrant smell of smoke still considered as the wind or, as is all the smell out, nothing really at all. Natural in our hearts are free at. Can I send a few single organs such as ear, nose, tongue eye. That's four constant contact with the convenient circumstances make yourself popular, the opposite situation makes her angry. The effects caused by these four things, to kill for all. As our tongues tasting the spicy, bitter, salty, sweet. All this, with what it is we like the tongue, the tongue does not fit, we do not like. So we are suffering from year to year. Every time up trays of rice, the dish that is what I feel with my tongue then that his happy meal, what dishes I feel left with his tongue, then angry. Then it makes me happy and upset to distention. So that to run a search, so that must be born evil word makes people unhappy around. Therefore we never set on your tongue, you do not need to cherish it. Essence do for yourself as you practice in peace. What about all the good that nothing bad is only temporary tongue. So we won the second, ie, winning and then our mouths. The six senses do not really say there is a critical year basis, ie, ear, nose, tongue eye itself, in-door reception outside . And that is what he accompanied in the base year. Every year in base contact with the ceiling under which accompanied that loves to upset. So right in the other units we receive a lawful basis, then Friday (base) no longer hindered. The reason we say that it forces the six bases, six bases on the robber as part of our pollution. When the six bases that contact with six trapped ceiling, we, we infected the so-called six rob her, because her treasure house that was robbed six notes. Pirates in any way? For example, my ears heard and his voice regardless of merit criticism, being happy being sad. And so I have not lost? When there is sad news is lost. It up in any robbery, it carries out any way? Now, when we are happy to hear the praise, frustration, anger in the heart when listening to criticism, so we take your call. That the enemy carried away and take back what? You see Me. It is difficult to say that mere traces of the enemy. If you do not know the traces of the enemy, do not always know where your to. So you need to know where the enemy carried away and trace any way, of being able to keep. Do you remember when your ears hear the praise of their processing they happy or upset, then take your call. So four very enemy it up in any of the wealth and treasure my? How is it taken and carried away in any way? Remember trying considered. How is it taken? It carries out any way? It provides for what? It was only a symbolic images only. For the truth it does not go anywhere. If it has then its all gone away, tomorrow may alone hold the first of which will no longer hold. Remember like that. But we are used to hearing such and such stuck on. I think when a bearing is taken away. But no doubt if it's really taken away tomorrow day after tomorrow it closed six boy back then, despite holding the stock is not held. Is that it? Where there's something, is over. So therefore it is clear but said it robbed her, but that it did not steal anything. Just by touching the outside, through the five accepted his mind and anxiety or sad or angry. It is the black cloud obscures the sun uprising wisdom already. The dark clouds hide the sun uprising his wisdom, that is called robbed. When you hear the praise, but in our mode not stirred and the dark clouds are not insurgents, the sun of our intellectual still blurred bright, not dark, so we keep the spirit of wisdom. When we have intelligence that is their rich, if his time is then robbed intellectually, as seen in the hands of time called the poor no money. When new money is available called rich. We, too, we always constant intellectual clarity, then call us rich. If that moment does not mind being dim again also found called the loss of treasure, one poor. The poor is their poverty that temporary, right? But there may be poor forever. Temporary and permanent with someone with whom? If we have it now on it to cover the dead, we take the wisdom, but then we have to wipe out the clouds, to the intellectual bright sun again. The dark clouds that up for the morning sun again call it the poor temporarily. And those who nurture every dark cloud, the end of this cloud to another cloud, just like it always, though there Sun intellectual life they live in the dark. So this life of darkness, life after dark, and on and on like that forever connect it, naturally they are poor permanently poor ever. So, so for those who know and do not know tu tu is in place. Although we are robbed of precious, we are also dark clouds hide the sun of wisdom, but we believe that only cover one minute one second, then we light again. Do we not always been the same at how many people were up there. So to come, meaning low-birth of the Buddha Di Lac is a promising means of our hearts, we will tomorrow morning at or in the minutes of this, not tomorrow night. The promise is a promise that real, not empty promises empty promises. Some people also promises, empty promises verbally. Mean? Found them also in the form of religious, worshiping Buddha, but that every substance has not much negativity in the mind. Tai heard it put very, very incremental nose smell it. And so that put all things into his own heart against. Both live every day with a sad anxiety lo, lo make delicious dishes, lo contain fragrance, lo contain the smell, worry contains beautiful appearances, etc. .. So what makes lo lose the sun shining their wisdom then. So they will suffer the dark. And since we know we have something to do hidden a minute, one second, regret, repentance trying to make it translucent tan clouds. And pray do not take it anymore multitude, so that the sun is not obstructed wisdom filled moments at all. So that the real promise. Promises promises that's true of religious people know, not promises of promising, says the Buddhist practice, but they do not know the orders themselves do not know the correct file. We've found that the site is essential that the where the Buddha is known as Di-Lac happy people of tomorrow, as well as people's happiness now. We found that happy people are happy people are overweight. I looked at Di-Lac Buddha always chubby and cheerful so people he represents are happy people of tomorrow. The fat is so happy that something? Because the heart does not have the dark clouds hide the sun of wisdom, so that although the other six ear loop, hook nose, etc. .. He is seen as not. And we see that it is by the obstacles, so we forehead creases, you cau red eye, facial distortion, etc. .. we shall In such a way that generates much evil. Look in the mirror that my face is the face of suffering. That's suffering because their hearts are not the enemy it endured devastating six children. If it's not destructive, but I let it do the obstacles, so it does not become broke out again, but it is loud fun together. If we find that out until then, our frustration naturally born, born nasty. So there is no spiritual enemy six children, six children rob them. The same are also available, but it is the enemy or his friend in his own. If it broke his loud they know it is a fantasy game no sense to it, its a joke it is played. If it's loud out that it is his teasing his real upset over it. That is what your suffering. The practitioner should know where their six bases and nature knows itself at peace. Although not a Buddhist, is our life happiness is overflowing. Day month date would always be happy, in what is beautiful year. So let us wish each other a long spring member. It was the spring of Di-shaking, but spring in our anxiety does not depressed. So last spring called happiness. There is anxiety, there is not depressed, then happy. So remember Buddha Di-touch, remember to six kids ear hook, hook of his nose, we should check every hour every minute of it yourself, try to see it robbed of his enemy or not. If we in any case, walking is sitting, next to grace the scene, we are staying true to the spirit of the Buddha Di-Lac is not to let the enemy rob her six children. Being so, I believe Whether you are religious do not want to be happy, natural and happily, you do not require a Buddha, and also the Buddha nature. And we desire that every prayer to Buddha enemy raised six children, it always is robbed of his daily, although some go for more, the penalty is far lagged far ignored, to his right? So the practice is essential to know the back of his seat. But back to her, is not there to lead the enemy very six bases, known as inverters. Inverter is back to nature feeling. If the six bases always led the enemy on his stolen then it is called upon to save, ie follow-dimensional birth and death. As a result, today's date chickened Di-shake and the Buddha is my day Lunar New Year demand wish you all monks and nuns, lay men and women have become the source of his senses. Speaking compact than pray for you all since this New Year's Day to all year and throughout their life are always the "Background half naked feeling." That is the meaning back to the source of our senses. HET = NAM MO Guru Shakyamuni Buddha. (3 LAN) 23.01.2012. Case is a voice outside. His mind does not work that won her the baby and then hook the ears. I have beautiful eyes that are bad, all the images that front, though his image does not move well duh not attached. So many images spread before his eyes brimming, I still own in peace. Otherwise I see a picture, I linked to it is pretty bad. Then beauty lost her fear of it. If it's bad, angry consciousness. Such an image is to do with me are most disturbing image. No images are called happy in themselves, which are not already full of suffering nature. The fact that images can be disturbing or not? Self who is suffering? Thus, where his radical negativity. I do not see it that his attachment to it, not self-indulgence in it, I do not hate it, it still is it. What Where There mistake? Mistakes are the heart of his attachment. In his own anger, not guilt image. When his anger has not approved, not yet accept the attachment, it is a treasure house has been robbed already. Eye to bring images into stolen treasures of his house? That bell hooks baby's eyes. If you are not stuck back, the image is the image, I remain calm, then, the child do whatever he has, I have peace. The nostrils, too. His nose smelling odors, smells, do not smell stuck all secular. Regarded as flow past the nose of smoke and died, no nothing, nothing is real, then, is what makes their infection. In contrast, in our ignorance, so they prefer to smell, to smell the upset. So bring the enemy to rob themselves of his treasure house, and self-made obstacles. If you smell the fragrant smell of smoke still considered as the wind or, as is all the smell out, nothing really at all. Natural in our hearts are free at. Can I send a few single organs such as ear, nose, tongue eye. That's four constant contact with the convenient circumstances make yourself popular, the opposite situation makes her angry. The effects caused by these four things, to kill for all. As our tongues tasting the spicy, bitter, salty, sweet. All this, with what it is we like the tongue, the tongue does not fit, we do not like. So we are suffering from year to year. Every time up trays of rice, the dish that is what I feel with my tongue then that his happy meal, what dishes I feel left with his tongue, then angry. Then it makes me happy and upset to distention. So that to run a search, so that must be born evil word makes people unhappy around. Therefore we never set on your tongue, you do not need to cherish it. Essence do for yourself as you practice in peace. What about all the good that nothing bad is only temporary tongue. So we won the second, ie, winning and then our mouths. The six senses do not really say there is a critical year basis, ie, ear, nose, tongue eye itself, in-door reception outside . And that is what he accompanied in the base year. Every year in base contact with the ceiling under which accompanied that loves to upset. So right in the other units we receive a lawful basis, then Friday (base) no longer hindered. The reason we say that it forces the six bases, six bases on the robber as part of our pollution. When the six bases that contact with six trapped ceiling, we, we infected the so-called six rob her, because her treasure house that was robbed six notes. Pirates in any way? For example, my ears heard and his voice regardless of merit criticism, being happy being sad. And so I have not lost? When there is sad news is lost. It up in any robbery, it carries out any way? Now, when we are happy to hear the praise, frustration, anger in the heart when listening to criticism, so we take your call. That the enemy carried away and take back what? You see Me. It is difficult to say that mere traces of the enemy. If you do not know the traces of the enemy, do not always know where your to. So you need to know where the enemy carried away and trace any way, of being able to keep. Do you remember when your ears hear the praise of their processing they happy or upset, then take your call. So four very enemy it up in any of the wealth and treasure my? How is it taken and carried away in any way? Remember trying considered. How is it taken? It carries out any way? It provides for what? It was only a symbolic images only. For the truth it does not go anywhere. If it has then its all gone away, tomorrow may alone hold the first of which will no longer hold. Remember like that. But we are used to hearing such and such stuck on. I think when a bearing is taken away. But no doubt if it's really taken away tomorrow day after tomorrow it closed six boy back then, despite holding the stock is not held. Is that it? Where there's something, is over. So therefore it is clear but said it robbed her, but that it did not steal anything. Just by touching the outside, through the five accepted his mind and anxiety or sad or angry. It is the black cloud obscures the sun uprising wisdom already. The dark clouds hide the sun uprising his wisdom, that is called robbed. When you hear the praise, but in our mode not stirred and the dark clouds are not insurgents, the sun of our intellectual still blurred bright, not dark, so we keep the spirit of wisdom. When we have intelligence that is their rich, if his time is then robbed intellectually, as seen in the hands of time called the poor no money. When new money is available called rich. We, too, we always constant intellectual clarity, then call us rich. If that moment does not mind being dim again also found called the loss of treasure, one poor. The poor is their poverty that temporary, right? But there may be poor forever. Temporary and permanent with someone with whom? If we have it now on it to cover the dead, we take the wisdom, but then we have to wipe out the clouds, to the intellectual bright sun again. The dark clouds that up for the morning sun again call it the poor temporarily. And those who nurture every dark cloud, the end of this cloud to another cloud, just like it always, though there Sun intellectual life they live in the dark. So this life of darkness, life after dark, and on and on like that forever connect it, naturally they are poor permanently poor ever. So, so for those who know and do not know tu tu is in place. Although we are robbed of precious, we are also dark clouds hide the sun of wisdom, but we believe that only cover one minute one second, then we light again. Do we not always been the same at how many people were up there. So to come, meaning low-birth of the Buddha Di Lac is a promising means of our hearts, we will tomorrow morning at or in the minutes of this, not tomorrow night. The promise is a promise that real, not empty promises empty promises. Some people also promises, empty promises verbally. Mean? Found them also in the form of religious, worshiping Buddha, but that every substance has not much negativity in the mind. Tai heard it put very, very incremental nose smell it. And so that put all things into his own heart against. Both live every day with a sad anxiety lo, lo make delicious dishes, lo contain fragrance, lo contain the smell, worry contains beautiful appearances, etc. .. So what makes lo lose the sun shining their wisdom then. So they will suffer the dark. And since we know we have something to do hidden a minute, one second, regret, repentance trying to make it translucent tan clouds. And pray do not take it anymore multitude, so that the sun is not obstructed wisdom filled moments at all. So that the real promise. Promises promises that's true of religious people know, not promises of promising, says the Buddhist practice, but they do not know the orders themselves do not know the correct file. We've found that the site is essential that the where the Buddha is known as Di-Lac happy people of tomorrow, as well as people's happiness now. We found that happy people are happy people are overweight. I looked at Di-Lac Buddha always chubby and cheerful so people he represents are happy people of tomorrow. The fat is so happy that something? Because the heart does not have the dark clouds hide the sun of wisdom, so that although the other six ear loop, hook nose, etc. .. He is seen as not. And we see that it is by the obstacles, so we forehead creases, you cau red eye, facial distortion, etc. .. we shall In such a way that generates much evil. Look in the mirror that my face is the face of suffering. That's suffering because their hearts are not the enemy it endured devastating six children. If it's not destructive, but I let it do the obstacles, so it does not become broke out again, but it is loud fun together. If we find that out until then, our frustration naturally born, born nasty. So there is no spiritual enemy six children, six children rob them. The same are also available, but it is the enemy or his friend in his own. If it broke his loud they know it is a fantasy game no sense to it, its a joke it is played. If it's loud out that it is his teasing his real upset over it. That is what your suffering. The practitioner should know where their six bases and nature knows itself at peace. Although not a Buddhist, is our life happiness is overflowing. Day month date would always be happy, in what is beautiful year. So let us wish each other a long spring member. It was the spring of Di-shaking, but spring in our anxiety does not depressed. So last spring called happiness. There is anxiety, there is not depressed, then happy. So remember Buddha Di-touch, remember to six kids ear hook, hook of his nose, we should check every hour every minute of it yourself, try to see it robbed of his enemy or not. If we in any case, walking is sitting, next to grace the scene, we are staying true to the spirit of the Buddha Di-Lac is not to let the enemy rob her six children. Being so, I believe Whether you are religious do not want to be happy, natural and happily, you do not require a Buddha, and also the Buddha nature. And we desire that every prayer to Buddha enemy raised six children, it always is robbed of his daily, although some go for more, the penalty is far lagged far ignored, to his right? So the practice is essential to know the back of his seat. But back to her, is not there to lead the enemy very six bases, known as inverters. Inverter is back to nature feeling. If the six bases always led the enemy on his stolen then it is called upon to save, ie follow-dimensional birth and death. As a result, today's date chickened Di-shake and the Buddha is my day Lunar New Year demand wish you all monks and nuns, lay men and women have become the source of his senses. Speaking compact than pray for you all since this New Year's Day to all year and throughout their life are always the "Background half naked feeling." That is the meaning back to the source of our senses.  Case is a voice outside. His mind does not work that won her the baby and then hook the ears. I have beautiful eyes that are bad, all the images that front, though his image does not move well duh not attached. So many images spread before his eyes brimming, I still own in peace. Otherwise I see a picture, I linked to it is pretty bad. Then beauty lost her fear of it. If it's bad, angry consciousness. Such an image is to do with me are most disturbing image. No images are called happy in themselves, which are not already full of suffering nature. The fact that images can be disturbing or not? Self who is suffering? Thus, where his radical negativity. I do not see it that his attachment to it, not self-indulgence in it, I do not hate it, it still is it. What Where There mistake? Mistakes are the heart of his attachment. In his own anger, not guilt image. When his anger has not approved, not yet accept the attachment, it is a treasure house has been robbed already. Eye to bring images into stolen treasures of his house? That bell hooks baby's eyes. If you are not stuck back, the image is the image, I remain calm, then, the child do whatever he has, I have peace. The nostrils, too. His nose smelling odors, smells, do not smell stuck all secular. Regarded as flow past the nose of smoke and died, no nothing, nothing is real, then, is what makes their infection. In contrast, in our ignorance, so they prefer to smell, to smell the upset. So bring the enemy to rob themselves of his treasure house, and self-made obstacles. If you smell the fragrant smell of smoke still considered as the wind or, as is all the smell out, nothing really at all. Natural in our hearts are free at. Can I send a few single organs such as ear, nose, tongue eye. That's four constant contact with the convenient circumstances make yourself popular, the opposite situation makes her angry. The effects caused by these four things, to kill for all. As our tongues tasting the spicy, bitter, salty, sweet. All this, with what it is we like the tongue, the tongue does not fit, we do not like. So we are suffering from year to year. Every time up trays of rice, the dish that is what I feel with my tongue then that his happy meal, what dishes I feel left with his tongue, then angry. Then it makes me happy and upset to distention. So that to run a search, so that must be born evil word makes people unhappy around. Therefore we never set on your tongue, you do not need to cherish it. Essence do for yourself as you practice in peace. What about all the good that nothing bad is only temporary tongue. So we won the second, ie, winning and then our mouths. The six senses do not really say there is a critical year basis, ie, ear, nose, tongue eye itself, in-door reception outside . And that is what he accompanied in the base year. Every year in base contact with the ceiling under which accompanied that loves to upset. So right in the other units we receive a lawful basis, then Friday (base) no longer hindered. The reason we say that it forces the six bases, six bases on the robber as part of our pollution. When the six bases that contact with six trapped ceiling, we, we infected the so-called six rob her, because her treasure house that was robbed six notes. Pirates in any way? For example, my ears heard and his voice regardless of merit criticism, being happy being sad. And so I have not lost? When there is sad news is lost. It up in any robbery, it carries out any way? Now, when we are happy to hear the praise, frustration, anger in the heart when listening to criticism, so we take your call. That the enemy carried away and take back what? You see Me. It is difficult to say that mere traces of the enemy. If you do not know the traces of the enemy, do not always know where your to. So you need to know where the enemy carried away and trace any way, of being able to keep. Do you remember when your ears hear the praise of their processing they happy or upset, then take your call. So four very enemy it up in any of the wealth and treasure my? How is it taken and carried away in any way? Remember trying considered. How is it taken? It carries out any way? It provides for what? It was only a symbolic images only. For the truth it does not go anywhere. If it has then its all gone away, tomorrow may alone hold the first of which will no longer hold. Remember like that. But we are used to hearing such and such stuck on. I think when a bearing is taken away. But no doubt if it's really taken away tomorrow day after tomorrow it closed six boy back then, despite holding the stock is not held. Is that it? Where there's something, is over. So therefore it is clear but said it robbed her, but that it did not steal anything. Just by touching the outside, through the five accepted his mind and anxiety or sad or angry. It is the black cloud obscures the sun uprising wisdom already. The dark clouds hide the sun uprising his wisdom, that is called robbed. When you hear the praise, but in our mode not stirred and the dark clouds are not insurgents, the sun of our intellectual still blurred bright, not dark, so we keep the spirit of wisdom. When we have intelligence that is their rich, if his time is then robbed intellectually, as seen in the hands of time called the poor no money. When new money is available called rich. We, too, we always constant intellectual clarity, then call us rich. If that moment does not mind being dim again also found called the loss of treasure, one poor. The poor is their poverty that temporary, right? But there may be poor forever. Temporary and permanent with someone with whom? If we have it now on it to cover the dead, we take the wisdom, but then we have to wipe out the clouds, to the intellectual bright sun again. The dark clouds that up for the morning sun again call it the poor temporarily. And those who nurture every dark cloud, the end of this cloud to another cloud, just like it always, though there Sun intellectual life they live in the dark. So this life of darkness, life after dark, and on and on like that forever connect it, naturally they are poor permanently poor ever. So, so for those who know and do not know tu tu is in place. Although we are robbed of precious, we are also dark clouds hide the sun of wisdom, but we believe that only cover one minute one second, then we light again. Do we not always been the same at how many people were up there. So to come, meaning low-birth of the Buddha Di Lac is a promising means of our hearts, we will tomorrow morning at or in the minutes of this, not tomorrow night. The promise is a promise that real, not empty promises empty promises. Some people also promises, empty promises verbally. Mean? Found them also in the form of religious, worshiping Buddha, but that every substance has not much negativity in the mind. Tai heard it put very, very incremental nose smell it. And so that put all things into his own heart against. Both live every day with a sad anxiety lo, lo make delicious dishes, lo contain fragrance, lo contain the smell, worry contains beautiful appearances, etc. .. So what makes lo lose the sun shining their wisdom then. So they will suffer the dark. And since we know we have something to do hidden a minute, one second, regret, repentance trying to make it translucent tan clouds. And pray do not take it anymore multitude, so that the sun is not obstructed wisdom filled moments at all. So that the real promise. Promises promises that's true of religious people know, not promises of promising, says the Buddhist practice, but they do not know the orders themselves do not know the correct file. We've found that the site is essential that the where the Buddha is known as Di-Lac happy people of tomorrow, as well as people's happiness now. We found that happy people are happy people are overweight. I looked at Di-Lac Buddha always chubby and cheerful so people he represents are happy people of tomorrow. The fat is so happy that something? Because the heart does not have the dark clouds hide the sun of wisdom, so that although the other six ear loop, hook nose, etc. .. He is seen as not. And we see that it is by the obstacles, so we forehead creases, you cau red eye, facial distortion, etc. .. we shall In such a way that generates much evil. Look in the mirror that my face is the face of suffering. That's suffering because their hearts are not the enemy it endured devastating six children. If it's not destructive, but I let it do the obstacles, so it does not become broke out again, but it is loud fun together. If we find that out until then, our frustration naturally born, born nasty. So there is no spiritual enemy six children, six children rob them. The same are also available, but it is the enemy or his friend in his own. If it broke his loud they know it is a fantasy game no sense to it, its a joke it is played. If it's loud out that it is his teasing his real upset over it. That is what your suffering. The practitioner should know where their six bases and nature knows itself at peace. Although not a Buddhist, is our life happiness is overflowing. Day month date would always be happy, in what is beautiful year. So let us wish each other a long spring member. It was the spring of Di-shaking, but spring in our anxiety does not depressed. So last spring called happiness. There is anxiety, there is not depressed, then happy. So remember Buddha Di-touch, remember to six kids ear hook, hook of his nose, we should check every hour every minute of it yourself, try to see it robbed of his enemy or not. If we in any case, walking is sitting, next to grace the scene, we are staying true to the spirit of the Buddha Di-Lac is not to let the enemy rob her six children. Being so, I believe Whether you are religious do not want to be happy, natural and happily, you do not require a Buddha, and also the Buddha nature. And we desire that every prayer to Buddha enemy raised six children, it always is robbed of his daily, although some go for more, the penalty is far lagged far ignored, to his right? So the practice is essential to know the back of his seat. But back to her, is not there to lead the enemy very six bases, known as inverters. Inverter is back to nature feeling. If the six bases always led the enemy on his stolen then it is called upon to save, ie follow-dimensional birth and death. As a result, today's date chickened Di-shake and the Buddha is my day Lunar New Year demand wish you all monks and nuns, lay men and women have become the source of his senses. Speaking compact than pray for you all since this New Year's Day to all year and throughout their life are always the "Background half naked feeling." That is the meaning back to the source of our senses. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO BON SU THICH CA MAU NI PHAT.( 3 TIMES ).23/1/2012. 

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