Sunday 22 January 2012



Posted: May 6, 2011 in Believe the Catholic Church Believe Vietnam ,
In the South, Duong Van Minh, also liked the Position, and Indian Buddhist faction, or "BUDDHIST unification is a cadres Department lay in the nose of the CS Government.Because of the military rulers of corruption, should have content packages list, create an inclined to borrow this life, prompting the South suffer from corruption, fell to CS too easy.
As far as I know, currently overseas, mastermind group of disciples increased Position, the majority of the Central tea mix in the community who are refugees, PK link very tight structure, forming a force that, if tomorrow comes opportunity will use. However, carrying nominal austerities, but Indian officers group increased Optical everywhere overseas only single-minded slave nực day contention appears to build the temple with money, borrowed interest, cosy long-term evangelist Tanh. Where numbers up to tens of millions, and usually happens the dispute, name-calling together releases chóe ...
This is a phenomenon worth to the world of overseas compatriots everywhere have special concerns, vigilance with regard to the clergy that before it is too late, as the case of Position.
By the Buddha has to teach in Tibetan law "MAHÃVIBHANGA", A paragraph: there are 5 first-class robbed the Citadel class don't worry austerities truthful Khưu, only delicious well-dressed, professional lo built monasteries, the monastery for the palatial bulky pecuniary Earl Tanh is a most dangerous pirates class. Because the name General Rob permanence suffered legal trial. Meanwhile robber dressed coffee sa still freely wherever still count of delectable food, cosy apparently Tanh, pure, raiment, nice accommodation, and the title is extremely powered glasses, etc. (according to LEARN Buddhism, chapter 14, with Buddhist clergy of author Maha Thong Kham Medhivongs, Buddhism primitive).
As I said before: TT Position is a cadre CSBV staging, taken to be the most favorable opportunity is supposed Buddhist flag to emerge, crippling South.
To be honest not right up to now people of southern New tribe of TT Like Position, a cadre CSBV mask austerities, launched the struggle of 1963, overthrew Wu family values. Cardboard and nominal Buddhism borrowed the way fighting against family values they are corn, paving the way for the disorder and the collapse of the South into the hands of TT CSBV 1975 Position has to be some people I know from lâụ but the political circumstances in VIETNAM, from 1963 until 1975, did not allow a who are brave enough to speak up the secret reasons for nàỵ to secure, terrible cons the Tanh of humans, but also by many other factors during the nữạ who am wall were noticed that, in the period of time, in the chaotic political atmosphere like, world Buddhism struggling Central has become a political force, the cleric's Championship Central became arrogant increase, dare murder on behalf of "Director", for example, what the arrogant arrogant General other infantry, and the evils of corruption, bribery expansionism throughout the hierarchy, the regime became the secret life of TT Position before public opinion upholding just a work infinitely fruitful, simultaneously also is an act of suicide way nitwit.
Moreover, ally America to PK with nominal helps us to "stop the wave of red", but unfortunately, they are just a giant guy with arms is blindness, agency CIA in hand but not any other infantile chơị water guns who no one dares to believe in the wisdom!
Readers imagine, even to Thich Tam, Director of the Institute, a high rise has a solid status in Buddhism VN and both internationally, so that in the time remaining in VIETNAM still do thinh "Cap ni che ear", avoiding the elephant not bad face nàọ after 1975When out of overseas living his life in exile, Thich Tam continues procedures "such as" guns, until 1994, venerable new book "white MAIL", which recounted the double article concerning Position and TT Prefer Buddhism struggling Central, following the successful organization called"UNIFIED BUDDHIST CHURCH, V.N." based in Quang pagoda, also known as "INDIAN BUDDHISM".
This faction advocated violent struggle, causing disorder constantly throughout the South, according to strategies of CSBV. The European Center for HT, though as a Scout, but Indian Buddhist faction still using terrorist Optical tricks to menace the spirit.
On page 24, of the white letters, Like the European Mind telling the original HT as "me about the following: to PH International (VNQT), step foot in the door the Office Director of the Institute of Chemistry (VHĐ) I then had a banner background gold signature red record: WANT the MASSES to ABIDE by the DISCIPLINE THEY MUST FOLLOW the masses. I reached my desk, there is a disc of blood, a knife and a blood letter: "ASK the THERAVADA in DAO, NOT ACCORDING to the THERAVADA CENTER EUROPE" .
I plan to up Chief electric VNQT Buddha, where there are several tank youth does not give me the Chief electric VNQT and intimidation who wants into the temple please step over corpses.
I am extremely depressed, do not know how to restore order. I returned From Quang pagoda. About pagoda From Optical disk also contains a blood, a knife and a BANNED blood mail is NOT ACTIVE anymore. And people in the temple indicates that they threaten will burn vehicles, assassinated. And the increase in youth are gathered in The Nianfo (Checkerboard) to Advertise to the pagoda From Optical to kill me. May have counsel her Van knows, grant reports let me know. I escaped. "
Page 25, the European States: "Mind HT Group Stance in Hue advent ... TT Position groups fighting in hue, urged Buddhists bring the altar place sugar, to prevent the progress of the military Government, said the officers located the tea mix CS escaped ... In Da Nang as well as some other places, in addition to bringing Buddhism to the diving, also ghìm gun shoots out, then Buddha statues when the army entered the control chùạ
Bringing Buddhism to the Court, TT Position on Administration Thừa Thiên hunger. After the Government put TT Position to Saigon, in house doctor Nguyen Duy Tàị (* coming here, I would open brackets to talk more about Sanatorium of Dr. Nguyen Duy, so that you read to better understand. I am familiar with Your physician spouses since 1965, when I'm with Hồ Ngọc and Nguyen Duy Property along nominee Council Members. I know both causes money, so where the spouses have formed Financial BS home protection being nàỵ but it is her own affair, has discharged himself to thin capitalization for her husband, so I am not referring here to chi. I just mentioned BS. As his actions involving political and sticking with Position. It is a living being, covering road Restoration, renowned professional services of illegal abortion, with exorbitant prices. The woman does nearly died without enough money to be attempting to get the disease.
One day, following the pitiful scene massacre happened: a sergeant in the Tan Dinh Church neighborhood, after the Hien Vuong Duy Tan, fork angle, his wife being hard, lost too much blood to faint coma. Her husband brought his wife to the sanatorium of DR. Property nearby Duy Tan please upgrade. Your doctor must play money before requiring new deal for hospitalized 18,000 enough. Staff non-commissioned officer poor, not enough money, the Lord's table of contents please close before several thousand remaining will pay later.
Doctor Your answer cold: "no money, then dispensary, shalt not bring here?!" And a certain got sick. A woman that died. Husband in pain too, each way, driving herds son nheo Le Petit precedes sanatorium BS Documentary sit crying, destination Financial fame Nguyen Duy réo name-calling did even worse. This story has lasted the entire month. Those who have given over to the Meiji Restoration, horizontal sanatorium Nguyen Duy Financial period were not from Chanh when witnessing tragic scene.
So, the story of Nguyen Duy harbouring, Financing, nurturing care Like Position in the Labour Institute of Restoration of such an offense "trading sentiment" amongst the wealthy criminals who right, dishonesty, together. Result, shortly after, Nguyen Duy Property were block Indian Buddhism into a list of installed Optical candidate for Senate, and then become thought, represents the Indian Buddhist faction.
After 30 days. 4.75, going overseas, what do I get weird when he saw the couple DR. Nguyen Duy, in Paris, close contact with TT Likes Minh Tam, under the heading "Buddhist Unification" Central!). TT still maintain the hunger (drink water pills and nutritional power) until the Government soldier y promise Islamic month 4.66, Constitutional Parliament elections on 3.9.66 ...
At the Central, TT Position for propaganda that "the US European buyout Interest with 3 million Dollars and for me he is led by General Nguyen Cao KY, bringing Army slaughtered the Buddhists in Central … in Saigon TT Position and group fighting slander me as Americans gave me one million Dollars and pay me every month is 20 thousand dollars. To be honest, I am not yet a u.s. dollars, but said cost up to ten thousand to million ... "
About Indian Buddhist story brings people and natural world to Optical capture and destroyed VNQT, which European Mind telling the original HT Like as follows:
"One, one day to Đùng about 7 p.m., some increase in the Guang pagoda, which was the support of the representative body for overseas Indian Optical gun as a Japanese Collection etc. break into VHĐ Like VNQT catch TT Director along with very Good Wall, bringing about Eastern tributary rising in Quang pagoda confining.
The day after Nha Declared Úùy Buddhism intervention, inviting the Indian Optical out of VNQT ...
Yet the yen. Once the other day, on the Indian side, near bring people, bringing gas Spectrum, recapture VNQT again. This time they cease to increase them, taking all their belongings, more sewing machine VNQT, and burned a House on the left hand side Of Himself ... " (page 28)
On the actions of the Indian side, burned the temple destruction Scene, getting locked up our European Mentality, HT writes:
"Things obviously like Bach, whose Qing Tian group fighting the Indian Spectrum, obtained the support of the CS Department, the nagging mind slanderous lies to VNQT split the Church, Like the European Center of destructive and GHPGVNTH. Real as the proverbial pH often says: "drummers just pirate, pirate medium la village". Dependable Eastern meat hold, even slanderous, manipulated power does not constitute causation out spending at all!
For that the tank did not know little about the fighting, the construction of the Church, as well as the increase in ni, Buddhists at the farthest, or later, also a dua, hùa according to the advocacy group fighting Indian cranial stuffing and CS is the region throughout more than 30 years now ... In this regard, the HT Thích Huyền Quang also often asked passing reiterates: "CS each declaration: Buddhist Indian Optical twice of the revolution" …
When the CS from the forest of Saigon had nearly 500 raised opposition fighting Indian Optical out welcome ... " (page 29).
"On the Indian 19.5.75, faction fighting didn't celebrate Ho Chi Minh in Quang pagoda." (page 30).
Talking about the spiritual struggle of TT Position, the European Center where the page 22 HT writes: "while scrambling, TT Position drag the master Square degrees (English), Professor Buu Method (Phonetics) run down Binzhou and are about to run into Kamphuchia, then Saigon returned to quieten, the unit returned."
Commented on escape behavior of the TT Center Position, where 34 page European HT, paragraph 3 article, verbatim as follows:
"The Position downward TT binzhou to escape into my house, Kampuchia Buddhists that Theravada live in the Red Cross ask, they tell me such as vậỵ And later the same two TT Entourage returned to Saigon, everybody knows. To determine credit this, HH Thích Quảng Thành also said in the letter from the Representative of Germany addressed to the TT Position 31. 12.73 as follows: "in 1964, when Christianity took to the streets during the reign of Government Nguyen Khanh, TT has empty abandoned responsibility, scrape away beard eyebrow disguised fled to Cambodia. Halfway, listening situation transform, TT new returns. In these struggles, for as long as secret entrances, dangerous, TT uses form hunger, to formulate and work for other Theravada. Near the end of letter, HH Thích Quảng with gender bisection wrote: "so much so that now the brothers we compare Theravada (Like Position) with the character" REAL MUSIC ", in ARCHIPELAGO renowned novels by Jin Yong. Music Real pants are Attorney General subjects of a martial arts sect known and being world Gypsy hailed as "the Junzi for" because the entrance rate and earn his very junzi. However everyone up. After a period of several years, he would unmask his is a Wei force ", with the intrigue and extreme evil tricks and negative sneaking" … (page 35).
Bach's message, I would like to introduce more on background, origin of name C.S. lying Position, a zone of Threadfin, creates as many events throughout the country for bi from 1963 to 1975.
TT Position being in 1922, the year was 75 years old, in the village of Yantian (also called Complaints Against Perpetrators or Patio), town in Đồng Hới, Quang Binh province in the Northeast. Village of Yantian which is a small and impoverished in Central. Most villagers are a farmer, Carpenter, or hired as lease, to make a living via ngàỵ Because phong thổ district, villagers have disabilities accent Yantian, as Turkish villagers, should go to where Ngọa open mouth out well and hard. Because it is where impoverished antagonist, so villagers Yantian is conservative, very extreme, and beyond.
In the past, when Intimate movements emerged, in 1885, the villagers and Allied Families, Yantian village in Quang Binh province, has also pulled together to burn churches Flute mud, located south of Dong Hoi, Christianity, created a terrible fire has burned several hundred Catholics among them. After the battle Getae, this brutal killing of the villagers were Yantian of parishioners survivors, had to run up North Dong Hoi formed a new parish, called the Court. When the Viet Minh movement emerged, the village of Yantian has easily become "cradle" of communism, and the villagers were to become the Communist hand very bloodthirsty and beyond.
Until 1947, when the French retook Dong Hoi, restore security, order, and established Fort bót guarding over Quang Binh province, but from 1947 to 1954 period, still no one dared to well-bred arrays to Yantian village. Because who has strayed step to village which told as extermination there.
In the circumstances of her possessions, Yantian village has origins in TT Position to a family of impoverished farmers and the British both of three boys. Biography, TT Position were parents to name is Pham Van Bong. three brothers were also named parents pick but because the police do not squeeze too, parents raising children, so the famed sons named Pham Van Bong and his successor had to close down soon turns to make food pieces of Buddhist. The two brothers published his large house they Violate, qui y with Venerable Prussia, Abbot in the family, also in the towns of Dong Hoi. By charm, should go after four brothers they were Commonly used four-digit Thích Minh, Minh Chinh,: optical, to list for. Hence Phạm Văn Bong converted into Pham Quang, then list become Appropriate Position. Also three children named: Pham Minh, Pham Chanh, and delinquency.
Thanks to Myrtle trunk at the mouth of Buddha, should the two brothers Phạm Quang and Pham Minh has learned little peak, about third grade elementary school. The two children is the Primary and General are subject to illiteracy scene.
PHAM CHANH DO AWAKEN HIS INNER FORT to 1945, when the Viet Minh movement arose nationwide, Pham Minh were soon leaving the mantle austerities, engaging resistance. Thanks to that little word meaning, so the peak has been serving Pham Minh in Resistance Administrative Committee, locally. The two brothers, named Pham Chanh and Greater then the pulse on The Độị soon, Pham Chanh was crowned Minor resistance army as Captain Of the militias. But until April 4. 6.47, Pham Chanh were French soldiers were shot dead in ambush in the West German Prussian City Council upholding Pham Chanh Hớị new tuổị 21, remained in the youngest named Pham Dai made nurses in the guards CSBV still alive until 1954, when the partition of the country.
After Pham Chanh had been shot dead, the wife of Western Pham Chanh is also a resistance force, was returning from war zone Yantian village, asking for permission is spread out, with reason be close to serve up husband and parents. Things should know is the wife of the Chief Culprit at a very young, and a lack of spare beauty salty mòị
His wife Violate Islamic Primary rule application, to Dong Hoi, met Lieutenant Huỳnh Công Tịnh. carders TU Huynh The Net holding mission head of Nguyễn Huệ, Regiment Commander based in Dong Hoi, accepting and getting her to do newspaper, pledged not to work for the Viet Minh Pham Chanh compliance nữạ Wifecommit all điềụ But TU Huynh The Net still in doubt, so implicitly enjoin for watertender Pham Room to track bounce of litigants behaviour. At the same time TU Huynh The Net also enjoin the Minister rumored Yantian know the Muslim residents are very suspicious of his wife Pham Chanh, to protect chu đáọ
Result, only a few weeks after renewed immigration, wife of the Chief Culprit attempted to neighboring la to Fort Yantian, acquainted with the soldiers in the Fort. Sometimes she also colloquial lả SA, dimensional sexual eroticism with the brothers four soldiers. Not long after, her closest to the target. Pham Chanh brought young wife body beautiful, compelling her to perform Fine, plain getting Mistress with Chief Fort. In these times of intimate closeness, Chief of Fort noticed she had to expose many acts suspiciously like or check on the status of troops stationed in the Fort, note tracking operations, and especially her special observation defensive positions around the Fort, the fighting in the Fort, etc. So the Chief garrison has implicitly reports for TU Huynh The Net knows, to sketch a program "design innovations".
Geographically, the rumored Yantian lies to the West of the city of Dong Hoi around a tree, and is one of the forts defending the city ring. When master has been intelligence-Communist Viet Minh would pull to attack Fort Yantian Takedowns Regiment immediately adjoining silently opens by fins, arranged the ambush around the Fort, at the same time the rifle fired shells, mortars, mustard and other types of artillery were targeting the rumor.That evening, as usual, the wife of Pham Chanh back into Fort sleeping with Chief Fort. About 2 a.m., when the commando were executed to complete plans to cut the barbed fence, finishing some around rumors, wife successively used the fire as the Chief Culprit cues, to give special public outside the cow into the Fort.
When police commando CS has beef on rumor, Chief of Fort new lands up launch cues for the unit ambushed in bulk to fire attacks. To carders, wife of Pham Chanh was his plan was revealed, instant jump in embracing pigeon retrieved Member captain. Between gunfire broke the cannon ran ròn Quartet as mortars explode, and singing around the Fort, ì upholding two ngườiø Please also naked as nhọng hug struggled the last Chief of Fort ngầụ soaps have socks be pistol tucked available under the bed, shot and killed wife of Pham Chanh.
The next morning, public opinion both in the city of Dong Hoi are scattered about the tumultuous table service CS Viet Minh attacked deficit rumor Yantian. Table thào is also the incessant talk of breaking the Chief wife, used the American Accountancy, spy in the attack on Fort Yantian but unsuccessful career attempts, and the widow, sister-in-law of TT Position, had been shot and killed in battle while the body remains accomplice. A few days later, her mother liked the Position had been local security authorities jailed several weeks successively, for advice about the daughter-in-law of the rumored candidates as internal Yantian.
Talk about Pham Minh, brother of Guangxu, went by the Viet Minh from the early days of resistance against the French. According to author Robert Shaplen, wrote in his book "The Lost Revolution" (Harper and Row, x.b. 1965), has said that:
About may, 1964, after the fall of Wu's younger brother, named Pham Minh Tri, who is a member of the people's Committee of Quang Binh province has made a steady masquerade Buddhist, the team name "Love Magic" came along with a cadre of MTGPMN sneaks into the Temple from the Dam visit Position …
To help fellow wielded political nature activities Plus the continuity of the Position, starting from the 1930s until the South fell to CSBV, I set idea need to invite readers to follow me back on the Position of the current, since as a young cleric.
While head start, boy Pham Quang poverty was Universal for Myrtle thanks door HT Buddhas, to eat. In Dong Hoi, childhood's notorious HT Universal Alliance was a low rise, Germany. He married then go build But he only fluent in Chinese, chữ Quốc Ngữ and know little peaks, West wall manner am. Despite this, 1945, HT back Spectrum not under CSVM. He has remained in the French occupation, whereas many Buddhist has come under increased resistance. During this period, circa 1934, Dr. Le Dinh (father of Mr. Lê Đình charm, a member of the Kuomintang, PK former Professor, former Dong Li Ministry of information, Nguyen Khanh as Prime Minister, former Assemblyman during the second Republic), together with Theravada Like Bile establishes Chang'an South Buddhist studies in Hue, aimed at training increases.
In 1942, at which Position fits round 20-year-old was enrolled in the school, and Christian life with Thich Tri An, Director of the school.
The following year, 1943, Position graduated from Buddhist studies intermediate level.
Should know HT Imagination Of joined party CSVN from 1941, at the party is also active in the ball tốị
In 1945, after the VM loot Government HT Imagination being CSVN election Chairman Central Church Buddhist Studies (PGCQ). The Position has therefore HT pull some rising artists according to CS, which has Enjoyed Friendly, Committee Chairman PGCQ Quang Tri province.
About the Position, when CSVM declared "national resistance", and enjoin the right mass of dispersing large municipalities such as Hanoi, hue and Saigon etc, then around the end of 1946, the Position back to the birthplace Inn, the village of Yantian. Shortly after, followed by TT Position back up Security Like Honor. But the Position only in a few months, then back to Glory has returned to the Yantian, to hold the Committee Chairman PGCQ Quang Binh province.
Until 1947, when the French retook Dong Hoi, Yantian village Position left to reside in the village of Central Significance, because lying too close to the city of Yantian, difficult implementation work secret. During this time, held the same Position with two operations officer of CSVM, the name Nguyen Suichang (also known as Suichang Fatty), in the Same family, and Nguyen was President at Dong Phu.
Soon after, also in 1947, Position, Suichang fat and Nguyen were Second French President Office began tracking full-time drive. this time, Position and Mr. President was detained in Tam Astronomical Station Tòạ khủyu wings Dieses tied shock, but don't understand how half the night President himself trói minded Nguyen and escaped death. Shortly after the French Position was also freed five elders appointed by Own name Suichang Fat, because during operation for VMCS, pointed point for CSVM killed many brothers national political activity against CS, so when arrested, Suichang Fat had to repay the blood. The French brought out shot, and Ruan Suichang beheaded, put bêu at the foot of Bridge, South of the City Council of Hớị later, France also put the skulls of Suichang Fat on bêu in Quang Binh gate, lying West of the city. But after be freed shortly, the runner-up Position to defensive of the arrested again, accused still remain confidential and maintain contact with the officers CSVM. After a period of captivity, the Position was an officer of the French protectorate at Hue guarantee. This Position was to do newspaper committed to inactive for CSVM nữạ
After the release of second Position sees the hometown where Dong Hoi is no longer content themselves with those activities, based on hue, Position in the temple Abbot From Talks. Since then, the superficial Position worked out seems to just take care of Buddha, but secretly inside he continued to work for CSVM.
About 1953, CSVM started negotiating tactics just hitting just. On the one hand still fought vehemently to the West, on the other hand CSVM open campaign peace movement in the country and overseas, to pressure France to stop war in Indochina. Thus the Committee Defending peace be established, since HT Likes C.S. Position Of head of đạọ in southern Position was active in favor of Commission nàỵ
In 1954, after the Geneva agreements, lawyer Nguyễn Hữu Thọ in Saigon also established "peace movement" to cover his political way CSBV.
In hue, upholding Position doing the major Vietnam, Buddhist studies, also responded to the call of CSBV, establishment of a Peace Movement of LS tợ as Nguyễn Hữu Thọ. personnel's peace movement in hue, due to the Position established, right from the first moments include the whole CS Department officers are located in the Thuan Hoa Le Khac Attractive doctors. In addition, the participation of some intellectuals in Central as: Nguyen Cao Thang, veterinarians Pham Van arteries linking, Professor Ton Ocean Riders, Mr. Nguyen Van Dan etc. At the moment he was Chief Executive of Diem.
On November 29. 8.54, peace movement (PTHB) held a ceremony in Saigon, and popular proclamation 2 points: ask French troops to withdraw from the South, and held general elections in the spirit of Geneva agreements.
Nearly a month later, on November 21. 9.54, peace movement organized a large demonstration in Saigon Government demanding Ngô Đình Diệm pay those North migrated back to the North and the Consultative Organization and organized general elections nationwide.
That position, forcing Governments Ngô Đình Diệm to shed attitudes.
On 7.11.54, Governments enjoin custody all character intellectuals have joined activists in the movement nàỵ
In Saigon, LS Nguyễn Hữu Thọ, Văn Lang Traffic engineers, Prof. Pham Huy thong, Kha Van, along with some Conservative and/or author as Nguyen Tran Chi Lăng were arrested.
In Huế, Like Position, Nguyen Cao Thang, Le Khac Shenzhen Ton Ocean Riders, Pham Van arteries linking etc. nor escape network security. But, in the central part, Ngô Đình Cẩn wanted this occasion mirrors Zhuge Quota, Bloom said the documents "furniture, furnishings AI" Robust Plans. Mr. Ngô Đình Cẩn was delicious sweet words, bring money, status and favor loc out Position and Zhao instance Serialization. Be sure: those of Chamber specific document, clearly demonstrated the runner-up Position served secretly long for CS, currently lying in his hand, then the Position will not dare any life or being willing reacting swinging, TRAC nữạ
9. 2. Government 55, Diệm enjoin Soong made 26 first character of PTHB out of Haiphong, pierced handed CSBV. But some of them have no Position, no Le Khac and Nguyen Cao Thang, Nguyen Van Dan … As a result, it is not taken as weird soon, Le Khac Quyến was Wu Zhong family favors, do doctors specifically for the mother of Ngô Đình Cẩn, was appointed Dean of College of medicine, University of hue, hue Central Hospital Director psychopath. Nguyễn Cao Thang made his employer companies catharsis OPV, money endlessly as water flooded! Nguyen Van Dan, since they Admit Female quota to be transferred, and then Take The Administration was going to hold the appointment.
From 1955 to 1963, Nguyen Van Dan was made the head of Thua Thien Hue, and the Mayor.
Own Position shall be entitled to Use Money help restoration to the Temple from the Dam to further u.s.., page khang
Should know the Temple from the Dam was built in 1703, should Dongmyeong Nguyễn Phúc Chụ beginning the temple entitled "Religious Freedom".
To the life of King Thieu Tri (1841-1847) the temple changed its name from the Discussions (3 letters "An Honor" deemed it locally). As a stock character, of construction by the rudimentary materials, should go to the Temple from the era Bảo Đại had begun Talks damaged entries.
By the time period from 1956 to 1963, fellow Central, especially of hue, no longer one taken as weird as that occasionally he Cẫn came to the pagoda from the Dam eat rice vegetarian with TT Position. In addition he Carefully and actively support the activities of Buddhist temples From Negotiating Position, in addition aura, embellished and augment the prestige for the Position.
He Carefully Ding Ning that: with the profile of the Second Room in hand plus the aid money is abundant, surely he has mastered both the soul and the compact design of the Position. But he Accidentally made the mistake completely. Snake CS despite Flay how many times, it still is the snake. He has political game, want to mimic Zhuge Gigantic "failed to hold a strong Plan," but Oops, he's Careful not to Confucius. Left hand Position is a deep root try Imperial officers, then CS never can become so Powerful.
So, say Western, he is styled the "joke" was Careful with fire, also said he Carefully styled VN is already playing "monkey bee sleeves, pets, for example, before looking house", after his brothers will also be Carefully Position destroy, simultaneously pull both the collapse of the Republic Hòạ
So far everybody knows Ngô Đình Diệm regime had been the military, under the orders of u.s. makes usurped. In contrast, gỉa theory, if now America has not wanted to overthrow Diem, whether for Position, Friendly and Buddhist groups struggling Central has borne three more top six hands make up stories. But in reality, we must acknowledge that, at the Start Position and Friendly allies active in opposing commands limit the Buddhist flag on the occasion of Vesak in 1963. Soon after the protest was the positive support of the Department lies in cadres CS hue and several provinces in the central part, turned into political struggles, hiding under nominal Buddhists Giáọ most notably the cover of some senior officer include staging the CS: Vo-Dinh Cuong, Nguyen Truc and Bass ...
During the Buddhist Position used to fight, with a population of Huế who also find Intuitive, Vo-Dinh Cuong, Nguyen and Soong Huqin are the left hand side of the arm and Position. But in fact, the officers CS senior's are "advisers direct direction" of the Position. Because of the substantive Position is only one Buddhist monks have a very qualified academic guise of primary schools, with a new simplified limited enough to read books. Position does not have the level of a Confucianist scholar Han, and no bit knows nothing about Western Sciences. In addition, the mother tongue, Position do not speak a foreign language, whether they are English or French language. Consequently, we see whither Position must also be driven by greater Germany Likes Japanese donation, as a Secretary and interpreter. With a basic understanding of it, so the Position is very limited, especially on the political international.
According to the records of the Second Chamber, it is known, Cuong Vo-Dinh, which is a member of the CS seniority. Powers was admitted to the party from 1943, the same hit with TT Like Eu, later Eu became Director of the Institute University of Van Hanh. University situated near the top for Truong Minh lecture. Vo-Dinh Cuong has been freight C.S. propaganda work specified in the Buddhist world Central.
During the period from 1947 to 1965, Cuong Vo-Dinh were jailed because of criminal activity for CS several times, but were Position guarantee, please pay the five elders appointed by self
Since the end of 1963, title to the powerful Buddhist Centre are struggling on the momentum of victory, Vo-Dinh Cuong gave out the works publicly, no longer afraid what the network security of modes of WWII CH southern.
After 1975, Cuong Vo-Dinh was elected Assemblyman CSVN Party Congress, General Editor of the magazine enlightened, formal agency declared in the transport of the PG the Fatherland Front, an organization of party CSVN. The headquarters of the magazine Enlightened set at 85 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City.
About Nhat, Secretary of the Position, but the limbs of Position, but after the 30.4.75, was also taken into custody for investigation, CSBV because suspected spy for the CIA has operated.
CSBV was based on facts, on the night of 22. 8.63, when NGO Dinh Nhu ordered the public security Police siege captures all XA Loi Pagoda leading in the lion, An Optical, Theraveda … no one escaped, only the Japanese Position, thanks to the Likes of Goodwill put away and then transferred to Agency USAID, the American Embassy. (In the writings of Tran Van Don VNNC also recorded this).
So, affordable Like Japanese Charity had bracketed Us with CIA hooks?
Also Position? Those are serious problem for both the Japanese Position and Goodwill Games shows!
In addition, I was more like the Japanese donation, real name is Le Mau, also known as Ham, of birth customs in Thua Thien. Before emigrating in 1954, Le Mau Releases did police in Dong Hoi, company CA and then moved into the company CA Hòạ here, because space Inaugurated an affair lasted mausoleum but, Le Mau Releases has been changed out more CA River Cầụ not long after, in 1959, Lê Trade Releases sacked always of COMPANION PROGRAM takes theLe Mau Releases curious to Saigon, please export the Buddha, and learn more About the 1963 English., like the Japanese Donation to 65 in a Buddhist temple Abbots in the County, near the market For Muốị during this time, as indicated in the second, and frequently Prefer Japanese Lake For Charity
Track, observe carefully the struggle from the beginning, at may. 1963 until southern died in hand CSBV, people realized the cabin driving method of mass urban fighting Communist-type Position and has been fighting Central Buddhist group later applied thoroughly. The peak of the struggle of Buddhism in Central has been achieved is laying out an organized political parallel activity took the name "RESCUE" PEOPLE'S COUNCIL communism, and showy smell "stance", so all officers CS staging stands out as leader: Le Khac, Chairman of the Thuan Hoa branchPropaganda, Ton, Le, Nguyen Ngoc Hanh, High Plain Coat, brothers Prince Hoang Ngoc Phu Ngoc Tuong, Phu Phan, Le Van Hao (currently in French) ...
Because the name "Councils of Rescue" showy sụa smell CS, and highway touches too, so difficult to attract other components, so only a short time later, improved Position enjoin for "FORCES ENLIST revolution". This is just an "average new wine", a familiar political tricks of any other party, such as C.S. CSVN revamped labour party member list!
Forces Enlist the revolution, the successor of HĐNDCQ, with the participation of many senior officers, targeted admit CSBV WINS emanate, borrow garb the people were authoritarian family values oppression revolted, robbing the southern Government by political violence. If the target large, nationwide is not achieved, the Position will move to a compromise plan with some generals original central struggle to reclaim "CENTRAL AUTONOMOUS", making southern paralyzed.
In time, since after 1.11.63 onwards Position but capped austerities, but actually a right leaning Christian Lords, the generals ruling all diets dè, awesome. This one also saw said. Most notably Duong Van Minh, an officer in the Southern region lies CS identical Position is located in the central region, to the last moment, on 30.4.75, still have to "one more tam Bai" to "the INDIAN PALACE" flanking Position all day and night chực, to lead the directive!
Based on the events mentioned above, we will be able to understand exactly why after Wu regime collapsed, the limbs of the Ngô family, such as: BS Le Khac Quyến was not convicted of "THOSE NEED LAO", Nguyen Cao Thang, financial trading has been to Ngô Đình Cẩn and his party Have Labour without loss of any leg hairs, all Carefully to again sponsoring OPV's
Separate explosions in front of the radio-hue alone alone Maj Deng, Deputy Chief Executive of Internal security, granting the Governor Nguyen Van, were brought to court prosecution and false imprisonment in jail suffering. Meanwhile, the head of Nguyễn Văn Caste, and Mayor of the city of Huế, who is responsible for the entire administration and security locally to be outlawed nhởn stigma, and then later also transferred to the Ministry of national defense held the Office of The Commissioner, General Staff General Manager Don.
Readers know why? Because of the lower Caste which is limbs of close long Position in the peace movement!
In the Buddhist movement struggling central in 1963, due to its Position and a growing number of regional and whole ni lay officers CS in the Thuan Hoa Publishing House of Le Khac Glamorous actively supported. The unknown criminals CS is more than anyone, the master of the Temple from the Dam only a limited number of PT, but there was no cabin staff struggled professionally active. Four CS officials into mastering portable engine mass, know how to organize the fight are qui tubers. Meanwhile the mass majority were impoverished VENEZUELA, there is no status, so often easy listening ear, according to propaganda to leak and seduction of CS is located in. If there is any hard, unheard killer, CS staging does not hesitate what applicable measures Have when they use the dọạ hù hands of agency security and local government blindly, to enforce the intimidation of them, making people lower neck baby throat such restraints on who knows Myrtlemust awesome secretly CS.
In its early stages, four officers mentioned above were located in the CS appeared with reason is advocating radical demands of Buddhism, alongside the voluntary sacrifices fighting raised, Buddhists, and also advocated mass involvement mobilization more overwhelming than nữạ then the master was up to nine storeys skyhighvaessen, as Buddha Thích Ca relive nor equal. In this case, of course the master were not from happy to whimper. Because the master tournaments have a Buddha or Bodhisattva. In the belly of his monks does also still have a wart and part ageratum as every sentient beings!
Since then the master for other fish have entrapment to invisible blade of CS is located in. When it came to know the master wanted to release the tongue and the throat is also no longer caught up in nữạ, had once been "divine" and also one wild nothing want to come back, now forming a customary element name foo! nữả qualities Ay is not to mention factors TT Position is a cadre CS Threadfin. This, I'll demonstrate in a tớị after more than 20 years in exile, fellow refugees overseas as well as in countries which already know all rồị
In this piece, I need to prove to people clearly see the struggle of PG Central has been manipulated and sumptuous staging CS from start to finish, as being between the capital Ha Nộị red banner Division Gold Star Position, Friendly Allies are just the loan Talks, the pagoda from the nominalOnly as schools, Truths of the Broadway comedy, tragedy and flag PG just a casing of a Longgang nhọt political leadership to Islam, to be a cigar thatched pus
If you read is the people ever watched during the State of the month from 5 to 11, 1963, surely not forget newspaper "stance", with a group of officers CS Department headed by DR. Le lying Remedial Allure. From this time, the cost of Engraved doctor Le Thuan Hoa, Hoang brothers, Ngoc Hoang Ngoc Phu Phan, Walls covered with Le Van Hao (so far had defected heaven CS, running through Paris!), ton that Hanh, Lê Phước, Propaganda, Body Weight, Vo-Dinh Cuong, gỉa PG book "LIGHT SCOUT gold" ... entered the contest. Currently Le Khac Quyến was dead, but his comrades are still alive and in active service for CS. now CUONG Vo-Dinh in charge of the newspaper "enlightenment", in the Nguyen Dinh Chieu, (formerly Phan Dinh Phung) is a newspaper organization of PG enterprises beyond this region lies again, the Group CS also founded an organization of people completely stereotyping styled CSalso, the title is: anonymous smell CS concentration "COUNCILS of SALVATION". The Le Khac Quyến was named Chairman of the Board. The Group was hiding under the auspices of PG struggle, taking advantage of the turmoil in central position, on November 21. 9.1964 gathered and pull together to capture radio hue, burned down many grassroots Government in hue and Qui Nhon ... Night 23.1.65, "NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL of the PEOPLE" by Le Khac Glamorous also pull together to defense information America threw stones and burned Us libraries, damaging over 5000 books. Meanwhile, he was Vice Consul in America or something, arriving lo fire to rescue the books in the library has been also the lower limbs of four Carved stone on Glamorous fighting Le him, causing him to have serious injuries, have to put in Shang dynasty cứụ-level deed advantage nominal PG struggle against religious discrimination, Le Khac and HĐNDCQ of he disrupt the Tri an hue to the extreme. Anyone who has ever in Huế during this time were not from the taste, vaessen clam as a place "INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT" or CSBV coming into assimilate to the place then! Although Other Pears and comrades took action betrayed Confederate military population and the flagrant manner in public like that-just missing the gold star of the first red flag pulling up Related Disciplines anymore! -but he has still not been investigated, and did not encounter any difficulty before the Government and the rule of law. In contrast, totalitarian militarists Duong Van Minh, Nguyen Khanh and Nguyen Van Thieu, etc. are still important and endowed him.
On November 8. 9.1964, Le Khac and ton that Hanh had been appointed to the so-called "SYNOD" nation.
Then Le Khac Glamorous left still was changed to Saigon to do Main, Hospital Director in Cholon Worshippers. Fins, Le Khac Quyến is aỉ people try it Hue nobody weird what he was entitled to more doctors for heavy machinery of Corn throughout the family houses they 9 year trờị at the same time the people of Hue also know him as "dear to the other side"!
Since Mr. Diem has on water accept chánh, in 1952, DR. Le Khac Quyến was Wu family house they made medicine for his mother's reputation. Till he Diem on water, as Prime Minister, and President, famous once upon a time, control outside China, he Captivated out into the Palace Covered Orange LK daily as out into his house. In addition to the incentives for physical and political powers, he was awarded the Glamorous LK Diem exclusively for a car brand Mercedes, tourism or about 200,000 VND. The period 1955-56, vehicles are defined as luxuries, banned imported for public use. Vehicles which are imported priority mode, only reserved for Governments and some representatives of slavery in the National Assembly Republic Hòạ Idea should also reiterate some facts for you to read the young tuởi overseas easy visualization of the amount or value of 200,000 Dong VIET NAM during the 1955-56. Meanwhile, the servants are led every month about 1,800. With wages that people can feed to be his wife and a child! Thanks to rely on the powerful House of Wu, has also been teaching at the Glamorous SHORES Medical University, hue, and later doubled as Dean of medicine in the University of hue.
During this period detailing the Pros, under the command of officers of glamorous still silently works LK, it's discreet, for not being divulged unleashed. Though busy for a while more, much important work, such as: medicine for her mother TT Diem, Professor, Dean of Faculty of medicine, the doctor still tries to maintain Attractive LK clinic, opened since before 1952, near the mouth of Shanghai Quartet, hue. So where is the station's Affairs, at the same time also the ambulance station, especially for senior officers of lying frequently sneaks CS treatment. Clinic of LK Quyến was equipped as a sanitarium for another, there are many bed treatment, with full comforts lab aid and Anatomy of foreign khoạ
Patients, if they are civilians, want to go to the clinic of DR. Allure to consultation to apply for a card before, taking the number before the date, time, or to get an appointment. But the officers CS, comrade of BS shall take precedence and priority treatment got sick, need not have a procedure for nàọ By special patients was announced in advance by orderlies, or encryption, cues, or by a special slogan of the base, in the case of serious and urgent. I would like to form a typical case, specifically, that I have learned. Of course, and countless other cases, but I didn't know before. In summer, in 1952, a CS class officers in town, the name Threadfin Huong Binh Thuy, Hương Trà, Thừa Thiên, his son Who, quite famous in Huế, was suffering from "acute fever and feeling" very badly, can compromise to the mission, has been getting sick, BS and Charming special treatment in the clinic's own laboratorydon't write to window got sick or list of patients. In a nutshell doesn't leave a trace of the name Oanh in the profile.
Staff in the clinic of DR. Quyen are both officers orderlies of cs. outside of a nurse, named Foster, a nurse named Beatrice, who in Hamlet, Phu Vang, had her husband away. Coming back in 1954, American nurse manuscript BS Glamorous also suddenly disappeared from the clinic, does anyone know where to go, and no one figured out of cardboard. Later, during the new year, new people suddenly looming land Nervous vía upon seeing couples nurse Workshop Abruption appear. In my opinion, the unknown tribe of Other Attractive, BS Lê is currently still lives in France, the VO As Chapel, who had previously served as Director of public safety Central section from before 1954. Missing General Đỗ Mau, but have previously assumed Director Security Forces during a time quite long, under the first CH, but has also proved to not know anything much about the Glamorous side of LK. Can Do Mau has embarrassed TT posture of LK, medical treatment for the mother of President diem, who was he Remiss very important, should not dare to touch.
In his memoir VNMLQHT, when referring to the intense upheaval in Central, General Nguyen Khanh goatee ruled, gỉa just commented on DR. Le Khac Captivated by a simple sentence as follows: "staff struggling Buddhism, first and foremost the Mr. Le Khac, Chairman of the National Research Council is a body element that many resistance in Hue unknown. " (page 912).
In terms of popular Glamorous Chairman HĐNDCQ LK, but submerged, LK is Captivated while Minister of the Pros of CSBV.
Component officials and party members including those named hereafter: General Lê Văn Nghiem, before 1954, when the French medium defeat of Dien Bien Phu, simultaneously also is at the National political front – most vibrant Communities in VENEZUELA, was being hastily brought in anticipation of the entire map, there are dots coordinates availablegiving credit to bring out the ones for CS. he/she is contractor Nguyen Ngoc Bang, a comrade of Lê Lê Văn Khắc and strictly.
Carders Lê Văn Strictly are carrying cans of Lieutenant Colonel. His capital was from the soldiers of archives. Thanks for having a lot of merit are useful for the revolution since many years, so after 1975, former General Lê Văn Grave has not been started off studying military CSBV renovated as hundreds of thousands of other officers in the army of Wei rights South. He has been in the howling CSBV incentives for children, in line with his wife hí LY Thuong Kiet Street, hue, until death. Le Van Grave which had been close friends with DR. Le Khac Nguyen Ngoc Bang Bang, and body Weight Phuoc Nguyen Ngoc In which worked as contractor of construction, quite famous in Central. Circa 1984, Nguyen Ngoc Bang has been to America refugees under family reunification, but he died circa 1991.
A cadre of other Minds, a name CS Carpenter, whose workshop at Nguyen Hoang (formerly) in hue. In hue massacre Tet Mau, name Intelligence established great achievement, a hand was killed quite a lot.According to the memoirs of General C.S. Lai (now deceased) had sections written verbatim as follows: "Individually prepare for Mau we gave 200 handguns with C4 explosives on the inside of the House he Le Huu Tri, Minh-access to all weapons".In addition, I also get more active for Location name has from the time of the French left VIETNAM in CS, and then to the first and second CH never difficult. I'm more surprised civil security agencies and the military were to neglect the illegal action of him. I can see, before Tet Mau murders took place, if the local government started the name VNCH and comrades, then row wanbo fellow in the former capital of Huế where had been killed in the massacre of the cruel hand CSBV! (So that General Secretary, then people have a responsibility to protect Hue, also dare bombast run crime, declared to the press as he was applying tactics ... "example"! Crimes with verbal silly really worth brought the spot shot by the French).
After 30.4. 75, the people of Hue had seen the name Carpenter, a comrade in the Thuan Hoa Publishing House of BS Shenzhen appeared to operate openly for the CS Government locally. In addition, the Pros of BS So there is 2 couples Display name, job manufactured catharsis (préparateur en pharmacie).
Circa 1950-51, the name appears to have been marched West, ambush shot and killed in one night at Ben do "three BERTHS", lies to the District of Thủỵ And his wife Taste, then also Display has been out of the party, not foreclose understand for whatever reason. This woman currently living in Canada, near the little refuge of sons of BS, and several sons of General Lê Văn Nghiem. If you read is not happy about these achievements is the national church, mealtime magic CS's doctor Le Khac, then here, I would like to mention a further evidence: Story unfortunately this suddenly happened around the end of 1962. Next time, the company presented An Thừa Thiên province administration buildings to a dispatch "SECRET" that relate to the BS, Shenzhen. Who next play dispatch "SECRET" is The Female Religious, Known As a nun, sister of Mr. Buu Dong (in Germany) and is the sister of Mr. Buu Stars (in Orlando, USA), his son Hilary Trạo, accountable ledger dispatch first invisible record excerpts, then distribute out, submitted to the issuing jurisdiction. because of the dispatch "SECRET" has the magnitude of the important officials in particular, should the Court have to straight up right for him in the head of Nguyễn Văn College review. Content SECURITY dispatch time is as follows:
-"A vehicle carrying a full pharmacy has capsized on the Roadmap For Hai-Ling, Highway 1, in Phú Lộc. curator bus carrying this name is Pham Van catharsis, employees joined the hospital in hue. During the preliminary interrogations by the police, Pham Van's implementation is carrying catharsis to give Phu Loc district health service costs, at the behest of DR. Le Khac Captivate, Director of the hospital ... "according to the wall of the Police Department of the testimony of Pham Van's completely untrue. Because of the following:-2 probably problem catharsis for health in the work and responsibilities of the magnificent natural health Company, unrelated to the Hue hospital, under the control of DR. Glamorous.
-Health Phu loc is located in Truồi, county seat, rather than For Two-Mausoleum. Should know that from Her Tomb to the Hai Van pass not far from mấỵ where capital is an important place of Communist Affairs throughout the period of the war.According to the wall of the Police Department then this is the case pharmacy supply for CS, and so should public safety recommends should be interrogated BS Glamorous, and procedures necessary showtimes by law.Because this is just the first dispatch, should need to be superior for permission to conduct interrogations, natural justice procedures can establish statutory records. After the profile has finished the new re-submitted to the Court of the province and the agency contact, to implement the second phase of the procedure for prosecuting can multiply and congjiang breaking off the Court. But this SECURITY dispatch of Company Security Department has been a senior hands somewhere in government machine wheel standards consistently. The Interior was engulfed canoes, and resupply of catharsis for CS also search nhẹm always Glamorous BS.
Something worth saying more here, employees are responsible for loading the catharsis for CS's back is the name of Pham Van nephew of Pham Van Dong, carders are doing Government Prime Minister, the brother of Professor CSBV Free Van Pham Van Yao, in Saigon. Anh Pham Van Yao larger me several years and taught together with me for many private schools in Saigon. Service supply catharsis for CS in the South during the war, notably during the carjacking general corruption, corruption of the ruling, which has become almost "PUBLICLY DISSEMINATED". Such information, please ask the grandparents the dosage as: Page Two, La Thanh, Nguyen Cao Thang, Trương Văn Chôm, and the pharmacist as: Wu, Tran Van Lam, Overcoming Static former pharmacy owner, at the corner of Intensity Lam Thu Khoa Huan and Le Thanh ton, near Golden Tiger Asset Management ... then clearly Nguyen the!
To have an accurate view of Central upheaval, I noticed him personally who has Run the moral superior many others that I've had a chance to know. Mr. NGO Dinh Nhu worthy of the intellectuals, intrigue, ideological concept of radioactive minerals and political religion very decisively. Two he fanatical and advocated non-discrimination NGO Dinh Thục religion like he Should remember that circa. 1956-57, President Ngô Đình Diệm was browsing y establishing unified Buddhist, allowing mold Assembly, opening Roads Nianfo freely, and the Buddhists nationwide pharmacy travel cruise holidaysNo one impedes or do something difficult.
So make sure the ban on flag Waving Mao's birthday in lể It is due to the Director of he Shu Shu to serve he effectively "Water God", but unexpectedly leave di harmful to all the children in his family, who were killed the carpet! His own body, Shu narrowly escaped from being the people demanding immediate blood debt, while the great events of the country still in progress.
The old days, if the King blindly that get loyal servant, meaning gas, such as the Sea King Qin Ruler dare face murder, although he Wu King lethargic, fool padded material must also be, and what no country worries on flourishing. On the contrary, right from the start, the Imperial German Ngo has been beset by some priests emigrated only benefits ahead. Come around the end of the 1950s to early 1960s, this Court again besieged by a flood van quan, martial General, but particularly flattering, temporary living exponents of the financial assistance. Slavery is the head of the family book says: Petrus, former President of the puppet National Assembly, Nguyen Phuong Intervention, total Scriber Bui Van Luong, National Assembly, former Chief Commissioner of Athletics, after making the Tabernacle as Interior Minister, replacing Judge Lin Li Virginity.
The army then Ton Applique, Huynh Van Cao, Tran Thien Khiem, etc. have been regarded as his adopted son's reputation. Own Position and Le Khac Attractive is also the guys who enjoy thanks very profuse storms hooks of the regime. But the Government has plotted to kill them at their home. Free da man is actually reflecting Trac impermanence. Worth the frightful facts!
Long Duong Van Minh has put all expectations on TT Position, regarded as an Advisor Position directs special, an intermediary force, to establish any negotiations with rebels CSBV.Mask "STAGING" and "PERSONAL AMBITION" of Duong Van Minh and Position until the last minute of Saigon was the couple's down manually.
In the words of General Nguyễn Hữu Had, she played the role of Assistant, recounted the verbatim as follows:
-"On 29.4.75, which is hard on me. Go Ming Co also brought me from the Indian side, especially the meeting. Command security master (Position) is invariably go at that. Criminal career for Intelligent Co President but kept the perpetrator executive duties, like a captain received orders to the mouth of the battalion commander thôị More at I think Intelligent Co President or Like Position đâỷ ...I remember there was a meeting in India resulting Like Position to preside along several other temple master, I don't know the name. The side had Proved his Form, the Chief Justice, Co. I sat behind Ally Co (almost military advisor of Co). Preferred Position looked at me with eyes small, deep, full of sneaking, lườm one to switch to the other direction. He also knew anyway, "master" had what his favourite place due to "altar" down the road (1966) and the great central upheaval where can clear away the dogmatic Position with three names "us-States-have". Clear to me, your Position never and I think if "master" can always be revenge.
But knowing his fate, but Intelligent Co where nobody beside in the punch? Moreover, at that time probably Intelligent Co also understand that just got my new really because he, as the success of the success of tôị in life who also has big ambitions and always thought that he would achieve. Also hence has very story.
Actually today in jail I think again that Alliance found guilty for Having, like President that possibility too restrictive, thus prefer to Position controls all talking…
On the history of his political life as not Having received the Presidency that the day is 29.4.75, because on this day from 8 a.m. to 12 hours late at night and I must go Ming Co "IMPERIAL PALACE" 5 times and was IMPRESSED also with the content as "master" also promises a way certainly can't stray is about to complete. On the other side is dark or bright slow Lam 29.4.75 30.4.75 will discuss the formation of Coalition Governments.
If I go to have night 29.4.75 story is well because the promise Publication Spectrum of mouth Position Then at nàỵ Like 2 hours in the morning, we had to leave the Independent Indian Quang Palace awaits the "master". Tired real, Intelligent Co sit where President besides a seamless telephone, including one especially recognizable is dedicated to "master". Line for "master" is not A preference that prioritize "super", can be said for Intelligent Co is "over super".
We are each a holiday or reclining seat backs on sofa waiting News (delegation to the other side to to). Obvious lyrics "master" is recently said: "the President as well as you did here, I have to stand in contact with the southern Liberation Front and they met separately I spoke sure were finishing the mission are on the road to here, because the secret should not indicate hours reception. Gentlemen for peace of mind on vacation and when they come is I phone outright ... "
Out on, I saw the face of intelligent Co also hope many, he Samples are less Central to nóịLý Chanh thinh thinh moment is still Hon openings, I personally find the situation a noisy clutter in inner city Saigon arrived at to explode and inevitable ...
4: 30 a.m. 30.4.75, Minh Co fever gut can't wait add anymore to remind your phone up for having "master," while, go to your rifle AK listen to đùng apparent mồn one. Intelligent Co as jiong of Xia than:
-"Dear teacher, I am President Duong Van Minh, wanted to know, why wait for comments now don't see anything? Brothers we are the most at this point, the current situation is too confusing, please how do I decide, I see absolutely confidential manner, perhaps dangerously poor, do not say what the other side was ... "
Rè rè in Position, Like the phone:
-Madam President, as well as President is that I still wait till now (don't know this is true of the verbal ổng or lie) and I think perhaps with the current situation, in my mission, to mediate the North Bridge of political flags, can be said is terminated. With responsibilities as President, moreover is a general, I think work must thanks to your military generals, but my political solution ended as if from this moment, and if so what's wrong then all responsibilities are forgotten by the President, with the decision to General military solution, which in this area very well conversant in general than tôị Hello President ... "Ming Co just answered a question:" master compact to kill me! "
and then máỵ Cup 5 hours less 15 bright 30.4.75 "…
(quoted in the song "HEART GENERAL in HA TAY PRISON" of journalists C.S. HO Van Quang recorded).
Currently enjoys the Position come alive in Vietnam. But from 1975 until now, has 23 years, nobody heard of an activity, or a statement of the cleric nàỵ even the supposed opposition CSVN on the establishment of Buddhist institutions Owned by the rise of mainstream artists, people STUDY at home and abroad such as one finds the name Position to attend. More specifically, "PLEASE CONSIDER MANY THINGS," dated 25. 6.92, of Venerable Thích Huyền Quang sent authorities CSVN, was widespread throughout Australia and overseas and has caused a wave of public opinion opposed to CS violently, we also do not see HT Huyền Quang reminding what to Position. Such Position has been and is currently do in VN?
Public opinion about the Position very well overseas gibberish and contradictions. People are said to have retreated Position, legs austerities not fighting anymore, have net password, etc. There's also speculation maybe CS Position has been placed on probation, etc.
Of course in this case, I also like the you are nobody know what exactly to the Position in time living under regimes cs. But based on some documents revealed from within the country, we can learn to be part of nàọ So please devote you read put together ponder.
According to the article "the PATH" KHỈU "of Do Trung Hieu, a senior officer for the Religious district of Saigon-Transport Chợ Lớn, recounted the merits of him during the operation a secret, after June 30. 4.75, CSVN Position has been listed as part of "CIA strategy".
Do Trung Hieu have joined party CSVN since 1956, and a cadre is active in the region, Buddhism in the South, for the follow-up to the struggles of Buddhism since 1963. Thus Tastes familiar know very much increased in both Allied officers powers of Imagination and Impression Quang of Vietnam National Order of HT Châụ Do Trung Hieu Mind Likes to mention, when the lịnh Buddhist mass mobilization to establish Buddhist Church of Vietnam (GHPGVN) (Buddhist organization-owned)He has presented the important role of the Position with the upper-level direct command and spring Thủỵ làTrần Bach Dang Xuan Thuy carders are served as Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Minister Of Transport, Central Government, while Tran Bach Dang as Deputy Prefect.
Hear Do Trung Hieu said about the role required of GHPGVN Position in the Organization has gotten phắt, Tran Bach Dang, Quang and do not agree to participate in organized nàỵ Because according to the remarks of Tran Bach Dang, the Position of type "CIA STRATEGY" cannot be used.
Shortly after replacing Xuan Thuy Nguyen Van Linh as Prefect Of the Central Transport, also completely agree with Tran Bach Dang, for that Position who can't spend.
Results, day 4. 11.1981, Congress established the VIETNAM Buddhist Church (State owned) include the participation of Allied Press, held at Quan Su, Hanoi, and was elected a Board of Directors as follows: Chairman of HT Likes Librarian, Vice Chairman of HT, HT Imagination Like Don Consort Jing as Deputy Principal and Director of the Council to prove ...As such, readers have been clearly seen, during the war in VIETNAM, although the Country-for Optical Position should be created with a lot of merit, but just because a little CSVN questionable no justification of the night of 22. 8.63 oan grim, the life of the Position was captured by his comrades buried buried quietly into the night So the ball tốị 22. 8.63 is the night?
Night of 22. 8.63, public safety, which was the night, Police and secret service Wu has entered the XA Loi Pagoda, press, etc. to the rising Khan Theraveda ni, the only surviving alone ... Position!
After new secret was revealed: during the night, the Secretary Likes Japanese Charity brought into Position to flee and then transferred to Agency USAID, the US Embassy and Ambassador Cabot Lodge sheltered flaw…
Thus, after the 30.4.75, were taken into custody just Like Japanese CSBV Charity to investigate, because CS Loves Japan Friendly did suspected thugs for America.
Since Like March Friendly arrested, Position is not out of fear for his diocese, for example, some other fishes covers cutting boards, should have to pretend all day sitting meditation, and net exports.If you have read the section "European talking about TT Hub HT Like Position" above and then permanently, you'll realize this is just a reaction type the Ostrich, according to the habits of police Position whenever encountered peril, fear!, etc.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).22/1/2012.

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