Sunday 22 January 2012


Let Ma Zopa RinpocheLama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche is a student of Lama Thubten Yeshe. He was a revered teacher taught the path to freedom for thousands of people, but over a hundred people became monks. This lecture was recorded at Tushita on day 4, in July, 1979.
It is very important that we in the human body should try at practice, it is tried to be an average practice in mind. It is obvious that happiness depends on external conditions. We can test this in the present life. Our happiness depends not only from the external conditions but also to the conditions inside. If the external conditions can give us a perennial happiness, then surely the rich are more peaceful, and those who are not rich will not joy or happiness. But cuc live show that has many people very happy but not rich, while the rich how to back pain. For example, in India, there are many wise men, more profound Taoist, Buddhist and how to live a life of modest yet very peaceful. Now they are happiest when they abandoned the run in a cluttered mind whirring. Renunciation of pride, anger, delusion, attachment, v. .. v. .. The more these things away from the more peace in their hearts. The director famous as India's Naropa and Milarapa of Tibet, there is nothing but their hearts overflow with peace. They gave up the mind whirring, the cause of the pain. It is the liberation, enlightenment, has brought them happiness. As Milarapa, sometimes even several days of fasting, living in caves, but are still considered the happiest people on earth. Because they gave up three exclusive: greed, hatred and delusion , and so peaceful and happy. When the mind whirring no more messy, the happy, peaceful existence.
If happiness depends on external conditions, the rich countries like the United States make very very happy. How people try to imitate the United States because they think the new rich so happy. Personally I found that I find peace in those countries tend to the spiritual as India and Nepal. In this country, people are looking for peace. Since India is a spiritual country, it is easy to find spiritual peace where. When you see the physical and social people who live in that society, it is easy to mentally agitated. When that material expansion, people increasingly busy and more problems begin to appear. People do not have time to rest, it was busy, anxiety, and insecurity. If happiness depends entirely on external factors, then the project country like Switzerland or even the U.S. has really been at peace, happiness, they were not arguing, fighting, and no violence the. But the truth is not so. Does this mean that something is missing. Demonstrate that they were omissions in the search for happiness. In terms of material and the countries of Europe, the U.S. is leading, but how the problem is continuing to destroy the peace and happiness of them. They were missing something? Ladies, it is the cultivation of the mind. They had lo run things outside the mind and forget, forget cultivate spiritually. The Western countries progressed rapidly in terms of material, but because sales outside their lo forget the spiritual development. The development of the material itself is not bad, but the development of spirituality is more important several times. Further development on the mind effectively create lasting happiness than anything else. You can not find peace of mind when neglected. When our words are easy to grow, you find peace of mind. How can you compare the material wealth to charity compassion, love, patience, the eradication of violence and renunciation mind whirring ugly. Whether you have a mountain of diamonds also can not compare with the peace of mind. Who owns several European newspapers have been dominated by hatred, greed ... If someone yelled at them, or they get angry and want to curse back or fight back. A practice that does not react. They will say: "He yelled at her to his other distress, and if I yelled at them, they will be sad, as you will suffer. As known practice from the center, should not verbally abused again." If that thought so it will not make anyone suffer. When my friends say or do anything that I dislike, discomfort and frustration began to emerge compassion in my heart, I want to say again to make them hurt, but my own self and contemplate, "I and they all want to avoid suffering and hope of happiness. So I should not say or do things that cause sorrow for them. It is my practice. " By thinking like that, instant anger vanished like foam bubbles. Initial bubble like a solid rock, but suddenly it is gone. At first, like we can not change the concept, but if you know how to apply the right method, then anger vanish away like water bubbles. What is something to that angry anymore.
You should practice patience, do not let anger rises, remember that anger makes the mind restless, disrupting the peace of your own, and also those around us also carrier. To face our anger worse. No matter how beautiful you are, when anger arises is whether well-covered to the point where, you can not hide the ugly, vicious face learning. You can recognize anger on everyone's face. You will be frightened when faced with a man with anger. Worry about their faces grim, it is a reflection of the anger from within. It is a vibrational energy that is very bad, we should abandon it. Because anger makes people insecure and unhappy. The right to practice dharma, meditation benefit for everyone. The meditation helps us and everyone around us is peace. An action in accordance with the Dharma to benefit his people. As I said above, patience million times more precious than a diamond mountain. How do I get peace of mind if only lo collect diamonds? You may also be threatening danger if there are too many diamonds. No way we can compare the goodness of the heart with the fullness of the material.
All of us want peace, happiness, so we have to practice the Dharma. Practice the true Dhamma is not chanting much bowing and always white. Dharma practice is to grow the soul, as the mind is more clear ... We have a lot of bad elements inside such as whirring mental confusion, delusion, ignorance, hatred ... and good internal factors such as love, charity, v. .. v. .. We all everyone has a good factor as well as bad. Dharma practice is to grow good ones, bad ones kill. This is a practice that should Dhamma practice. There are many levels of suffering, so we need the maximum protection for yourself. Dharma as a rope was thrown out for someone who is about to fall into the abyss. The chief protection and preservation of a people, do not let them fall into the miserable world - a world of hell, hungry ghost or animal. Moreover, the district security measures that we may not fall into the three evil way when we were in the cycle of birth and death. Dharma helps us to distinguish the chief evil and protect us until we achieve liberation, the Buddha's enlightenment, and peace is paramount here. His death was followed in a period known as "intermediate" (Bardo-Tibet), after this stage we are beings of the six operators in the world - Tho birth, life, death, the intermediate stage, and early thai. This is a non-stop cycle, we run around, repeating the experience bittersweet, because of misconceptions. When we practice the Dhamma, the Dhamma protect and guide us from the disastrous mistakes when we are in samsara. Dharma has many levels, and always leading, protecting those who practice seriously. The body and mind we always make us suffer. Why so? Because our minds are not free from ignorance. And while ignorance is mind and body are affected each other. Our bodies "suffering" as being too hot, too cold, hunger, birth, illness, aging, death, etc. .. As a body, for we do not escape these sufferings. The seeds of suffering is already lodged in each of us. The reincarnation is caused by our body, mind. Body and Mind This always makes us anxious and never let us calm. Body and Mind plus Ignorance, and start from that Company was created, then the Company which led us to the cycle of reincarnation.
Reincarnation is a circle as the wheel. How does it turn? The case might, mind and body, to continue from this life into another life. The aggregation of past life and afterlife continued without interruption. We created a continuous circle, like a bicycle so. Ego, too. It took us run around from this life into the next life; early pregnancy back in karma sown. The industry that we have created the body and mind. Based on the data set was decorated with the conception which we human beings, animals, heaven or hell .... The case leads us to take away is like riding a horse carrying it. From beginningless time until now, gone through many lifetimes, we have not practiced for self-liberation from defilements, karma. Therefore, our body and mind is always within suffering, always repeating the mistakes were met. If we do not escape the sorrow when we repeat the miserable experience. Once that is liberated from samsara, that is an end of suffering. When not bring themselves back to life and death, what need to have a house, clothes, food, and other necessities. What is reason for concern, repair shop, collect wealth, fame or fortune to run hundreds of clothing, worn on different occasions, to have hundreds of shoes, head off to work the dark side v ... v. .. No, what relatives have this problem. But because the body but the mind must work, work force throughout life, from "carry themselves" until "give themselves" ; also have much worry. Tsong Khapa Lama, a Tibetan master, revered as the Bodhisattva Manjushri (Manjushri), Bodhisattva of Wisdom, on the way to practice is written: "If a person never thought to the evolution of samsara, not when they can cut off the root of samsara. " For such a disease or not eating food with their organs can and if he does not take attention to avoid, any food that is mixed despite taking many drugs will not cure. Likewise, if we do not explore paths in this cycle, how we can achieve nirvana. Want to achieve Nirvana cut of the original birth and death. Want to succeed in life and death must be the original cut that practice of the Dhamma. This means that we must recognize the operation of the cycle, the causes which have ct us into samsara. Thanks to understand tops industry, we can accomplish what needed to escape samsara. Tsong Khapa the lama summarized as follows: "I am a director who has such practice to be liberated, and I ask all those who are on escape routes should practice the same." guru this freed and advised us to practice as people. The important thing is that we must first have the desire to escape from samsara; is designed to identify the evolutionary law of samsara and finally cut the root of life and death. To understand the evolution of life and death cycle, we must fully understand the chain of twelve questions, and the causes of each LAA. Twelve questions this chain is the cause we ran around the ring of life and death. In the past, because of ignorance conceal, to our Company's cumulative life birth and body. In agony, a fraction before the die, we still cling, do not want to leave the body, do not want to die ... As to the intermediate state, and then the mother to the fetus. Egg grows and these feelings begin to grow. Then, the touching, the reaction of these sensations occur. So began the first pregnancy ... until we are old ... and what remains is the experience of death. In modern life there is no peace; from birth until death, we are always suffering: pain at birth, not satisfied with the situation, having left the scene level, any concerns , is fear of separation from loved ones, fear of loss, fear of sickness, fear of old age and fear of death. All these things are all from the karma that out. Industry has been the ignorance. So the root of samsara begins from ignorance. The confusion begins with the "TA" The ego is not real. But because of ignorance, we see it is true, as it exists. Ignorance is the cause of all suffering. We only break when Nirvana was ignorance - the root of samsara. If you do not remember the original ignorance, there would be no Nirvana. Want to be Nirvana uprooting life and death, so we have to practice Dharma. Once the origin of life and death are nirvana is cut off the money. But once attained liberation, we must think of other beings, including parents, brothers and sisters of many generations of our lives.
There is not a living being is not kind to us even in this lifetime or another lifetime. Right now, at many of our happiness depends on the kindness of those around. Not only humans, but also other beings killed for us, and some worked hard for us to be happy. For example, want to have rice, some insects are killed, some people have to work under harsh sunlight, v. .. v. .. Thus pleasure daily we always depend on the kindness of other beings. Being human, this is our chance to pay such gifts. The animals are ignorant and do not understand the Dhamma. We as people have the opportunity to learn and to achieve enlightenment, we help these beings are liberated. We should ponder the following: "I should try to reach lead free practice for the benefit of all sentient beings. They were being kind to me, and helped me a lot. What these beings are suffering, in knows that the parents did not have much more life to my life. As a child, I have an obligation to help ... The road is the heart of the Dhamma. The vast interest from the Bodhisattva mind, with the idea to the Buddha to escape suffering beings. And here is the mind from which we should develop.

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