Sunday 15 January 2012


We can see in the Mahayana sutras, Bodhisattvas manifest in this world take many forms; market is doing well, depending upon the legal nature, then no problem at all, we will no doubt serve the educational and health. But the market also depends upon the behavior is bad, we will not be easy to distinguish from one another, this is something we can not ignore.
Bad is current example is the deliberate destruction or marketing world is a lot of crime. The current market is certain to have their special causes and conditions, which are to some degree special objects that will not arbitrarily manifested in the most popular and if you can get to know this, you have have pretty much wisdom.
The story of this market over the years is often heard; if the special grace you sometimes encounter. Buddha teachings specifically for these cases. Buddha sent out an example in the Flower Adornment Sutra, in 53 consultation pupil of genius has a number of Bodhisattva depending upon the affliction. This is what the Buddha called 'Hue Hanh Bodhisattva', not a Bodhisattva primary (elementary school). Bodhisattva incapable primary this why? Bodhisattvas are not the primary off gas is collected by greed, hatred and delusion, and chronic; if they create this karma is bound to fall into the three evil roads.
Hue Hanh Bodhisattva of people are like? The Bodhisattva was completely out of all four generals (generals fall, Gen. people, being general, and fantasy life) and 4 comments (self reviews, personnel reviews, opinions beings, and life fake reviews) said the economic Kim Cang . This is someone out? It is the Great Dharmakaya who usually refer to that in business rather than ordinary people. They manifest the virtuous, but in their hearts not there, because beings that they can open the means and not restrictive at all. Their pure heart, a little dirt is not infected, they are the leaders of this.
The most well known Chinese in the past with the elders of Te Cong (Vietnamese people usually say to the liturgy with the name of the Master). You see Public Health behavior appears to be the rule does not hold nor keep the rules (of the temple), but also particularly like to eat dog meat. Fact that the International destination of this, but unlike the description in the novel, novel writing stories is not responsible. The Public Health has he acts like that? Stories In High Rising was marked him eat dog meat and drinking, and then another in the International Cong Cao Increased very long story, longer than the story of the magi to sign other like a book four years, it was just really is not novel. This record the remains of an Arahat application in the world of marketing is not the flesh.
His rank of the person that some people over the world, teaching experience, for Buddha in our decent inability of the achievements are vast amount of merit; address his pure heart, no sorrow bound he has this ability. We can not learn in the same way, we can only admire, respect, and praises, do not be imitated; if you copy and rotten urban he is under no obligation!
Recently in the early national period population, which appears very similar to a Public Health elders; it's good magician at Kim Son Pagoda, in Zhen Jiang, Jiangsu; people claiming he is 'living Buddha Kim Son' , his behavior is very similar to the Song Dynasty of Public Health. This is how the market is 'retrograde' ; you see him every day chanting the keys light up, since then he does not see his business idea at all, and did not see his world through the process every time, all day from morning to night laughed confusion among lay people, eating together, not uptight at all.
He can teach people to admire, people claim he is 'living Buddha' and he very reverently; four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter, he only wore a thin, cold winter is not found, Summer is not that hot, this loss is very strange. Austria does not have his laundry, bath life is not over, but the body does not smell bad, not bad but not on his own re-scented; he is not ordinary; we learn from him not, this is the damage there.
In modern society, there are many who forged the saints, they are not uptight restrictive, but you try to look they wore winter cold? If the winter they only wore a thin, it is the damage; if wearing thick winter damage is not thick secondary damage. In the summer if they can not wear leather? Meals can not distinguish what is not? Regardless of all clean dirty finish. If they do these things are not, chances are they are fake only. This is what we have to pay attention, be careful, studied Buddhism can not let other people ripped off.
The form can be tricked people, words can be tricked people, writing a book can also be gotten people to be careful. In modern times, freedom of speech, freedom of publication, no restrictions, unlike the first. You see the reign of the Qing Dynasty before, if you want to publish a book, in Buddhism right through the control of the country, not everyone can be free to bring books to the circulation. The great virtue of contemporary high-rise without inquiring whether the new issues brought to the king, was approved in the newly finished, not free as now.
Freedom of the benefits of freedom, but there are many evils; evil wrong with full knowledge of society, who do not have a high degree of wisdom not want these things fascinate difficult. It is the shortcomings of liberal democracy. In the era of tyranny in the past, the emperor is actually keeping a calm mind to the people, preventing them from contamination. Mr. King has the responsibility and mission.
In ancient China, people who work for the district, as well as the 'executive head' or a district, the mayor today, they also observe three things about (like the rule). Three is about nine words: "Work more troops, more body work, work expenditure ' . It is the mission and responsibilities of this position.
Task Force's (King) is leading the people in the country, the king and the mayor to lead the people in the district of that city. 'charcoal effect' that he must take the mood of the parents to caring for people; it is often called 'parent population' or a 'sub-sample of' ; they have to help make people's lives are better. 'expenditure effect' is also important to him to teachers and teaching people. So three of the primary mission for the 'army, relatives, lawyers'.
The era of democracy today is not the mission of three persons who service the district now known as the 'servant of the people' . Dan is the owner, of the servant, people want to do is vitally important to do that. Who do you think we want a person like a parent or as a servant in the house?
Parents worry most attentive to their children, servants working for you may not have experience; for so many people ask me: 'Mage endorse democracy or a monarchy?' . I replied that monarchy; I know the advantages of monarchy and democracy are more evils (the monarchy) is less than democratic. If you read history you will understand, do not think is very selfish king; say it out of selfishness is a good king to king always careful, always have to worry about the benefits promotion of nature (the public); if ignored, then the people will revolt to overthrow the court. If the king wants the support of the people, they must make a good king, damage is to serve the nation and people; like that new people to support the king, new king of the dynasty was maintained long term, new transmitted to some ten lives, hundreds of years. So tyranny is not without merit, today's presidential inauguration four years there is no sense of responsibility as king!
Back issues, all of us were Bodhisattvas primary, the first thing that Buddhism teaches us to know the benefits of fame enjoyed harm (title documents care benefits), definitely not infected. But the name of cultural interests people care very enchanting, there were few who could be detachment? If you can not avoid the fascination of this, we want to succeed in this life is too hard.
Buddhism teaches us to minority education basics (like less and know enough), then very little desire satisfied. We now eat three meals a day; in Buddha's lifetime, a date only one meal. Three meals may be no food and clothing can wear to be warm, have a small to severe rain, like physical life enough, less distress, may be directed to the new center director. If the craving for the enjoyment of it will certainly increase, hatred and delusion, chronic, increased depression and loss of mindfulness.
All that the Buddha dhamma, not those you do not, until the sense that the Buddha talked about, you can not understand. What the Buddha called the field of merit wins you can not afford to be territorial associations; blessed victory means Tam email Studies (Gender, Concentration, and Hue), then (generosity, morality, patience, energy , meditation, and prajna) and ten great vows Samantabhadra. But as you can say is, you can damage the heart contempt for the teachings of the Buddha, not follow, starting centromere thoughts, behaviors are artifacts that correspond to, so how successful be? So the Buddha taught beginner Bodhisattvas certainly have to leave fame and enjoyment.
Speaking of this, we remember the great teachers of Lien Tri, he is one of the four great teachers have been instrumental in the Buddhist revival in late Ming Dynasty, when people refer to life after The Tri great teachers who are not not respect his fans, and not before. Contact Tri university professor said at an early age he went to visit and admire a great virtue of contemporary high-rise, variable capacity Venerable. His loss is respectful to bow to a bow to the three steps in front of old monks, and respectfully request Venerable open market; old monk only said one sentence:
'He should remember to spell good care not to harm'
Cried finished speaking he went on, standing outside the mass size this item will laugh to think he Lien Tri distance a bow three steps to get there, the old monk is bound to be super-wonderful method to teach He, no doubt just say a sentence like that!
Contact Tri great teachers have sincere respect and care they have received (testimony on market). He told people: 'Lao monk who deserves some respect, always true to say, say nothing magical superior to deceive the next life' , so all his life to comply with the teaching, the success achievement that he has been also prompted by questions of aging monks, lifelong care benefits away from title documents.
Word of the variable capacity Venerable Buddha's teachings are very similar to the primary school, in front was said by who 'fit the corresponding benefits, the law, with the afflictions, with great nirvana' true knowledge is good.
A desire to know much less and there are so many benefits, the most obvious is that they reduce a lot of mistakes, we know not only the world, and students of Buddhism, the country has a lot of errors wrong; where mistakes arise out? Being born from that desire it.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).16/1/2012.

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