Sunday 15 January 2012


Being a Buddhist I have three important things to do in everyday life, can not be missing:
1. The first is recitation.
Read business is holding economic front that reads. When you memorize it, require no experience can also say that it is called action.
Read and recite what purpose? Do not forget the teachings of the Buddha, always remember this saying in my heart, to remember what to do and what not to do.
2. Monday is practice.
Practice is when we started the concept mind, if this in mind, the Buddha did not start up when we have to change immediately brought it back. From the amended act is an act. Thoughts, insights, behavioral, speech, if any errors (this error is to take the teachings of the Buddha as the standard), then bring these mistakes, revising, that is called religious. So in that religious practice is the starting center concept, in the words of action, usually to enlightenment, to know his faults.
In Buddhism we often say to 'enlightenment' , a lot of people think enlightenment is something very magical, very superior, can not imagine. Damage to all who are tricked out. What is called 'enlightenment' ? I know my faults, bad habits, I know, I'm enlightened (know), so-called 'enlightened' . If you have a lot of mistakes but do not know yourself, that you love or crazy; if you know his faults, you have 'enlightened' . Bring these mistakes revision called 'foot repair', a new world called 'religious'.
Respect of good, friendly favorite stories, good stories of praise, known as 'virtue' ; center field purity, equality and great compassion, known as 'enlightened' . All were in normal daily life, it's nothing magical and strange? So hard to understand, review, and reflect on, modify the behavior, to do each day, any time must also always remember and follow.
3. Tuesday is speaking for everyone to know
Forum is performed, this word is used a lot in our talk. Buddhist bodhisattva is the best example for the sentient world of the nine measures. They are the best example for us to imitate. They represent our view; representation of what? This is not performed on stage, which is represented in life, at work, in the treated and exposed to the incident, in speech and behavior. Example for others to follow, so that people see the consciousness of respect, admire and imitate, here called 'performance' .
'Theory' is a lecturer in economic sermon, the sermons has teaching experience is very broad scope. In business you often say not cry the whole teaching experience, regardless of when they see someone teaching a verse, half verses (two verses) recommends that people, when ripe, the charity based nembutsu recommended that, if improved base or incomplete, ill definitely recommend it to charity, self-merit to them (for it).
For example, when friends meet, you ask them not want to finance? I know the method to develop talent, you want to hear? Development financing is the story everyone wants to hear, new talk, everyone is interested to hear immediately. How to develop talent? Tu is giving the rich resources, the scope of financial generosity is very large, not tell you to bring money to the right for others to call the financial generosity; that is to misunderstand it. Giving financial resource is used appropriately to benefit the society and for all, this is a true charity.
Three stories above are often mentioned in Buddhist scriptures: 'life over, recitation, lecturing to others' , we must understand the mind of the Buddha, to know how users can gain true interests of Buddhism. But something very important that the business is often said, that 'our services', faults related to this is substantial.
"We service 'is what? favorite work, like business and create a lot of his career, the Buddha said it was a mistake. In the Buddhist scriptures have said over, Buddha sent out an example 'If a Bodhisattva' , this is the bodhisattva bodhisattva has no wisdom, many business career, I sent out an example, such as making the stupa, this is just the building that the VTP; The ancients used to say to create towers also found the infinite blessings; Buddha said people practice fortune even create towers with seven great natural treasures in all three natural world, the Blessed One said: 'I met this Bodhisattva will not mind being happy, that's not true that offering, and is not respectful to me.'
View this paragraph, we remember the king of Liang shell to meet Bodhidharma, the first group of Chinese Zen. Food is King of the shell to his disciples at home and was ordained as bodhisattvas. King has built a total of 480 large temples, and like to advise people to ordained, the king has a total of ten thousand people ordained. King oai rights and financial resources used by a king to build the temple and make offerings to the renouncer.
King Luong Vo to feel proud about it, want to show it to The Dalai Lama and asked 'do not merit my major?' . The Dalai Lama is honest, just like in business said: 'pure heart for the sermon being' , it said, 'No merit at all!' . King Liang shell to listening to this sentence shall not be fun, like being thrown cold water on top brass, very disappointed to say: 'Okay, I'm not his guardian' . Therefore Profile The Dalai Lama temple sits right up against the wall facing the end of nine years for Group traditional medicine bowl Hue Kha!
Suppose the former, if possible, placed Ma depending upon the situation and told the king of Liang shell to: 'The great virtue of the King' is not perhaps so as not king Luong Vo for The Master back protector? But a true monk absolutely no good as new text that says otherwise support the Dhamma. Dhamma talk he said, so the king Luong Vo to build 480 temples without merit. In economic Buddha said if you build the tower seven great natural treasures across all three natural world there is no merit.
How ethical is that? This is the front saying 'It is not true interests.' This is not a true benefit, not as legal, birth and death can not kill, nor nirvana, for this story involved! These things say it is easy to hear a little good fortune, good fortune illegally organic beings of the continent, not what is involved with the most merit. So the measures that the Blessed One teach the Bodhisattva will certainly have to conform and correspond to 'Paramita' (that is the secret of three is the other side, complete, perfect). The stupa built around three great natural natural world by teaching others not to hear four verses, as in economic Kim Cang said: 'For over four verses to life' , in economic Kim Cang there are many examples so.
Kinh said Boundless Life is even better:
'Let's Hang sa holy spirit offerings. No such strong feeling brave chief bridge ',
('If the offering of the holy text as much as Ganges sands, nor with mighty determination to become a Buddha').
Every saint is of Hinayana Arhat, the Mahayana is from a 'Main' Bodhisattva upward and are feeling Bodhisattvas and Buddhas Tathagata; your offerings to the saints is much like the sand of the Ganges, Buddha said not to recite the Buddha's birth in the Pure Western world. Why? Because birth nembutsu for Bliss western world is the true benefits, permanent interests, giving birth to Sukhavati world any three members of degradation will become a Buddha in one lifetime.
Whatever is said in Buddhism, the Pure time in the world as a Bodhisattva, you will be A Tri Duy Vietnamese Bodhisattva, you will have the wisdom, magic, and the capacity to make all human beings are predestined nowhere with you throughout the legal world, you will be able to help them and if you offer sa holy Ganges is also just a little practice time blessings, wisdom and virtue of the power is out you can not, you not only beings can not, which itself is also zero; this Lu Hui Energy Group said it best: 'University of birth and death, blessing can not save' . Even greater blessing could not kill birth and death, you will not be out of samsara.
Want willow escape samsara reincarnation, they must cultivate and accumulate new merit; in the second merit nothing to compare with being Pure Land nembutsu. Why wish his enemies found not win? Suffering very heavy gas collection is definitely not the pharmaceutical care could not be purified, because this is the collective karma of our gas from the cortex, lives far too heavy and caused obstacles for us.
We'd love to be purified mind, is to correspond to the Buddha, but do not be; do not see is why the practice? Why is the business of this meeting? In other words, we can meet and the practice of this prayer, good base, good fortune, we have been predestined by mature (ripe). After the encounter, but do not want to do this is because deep karma, but is full of grace but also a number of obstacles, we just finished up this obstacle, we will be successful .
What method used to crush obstacles? Read proceedings. If you have a few people minded as so often met to discuss research; do not have a certain pride, bring out your error says, reveal repent. Two or three friends together honest review to find out the mistakes, all the research together to discuss gas to overcome the negativity of this file.
Good apartment, good fortune, and our predestined in this life just in time is ripe, just in this little obstacle hindering; bring up this barrier to success, we will, it is important in that this. So be careful to remember three things: 'Tho charge, recitation, lecturing to others' . Merit does not know how many times greater than the king Luong Vo to build 480 temples. Buddha said, if people build seven towers with three natural treasures filled the great natural world, where also no match for you.
Each word of the Buddha are true; us including my personal everyone has a lot of gas collection and sorrow, want to amend that does not fully correct. I have an advantage of every day teaching experience to the general public, there are many opportunities to reflect. Without speaking to others, the opportunity to reflect on your less; if often advise others also recommend his course, this has certain virtues. Hopefully, we aim at this direction, purpose, strenuous efforts, the three-day meeting will be very meaningful and can help us eliminate a lot of negative conditions in front. Know how to practice is the true merit, is the true Word of the Buddha has taught us. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).17/1/2012.

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