Sunday 22 January 2012


Achieving the Dalai LamaHow many billions of years passed since this world began with the appearance of many beings on earth. Then, to a very long time for these beings mature thought - the development and perfection of intellectual capacity, and from adult children to date has spent several thousand years. Through all this period, the world has suffered many changes constantly, and continue in a state of change.
Even now, with what just happened in a time seemingly real, but they are on the change in each moment. One may wonder what will not change when everything material and spiritual phenomena are in the process variable, not fixed. All things are constantly appearing, development, and then passes away.
In the vortex of all this change, the only truth is not only the changes or variations - in other words, true virtue (Dharma) will yield beneficial results, and the will bring the evil results suffering damage. A good cause will produce a good result, and a negative lead to bad results. Good or bad, beneficial or damaging, each result is caused . Only this principle exist, unchanged and unchanging. This principle was before humans enter this world. This principle exists in the early stages, before and after the men appeared, until now, and it will still exist in the time in the future.
All we all want happiness and avoid suffering and avoid unpleasant things like that. As we know, the joy and pain are derived from a cause. Although there are certain consequences, formed from one or more causes, has been defined from the very nature of these consequences.
In some cases, even the elements of the cause, not much, or strong, these factors are still likely to appear. Characteristic elements of the result does not matter, just good or bad results, the importance and intensity directly corresponds with the number and strength of the causal factors. Thus, to successfully avoid experiencing the pain and to be happy, this is not something small, like this, need to give a large number of factors could cause file.
While separating the nature and state of happiness, that happiness is clear that the two concepts. One is immediate joy (temporary) in the future joy (ultimate). The fun includes temporary facilities and enjoyment that people desire, such as good accommodation, beautiful furnishings, delicious food, your ideal way, the conversations are fun v ... v ... and v. .. v ... In other words, the temporary joy is something that people are enjoying in this life. The question is, the enjoyment of pleasure and satisfaction is derived entirely from external factors, it should be studied in light of clear reasoning. If only the external factors led to this happy, one must be very happy when these things are present, and so, when these things will be absent from human suffering.
But not so. Because, even when the state enjoyed above material is absent, people still can be happy and at peace. This suggests that external factors do not necessarily bring happiness to people. Conversely, there are things happening to prove that the inner peace and happiness are not necessarily enjoy - due to factors external to arrive, and whether these factors are present, joy is often not appears, showing clearly the cause of happiness based on factors other than.
If someone misunderstood comment on the factors listed above and that it is the sole cause of happiness, and eliminate other causes, and concluded that the happy result of being dependent on external factors; the presence or absence of happiness were the dominant factors mentioned above. The truth is not necessarily so, because a number of external factors not necessarily or entirely responsible for the effects of happiness.
So some of what the underlying cause? How can you explain them?
As Buddhists, we all believe in the Law of Cause and Effect (Law of Karma) - natural law of cause and effect. Any external status shows how, in continuous existence in tandem, being always influenced by the actions they have created in past lives. Once the power of karma ripens, a person will experience the mental state of pleasure or pain fun. Everything is a natural result from the actions of the past.
The most important thing is to understand that, once the full combination of conditions, the industry appears, that's just the result of actions in the past have created work that out, these external factors can be considered as conditions conducive to the current results. Best of conditions favorable to the current results from the good karma of the past will bring a happy state of mind happy. If causal or external conditions, a missing person can not get inner joy; whether external conditions are suitable, but if the good grace not enough, he can not enjoy a happy outcome . This suggests that the intrinsic causal preconditions are necessary for happiness (and vice versa). So happy to achieve the desired results, it is essential at the same time we must meet the necessary conditions on the outside (the current conditions as appropriate) and these factors need to side of (past good karma).
Talk about this issue in simple words, billions of example to talk about the internal conditions in (karma) are accumulated, the qualities needed not so much desire, self-satisfied, humble, single net and other noble qualities. Practice to achieve the appropriate internal conditions can improve the external factors and convert them into strengths benefits brings happiness. The absence of the appropriate internal conditions, such as low desire, patience, forgiveness, v ... v ..., will hinder the enjoyment of a happy person even though they meet the conditions outside . In addition, one needs to cultivate merit and virtue in past lives. If not, the seeds of happiness can not bear fruit.
This can be explained in another way. Pleasure and frustration, joy and suffering are the inevitable results of each individual, depending on the evil actions which they accumulate. If present, within a particular time, the fresh ripe fruit then he will know immediately if there is a clear, they knew the result of good faith from the past. Likewise, when a person suffering and injustice as that, he must calm endurance, and whether or not to myself, still have to suffer and endure the result of bad karma sown, even though usually he is tired and extremely unbearable. Also, realize that the suffering and the real as that is happening is the result of evil actions in the past, if he's smart enough to start letting go of this action is wrong. Just as happy with the idea that past karma is ripe, and he is paying his bad karma right now, so he deemed to have paid down some bad karma, he will think more relaxed.
Wisdom is the proper incentives to bring real peace to the mind and body. For example, a person suffering from pain in the body due to external causes. If he is strong willed (based on the belief that he is responsible for the pain and suffering this), even here he can do to alleviate the pain and partly because his spirit there is also a peaceful and comforting feel.
Now let me explain this in a higher level. This is related to the struggle and exertion, to succeed need to destroy any system like that as well as its cause.
As mentioned earlier, the joy and pain, happiness and dissatisfactions are the effects of actions good and bad, clever or not. These actions are not clever and smart (business) is not external phenomena. They belong to the spiritual world. Try to cultivate a lot of good karma and bad karma reduction, that is the path to happiness and avoid suffering. It is obvious, because a happy outcome is often followed by a good cause and the consequences of bad business is suffering.
Thus, the most important is we try by all means to increase the quality good action, and subtract the bad behavior.
How to do this? The cause is worth the reward and merit blame is the result of joy and suffering, not just the external objects. For example, in the human body, with different parts such as lungs, heart and other organs can be replaced with new parts. However, this is not true of karma, because karma is completely dependent on the world consciousness. Jobs and abandon worthy causes purely evil process of the mind. We can not get any help that comes from outside. The only way that can gain control and train the mind is not tamed. It requires us to have full understanding of what we call consciousness.
Through the door senses, one can see, hear, smell, taste and touch an object, the still life and feelings. Please close the door of the senses to the cases related to appearance, sound, smell, touch, physical or mental does not have the opportunity to make us wobble. When closed the senses, the mind can not relive the past and the memories flow will be interrupted. Also, the plans for the future and reflect on future actions can not occur. Set up a space in the process of thinking is essential. Liberated from the process, would help the state of mind Always clean, no pollution, clear and quiet.
Now, let us test the characteristics that have made up mind to mind to reach this state. We certainly possesses something called the mind, but how can we recognize its existence? Critical consciousness and truth will be found when all the burden of rough obstacles and delusions (for example, perceived through the senses, memories, etc.) are eliminated. Distinguish the concept of true minds, we discover that, unlike external objects, the true nature of the mind is without shape or color; we also found no fundamental truth or false notion of the mind that it originates from one or the other, or it moves from place to place, or it is located elsewhere. When the mind does not encounter any object, the mind like vast infinite space, or like the endless ocean deep, peaceful.
When minds meet object, immediate object of consciousness aware that, like a mirror reflects the image immediately in front of the mirror. True nature of the mind includes not only the perception of objects, but also aware of the specific animal experience was, and who are experiencing it. Normally, the sensory awareness of timbre, as the consciousness of eye, ear consciousness, etc., presented its function based on external phenomena by gross, distorted. Upon stimulation this crude model is closed, when the specific experience and awareness arises from within, and the mind to recognize the characteristics of infinite space is equivalent to the infinity of space .
However, this gap can not be considered true nature of mind. Sense of shape and color of the rough object for us to become too familiar, when we focus on reviewing the nature of the mind, as I have said, it is a large gap , infinity, away from any shadows or any obstacle coarse. However, this does not mean we know the true distinguishing subtle nature of the mind. What is explained in the related state of mind in particular experience, and be aware by the heart and its function, but it is presented relative to the nature of consciousness .
In addition, there are numerous concepts and state of mind. That is, viewing the mind as a paramount platform, there are many features related to the mind. Like an onion has many layers, this layer overlaps another class, and could be stripped out of each class, as each object has multiple layers, and as explained here, the nature of consciousness similar to So the mind, has many layers, this layer is another layer of wrapping.
Everything compound were dissolved. The experience and knowledge are impermanent and will be destroyed, its function is based on consciousness, and consciousness is not something permanent, or permanent. Every moment, the mind is dominated by change and decay. The concept of the nature of consciousness is the nature of its brief.
However, as we have observed, the true nature of the mind there are numerous concepts, including a sense of the experience and knowledge specific object. Now let's take a deeper examination to understand the significance of the subtle nature of the mind. The mind becomes visible because the cause itself. Rejecting derived from a consciousness that causes, or that there are ways to recognize composite nature of the mind is wrong.
With a superficial observation of our minds, have specific experience and awareness of its nature, appears as a powerful entity, independent, subjective, and completely dominate. However, a deep split will show this mind, despite the perception and experience, nor is it an entity 'I', but it relies on many other factors to exist. And so, it relies on something more than itself. The quality is not independent of the nature of consciousness is the very essence of it, and that is the ultimate reality of the self.
With these two concepts, the true nature of mind is paramount, and an understanding of his true nature, the concept is the foundation first, then the concept of property. The mind (ego) is fundamental and Other states are attributes. However, basic properties and possess the same nature. The entity of consciousness (basic) no ego (it's based on a cause other than itself) and its nature, not self (sunyata), continuously existing as one, from the cortex, the substance identical and inseparable. The nature of selflessness (sunyata) penetrated everything. As we now, because we can not grasp or understand the paramount reality (sunyata) of the mind, so we continue to make mistakes and bad habits of us still.
Please see the mind as a subject and paramount reality of the mind as well as its object, a person can be properly understood the true nature of mind, as well as the paramount reality of it. And after a long meditation sessions a lot of patience, one can see and grasp the understanding of the paramount reality of the mind, where there is no opposing characteristics, one can gradually to drain the illusion and cons of the mind like anger, fanfare, envy, jealousy, v ... v ...
The failure to identify the true nature of mind will be overcome through the achievement of the capacity to understand reality paramount. It will kill out desire, anger, hallucinations different from greed, hatred and delusion. Likewise, there is no opportunity to accumulate bad karma. In this way, the karma (bad) influence the future will be eliminated; a person can increase and the industry's good and eradicate evil karma can affect the lives living in the future - except bad karma accumulated from long ago.
The practice has a complete understanding of the true nature of mind, requires effort, concentration of mind. In the current state of our minds when we are faced with anything, the mind immediately is that charismatic character. This obstructs the understanding. Thus, to achieve great mental energy, a prerequisite is to have the effort. For example, a major river flowing through a broad range of shallow ground water is less strong, but when water flows through steep mountain pass, all countries where the narrowing focus and so the water will flow stronger. Similarly, to the mind is concentrated, to avoid all the entertainment, the neglected, because it draws the mind from the object of focus. Failure to do so, to practice to gain an understanding of the true nature of mind will completely fail.
For biddable mind, most of us need to control and train it. Do not let the activities of body, speech, and mind, stampede, haphazard. Like a rider training and make any wild horses treated with a guide to teach it skillfully, long-term too, the activities of body, speech, should be trained to make it becomes biddable, and completely legitimate. Therefore, the Buddha's lecture consists of three types, that is sila (precepts) , samadhi (meditation) and prajna (wisdom) , all to train the mind.
By learning, meditation and practice in Three Studies (trisiksa), a person will be promoted to achieve enlightenment. A practice intensely with good qualities can tolerate a patient sufferings, the result of bad karma in the past. He will see the bad luck as a blessing in disguise, because it makes him aware of the significance of the reported effects (industry) and convince him to try to focus on doing good things good. If bad business (evil) of the past not ripens, he still has the ability to erase not bear fruit industry by using the four-power capacity, as follows: determination Achievement Buddha; determination to abstain from evil actions, including sacrificing my life; do good blessing, and repentance.
That is the way to achieve happiness instant, prepared the way for enlightenment in the future and to avoid further accumulation of akusala kamma.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).22/1/2012.

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