Sunday 15 January 2012


In economic Buddha of Boundless Life has taught us three diamond district leader of the subjects (practice methods):
1. Good career household, regardless of others too (Keep verbal, and said to ignore the faults of others).
This implies, very extensive meaning. In three career: body, speech, and mind, the Buddha brought to the leading export industry; why? All created beings are verbal easiest career. We should know the verbal, in the previous paragraph can tell you stories about people who talk bad about shamans for teaching business, hearing glass break them and wizards, rotten to 18 million years in hell A monk; from hell a hundred years to go through life blind, and still do not know how much life means to be impoverished lower, then restore normal body, so that new reports of crime made such verbal scary no.
2. Compassion bodily protection, any suspected loss rule (Keep bodily, do not violate rules of behavior and loss)
3. Households that improve business, immaculate purity (Keep that professional, always pure unstained)
Three questions on three diamond district leader of the subjects, we have to memorize what all the texts referred to are three things to explain, to teach us to always follow these three leaders in diamond life, at work, in daily communication.
The movement's ideology is to present later, have changed, and to quickly skeptical. This thought in Buddhism have? In Mahayana Buddhism, but very difficult, if a Bodhisattva has the rudiments of this concept, the new requirements, change, and fast, sometimes went astray user does not know. If so what kind of person can do? Hue said Hanh Buddhist Bodhisattva, the Great Dharmakaya new Si, but the latter pure heart, wisdom has opened for entry.
The mind is not calm, wisdom is not open, but being active in disturbing new claims, demands and changing rapidly, the concept is absolutely harmful. So the Bodhisattva primary (elementary school) is best to go the way of the great virtues of the past have come across; you should know Buddhism was transmitted to China two thousand years, two thousand years ago in India passed out a thousand years. For three thousand years, ordinary people who take the old road, those who earnestly in the old bohemian who is not achieved; think of the modern novel, we do not see anyone of achievement; this is truly worthy for us to think and reflect.
Buddhism and the world does the same legal theory and methods are not the same, we want to escape damage as birth and death in this life does not? This is a critical point in our spiritual practice. If the damage is like birth and death willow, green escape path of reincarnation, we must respect the teachings of the Buddha; have to explain (understand), to practice, must strive hard to do, so this new life we ​​have hope for success.
Buddha taught us to do what we have to do with all your heart; Buddha teaches us what not to do, we are definitely not doing so is worthy of the Buddha's great disciples of Buddha and not to make a only a Buddhist name without the substance of the Buddhist. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).17/1/2012.

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