Saturday 21 January 2012


Akong Tulku RinpocheImpermanence is not a bad thing, it was also good: if happiness is not forever, then the misfortune is not eternal . When the happy, unhappy people, and it also became unhappy happy end. Go from this state by another state that occurs naturally. Not muted and that the movement took things as they come, accept them as such, whether the emotions they evoke in us. Every moment of life is unique and never come back ...
Awareness of impermanence, the intrinsic fragility of all things, is a necessary phase of our development. If we neglect the truth of this, it will only slow down the evolution of their personal, even though we know the potential of carrying the mind itself. So you must first learn what is impermanent, to learn to face the inevitable creation of life, followed by a useful application of this knowledge into everyday life.
Impermanence is a universal phenomenon affecting all aspects of existence. One could for example consider the consequences of it in the physical environment of all the ones we are the object of our perception. Each year every season continuity, each season there are characteristic changes: the transition temperature, the short length of day and night, the natural landscape . The change was inevitable, whether you enjoy the summer, cold winter came too. No useless dreams that can not. It is better to try and design taste of each season. And so the cycle began again. Impermanent work everywhere, because all changes restlessly for a moment. For people that recognize it, even a great beauty in this constant evolution.
The transformation also felt in our lives. Rich in today's poor can move tomorrow and vice versa. People are losing their jobs, and earn the other spot, the owner and mechanic, mechanic and owner. Nothing is real.
Inner life and our feelings are not out of the mechanism of impermanence. The air we constantly change from morning to night; there are a lot of people excited, others fear it, others it calmly. But whatever way, the state of our minds agitated rocking with what happens around us. For example, you only need to meet a distant years, so have fun. Then the next minute, I hate to see someone go, do it all again we would reverse. For our minds right now like what we imagine a monkey trapped in an empty house, it does not stop all the dancing and running until the end of this window to window to see what it happening out there. Like monkeys, the emotions we constantly moving, constantly throwing us from the heights down the abyss and back.
Nothing is permanent. People are born, grow up, go to school, work, aging, and sooner or later end in death. Few small round and go away. Escape life moment to moment which we did not do anything. And when death comes: to renounce all: family, friends, property, things that people hold. Some horror, or despair when just thinking about it, and so the Western culture of seconds between trying to escape from this fundamental question, says the excuse that it is a sickness. It is almost a taboo name cavalry, that the word death is often camouflaged: people like to say he has abandoned us than it was dead. A defensive reaction medium just laughably useless, because it absolutely has not changed anything before impermanent. It is better to look at things straight face: the epidemic process is inevitable, let's take advantage of it to draw the best possible from the remaining years, not as ostriches burying their head in the sand and life as we have all eternity before him . Who would not feel strongly that people are living every moment to the moment of parting or an urgency to go: then it is a strong sense of time are like, and usually at that people talk to each other or do things unconsciously or not, people always want to extend . It's now actually shows the correct time; only little time to finally come to the main, to the absolutely impossible to pass before leaving. Do not make the situation serious or painful, emotional emergency, it really is only one immediate sense of impermanence and sharp, has an intensity, a fact and a wealth of surprises the situation. The perceived impermanence, unique character moments we are living, strengthen perceptions of what is passed and transformed the most trivial things. That was always the first time, and the last time. Imagine that you know that all the trees on earth will be dead within a month or several weeks. Upon hearing this, you will see the trees with a new eye; suddenly vague shadow this green habit that you collect in an almost automatic unconscious itself a non-clear often. You will see the oil plant on the corner, or a guava tree in the garden as you have never seen it: you will perceive the overall harmony of its shape leaves, the bark weaving, architecture trunk and branches, language rustle of leaves, the presence of light and shade, small birds dwell there. No cause of fear, a sense of the ephemeral, the fragility of human things and makes you appreciate more and elicit the respect, love, compassion. How many couples often argue about sometimes can not comfort or calm as death of a person leaving them feeling comprehend the depth of feeling that they have not neglected to cultivate often, because they have lived as if they have all eternity before them. When people die, everyone agreed that only the qualities of that man, despite their constant criticism when alive. Praise them and love them when they were not better after death star name? Understanding impermanence we can help it. Do not make yourself depressed and sick, on the contrary it inspires us to live more fully and help your fellow passengers all this fragile earth to do so.
The era we desire the salvation free, it is often considered the best opportunity to satisfy the desire. While it is full retention of idle leisure less satisfying it is to his people starved to death inside. It is interesting to all, except that there is a master of their minds, the field strength of this man that never knew that power itself is not free but it is the engine of all economic our experiments. And if people can think of, people to postpone it indefinitely. Obviously we all need to relax and play a little, but that is not people pay attention to all the rooms for installation. Aware of impermanence of life you can salt it will want maximum advantage of their time and use it in the best manner, rather than letting it pass a stupid, do not know its value .
True meaning of impermanence always misunderstood. Some people try to explain it a little nihilism: because of how well all over, it is no matter at all. Ich what worked and as a career; not better to let go of all the Why? It's a perfect example of a twist truths on which to turn it into an excuse for idleness, to avoid facing the reality of life. If people have to go and people to wash herself, vapors, know where I died tomorrow, it will certainly progress more on the way lazy, but not much on the path of wisdom. Aware of impermanence does not mean a job or quit their studies; simply see the facts, know that all the epidemic is forever.
Heard very often not a reason to have fear or overreaction; this understanding on the contrary must be used to make our lives worthwhile. One can clearly observe the epidemic situation of permanent life, but continue to love life and enjoy it pleased.
Impermanence is not always bad news, it was also good: if happiness is not forever, then the misfortune is not eternal . When the happy, unhappy people, and it also became unhappy happy end. Go from this state by another state that occurs naturally. Not muted and that the movement took things as they come, accept them as such, whether the emotions they evoke in us. Every moment of life is unique and never return again, and it can greatly enrich your experience by not hiding any small part of any experience. Some are painful, some pleasant, but each has its own texture and color of it, and when it will be niheu not evade them.
Having the nature of impermanence of all phenomena, in and outside of us, we only assign them an existing firm. It makes the idea that people create on solid things are, the more we suffer much when they change, as they inevitably must change. If people have accepted the idea hard, people will tend to have the desire and aversion and strong and clear selection of his experience as prejudiced ideas, so do take your favorite and reject the other. Most people will deny that things change and we try to fight it. Complete failure, it is clear only. But when people are locked away in a frozen attitude like that, the defilements will lead the people, themselves constantly going from one pole to another pole, and made ​​himself one of instability and loss of balance inside . Since it is the importance of learning cling less things, people and things we do by accepting the truth of impermanence. It never existed, whether people want it or not, it is better to swim with the flow: people will benefit from strength to push the water, instead of struggling with it.
We all tend to think that one should profit from life and from his desires, and then we will have more time to think later. As time passed, our minds do not manage to continue to manipulate us to drive it back and ask why it is suffering. During that time, the flip side of debt and take nothing for us to ensure that tomorrow will be nice when people postpone all what makes people unhappy. Anyway it's a bad calculation: it is not immediately worries for his mind, the excuse that no one wants to ignore the good luck and taking advantage of life . Yet the wild state of mind we really prevent us from taking advantage of that life and it makes our life wasted because of the crazy game of control of it and the damage that the role it causes. It was not calculated due to the hedonistic type this, people prefer to study tiger taming his back as quickly as possible? Let us embrace the grace to know when it arrives: this does not mean we always have the opportunity or ability from there.
A healthy perception of impermanence is probably the best gift that we can do for themselves: in the short term to better appreciate the good aspects of your present circumstances, no more than grasp and to see the bad side with much more philosophical, even the worst things have an end. In the long run, so do not delay with the non-essential and go directly to the root of things by taming the tiger inside her. How many people usually get when faced with a true cleanse yourself ... END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).22/1/2012.

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