Sunday 22 January 2012


Mediation anger
Reach the 14th Dalai LamaThe effect of anger is destructive character is clear, obvious, immediate. For example, when a thought or hatred certainly appears strong, immediate, it's completely overwhelming people and destroy the true peace of mind. When a thought is nourished hatred in his heart, it will make people feel stressed and frustrated, and it causes loss of eating symptoms, insomnia, v ... v ....
If we test how anger or hate the idea of ​​where we appear, we shall see, typically, it occurs when we hurt, when we are treated unfairly by someone that we put their expectations. If in the moment, we carefully considered how the anger appears, will have a feeling that it appears as a protector, a friend to help us fight or who just do what revenge It hurt. Thus, anger or disgust thoughts appear as a contradiction or a protector. But actually, it's just an illusion. It's just crazy minds only.
Chandrakirti that step into the Middle Way may have revised the response strength to strength, if you want revenge, this is one way, or to prevent or minimize the damage. However, this case is not so, because if it was in the body or damage, the curse that has already happened, so the revenge not reduce or prevent the incident occurred and it can not be changed.
Conversely, in certain situations, if a person instead of acting generous, reacted negatively as revenge, not only do they not benefit immediately, but also create a attitudes and negative feelings, and that's bad seeds for life in the future. Buddhist perspective that someone vengeance, who alone will receive the results of such vengeance in this life in the future. So not only revenge does not bring benefits in the present, it is also harmful to the cell long life of that person later.
However, if a person is treated unfairly, and if that condition is not considered a legitimate process, it can bring bad results for those who have extremely bad karma. In cases like this, it is necessary to react strongly. In situations like this, who needs a strong position to take the appropriate response, is that they need to respond in a spirit of compassion, not anger or hatred. Indeed, one of the precepts of the Bodhisattva is to have the strongest reaction in an urgent situation, and if the situation urgent, but the response was not what they see as violating one of the world Bodhisattva.
Again, as in the Middle step was escorted out, not only a generation full of the thought forms of anger lead to rebirth in this life is not like that in the future, but also the strong feeling of anger appeared strong, no matter who tries to hold respectable positions like, their faces still very bad. They show a nasty face, and this emits vibrations very hostile. Others still feel, and it seems they always feel the heat lane coming from the other person's body. Actually, not only humans can feel it, including cattle and other animals feel, and will avoid this man immediately.
If we test how the idea of ​​anger or hatred arise in us, we will see, generally speaking, it appears when you're in pain, when we feel unfairly treated by the do not expect to.

These are the immediate result of anger. It brings bad metabolism, body discomfort in people. Again, when the anger and hatred appear stretched, the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, that is short or long-term results, the best ability in the brain, become completely paralyzed. It no longer works anymore. It makes a person become insane. When the anger and hatred are present, negative results were also present.
When we think negatively and result in destruction of rage and anger, we understand we need to separate ourselves from the emotional outbursts. As noted by the results of these harmful thoughts anger and hatred above, a person is always angry, and anger dominate, they will not receive any protection from the rich life; including when he was a millionaire. Education does not guarantee that people can be protected from these consequences. Similarly, the law can not be guaranteed to be fact. Including nuclear weapons, no matter how self-defense system to complete any rate, it is not protected or do something for us. The only element that can give residents a place of safety or to escape the consequences of anger and hatred is to practice patience and tolerance.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).23/1/2012.

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