Tuesday 24 January 2012


Thien su Mahasi Sayadaw

- Part II -
D. CASES from the Prophet recounted Sayadaw U NANDIYA
(In the hall Satipatth Ana, in the village of Taw-Ku, Mu-Done district.)
Sayadaw U Nandiya D.1, a person carrying the disease difficult to treat with the doctor and surrender himself cured
When the teacher U Nandiya also a layman, he had brought in a variety of diseases. Over the years, he brought to Hermiphegia disease (paralysis of one leg), disease Hydrocele (swelling of the scrotum) and frequent bouts of dizziness. The local doctor refused to treat him.
After becoming a monk, he was a severe fever and was reduced slightly after four months of treatment with medication. After trying to be stiff as possible, he decided to go to the monasteries of the Sayadaw in Moulmein Mahasipatthana for the insight. However, he can not be pure glass arrived at because he was very weak. But while waiting to get power, you were thinking: "Old age, disease and death without delay. If we delay we will surely fall into the abyss of ignorance. The day will start the practice of insight! " And with determination, he began the insight into the day. He did not talk to anyone, himself in the room and reassured by the executive concept. Unfazed, he monitored and recorded on the sensations of birth. By not change posture frequently and very patient, he has focused on the legal concept can increasingly longer: from one to two hours, and from two hours to three hours, then three to four hours, and any such increases. At the time that he can meditate in a continuous period of six hours, the crude sensations have reduced visible. And if he can maintain mindfulness and not legal shaken during twelve hours in a posture, then all the subtle feeling completely lost. By the most natural approach, he has defused all the suffering that life can be, and many diseases which he had acquired at that time disappeared. It is noteworthy here is that the treatment has eased all diseases and sensation of pain is generally provided by the very great patience in diligently practice mindfulness.
Fair to say that the virtue of patience rarely seen large and tried hard as hard as anyone that there are U Nandiya him. For whatever sensation is not born to be ignored, it is made legal title to the concept. However, it does not have thoughts like this: "If I win it I will not tolerate it." Instead, the idea is "incumbent upon me as mindfulness recorded delivery on anything." He continued his track record. And in so doing, eventually you really do calm down any feelings of pain.
Fifteen years before the seventeenth round down, U Nandiya began teaching meditation for the practitioners. Of course that he taught the method based on the four foundations of mindfulness practice of Mahasi Sayadaw. These words are particularly encourages instruction to maintain the posture. The way U Nandiya practitioners used to recommend when to change the posture that we have to meditate on the thoughts he wanted to change before the change of posture, he gradually extended to maintain a commanding rooms from 15 minutes to half an hour, etc. .. That delaying action is a case to add to thoughts alone; if that is "austerity" is not true. The Burmese are saying that: "If the power is inadequate, they must descend conceit." Also, if you can not keep thoughts, change your posture and concept further. This way, the meditator can meditate from an hour to two hours, three hours, or longer. Moreover, all the sensations of pain and other diseases, too, will completely disappear and they will feel more relaxed and comfortable.
In the four postures the practitioner should start concept in sitting posture. When the law can not extend the concept of posture that is, the angels urged them to concepts of time travel. Also, can go to change from standing posture, and from standing to lying. But because one can fall asleep in the lying posture, so the teacher advises them to start idea in a sitting position, and then change posture order was mentioned above, each posture should be pulled length from a half hours to two hours. Thus, while the concept of continuous attention and change the four postures, the body of one will become heavy, difficult movements and numbness - it's like a corpse - like lying in bed Soai, who He will no longer be asleep. Without being haunted by ignorant nor unaware; in fact still mindful and aware, he is in a state of calm, which continued uninterrupted concept at all. Status of this peace may last all day, sometimes day and night. The author recounts the experiences they have seen the disease and pain sensations disappear, the body is soothing when they reach the state of peace and mindful way.
Many people have talked about the following cases, the authors talk about going through the illness and pain gradually extended by the time change posture, and the case of the female practitioners were frightened by Sayadaw U Nandiya told him, as he is guarded for them.
D.2. Ty kheo Sayadaw U Vamsapala
In Dhammikayone Vihara, the Kyaik Kar village, district Mu Done, he had suffered dizziness, chronic bronchitis and malaria in 1950. Oil has treated him with medication, but the condition is only temporary relief. The recurrent disease on forever.
So, fearing for his illness, he began to practice insight, he practiced the first two weeks. In May 9-1973, his insight was back on Monday, three months. He can meditate continuously for standing and sitting postures, sitting, shall be twelve hours, and was then eight hours, and the illness has subsided a good way.
Full of confidence, he returned to the third act insight, that the disease is cured. Indeed, within a week, he can meditate fourteen consecutive hours in all three postures: lying, sitting and standing. Patients dizziness, rhinitis and malaria with the sensation of pain from the past that are definitely great. Last Tuesday cups pure insight to the last three days in October.
One day, when the Sayadaw U Vamsapala are devoted to memory of the suffering life is born, the sound signal lunch gong sounded. Still dressed, he did not give his majesty, that track record continue. By night, after the pain had disappeared, three stanzas: dizziness, hunger and heat almost to the birth. Within two hours, while mindful of the recorded sensations, dizziness first disappeared, then hunger and finally the alcohol is gone.
D.3. U Uttara Presbyterian
In Ga Mone monasteries, the village of Ta Gun, Mu Done district, he was sick, dizziness, heart attack, hemorrhoids, pain in parts of urination, jaundice, sore hips and two back pain for many years . In 1975, he was to enter monasteries Mahasatipatthana down in practice and insight. He experienced intense feelings of pain and almost unbearable to have to shed tears. Be advised to meditate on the sensation of birth, his only thoughts are often the first time, but day by day more and more powerful concept. By the time he stayed in the posture, the hard life down considerably. And while he may have meditated over from 6 to 7 hours, all the diseases mentioned above will disappear. So far, he lived comfortably in the monasteries of his residence and continued to practice insight, no need to resort to massage.
D.4. An ordained monks called U Taladhaja
He Mahasatipatthana in monasteries, the village of Taw Gu, Mu Done district, suffered cramps in the abdomen. A doctor should advise him that the surgery room.
"Before surgery, your practical insight," the Sayadaw U Nandiya advised such other bhikkhu.
"I sent a skeptical state. But when you urinate it out a little"
"The pain kind of sage of urine may be due to" encourage and advise Sayadaw him like this idea, "any time that a sub-sage, sage, please carefully note that: - a primary A, a sub-game. "
Because track record as the teacher's advice, the tiny white gravel particles from secreted. Finally there was some gravel particles to 27 members. Since then, U Taladhaja completely cured of her abdominal pain and a constant off a sub-ended.
D.5. Siri Bhikkhu U
He was ordained late, has allowed the monastic life and also in harmony with the upper U Nandiya teacher, suffering from dizziness, or fatigue, pain, spasms, and tinnitus. One day, while practical insight in the guidance of Sayadaw U Nandyia him, you can meditate six hours continuously; so that the painful sensations calm down, and he felt less complete recovery . Through continuous monitoring records, U Siri himself cured of their diseases. Even if he has thoughts of those times longer than seven, eight hours ... sometimes up to twelve hours, at times like that, each stanza are not present anymore, as they had then gone forever.
D.6. Ms. Ma Than
18 years old, the daughter of U Thein village Ta Gun, dizziness has been over ten years. She went to the meditation hall and a practical insight diligent and confident. On Tuesday, she can meditate for three consecutive hours in one posture. Then, she could track record of her dizziness. Each concept is shown in the dizziness disappeared. Later, her concept of oil in the longer, the disease rapidly that never happens again - It completely cured it.
D.7. Ms. Ma Khin Than
20 years old, daughter of U Kyi Win Ngo and Daw Taw village Gu, is the contraction of the abdomen has over ten years. Then she went to the meditation hall to practice insight. On Tuesday, the concept may be extended in three hours, she was vomiting out the local Department of the abdomen. She has diarrhea. Zen masters advise her on what your thoughts are born to. After ten days, the disease did not have to happen again. And until today, the disease was considered completely cured.
D.8. U Win Ong
60, in the village Hlone Naing, was the contraction of the abdomen for years. He was the meditation hall to practice insight as directed by the teacher. He has been vomiting for about two spittoons of the solid materials (probably not material to digest, a little like being hardened excrement), abdominal pain since then that disappears. Through continuous practice concept that other diseases never happen again.
D.9. U Ong Yut
87, in the village of Gun Form, or suffer from dizziness and pain. So he was always someone standing nearby massage to help him do the work hygiene. Moreover, he also had hemorrhoids and chronic bronchitis when he went to practice meditation hall insight. First, his thoughts are only about an hour. Gradually his thoughts were two or three hours, then four hours. All life is suffering gradually decreases until eventually they disappear altogether.
D.10. Bà Daw Ngwe Thein
In the village of Ta Gun, intestinal pain and abdominal tumors. Oil has been treated with medication at referral hospital, but her illness is not cured. So she went to visit a large hospital, and doctors there advised her to surgery. She was at the age of 75, due to poor health, she intended to return home, not daring surgery.
"If I die, let us be mindful die," she said, and went to the meditation hall to practice insight. At first she could not longer in a posture memory, but gradually she can meditate longer. The more the concept of disease as long as she dropped so much. When she can maintain the legal concept of five to six hours in one posture, all her illnesses disappeared total. Now that the disease had disappeared three years, no relapse again (at this writing in 1978).
D.11. His Daw Ba Ti
55, in the village of Kwe Kyaik, the contractions were due to abdominal distention. She did not drink soda; disease had lasted fifteen years. She went to the hall for healing in accordance with legal prescriptions insight of the Buddha, and events to the teacher's instructions. Day after day, when her majesty was solid, the intense nature of the disease decreased. When she can meditate continuously for seven hours, the other diseases along with the pain completely disappeared. Now (1976) she was 60 years old. And she was no longer in use soda anymore. Time to practice her insight is sixteen days.
D.12. Daw Ma Ba Le
Until age 30, Daw Ta Ma Le Village Gun Form already had pain in the abdomen. In the past, the meditation center is not established as of today. So the idea of ​​practical insight has not happened to her. When she was 70 years old, a meditation center near her village was famous, so she had the insight to one day. Like most people, or, at first she could only sketchy idea, but when practiced under the guidance of the teacher to gradually increase the time and maintain posture, eventually she was able to consecutive memory five to six hours. Then, her illnesses disappeared. Now (1975) Her life was 88 years old, and patients never relapse.
D.13. For kheo U Yasa
As a resident bhikkhu in Mahayin monasteries, the village of Dar Kun District Mu Done, already suffer from dizziness and swelling in the scrotum over twenty years, when he arrived to practice insight meditation hall. Only when he reached the stage that can maintain the posture of the disease in four hours with him last fall. When U Yasa track record, the disease completely disappeared. And when he can meditate standing posture continuously in the 12 hours, the patients never relapse again.
D.14. Ms. Daw Khyi
In the town of Kant Baloo, Shwe Bo district, had a fall from a tree and part of her legs paralyzed. She met a woman in the hall tu Mahasi Thathana (her nuns in monasteries at the origin Myosa Mahasatipatthana Moulmein), Rangoon, and as she passed through Moulmein to the village hall in Taw Gu. At first she could not be more concept. But she has improved and can meditate for four hours, the pain subsides. About a month later, her memory may be seven hours continuously and completely healed leg paralysis.
D.15. Daw Khin Ba Kyawk
Before the teacher U Nandiya established in the village hall Gu Taw is he staying in monasteries Mahasatipatthana, in the town of Kok Karait, teaching meditation around in 1963, is a woman in town named Daw Khin Kyawk , is a disease called Ascites, it makes her bulging belly like a pregnant person. She was a doctor and the doctor said:
- We have the surgery room. The cost is one thousand dollars. But the illness or not, we are not responsible.
For fear she should not go to surgery. But due to the encouragement and urging of Rights, khyen she should practice insight, she went to the meditation hall, a very reluctant.
"In the hall there was much more ma devil! And they may threaten to spread to his deranged mind!" Words like that have spread and Daw Kyawk too, know something that quite clearly. That is why she did not go. But just because she is no longer any other choice, it's relatives are forced under, in the end she went to the hall.
When she got there, Sayadaw U Nandiya he had advised her thoughts while lying - his very posture with cuaba status. When conceived as such, she found his body grew more severe that no longer move. Then she thought I was possessed, so she was losing mindfulness.
"I was possessed then! Make me to die! Oh, the people came to kill me! I will not stay here again! Take me to ..." she screamed fuss. When her struggle, full of resentment all those who took her to the hall, she started scolding them all the way.
"Do not leave, she credits a woman. Do not be angry. Well, let's repent of what she was foolish to say. You know, to be here and meet her teacher was very blessed and there . Master will help her brother in love. If she really did not want to lie here, lawyers will explain. Now, she can walking for a while. When people see your weight concept "serious game, serious game" , and if she was relieved, and concept: "light game, light game." Try thoughts a couple of hours, as long as possible. If she could not walk anymore, stop and stand there. When she saw heavy , let's thoughts: "serious game, serious game," and if she was relieved, your thoughts: "light game, light game." Try thoughts as long as possible. Then, if she can not stand any longer, then sat beside her bed and thoughts for a moment. When you see the heavy, please concept "serious game, serious game" and your thoughts when you see light, "light game, light game" concept as long as possible, and again if she did not want to sit, lie down on the bed gently, and when you see your weight concept "serious game, serious game," if she finds your light concept: "light game, light game." ahead like that idea . If she was asleep on the bed. When she was lying, do not be afraid of anything. We will spread charity to care for and protect her ... "the Sayadaw had convinced her gently and told it to continue operating legal concept.
Through the methods being taught to practice concepts in the four postures, she credits the women are afraid to lie, and eventually resort to lying posture, because she can no longer posture in three other concepts are . As soon as she intended to sleep, then her whole body became heavy and stiff, but her thoughts are pure, she was not sleepy anymore. While such movements, in three hours, her body became lighter, her belly is deflated and returned to normal. Then she get up from bed and are happy with the Sayadaw.
"His Bach, I was amazed, really amazed! The whole body of the child was very light! Bach him, the child's belly has deflated!"
(A) Ms. Ma Kyin Myaing in Moulmein has cured hemorrhoids while monitoring continuously mindful of the four postures, according to the teacher's instructions.
(B) Daw Pyone town itself Mu Done has cured deafness by the practice of Vipassana.
(C) Mr. Maung Taw village of Gu Me in themselves cure pain in the scrotum and abdominal pain, a disease for three years and a ten-year illness. While the record of four consecutive hours in sitting and standing posture, he no longer had to massage as it used to be.
(D) Mr. U Hnyunt Kawk Pidaw village, was ill Hydrocele (swelling of the scrotum) about ten years; he came to practice insight meditation hall. He can meditate in standing and sitting postures in three hours. Within seven days, his illness was cured.
(E) Ms. Ma Kun Me, a woman in the village Hlone Naing, suffered numbness in the legs and lower high blood pressure has been ten years. She was the meditation hall to practice insight, and as a result of her illness to be cured.
(F) Ms Daw Thein Tin Kawk Pi Daw village was self-cure rheumatism in the legs that has lasted a month, through the practice of legal concepts within a week after arrival hall.
(G) Dhammavati Ms. Daw, a religious woman in the village of Ka Lawk Thawk, insight and practice in the meditation hall. She practiced law in all four postures concept, and can track meditate for twelve hours in an upright position and sit. Thus, her disease was cured.
(H) Mr. U WAW, 6o years, in the village of Taung Bawk, go to the meditation hall to practice insight. Less than seven days, he was self-cure rheumatism in the legs, the disease had lasted nearly five years.
D.17. The Aung cau
A young man named Aung Yang, Gu Taw village, were throbbing in the abdomen by a fall from a tree, it brings more headaches and tumor diseases. Through the dedicated treatment of the local doctor did not give any special results. The elders also say: "Yes, can not be cured." Identity of his body is sick. Him to the hall, and while mindful, feel something in the stomach as the tip of something spinning. It also found pain. After about ten days, a sound like "Gayoke" emanating from the stomach. "It breaks it," he thought. At the same time a stench comes out of the mouth, saliva and also a lot of heat too. On another day, he saw the light and reduce disease. When you can meditate in a sitting or standing for six hours continuously, then all diseases will disappear. You can meditate six consecutive hours in a sitting position and continue another six hours in the lying position. Later, he became a novice and now (1976) he was staying at the hall Gu Taw.
Prophet remarks Mahasi Sayadaw
This report is provided above the Mahasi Sayadaw meditation, because meditation in the hall Nandiya Mahasatipatthana U, Gu Taw village, district Mu Done, on May 2.1976. Sayadaw U Nandiya himself can maintain continuous legal concept of twelve hours standing or sitting posture. And while lying down, he can maintain the legal concept from 24 to 26 hours continuously. It is said that while such lies, he did not move his body or limbs to sit up until last time. Body of him from beginning to end like this is new. The practitioner that comes to him is also advisable to prolong noting. Currently, he is 90 years old, 32 lower, and still can go back healthy. This report on the position that only those cases where medical treatment only. The legal evidence of insight is not yet. However, note that the healing of the sick is because the legal power of sensory information and Sanh Kill That knowledge, and also by the kind of insight is born during the meditators can remain in a legal concept posture, for a period of three hours or more.
E. SOME HIGHLIGHTS OF THE EVENT OF THEORY TO PRACTICE THE MINH under the guidance of the Prophet U Pandita
E.1. Daw Khin Sein Ba
50, at house number 32, Race Course South Side, I MWe, Rangoon, was lump in the abdomen since age 45. During her from walking, numbness of chest pains, headaches, dizziness, dyspepsia and other disorders status born to follow. Once the edible food to digest without the disease will worsen. Oil has been treated by Oriental medicine and Western medicine, but not positive symptoms at all.
Eventually her son, a doctor, so she suggested surgery. But Daw Khin Sein because surgery is thought to play scared, and maybe because she has the desire to practice insight. She came into the hall in April, 1975.
Just a few days practice insight, headache disorders with other disorders state resurfaces. "Go to heaven is the wrong result," she murmur if he did, and also the idea of ​​escaping the hall. Also, an old pain in her toe by a small log disk causes while she was young and have recently been re-titled, causing her to tears. The pain in her upper arm which was removed two years ago also recurrent violent.
Oil all this old disease recurrence and severe abuse her, she is dedicated to trying to practice the teacher's instructions, and while being mindful of the hard pain in big toe and the pain aches in upper arms completely disappeared. She feels cool in the body, comfort, no longer see any signs of the disease anymore. Therefore, more aggressive than women to practice mindfulness, and meditation on the 28th a large tumor in the abdomen that have hurricanes to cause much trouble breast discomfort, started falling in one hour break "phyoke" then melt away. As a result, tumor rupture, bleeding profusely on the empty bar (dress) her, made her far and wide to be replaced in three consecutive days. As such, she also had clear insight of the body burden. And she thought that oil bleeding condition like this will make her weak, and yet, she found that her miracle is stronger than before, that peace was a relief bright mind and body .
Since the breakup of large tumors, secondary diseases as well disappear altogether. So out of gratitude to the Sayadaw, she is also very grateful to her husband, because he has allowed her to practice. Later, she continued to meditate with solid faith, to satisfy the Sayadaw, and finally she also achieved extraordinary insight. Oil in the past she has to abstain from eating food, but from now onwards down disease, she can eat whatever she likes, not even to eat or choose abstinence.
Within ten days after returning home, her doctor and said that people do not need more surgery. To this day, Saw Khin Sein's health is normal, she did all the work on social and spiritual well than before.
E.2. Bà Daw Than
59 years old, living in the area of ​​workers at Mahasi Thathana hall, with high blood pressure since age 35, was treated with Oriental medicine and Western medicine, but not effective. Since blood pressure has always been up to her blood pressure to go every day. She is suffering relatives and mental suffering. Oil intends to practice insight, but she did not do so, because I think that because of his poor health, she will not be able to keep the legal concept.
However, on May 5-1975, because the desire became stronger, she had the insight in the hall, which is also the residence of her. At first there was nothing special, but about five days after the blood pressure up so high that she could not raise his head was, and when her children took her to a doctor, she thought: "Better and it is more noble to die while in meditation. " So, she did not come home, but continued to practice.
While sitting concept, she rocked and leaned like going down. The whole body weight and passive. Persisted meditate in whatever is being up-on the advice of meditation, mindfulness without slack-she felt like something was being shattered in the chest. Then the body heats up. But light is emitted. Since then, the practice of her very good idea. At first she tried hard but just sit for an hour. But after the incident that she could sit concept is two and a half hours, but she felt comfortable sitting quietly in a while, not tired at all. The whole body relief and pain sensations because they have not killed dead. She continued to meditate to satisfy the Sayadaw until Lent, and upon leaving the hall, her high blood pressure no longer exists. When she went to check blood pressure, symptoms of high blood pressure are not present. In another article, Daw Than stated that she was quite all high blood pressure by imposing legal force of insight. Today she is healthy.
E.3. Cô Daw Myint Myint Kyi
At number 11, Lein Shan Road, the San Kyaung, Rangoon, suffers from a heart attack at 23. In 1966, her doctor, and doctors said that she was hospitalized for surgery in fourteen days. As to the Three Jewels of refuge - if she should die in the surgery - she has invited monks Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw to lead the alms house, experimental offerings of animals, sex and life shall pour announcement ceremony experimentally. Then the Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw made a comment that if she can practice Vipassana before surgery is very good. So her to the hall, and on Thursday after the meditation, she saw the people as much pus. Her heart hurt. Because the concept is unable to sit, to meditate while she was away. Then, after five or six hours walking, her thoughts began to sit at 10 pm. About 20 minutes later, she heard a bang and felt broken heart breaks. Startle, her arms and legs unwind. She also "saw" a ball of ice is broken. Then she continued oil has no idea what happened phenomenon, just feel at peace in the concept. I spent five days practicing the concept is good.
Only after ten days of meditation, she must go home to see a doctor. Whereupon, the doctor declared that no further surgery is required. From then on, anytime a mild pain that occurs, just as it disappears concept. May 4-1977, when her doctor at the hospital, doctors said the disease broke up over. Daw Myint Myint Kyi Government also said that now she really healthy, no longer a disease in people, and her high blood pressure is completely cured only through meditation that is not due to surgery no.
F. SOME SPECIAL CASES OF THE WOMEN IN ORDER cure while practicing Vipassana meditation, under the guidance of the Prophet U Samvara
F.1. Ms. Daw Thein Khyit
At home, No. 114, Road No. 27, Rangoon, broken ankle bones while taking care of her grandson, the rope swing she sat on it broke. The doctor treating her by attaching screws. However, due to injury, she could not have, or put your feet straight up, and so she encountered much trouble. View this condition has lasted six years. She credits women go to the center. And on the twentieth day of real-time Vipassana - she could have legs and sit comfortably, because the concept so deeply wound was healed completely. Currently (June) she is still in practice insight meditation hall.
F.2. Daw Nu Ba
64, at home No. 1, Hsin Road Hla, the Lone Ah, Rangoon, has suffered from gastrointestinal disorders in 14 or 15 years old. Every two or three months, then relapse once she felt like the chest and back pressed together, causing much trouble. On March 14 (Al), she arrived at the hall and practice Minh Sat.khoang a week after the relapse, her chest and stomach cramps up the tension that she thought that she was about to fall down . While the track recorded by the teacher's instructions, the mucus expelled out, she felt much more pleasant and healthy. From three to four days later, the disease will recur as she thought. She feels like it is moving gently from the inside of the back. Because concepts are continually other diseases completely cured. Currently she is happy and healthy.
F.3. BA Daw Hla
71, at home No. 118, Alley 5, line Sekkawat, north Oukkalarpa, pain in neck pain and numbness, tingling from the temporal to the eye socket was 21 years. She always carries inside the hot oil for anointing when you need to delete. She should avoid the smoke smell burning and caution in the diet. When people stoop down or nodded, as she often felt stinging pain in the head. On March 16 (Al) (May 4-1976), she went to the meditation hall to practice insight. Three days later, she felt pain in the neck brine. Oil her thoughts intently, but the pain was still not melted away. However, she still patiently concept in accordance with the teachings of Zen master, and then as firmly wedge was withdrawn, the sensation of pain that had melted away. The more concepts further, and deeper insight than her. Oil before, she had to go to the doctor monthly, now more so needless. All massage oils are not necessary. She was very excited and happy because the disease has healed then.
F.4. Bà Daw Tha
66, at home No. 421, Road Dhamma Zone, Zone 16, male Oukkalarpa, suffered back and shoulder pain in his back, she felt as though it is always pain, difficulty breathing, and massage only moment is pain. If she sits still for 15 minutes, there will be such a pain in the back burn, like being a prick burning stick. On April 14 Al (May 5-1977), she went to the meditation hall to practice insight. She carefully noting under the bubbles, foam, sit, touch and pain in the teacher's instructions. As a result of such movements, the pain disappeared. Two or three days, the painful feelings arise again. Thanks to the attentive thoughts, they disappear, only to appear at another time, but this time it was in extreme pain. By noting the pain decreased gradually and then dive away. She felt comfortable and relaxed breathing. So far she is still happily practicing Mindfulness.
F.5. Bà Nyan Daw Ein
63, at home No. 108, Road Anawratha, Rangoon, with arthritis in the right thigh about five years. When the thighs are going to swell. When Buddha, too, she could not sit for even short. She had to sit in awkward postures, use your knees to hold the bottom. Each month she had to massage two or three times, but not much more than how much. Oil and many people urged her practical insight, but she did not dare because she could not sit in correct posture is. On the eve of holidays Thingyan (water festival bridges crossing the luck of the bowl life of boys and insight practice, and also the New Year holidays cross country), to March 15 Al (March 4-1976) , she went to the meditation hall to practice insight. As a result of the due diligence mindful of the advice of the teacher, a month after she was able to sit straight. Then continue the same concept, of rheumatism in her legs completely disappeared. She had regained normal health and continued until her meditation tape on Nyansin. Currently she is still operating insight.
F.6. Bà Daw Kyin Yone
68, at home No. 439, The Kone Road, Rangoon, were pneumonia, asthma before four years of insight. In the hot season, she not only exhausted but also much worse. With each cough up, she would spit out about half a tablespoon of talk, drink coffee and eat snacks also cause more severe disease recurrence. She could not sleep in a natural way, which must lie on his stomach. Each night she would get up about three times. During the day, the more severe disease. Pre-treatment of up to two or three thousand dollars. On February 26 Al (October 3-1976) she went to the meditation hall to practice insight. After ten days of her asthma disappeared while she was noting. She no longer have to avoid foods fresh longer. She continued to meditate until the Nyanzin tape. Thanks to the disease, she is healthy and happy.
F.7. Daw Kyin Shwe Ba
52, at home No. 231, Road Awbar, Taik Kyi township, gastrointestinal disease since age 41. When things do not have the stomach the pain, and if you eat too much animal food, it is also painful. Usually she only ate porridge. She was the doctor injecting and also hospital for treatment. Oil patients with temporary relief, but it still skeptical skeptical recurrence. Doctors Burmese experience has treated her well, but only temporarily and then remove it the same recurrence. Do not know how much money is spent on treatment. And she was leaner. She eventually resort to soda is always available to the users whenever needed. During the eleven years she was suffering with the disease.
On March 5 th al (May 4-1976), she went to the meditation hall to practice insight. Four or five days after the disease disappears while she was noting. However, on the twentieth day, the disease returned. By focusing and tracking record pain as the teacher has taught, the disease completely disappeared after two days. It never return again. On April 22 Al (about 42 days after the meditation hall), she can talk about Nyanzin tape, and then continued to meditate until May 8 al. Now she no longer had to abstain to avoid the kinds of things that can eat more also. She is gaining weight, no injections, and take home some medicines that she brought to drink, because not used. Right now, on this record reports (ie on May 26 Al), she is healthy and happy.
F.8. Mrs. Daw Tin Tin
52, No. 42 in home, road Myaung Ye Kyaw Kyi, Rangoon, a fall and pain in the left thigh. Through treatment with multiple medications, some patients are in remission but not minimized. While the Buddha and even ask about, she could not sit straight because the pain suffered. When she arrived at the hall to practice insight, the disease had spent two years. At the prayer sitting after sitting an hour, she was experiencing difficulty sitting, like a big local bulge in the butt. At first she just sat three times a day. After fifteen days of meditation, she can sit 2 to 3 hours each time, and over five times each day. Finally she could sit for four hours. Fifteen days later she completely remove the disease. Today she is healthy, no longer dependent on drugs or massage. Generally, the insight she had been fifty days until she heard a tape of Nyanzin (proceedings of Insight). At home, too, she often meditated whenever possible.
There are still many other narratives of those cases were cured in a remarkable. However, it is believed that with this much evidence is enough, and we would end the case here.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).25/1/2012.

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