Sunday 22 January 2012


The 14th Dalai LamaWord of the translator
Dalai Lama No. 14, born in 1935, now painted Takster village, Northeast Tibet, the Tibetan people worshiped as a living Buddha, reincarnation of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. For Tibetans, the Buddha, he was born to king and supreme leader of the rights and educational rights in this country. He is recognized as the embodiment of post-Dalai Lama 13 (passed in 1933) and soon afterwards was ordained as the 14th Dalai Lama, was only four years old.

But he inherited the title of Dalai Lama in a most precarious stage of the whole history with honors, as China has occupied Tibet and forced him sought refuge in the state of Dharamsala, northern SSE from the publication in 1959. Since then, he has fully supported the policy of non-violence, even when confronted with the most vicious attacks. Thus in 1989, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and now, also in the refugee status, he often went to several regions of the world to call for peace, and when he can speak freely liberated the Tibetan people.
Dalai Lama has to overcome the geographical separation of religion and politics by imposing direct style, simple, deep and rich in compassion her. In lectures and trips around the world, people affection and awe. For the article "Compassion and personality" as well, he explained, and why even of compassion can not be separated from human life. And more than ever is the moment, we are required to use and develop this natural virtue, which is still latent in every man of us.
This brochure was printed to show his respect respect and admiration of the translator for the Dalai Lama No. 14, he visited Australia in mid-May 2002 This is a modest gift to give to him and also offered to share the message His love for the human community living in hatred, violence, division and suffering.
Melbourne, Vesak 2002 season. TK.Thich Nguyen Tang
The purpose of life
is one big question exists in life, whether we think about it consciously or not, that "the purpose of life is what?" I've been wondering this and wants to share his thoughts with the hope it will guide, will be practically useful for you.
I believe that the purpose of life is happiness. From birth, everyone wants to be happy and do not want suffering. That's not due to social, educational and ideological influence, but from the minds of people, we simply desire satisfaction.
I do not know the immense universe with countless sequence galaxies, moon, stars and planets there is a deeper meaning does not, but one thing is for sure, at least people are existing on the globe to face numerous challenges in creating a happy life for yourself. So explore what can bring infinite happiness is very important
How to be happy
First, we can share happiness and suffering into two categories : mental and physical . In these two categories, mental (mind) make the most impact for all activities in our lives. While the physical condition plays only a minor role unless we seriously ill or lose their most basic needs. Once physical needs are met, it is often forgotten spiritual needs. But our minds will record every event to some small matter. Therefore we need their effort to bring peace to the soul.
From the little bit of personal experience, I realized that the ultimate peace of mind comes from the heart love and enthusiasm.
more interested in the welfare of others as they themselves feel more happy. It is to cultivate a warm and friendly people has helped our hearts become soft, serene. Practice compassion, we will purify all uncertainty or fear what happens in life and we will achieve a spiritual strength to face any and all obstacles. It is fundamental to success in life.
The life of this world, we must also meet the bare one. Each time if you're bored and pessimistic, we will lose the resources to cope with difficulties. Conversely, one should know that not only we, but everyone must suffer. Get the real prospects that will help us more determined to overcome adversity. In fact, with this attitude, each new negative conditions occur as a precious opportunity to help us develop spiritually.
From there, we try to gradually develop more compassion. We not only sympathize sincerely with the pain of others but also help them eliminate that suffering. Results, we will achieve the soft, serene and strengthening of the mind.
Needs love our
ultimate words, compassionate reason to bring happiness and peace for people, simply because of our compassion to overcome all the other things. In that spirit, the need for love is always present in the main foundation of human existence. The demand was crystallized from the deep mutual between people. Though talented and versatile he is, a personal life separate, independent, it will not exist. One can feel any need to mature and who in the heyday of life, but when ill, even though they are, young or old, are also needed to help take care of others.
Try However, the dependence is mutual basic laws of nature. Not only high-level organisms such as humans, but also the lowest insects are social. Although there is no education, legal or religious beings exist in the mutual based on innate knowledge of their community. The level of material phenomena is also the most subtle interdependence is dominant. Living environment around us as the ocean, clouds, forests and grass flowers, all development dependencies in a subtle form of energy integration. If no interaction is appropriate, they will disintegrate and destroy.
It exists because humans rely on the help of each other, so that compassion needs to become an inseparable foundation our. So we need to have the responsibility to our attention from the real and wellbeing of others.
We need to consider a question: Human nature really is? We do not like the objects are created by machine. If we merely entities machines, the machines which can do away with the suffering and meet our needs. However, because we are not the single creature, it can be confusing to the need to seek happiness outside. Instead, we must go back to his roots and the mind to discover their real needs that we need to.
Leaving aside the complex issue of the formation and evolution of the universe, at least we can agree that each of us is the product of parents. In general, the presence of us, not from desire but from the flesh desires and decision of the work to create a child born into the ranks. The decision is based on love and duty responsibilities. Immense love of his parents were reflected in rearing children from birth until it is known to fend for themselves. So, almost from the moment of conception, the love of parents tied to create the child process.
In addition, we are totally dependent on the care of parents from the early stages of development . According to some scientists, the mental state of pregnant women, happy or sad have a direct effect on the fetus.
Expressing love is an extremely important during childbirth, because the first our breast, we naturally feel close to her mother and the mother also felt like the people who put us through we are feeding niche. If the mother angry and upset, then the sacred milk will no longer fresh and sweet again.
Next is the critical period in brain development of children, from birth until a few least three or four years. In such a long time, gesture of love, care and caressing tenderness is an important factor for sustainable development of the child. If child care, caressing, cuddling and love, the development of it will hurt your brain and it will not grow perfectly.
A child can not be without great attention care of others. So love is the most important nutrients for the child. Childhood happiness, minimize the horror and the development of strong self-esteem of the child, depends directly on love.
Today there are many children grow up in families not be happy. If the child does not receive love and nurturing actually fit, as adults they are difficult to trade their glass parents and of course, they're hard to love anyone else. It is a sad truth.
When the child reaches school age, their needs is the help of interested teachers. Because teachers do not teach in school, but also is responsible for preparing the site for the child into this world. So, that new students feel confident and respected. What are teachers teaching in the child will leave unforgettable impressions blur. In contrast, the lectures of teachers did not show the proper attention to future well-being of students is the teaching of them only considered temporary and will be forgotten over the years.
Similarly, and a patient being treated in hospital by a physician who has broken his goodness. The doctor has always expressed his love, devotion and care for patients who wish to quickly recover, the patient would feel comforted and comfortable. That is the most effective treatments without the high technical capability or of the doctor. Conversely, if a physician lacks emotion, proved friendly, warm nature and lack of care, patients would feel uncomfortable and worried, even though it's a good doctor, the disease was diagnosed diagnosis and prescription drugs have been reasonable. Certainly the feeling of peace and the full recovery of patients are different than the other.
Even in everyday life, we engage in conversation, if the speaker has the peaceful attitude , sincere, emotional, we would like to hear and to meet a fun way. The story becomes exciting, even though the subject to speak what little appeal. In contrast, if the speaker has the attitude is cold and rude instantly feel uncomfortable and want to quickly end the story. From small things like that to other important work, love and respect for others are essential for the life of human happiness.
Recently, I met a group of scientists in the United States. They said that the ratio of people with mental illness in this country is rising very high - about twelve percent of the population. The discussion had shown clearly that the main causes of mental illness not due to lack of material conditions that are caused by loss of love from others.
So, as I said from the beginning, though we are conscious of it or not, from birth, love needs blood was available in each of us. Even animals or enemies no matter were the dominant love and fascinated by nature.
I believe that no one is born without love. And it proved that one can not limit under pure material, although other schools of philosophy, modern thought has tried to prove the purely human material. Do not have a physical object, no matter how many beautiful and valuable and how faith helps us feel love. Because the deep roots of love and true nature of our own nature is available in the subject of interest.
Developing compassion
Some of my friends said that love and compassion is nice and great, but they are not really related to our lives. They said that our world is not a place where faith in the power of compassion influences it has a real power. They stated that the nature of anger and hatred in the minds of too many people that it was the kindness of their control. I disagree about that.
We know that human beings have existed for about a hundred thousand years. I believe that, during that time, if you hate the thought of being controlled the world's population would not increase. But now, despite the war, we still see the world's population jumped more than ever. This clearly showed that compassion is always superior to everything else in the world. And that is why the traumatic event is "current events" ; because the living nature of compassion is a part of everyday life, that they have become natural and normal we completely ignored them.
The key here I refer only to the spiritual benefits of kindness, however, it also contributes significantly to our physical. According to my own experience, mental stability and physical health are intimately associated with each other. No need to wonder, the anger and sorrow makes me more sick. Conversely, if the mind is relaxed and at peace, his body was not easy to fall into a state of pain.
However, there is a truth that we all have the innate nature self-centered , which has prevented our compassion for others. Therefore, if we want real happiness must achieve mental tranquility and mental tranquility found only from the attitude of love alone. But how to develop compassion? Clearly, just think of the goodness of compassion is not enough, but the effort we need to pay more attention to develop it, we must take advantage of activities in daily life to transform it into in thinking and our actions.
First of all, we need to learn the meaning of compassion is what? There are many forms of compassion mixed with desire and attachment. For example, parental love for children is often associated with strong emotional needs privacy. Therefore, it is not fully compassionate. Again, in marriage, love between spouses, especially the beginning, when people love each deep unknown temperament of each, should be as dependent on attachment than genuine love. Our desire was so strong that we see those whom we love are all good people all, while these people can have bad character. Furthermore, we tend to think well about his overly loved. Therefore, once the attitude of your loved ones change, we feel frustrated, suffering and also change the look of his. This demonstrated that love by urging individual needs rather than by actually caring attitude to others.
Compassion is really not just the emotional response, but also a strong commitment strong rational. So, sincerely compassionate attitude toward others does not change even with the other person to behave contrary.
Of course, developing compassion is not easy. To begin, let us consider some of the following:
Quan found that the cute and friendly or unlikable and hatred, they also tell the people like us, they want happiness and do not want suffering. Moreover, they also have the ability to overcome suffering and achieve happiness as we are. At this point you realize that all beings are equal in their desire for happiness and to achieve it, you realize natural empathy and closeness with others. By collective altruism familiarize your mind for everyone, you will develop a sense of responsibility for others: the wish to actively help them to overcome difficulties in life. This applies equally to everyone, do not mean any selected object, provided they are those who feel the happiness and suffering like us. Do not have a theoretical background to distinguish them, or change your attention to them when they have negative attitudes.
I would like to emphasize the development of complete heart lies in the ability of us, provided we take time and patience. Of course, attitudes, self centered, the craving to distinguish the unique feeling, the existence of "self", has prevented the development of strong compassion. In fact, true compassion can only be described as the kind of love is serving on is removed. But this does not mean we can not start and compassion arises now is.
How compassion arises
we should start by removing the biggest obstacle of the heart from the field anger and hatred. As we all know, anger and hatred are very intense emotions and we overwhelm our entire mind. However, we can subdue them. If not, these negative emotions would be annoying to me. If you do not attempt to remove them, they will hinder the search for our own happiness.
outset, it is beneficial to us when anger check whether valuable or not. In a moment, we feel frustrated by a difficult situation, it seems that anger is useful, give us more energy, confidence and more assertive.
At this point, we should survey of his mental state carefully. That the anger can give us more capacity, but if we check the nature of this power, we will discover the power that is blind. We can not be sure that its consequences good or bad. Because the anger go obscures the most important part of our brain, which is the reason. So the power of anger is not reliable in all cases. It can cause great injury and wrong behavior. Moreover, if anger increases to the extreme, people become crazy, acting under the direction harming yourself and others.
However, we can develop a form of power capacity equivalent strong, but it is as tame capacity to deal the difficult situation.
This capability not only dominated from the attitude of compassion, but also arises from reason and patience. This is the most powerful antidote antidote to anger. Unfortunately, many people wrongly ruled that the same qualities as signs of weakness. I believe the opposite is true: that they are the true signs of inner strength. Because of the nature of our capital needs peace, quiet, but very strong sympathy. Those in our main patient who lost confidence and insecurity. So, I think, easy to anger is a clear sign of weakness.
So when a problem occurs, we try to calm, sincere attitude and thought it was results justice. Of course, many people can take advantage of you and if your attitude of indifference inadvertently encourage unfair pressure, you must have a point stance or rigid. However, this should be behaving with kindness and if necessary, you should express your views as well as use strong countermeasures, but should not show anger and malice.
You should be aware that, though the enemy seems to want to harm you, but ultimately negative actions that only hurt themselves only. To control selfishness, and revenge, you should remember the desire to practice compassion and your sense of responsibility to help others avoid the suffering caused by the industry they have created.
As such method you are using have been carefully selected, will be more efficient, more accurate and more powerful. Revenge is competency-based blind fury rarely hit the target to remove hatred.
You and the enemy
Again, I want to emphasize the thought of loving-kindness, intelligence and patience is very good but not enough to develop them. We must wait for difficulties arising then try to practice them.
Who is the opportunity it creates for us? Of course, not our friends but it is our enemies. They were causing more problems for us. So if we want to learn, we should see another enemy is my best teacher.
For people who want to foster compassion, practice tolerance is needed and who the enemy is not lack of it. So we should be grateful to our enemies, because they are able to help develop mental tranquility of his peace. There is also the case in personal life or community, the situation changes enemies became friends.
Because anger and hatred are always harmful emotions, and if we do not exercise the mind and try to alleviate the negative energy that they will continue to interfere and disrupt the development efforts of our mental peace. Therefore, the mind is hatred of our real enemies. For these powers, we need to confront and defeat them because they are not the enemy temporarily in our lives.
Of course, by nature, we all love to have you . I often joke that if you are really selfish of you to be very altruistic. You should take care of others, interested in peace of them, help them, serve them, to you more, laugh more. The result? By the time you need help, you will have more people come to you. Conversely, if you forget the happiness of others, by that time, you yourself will be the loss. And that friendship may arise from the quarrels and anger, jealousy and competition stress tyi not? I do not think so. Only with love can give our friends the most friendly and genuine.
In today's material society, if you have money and power, it seems you have many friends. But they are not your true friends that are friends of your money and your power alone. Once the money and influence how you feel, you will find it very difficult to find traces of this poor friends.
The problem here is that everything in this world are going well , should we so confident that I can solve things and feel no need friends, but when the health and status decline, we came to, that we were wrong to what extent. Government at that time, we know who is really helping us and who is completely useless. So to prepare for that moment, to have sincere friends, who really help us when we need, we must cultivate altruism kindness for everyone today.
Although there may be people who laugh at me when I say that I enjoyed myself very much with you. I love the commercial smile. Because of this, but I have to learn how much you get and how to get more and smile more especially true genuine smile. Actually there are many types of smile, as ironic laugh, smile or fake laugh courtesy. There are no smile feels happy and sometimes they also create doubt and fear. The smile is the smile does not really? Smile really gives us feeling fresh and comfortable. I believe that's the only smile of the man. If it's the smile we want, let us reason to make them appear.
Compassion and Life
In conclusion, I would extend out some new topics of this paper to present wider point: individual happiness can contribute to improved efficiency and depth of the entire human community
because we all have a need to share the same love, so can we feel that every person we meet, in whatever circumstances are our brothers and sisters. Although there are differences between the new faces, clothing or gestures, there is no difference at all between us and him. It is foolish to rely on the differences in appearance, because of the nature of our basic are the same.
In the end, humanity is one and this small planet is the only home we have. If we want to protect this house is all we need to know the meaning of love alive immense compassion. Only with this attitude, we can transform the selfish motives make people lie and abuse each other. If you have an open heart and sincere, and suddenly you feel confident and valued, and will not make other people fear.
I believe, in every strata of society, from family, race, nation and world, the key to a world happier and more successful implementation of the development of compassion. We need not follow a religion, nor to run as an ideology. It is essential that we all have to develop good character by myself.
I was trying to welcome anyone that I have the opportunity to meet as an old friend. This gives me a feeling of true happiness. That is one way to practice compassion.

Dịch từ quyển “Compassion and the Individual”, Tenzin Gyatso the Fourteen Dalai Lama, Wisdom Publication, Boston, USA, 1994.
Original: His Holiness Dalai Lama Vietnamese Translation: Thich Nguyen Tang.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).23/1/2012. 

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