Saturday 21 January 2012


Achieve 14th Dalai LamaI traveled to many places around the world and the first public lecture, I have the feeling that I'm a relative in their family. Although we may just met for the first time, I still see you all as familiar. Indeed, we know each other as human beings share the fundamental goal is all we all want happiness and dislike suffering.
There are two ways to create happiness. First is happy outside. When we feel comfortable in the house is fully equipped, wearing expensive clothes and good friends. Monday is through mental development related to inner happiness.
However, both kinds of happiness are not able to fully achieve absolute results. Indeed, happiness outside it is difficult to endure, if missing a few other factors. For instance, when in your heart feel insecure then even though you live in wealth wealthy, you still feel unhappy. In contrast, when the mind at peace, albeit with the very difficult circumstances, you still find happiness.
The development of advanced material outside sometimes solve this problem, and sometimes cause other problems. For example, although a few people rich, with education and social status, but no happiness. They regularly take sleeping pills and alcohol. They feel this lack or dissatisfaction with the other. Therefore, these people have to drink alcohol or use sedatives to forget sadness.
Conversely, a lack of money but little worried but sorrow, their hearts feel at peace. Each night they sleep. Despite the poor material, but they always fulfilled and happy. This demonstrates the stability of the spirit is very important. Material life alone is not sufficient to solve completely the problem of human suffering.
Here, let me give you some of the practice of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, if you try to practice every day will give you peace of mind. When restraint, mastery over the mind, all the negativity and anxiety naturally slacken and people feel happier. The relationship between your communication with others also affected by this change. From a human being honest, you will become a good citizen of your country and finally to the human world.
From the moment born, we all need to help others. If the parents lack of love, we can not live because of lack of care. When children grow up in the anxiety often without shelter, they will suffer forever. Because the mind of young wild child, so they are in need of help, love of parents.
Even adults need to love. If you encounter a stranger greeted me with a gentle smile and friendly gesture expressed, I am extremely grateful that action, although I do not know or understand their voices, but I feel very heartwarming.
In contrast, if the lack of love, even for fellow that I knew many years I still feel not very fun. Love and compassion is the true meaning of friendship siblings meat, is precious. They help the development community exists and is the foundation of society.
Human Capacity
Each of us has a self or ego. We share the fundamental goal: we want happiness and dislike suffering. Animals and insects also desire happiness and avoid suffering, but they have no special ability to know how to enjoy a happy and eradicate all suffering. As humans, we have minds and thoughts, so that we can and should use it.
On all positions, whether as individuals or members of a family, community, nation and world, the evil most difficult people to confront the selfishness and hatred. I say selfish nature here is not just for the "I" which is the usual pushy as their undue space center.
No one is happy when his mind floating rage. How long in our hearts still filled with hatred, they will never have lasting happiness. To achieve peace, peace, and friendship true, we need to overcome the anger and love to develop an open heart. These things we can achieve through the practice of virtue calculation is presented below.
With selfless hearts open, we can transform others. When we become human heart better, then those neighbors, friends, parents, husband and wife and children will ease the anger sadness. They will become a selfless spirit, compassion and harmony loved. Life itself that has brought happiness, help people in good health and long life.
You can wealth, status and educated but lack of love and compassion you will not have peace of mind, and family, even your children are also suffering. Love is Necessary materials for the human mind at peace. As I mentioned above, the basic approach to life is happy every day to cultivate his mind to get rid of evil thoughts and developing what is good.
The important question is whether we can do is be compassionate and peace or not. Many problems have prevented that we do not want to modify. Own experience, I know that can change negative ideas in us, and moral development of the human mind. Although the center does not have color or shape, and sometimes weak, but the human mind can become stronger than steel hardware. Want to controlling it, you must practice patience happy with the effort, determined to exercise his mind tough.
If you practice to improve his mind, with strong will and the virtue of patience by always trying, trying and trying it even though at first a little difficult, eventually you will results have been obtained. With time and patience diligent practice, your life will change. Never give up frustrated. If you rotten from the beginning even pessimistic, you can not succeed. In contrast, in the hope and determination, hard work will accomplish.
The interdependence
Most of today's world has been connected, communication by means of modern electronic communication and fast. In the 21st century global economy has led to all nations and their peoples to live completely rely on each other. Ancient times to trade between the countries not very necessary. Today no one is isolated so that if countries do not know of cooperation, mutual respect, it will face many difficult problems.
Although signs of a serious division between rich and poor countries and between groups of wealth and poverty in a country, but split contradiction between the economies can be healed by healing mind powerful form of mutual help and responsibility. Peoples of this country should treat people of other countries such as meat sex siblings in order to contribute to the progressive development of their common homeland.
Although world leaders have tried hard, but the political crisis persists. Many war games have killed countless innocent civilians, the elderly and children continue to be killed off without stopping. Many soldiers are fighting in the war not of their will. The soldiers reluctantly felt extremely painful, to be sad.
Hundreds of thousands of all kinds of weapons and ammunition are many factories in the world's great powers made production sale has added fuel to the flames of violence, but more dangerous than guns and bombs from the heart hatred, lack of compassion and respect our right to life for others. How long was filled with the thought of greed, hatred and hatred will never have true peace.
We need to do everything possible to end the war and help the world avoid the use of nuclear weapons. When I visited the city of Hiroshima (Japan) where the first atomic bomb was dropped, and when he saw devastation with the tragic story to hear from the survivors recounted, my heart felt deeply moved! Hundreds of thousands of people died in a flash! And who knows how many victims were injured and maimed! The devastation and human misery caused by a nuclear war caused the terrible! And do not know how much money was spent on weapons of mass murder as a collective! Food is bad and shameful for humanity can not imagine that!
The progress of science and modern technology has brought many benefits to humanity, but people have to pay a heavy price. For example, while we enjoy many amenities due to the development and manufacture of jet aircraft, which we can easily travel around the world but at the same time more destructive weapons also created by humans. Home country of beautiful people despite how many people are currently living in anxiety often fear of a threatening crisis indeed: hundreds of thousands of nuclear weapons warhead is getting ready to attack. Even if someone clicks a button, but ultimately the general intent of man is responsible.
The primary way to successful long-term peace to know that people trust, respect and have compassion and love for each other. The only path. The attempt by the superpowers in the world to conquer each other over race armed or nuclear weapons, chemical, germ or conventions lead to disastrous consequences to rebellion.
How the world full of hatred and hatred and delusion can attain real peace? World peace will never occur when people are insecure inside. Look for external methods to solve problems is a noble job but can not successfully implement long in the human mind is filled with greed, hatred and enmity.
It's time people need to start transforming the mind. Each person we should cultivate to improve basic life on which our emotions depend on. We can only make changes in practice that such an action with the aim of gradually re-oriented way of life by which we recognize ourselves and others.
Desperate situation of the world now calls us to action. Each of us is responsible for rescue efforts devoted to humankind. But unfortunately many of us have often been sacrificed to protect the ideology. This is completely wrong. The policies and political direction necessary for human happiness, but on the contrary, like money, they can also control the master rather than to contribute and help for our welfare.
With an open heart and patience virtue we can understand and share all the opinions of others to exchange and discuss peacefully, we will find the best solution agreed. Our responsibility is to express love and compassion to help humanity to seek harmony among all nations, ideologies, cultures, ethnic groups, the political and economic systems economic differences.
When we honestly recognize the unity of all humanity, will find our peace will grow stronger. We deeply realize that we really are siblings meat so we need to share their suffering to each other. Trust and respect are interested in the welfare of others is the best hope for world peace everlasting.
Of course, national leaders have a special responsibility in this world, but every individual must play an active role, whatever their religion. As human beings with the intention to be happy and avoid suffering, you are a citizen of the world today. Everyone of us has a duty to build a future for your children better.
Want to reach a friendly camaraderie with open mind, that respects human rights and concern for the welfare of others, you need to cultivate the mind. The things I described above is the method practiced by the Tibetan Buddhist tradition will help you get peace.
The primary aim of the practice is everyday practice the virtue of compassion and tolerance, a major spiritual life needed in today's human society in order to achieve a true reconciliation between all nations race, the difference of religion, political system and economy.
Building harmony
Harmony and friendship that we should apply in the family, nation and world can only succeed through the implementation of love and compassion in action respect, caring and helping each other , so that we can easily solve many problems. Unity can not be obtained in an atmosphere of mistrust, suspicion, deception, oppression and treacherous dispute.
Success through intimidation and acts of violence temporarily good results, but long term will create new difficulties. That's why more than two decades after World
War caused great disaster to mankind has just ended, followed by World War battle occurred Monday with more than million people were killed.
If we consider thinking about the long history of greed, hatred and hatred of humanity, we see a clear need to find a better solution. We can only solve our problems through peaceful solutions, not peace, but peace from the mouth and ideas in our minds. That way, we will create a lasting world peace.
This can make it? Reload murder, fraud, and oppression have arranged another we fall into anarchy now, now we need to practice transforming action to find the way out. It can be seen as an ideal and not realistic, but we have no choice other than to practice compassion, awareness of human values ​​and unity of man. This is the only way to reach a platform for long-term happiness.
I traveled from country to country with the idea we all are one. Dozens of years, I practiced my mind the idea that, so as to meet people with different cultures, I still feel there is no barrier. I realized that despite cultural differences, political system and economic base that we all look the same.
The more I meet many people, the more I believe in the unity of humanity with mutual understanding and respect, considering it as the foundation for the practical guidance and can be our achievement. This is what I preach anywhere in my presence.
I believe that the expression of love and compassion - the significance of sibling love real meat - as a common global religion. Whether you are Buddhist or Christian, Muslim or Hindu, or you do not follow any religion, you still feel you with humanity is one, is to be one.
Do you agree with me? Or do you think that idea is nonsense? I'm not the Spirit, as some have called it. I'm just a Buddhist monk. What I'm saying comes from my own actions, but it is somewhat limited. But I try to practice these ideas in everyday life, especially when I encounter difficulties.
Of course, sometimes I fail, I feel very upset. Sometimes I say ugly, but at that time, I immediately thought immediately: "Oh, I say crash." I think so, because I am determined to practice the virtue of compassion and wisdom. Every day these actions have become very useful and valuable in my own life. So, I know that you and I together have a soul and heart, but I want to share with you.
Now I have fifteen years, China had invaded eastern Tibet, and within a year of the Tibetan government-appointed I have run all of the country. This is the most difficult period when I noticed the liberty and independence of our country and trampled me in 1959 to escape forced to leave Lhasa in the dark. While living in exile in India, every day we are confronted with many problems from the need to find ways to adapt to local climate to re-establish the institutions and culture to the public Tibetan refugees.
Through spiritual practice has helped me a perspective on how to solve the problem without losing all aware that we are children who are being misled by the instructions wrong idea, so virtually united in seeking the common good and ready to improve our lives.
This has taught us that compassion, patience and wise nature is essential in everyday life and we should practice regular practice. Future, difficulty waiting, so it is essential that we need genuine spiritual practice. Emptiness anger reduces the capacity to distinguish right and wrong in us and this capability is one of the most noble of men. If you lose that ability, then we have nothing. Sometimes it needs a strong determination, but never the last rampage and anger done. No need to get angry, because it did not help anything.
I urge all to have compassion to help stabilize the world. People who also desire happiness and dislike suffering. Center is peace basic needs of all humanity. Everyone: politicians, engineers, scientists, homemakers, doctors, professors and lawyers and so on. should try to push people to show compassion because it is the foundation for the development of spiritual life.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).22/1/2012.

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