Saturday 21 January 2012


Professor Minh ChiA sleepless night of anxiety, can make money fast start, a massive blow to the whole human face changed color, seen worse ... and if the anger which settles into hatred, the harm to the body long and severe. In contrast, pure joy, love, openness and excitement of creativity, etc. .. positive emotions such help for inner calm, that the endocrine glands excrete a variety of nutrients into the blood, keeping people excited and seemed young again ...
According to my own experience, combined with basic knowledge of Buddhism, we can do the following:
1. Absolutely, never mind two. It is thought that Buddhism called any damage or ahimsa. There have been a bad idea, there will be words and acts of harm. There have been acts of harm, the person will harm her again. Internal mind is afraid of being hurt her restless mind that then.
2. Not a bad idea to remove from our minds, which should eliminate all negative thoughts, such as jealousy, deceit, greed, anger hate, etc. .. All these ideas, is called negative because they disrupt our body and mind, body and mind to poison us. Such people do have peace of mind is.
3. Instead of the above negative thoughts, we will regularly, continuously foster and develop positive thinking which, leading as love, respect everyone, everything. The love that, collectively, kindness and compassion, often defined as two mind to bring joy to people (from) and to sympathize with, share the misery of the people (bi). In addition, there is the heart rejoice, always willing to share the joy with everyone. It is about having fun, you should be happy as well. Tam was happy it was quiet, so peaceful that compound words in the scriptures of Buddhism.
Living under 10 good, that is reflected in the daily life of three positive thinking on the kindness, compassion, heart rejoice. 10 What is good content, I believe all of us are clearly Buddhist. Therefore, here, within a short article, I will not go into the analysis.
Just repeat three good about yourself: 1. Do not kill that value life as sacred. 2. Do not steal, but often giving, including giving legal resource and almsgiving, which is explained Dharma, or perhaps explaining things to ... 3. No sexual misconduct that live in the morning.
Four good speech is: 1. Say it, do not lie. 2. Saying unite, not divide say. 3. Saying gentle, not to say cruel. 4. Useful to say, do not say nonsense.
Three goodness of heart, the idea is: 1. Not participating. 2. No anger. 3. No delusion.
Distinguish Buddhism succinctly about good and evil, no mistake. Deeds, speech and thought, the mind is still good, evil, evil speaking and thinking, the mind will not rest.
4. In the Dhammapada, products "Mind" are two of Buddhist verses that we should memorize:
"The enemy damage enemies
Oan harm from injustice in
not by the mind towards evil,
Cause evil to itself " (PC.42)
"The father mother, her child
may not be
mind right direction to do
is do better " (PC.43)
(Dhammapada -.
Also my mind, but when it thinks Rubbish, thought contrary to the above ten good deeds, the mind that harm ourselves than the enemy hurt us anymore. I'm sure this is not the inference that the Buddha said, but with the eyes Buddha (Buddha label), the Buddha saw a discernible voice so so Buddha taught us. This is due to the negative thoughts, bad things do not mind we are not alone, but also makes us and our restlessness. Abnormal blood pressure, endocrine glands release more toxins and poisons that we create more illness, including incurable Which people, who live constantly aware and look and feel of the body changes mind, will not need the psychiatrist, does not require the advice of the psychiatrist; but still know the impact of negative feelings or positive condition of the body. A sleepless night of anxiety, can make money fast start, a massive blow to the whole human face changed color, seen worse ... and if the anger which settles into hatred, the harm to the body long and severe. In contrast, pure joy, love, openness and excitement of creativity, etc. .. positive emotions such help for inner calm, that the endocrine glands excrete a variety of nutrients into the blood, keeping people excited and seemed young again.
5. Thursday is to find measures to good friends, good friends. There are people who live honest, virtuous life, have sex, we have felt at first in the mind at peace. But there are people, we just have not felt alone. This is what I experience in life, though difficult to explain but very real.
A Zen master - King Tran Nhan Tong has advised us: "Join meditation, your cocoon, broken in body newfound grace" (Phu "bare Cu lead us" , societies 6).
6. But have you ugly, hate and seek to harm us how they cope? How can our mind be quiet? Well, in my life, I've met such people. I think there should be aware of their own peaceful life, because life is inherently so, how did you met all the good people, whom his own sympathetic and they also have sympathy for her . When teaching the truth of suffering, the Buddha has analyzed the suffering and meeting the people you hate and hate (Oan increased somewhat difficult). I think this is our chance to educate yourself on the virtue patience tolerance and forgiveness. People hate her and hate her become his own teacher, the precious virtue of that!
Once we have these feelings and positive emotions may cause the endocrine glands in the body secrete nutrients, helping to mind the excitement, the young and healthy body, etc. .. If such awareness, the people who hate and wish harm should become good friends, even the precious teacher, taught her the virtues listed above.
7. Finally, we have to recite the Buddha's teachings. If we narrow the mind and self-sufficient, as was the glass of water, even a little salt, then put in a glass of water but it will be salty and not drinkable. But if our mind is wide as the Ganges even a pinch of salt put in the Ganges River Ganges water is salty but where. Despite having not anything we may as well foot per jar, will attempt to fix.
It is very natural measure and fit man. That expansion of love, appreciation for our people, things, always thinking of other people's happiness or even close the file, but first and foremost for the family, as parents, spouses , children, siblings and then think about relatives, friends, neighbors, the same city.
People love to get a wide open like that, would like a tree with strong roots that can absorb sweeteners in the soil. One such plant, will grow green, and for how much fruit, who also likes to eat. (See Anguttara I ).
8. One way to make us more secure is the notion breathing in and out. Dhammapada (Product Center) who had struggled for attention, such as throwing the fish from water. The mind struggling like a fish, throw out the water, how to be quiet. There is a magical measures that Buddha taught the concept breath in and out. According to personal experience, I used concepts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 inhaled. Then 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, breathe out. During the day, I keep the breath so do not know how many times. Hard working, go back in the room, I was the breath of his pace. Do not go, just sit on the couch to rest, sleep or even before starting meditation, or after waking up, I did the same patient, no distractions. List Certificate as teacher told King Tran Thai Tong, when the king left the capital, on Yen Tu Mountain to find the Buddha: "Buddha is not in the mountains. Buddhism only exists in the mind. Cyndi knows that's his real Buddha " . (See article entitled "Zen Men only" - Course Contents Fiction ).
I feel myself breathing through the concept into practice, combined with the good life to think, speak good words, good deeds ... gradually the mind becomes calm. I have practiced long and familiar to the point, everyone began to meditate, is a whole body experience, seemed to calm the mind.
9. Last resort should not say that mere practice, not theory. If the theory is that everyone is saying is, as long as the gate a little profit. But the most important thing is practice, practice and practice. Regular monitoring body awareness, mind. My mind is a book, always spread before your eyes, so do not read. That was his best teacher, best book. All measures are available for mental peace in it.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).22/1/2012.

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