Tuesday 24 January 2012



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His jewel Fortunately,
an introduction to Dzogchen, Great Perfection *

K Estimate the ceremony your teacher!
Formerly, the great master origin Oddiyana said:
Do not trace the origin of things,
to track the source of your mind!
Once the source of the mind are found,
you will understand one thing but by then everything is free.
But if you do not find the source of the mind,
you will understand everything without understanding anything.

When you start meditating on your mind, sit down with his body straight, let the breath out into nature, and not with the eyes wide open nor closed, look at the space in front of you. Ask yourself think because of all beings, who served as the mother, you will observe awareness, the face of Samantabhadra. Pray so powerful that your original teacher, his inseparable from Padmasambhava, Guru Oddiyana origin, and then blend your mind with his mind and remain in a state of meditative equipoise.

However, once you have an office, you will not stay long in a state of emptiness, this clarity of awareness. Your mind will start to shake and become agitated. It will be restless and run it here and everywhere, like a monkey. What you're experiencing right now is not the nature of mind, but just the thought. If you stick to them and follow them, you'll find everything you remember, think about everything you need to have, all sorts of activities planned. In the past the type of operation in mind this has thrown you into the dark ocean of samsara. And it certainly will do that in the future. It's nice to know how if you cut off the dark delusions of the spread is always thought of you!

So, assuming you can get rid of the shackles of the thoughts, the awareness then how? It is empty, clear, wonderful, brilliant, freedom, joy! It is something not to be bound, not delimited by its own attributes. Nothing in the entire samsara and nirvana, but it is not contained. From beginningless time, it is innate in us; we never without it, and yet it is completely outside the scope of action, effort and imagination.

But you will ask if it identifies how awareness, the face of rigpa [intellectual] How? Even though you experience it, you can not describe it simply-it's like a dumb attempt to describe their dreams! Can not distinguish between yourself are to remain in awareness and awareness that you're experiencing. When you remain totally natural, naked, in the boundless state of awareness, they all thought quickly, what's annoying is not at rest even for a moment - all the memories and our plan cause you a lot of suffering - losing our capacity. They disappeared in the immense space, not a cloud of awareness. They break, collapse, disappear. All our strength away in awareness.

You really have it in your awareness. It is wisdom in the morning, naked dharmakaya. But who can recommend it to you? You should affirm their views on any platform? You should be sure of anything? First of all, your own teacher who pointed out to you the status of your awareness. And when you see it for yourself, when were you introduced your own nature. Then, with the understanding that all the appearance of samsara and nirvana is the display of your own awareness, just affirms your point of awareness. Like waves rising from the ocean and the sinking lost on it, all thoughts appear, then disappear into awareness. Be sure of its disappearance, and as a result you will find yourself in a complete state of meditation and no meditation object - is totally beyond the meditation center.

You may think: "Well, if so, do not need to meditation." I can make you believe that certain things need! The mere awareness to realize it can not escape you. During the aquatic life from the multitude of you, you are trapped in the false belief and the practice of delusions. From then until now you've wasted every moment of your life as a slave miserable, dismal thoughts of you! And when you die, absolutely determined that you are going. You will follow your career, and you will be miserable. That is why you must meditate continually maintained state of awareness that you have been introduced. Formerly, Germany omniscient Longchen said: "You can see the nature of your own, but if you do not meditate and familiar with it, then you are a child being left in the field: you will enemies - the thoughts of your own - start carrying it! "In the usual range, meditation means becoming familiar with the resting state of primitive nature, not artificially, through regular mindfulness through a spontaneous and natural. It means familiar to the non-interference in alert status, removing all distractions and grasping.

So how do you familiar with the rest in the state of mind? When thoughts appear while you are meditating, let them come; not need to see them as enemies. When they occur, rest in the presence of them. In contrast, if they do not appear, do not bother to ask them or not. Just rest in the absence of them. If while you meditate, the mind strong, coherent suddenly appears, you will easily recognize them. But when the gentle movements, subtle happens, you hardly realize that they have there up until later. This is what we call Namtok wogyu, groundwater flow of the mind wander. This is the thief of your meditation, so it is vital that you have to maintain a close watch. If you can constantly mindful, both in meditation and later on, when you eat, sleep, walk or sit, then that is it, you've captured it perfectly!

Great Guru Guru Rinpoche said:

A hundred things can be explained, one thousand being able to speak out,

But only one thing you should capture.

Let sees one thing and everything is free -

Please remain in your inner nature. Be aware!

Also said that if you do not meditate, you will not have certainty, and if you meditate, you will have it. But that assertion is that? If you meditate with intense effort, joy, the signs appear to show that you are familiar with an office in your nature. Intense grasping, tight that you have for these phenomena, is a dualistic experience, will slowly be loose, and your obsession with happiness and sorrow, hope and fear vv.se fear gradually weakened. Devotion to the teacher and the sincerity of your faith's teachings where he will grow. After a while, the stress behavior, duality will disappear and you will reach the gold and pebbles, food and garbage, the gods and evil, virtue and non-virtue are the most to you - you will be confused when choosing between heaven and hell! But at the moment, until you reach it (while you're caught in the perceptual experience of duality), the virtuous and non-virtue, the Buddha and hell, well welfare and suffering, the actions and their consequences - all of this is the reality of you. By the great master said: "What we found is higher than the sky, but our attention to the acts and their results are smaller than the flour."

So, do not wander here and there and say you are a fake Dzogchen meditation while you guys quite a rude just burp and fart!

It is essential that you must have a solid foundation of devotion and pure samaya, along with a strong effort, pleasant to be completely balanced, not too intense nor too loose. If you can meditate, completely turned to the activities and concerns of this life, then surely you will take over planning the extraordinary qualities of the profound path of Dzogchen. Why wait for the next life? You can hold primitive castle right now, in the present.

This advice is the heart of my heart. Let's hold it and never let it slipped loss!

Magical nectar

Advice for a Disciple

Male model!

Christ's Compassion Buddha all ministries,

The nature and embodiment of all shelter (refuge),

I ask him prostrate, Padmasambhava, the precious crown!

If I had to teach others by one method is perfect on this earth who will listen to me? Because I totally do not have the correct perception and not even a guide for myself! However, you looked me in the show and asked me pure. So, rather than a disappointment, I will say a few things when they appear in my mind.

All the success, big or small, of the work secular or spiritual, comes from the merit of your stock. So do not neglect even the smallest positive behavior. Do it. Also, do not ignore the mistakes of your small and considered unimportant; please restrain yourself! Try to accumulate merit: make offerings and give alms with his goodness. Strive for a good heart to do anything of benefit to others. Follow the footsteps of wise and sophisticated survey was everything you do. Do not be slaves to the style not be considered. Save your words. Think more, and examine the situation carefully. Need to nurture the roots to the discernment: the desire to do everything and give everything you need to give up.

Do not be wise to comment or parody them. Let's liberate ourselves from all the competing emotions of jealousy. Do not despise the ignorant, do not look at them with the arrogant. Give up pride. Abandon his work is considered important. All these things are essential. Please understand that you have this life thanks to the kindness of your parents. So do not let them upset that meet their desires. Please demonstrate courtesy and concern for all who depend on you. Make them imbued with a sense of goodness and teach them the practice of virtue and shun evil. Be patient with the shortcomings of their small and curb your bad mood, always remember that just a small one is enough to destroy a good situation.

Do not connect with local people who have narrow mind, do not put your trust in those you are new and untested. Make friends with people who are smart honest, careful and have a sense of right and courtesy. Do not be concluded with bad people, they do not care at all to the business, they are lying, cheating and stealing. Separate yourself, but do it wisely. Do not believe those who say sweet things in front of you and do the opposite on the back.

For yourself, your firm in the vicissitudes of happiness and suffering. Be friendly and calm people. The talk of the gossip and outrageous contempt will put you within reach of their influence; the silence too much can cause them to become not clear to what you mean. So keep a middle way: do not boasted with confidence, but do not be a doormat. Do not run according to gossip without examining the truth of it. Rarely anyone know how to keep your mouth shut. So do not stop talking about the desires and your intentions, keep them for yourself. And whether you're talking to an enemy, acquaintance or a friend, do not break faith.

Keep warm, smiling and chatting happily with others. Please keep your place. Respect of your elders even when things are not favorable to them. Do not look down on them. Also, do not cringe before the vulgar man, even if they are arrogant and complacent.

Be clever when not make promises that you know you can not keep. By the same token, to respect the promises that you made, and never think that they are not important. Do not be disappointed by misfortune and not achieve what you want. Instead consider carefully what really see the advantages and disadvantages of you.

Be observed with proper awareness, every secular acts like will result in good fortune and prosperity in this life and as it is said, is the way quickly lead to higher realms.

However, if you want to completely get rid of samsara cycle, here are a few tips will assist you on the path of liberation.

If you are not satisfied, you will be poor no matter how much money you matter. So decide that you have enough and to free themselves from desire and attachment. Indeed, few who understand that wealth is passed and not sustainable and so few people can practice the perfect generosity. Because even those who practice it, the charity usually damaged by three impurities and waste, like scrumptious food mixed with poison.

Except beings are suffering in hell, no reincarnation within no love life. In the seven-point premium over the realms of high-performance business longevity is similar to its cause. So if you want to live long, protect the lives of living beings give attention to this!

You nurture faith and devotion to the Three Jewels and your teacher! Ten virtuous efforts to combine the wisdom and clarity with wisdom. Nurture a sense of integrity and proper respect your privacy with others. With seven types of divine wealth, you will always be happy!

Achieve peace and happiness for themselves the approach of the primary surplus and the Thanh Van Giac Buddhist Doc. Altruism of bodhicitta is the way of those of the great. So cultivate yourself in the virtuous of the Bodhisattva, and do this on a massive scale! Let's assume the responsibility to liberate all beings from samsara cycle. In all eighty-four thousand teachings of the Buddha, who have no deeper subject, bodhicitta. So please make every effort on the road, most of bodhicitta absolute and relative, is something to be condensed essence of the sutra and tantra. Subdued his own mind is the root of Dharma. When the mind is controlled, the reduction of pollution in a natural way.

Do not let yourself become hardened and fed to the French; not automatically lead you went astray. Make the profound Dharma penetrates your soul. Now is the time you already own perfect life is hard to find this, now is the time you have the freedom to practice the teachings, do not waste your time. Try to achieve deficit targets Vietnamese, invariant. Because life is drifting away, and can not determine the time of your death. Whether you should die tomorrow, you should have faith and do not regret it.

Therefore, cultivation of genuine devotion to the root of your teacher, and to love the relatives of your diamond, pure consciousness raising for them. The lucky ones are the disciples always preserve the honor samaya (commitment) and his vows as to preserve their lives. They will quickly achieve success.
The ignorance, the five poisons, cynicism and binary attachment is the root of samsara and of the sufferings of the three realms. For this we have a ways to eliminate or political will "liberate" all in a single blow. It's natural wisdom and intelligence of pristine awareness. So trust in the development stage: the sights, sounds and thoughts just as the display of native deities, mantras and primordial wisdom. So please remain in the path "followed by" (anuyoga) perception of three special stages of perfection, is a state of bliss and emptiness.

Please affirm your views on the ultimate issue of Heart Essence - samsara and nirvana are the display of awareness. No distractions, no meditation, in a state of natural rest, come back often to remain in the pure naked, covering all of the ultimate reality.

Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche (1904-1987) was the supreme leader of the Nyingma sect of Tibetan Buddhism. In 1959, he was the Dalai Lama responsible assigned to lead the Nyingma sect overseas and ensure the preservation of its ancient traditions. He is a master Dzogchen (Great Perfection) of many important lamas including the Dalai Lama, and has played a key role in the teaching of Vajrayana Buddhism to the West. So far, few of his teachings can be used by English, so we honored to be presenting two lectures from Dudjom Rinpoche teachings Blood Center, Shambhala Publishing, 2001 .END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).25/1/2012.

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