Sunday 15 January 2012



The housewives how to cultivate the Bodhisattva right direction in daily life.

Every day do some repetitive work will certainly be skeptical bored, especially housewives seem to feel forever no release date is, many people feel the anguish! If this concept can bring back the change will feel extremely happy. In view of the ordinary usually we have the 'ego' (me). I'm doing, I was suffering, why do I enjoy doing them? The more disturbing thought as much. If directed learning Bodhisattva, vows universal beings, then how to look the way they think of another row.

Executive director first bodhisattva must cultivate 'generosity paramitas' . The women 'housewife Bodhisattva' concerns while caring for everyone in the family is religious charity that paramitas. Generosity include giving financial, legal alms, and fearless generosity. Financial generosity with internal and external. Foreign financing is raising money offerings in the house. Internal energy is used and their minds to serve in the house. Working with a full house all three types of this generosity. If you organize your home clean is clean and tidy home makes people very comfortable, neighbors have praised fans, this is 'morality paramitas' . Morality means keeping rules. Do you have the patience to do, do not feel tired, this is 'patience paramitas' . Every day is expected to improve tomorrow will be better than today, this is 'diligent paramitas'. But every day is a lot of work in the home, location is the pure heart, an infection is not anything, this is 'meditation paramitas.' calm mind is often born of wisdom, joy prolific legal, this is ' Prajna Paramita ' . So they know that, all continents of the Bodhisattva paramitas are in the wiping tables, sweeping, washing clothes, cooking, all achieved perfection. This is like the Flower Adornment Sutra, Shan Tai pupils performed well in school Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva practice guidance.

You bring work home to be nice is a good role model for all housewives in the world, for all the family. This could be a neighbor of expansion may affect the social, national, world, nothing changes until the legal world. So know the Bodhisattva in the sweeping, cleaning tables, cooking, washing clothes are great aspirations of all great well-being in the legal world nowhere. This is a student of Buddhism, is mindful of the text is very general law, if you can observe such measures will achieve fullness of joy (joy of directors), how disturbing was born again! Learn to take certain Buddhist practices in everyday life birth, if not so useless. If I understand the point from which to infer, to work at the company, also from then paramitas. Bodhisattva in all branches of all trades and market out of men, women, elderly, children, body parts are not the same role, both in their living environment of learning, all the same equality, all class standing, there is no second place.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).17/1/2012.

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