Sunday 22 January 2012


Crime - Phuoc
I. Open to
Speaking of the religious blessing is said to sin, if sin fortune is unclear whether this practice. If the practitioners who work on themselves in sin, he hath made ​​sin, not a monk. All the happiness and suffering that comes from sin blessed birth. So to understand the practice we have to understand the charges merit. Blessed are guilty practical actions in this life, not a legendary super blur everywhere. The monk should be thoroughly familiar to assign criminal matters blessed.
Sin is making his acting and suffering in the present and future. The offense also referred to as evil, bad person. Guilty, guilty and guilty of leading life. Crime in life are those who state the law, imprisoned, suffering. Crime in the direction of two types: crimes by keeping that commitment is not kept, charges of suffering beings. Crime by keeping that commitment does not hold, as before kept the five precepts or ten noble world is precious, jewels in front of a lifetime vow to preserve, that would not keep one or more, known as criminal transgression. Why transgression called sin? Because before I got to the rules or that is true, if you keep to yourself and benefit beings, should voluntarily conserve. After this you do not keep, so that was undermining its interests and of being so guilty. For example, about such theft. Any action as a framework for current or future other people are guilty. Because I have caused human suffering is suffering its results to get territorial. Due to his suffering people suffering so-called crime. Misdemeanor offenses and serious offenses.
a) misdemeanor
Things to do for people suffering for being so close your mouth cause that we do not mind working with a misdemeanor. Because he is indifferent to, or unconscious. Jobs heartlessness, when the victim empathy, they will be less hatred, if they can forgive quantity always. For example, we travel, island land birds have thrown the baby to play, it hit us. If we know it did not mean to throw you, though petrified pain that we do not upset it. So all the actions in the body by mouth for pain without consciously misdemeanor, apologize or repent will end. Job suffering as well as being a little misdemeanor.
b) to severe
Things to do for people suffering for being so close partnership with your mouth that is causing us serious crime.
Because he is trying to make the mind, has intentionally, sparking resentment unforgivable. For example, someone trying to beat us, even though the beat was hampered not touch the body but we know who was trying to hit you, we upset them forever. So the action center, property that is so important actions constitute serious offenses.
so my business comes from three of us. The body: killing, stealing, sexual misconduct. Mouth: lie, said two blades, said Aftergood, said evil. Where mind: greed, hatred and wrong. The close collaboration of three industry is serious crime.
Blessed are those actions bring happiness to his people in other current and future generations. People doing good also known as the good, good person. Because these actions bring happiness to people, who would you love. The very dear should meet him happy and willing to help each other. We help and comfort that people are happy, our enemy replied by gestures grateful fun dear, it's about doing good fortune to meet. So people know now happily blessed, happy still to come. How blessed are two things: blessed and blessed wealth illegally smuggled property.
A) Phuoc property illegally
Do yourself to the relative peace in the cycle of birth and death is a blessing property illegally. Do we operate three business brings happiness to people, the act of killing that is being limited, birth and death within current and future generations. We must endeavor to create conditions for them and everyone is usually happy. To realize that, even where we have three career of this application:
1. Of body
a) Research Network: We must be willing to help protect the life force. If an accident about to lose their lives, according to his ability, we are committed to help. Rescue to escape, or prevent pick things can make people dangerous to the life, which is doing good by itself. Because the life of people is paramount, so who rescued from death, is very happy and grateful after.
b) generosity: Next, ready to relieve the penury to meet danger. Suffering hunger and cold also threatens the life, who are in the midst of this misery, if for help, they also infinite joy. We want peace, they must be ready to bring the happy meals every person, it is fundamental merit. Happiness is not to separate us, but by the response characteristics of happy people bring. We should not fool themselves wild bo bo hold the property as his own impermanence, should be issued to those who need it earnestly. The ones that just keep impermanence, suffering a day when it no longer needed at their fingertips. Borrow impermanence of wealth as a means to peace, sources of happiness that will come back to us a long-term sustainability.
c) Trinh transparency: Need to keep the faithful happy transparent process. The morality that did not dare to violate the honor and happiness of families, and transparent process to be loyal to my family. Secondary mental process that helps family members trust each other. Due to the confidentiality of each other should be a peaceful family fun. In families, we need to remind people to teach are set around the central well of this process. Being so, the peace not only in the range of families, which overflows and to society.
2. On the mouth
From the mouth to the four blessed this:
a) Speaking truth: speaking truth to bring peace to trust people. In any case, we also try to tell the truth. Always respect and love of truth, so always speak the truth. True love is the source of information, so all trade is tough love.
c) Content Management: Content Management to help people get probably right. In this complex life makes people hard to find the right way. So we try to say the correct reasons, mostly to clarify suspicions of people everywhere. Live right, strictly speaking, it is rare in the current chaotic life. We respect the question forever , "even the illegal, legal, we still hold true" .
c) In peace: In peace to bring solidarity to the people. All jobs are split decomposition creates human suffering. We do not, but always in harmony using words to heal the rift love was. The language we generate compassion are brought close to people. Where to find the cracks, which sprouts disintegrated, we strive to use the word peace is the glue mend. Utilize language to bring peace to the solidarity of mankind.
d) In polite: courteous words to bring a peaceful happy people. Any indignation, anger will make people suffer. We learn to talk courteously relieve the discomfort of all. Courteous words that the friendly and fun. Lifetime us bring peace to all beings, no reason to use harsh words. We have to make polite word to everyone forever.
3. On that
We must practice compassion, patience and the right view. Bring love to kill germs being greedy evil. The suffering of the sun are being flooded by the greed of man-made evil. We make love to build capacity to reduce suffering for all beings. Our collective patience to endure all the left horizontal landscape without being hateful. Having patience is, we keep long-term love with all beings. Right is getting to the right, take us in the right direction, lucid playful. Due to the new right view is right, do right. Three deeds career, right view is the pioneer infantry team. In summary, three Industry to ten blessings on the organic cultivation illegal. This makes us blessed to the path through the beautiful happily. Although still relatively birth and death, but to where is that happy complacency.
B) Blessed wealth illegally
Blessed be the smuggled very happily absolutely unlimited. Because birth and death to escape the perennial peace. By the peace that is birth and death are temporary treat. Only birth and death kill germs, remain very birth, is a happy consummation. From very blessed that we aim towards illegal birth to numerous purposes, let go of daily active users being killed and the general location clearly lies being killed, no doubt, do not jam it. Proceed that way forever, until the fullness of the new time ever. I do, just teach people to do so is very illegal religious blessing.
a) Avoid charges
Have known that people suffering dissatisfactions, we try to avoid blame. Life was much suffering and we can not make it beautiful, at least not to bowl more suffering for the bold. Avoid causing distress to people is to avoid creating suffering for yourself. Does anyone get that stupid rope tied himself, taking self-roi, to sighing and crying. Nursery trees are planted without suffering pain do sprout buds emerge. Knowing that, we conservatively maximum sown in human suffering. Even a minor offense, to avoid, we also try to avoid. As the law says: "Drops of water is small, falling sales and large pots full." The fear of crime is that people will sin. Only the foolhardy disregard of sin, as deep in sin. There have been sin is suffering, as they have the ball-shaped, with wine hour may. The school directors have wisely seen that argument, so no doubt, suffering plaguing its people.
b) How Blessed
Happiness is something everyone is happy dreams and desires. The school director does not expect mere dream, to build real happiness is the happiness of his build. Happiness can not come to us randomly, but by sophisticated accretion. An action, a word, a miracle that brought peace back to the people, is to build our happiness. In contrast life, who let go the most is people. Conversely, people who try to preserve the most loss. Make yourself happy, not bo bo preserve something of his that I have to let go of her, giving people happy. We make hundreds of thousands of people happy, indeed, have created hundreds of thousands of happy for us. So do not ever see enough merit, until we make a lifetime, but still feel incomplete. Once the Buddha was sitting in a Vihara, in room A-na-law he is piercing needle and y, because the eye does not show, he pierced without being skeptical. He blurted out coal: "Who am doing good eye needle pierced for me." Buddha listened, he walks up to A-na-laws: "A-na-law! Insert the needle pierced one household " . Exalted countless full merit, but also a blessing from the piercing needle. Ask what we are doing good without trying? Blessed as much as to the peace, where nothing but a disadvantage not to do!
Blessed is the real crime on the human realm. Fans are encouraged to avoid criminal action to reduce human suffering. Doing good praise praise is happy to bring happiness to all beings. Significant reason people take power we all do this. Absurd to those who have not, to attack other people. But he who laments not seeing people look fine man. The conscientious, compassionate not be ignored before fratricidal. So avoid doing good offense is every human being we must apply. Knowing the source of sin blessed virtue. But let us not be fool by the blessed hollow charges. Sin is implanted germ where people suffer, blessed is the seed of happiness for all beings. Indeed so, not the illusory or impracticable. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).23/1/2012.

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