Saturday 21 January 2012


Saturday, 21 January 2012


Buddha was a human-divine personality in particular, one of a kind in the history of mankind. A European writer noted that: "Nowhere in the world of religious worship and belief that we can find a religious teacher shines so! In a series of stars, he is so massive stars, the greatest. Some scientists, philosophers, the culture has declared Him "Son of the greatest ever". Glory of this great teacher illuminates the world of suffering and darkness, like a lighthouse to guide and enlighten humanity. " (Buddhism in the eyes of intellectuals)
Who is Buddha? A question was posed, has experienced more than 25 centuries; the identification, full of skeptical critics, then the speech, full of conviction in praise of man to the Buddha, so far there is endless source of inspiration. Because as Carl Jung, a psychologist, said that: "Ever look at your also limited by what you have and are." So with the different view angles, it will have the feelings, the different look of the Buddha.
Buddha's teachings from the experience of self-cultivation, which is not usually common experience, so understanding exactly what the Buddha is not possible, as in business says: Only the Buddha with Buddha can understand each other.
In the Buddha's lifetime, those who opposed him often criticized, slandered him with words or trivial allegations philosophy, as saying: He also wants fame, he advocated a break Life passes (Business Magandiya), processing his inability of the particular saint (Business lion amalgams), for he is a subject Sa magical use (Business Advantages three li) ... In addition to criticizing the words of praise praise is very rich, the intellectuals of contemporary society that is often praised him: "As they stand back up what was thrown fell down, exposing what was covered, only way to those who lost, bring light into the darkness ... "(Central Business). Although he was criticized or praised, but he is still an order now, no variation, no discontent, no joy. A pagan praise Buddha said: "It's wonderful! Religious author Gotama! It's rather rare! Religious author Gotama! Sun Oil to assume Gotama opposed ironically, oil attacked with words charged in the dialogue, color Ton author is lucid, excellent author is happy to present Sun as a chief Arhat sensory level "(General Business Saccaka). He often people called gurus and spoke of himself as follows:
One day, on their way to Deer Park to transport the Dharma wheel. Along the way, he met a Taoist named Upaka. Taoist asked, "little direct property! Senses it is extremely useful in direct light. Direct ownership of real skin clear and fresh. This little direct property, direct property why give up family life? He is one of the leading property? Organic Act of who spread the teachings? ". Buddha replied:
"As Lai has overcome all, Tathagata has thoroughly all.
As Lai has exceeded all tied up
As Lai was detached from all
As Lai noted the destruction of all mental power lust.
All have understood, also known as Lai who is he?
No one is master of the Tathagata
No one stood equal to the Tathagata.
In this world, including gods and brahma
No one can compare with the Tathagata.
Indeed, as Lai is an arahant in this world.
Sun Tathagata is impermanent;
Tathagata alone is omniscient Master, calm and serene.
As Lai was coming to Kasi to transport the Dharma wheel world blind.
As Lai will sounding drums in the Eternal. "
Upaka turn asked, "Hey direct property, property that was affordable directed himself as Arhats, are grade super hero power infinite?". Buddha identified: "All the steps superhero had conquered all of their pollution are like unto me. As Lai has conquered, the destruction of all evil sin. So, this Taoist Upaka, Tathagata is the one super hero "(Bible for - The Central Coast).
Buddha clearly define who he is to conquer any pollution, such as the highest in the world. This is the first statement of the absolute value of the Buddha's noble of all human beings, the following statement has been generalized into statements in the context symbol connoisseurs: "God celestial unique only to fall down "(The sun is only one heaven is paramount). Throughout the life of His preaching proved what he has stated above is true. There is a pagan cult wants to consult with the Buddha moral because they heard the Buddha who has overcome all impurities, to achieve complete purity. They talked together and celebrate the Buddha constantly monitored for seven days to see the Buddha is really pure speculation as it is not. Finally, people are sent back to the monitor reported that: "Indeed Sa subject Gotama is perfect as well as the time during sleep mode to the smallest movements as he walked through a puddle or his cross-shirt lifted up ... are full of holiness "(Central Business).
Another time, when a critic of the possibility and purpose of the Buddha, after analyzing their mistakes, Buddha said, "Hey Sariputta, who wants to talk about it properly I have to say like this: (Buddha) a charming delusion is not dominant, was born in the world for the benefit, for the happiness of all sentient beings, compassion for ideas for life, for the good, for happiness, as an communication for gods and men "(Lion Business amalgams - The Central). This statement speaks qualities of a Buddha is wisdom fullness (not being the dominant si) and compassion for all beings infinite relief.
All the power of the Buddha were made from his wisdom, that is, content Supreme supreme enlightenment under the Bodhi tree feeling. There was an outsider artist named du Vacchagotta that Buddha asked: "my lord, I hear people say, Sa subject position Gotama is most necessary, most are set ants, he claimed to have their knowledge completely, when, standing, sleeping, being awake ... knowledge has always existed and continuously. White Bhagavan, things that people say it right with the fact no, they slander the Buddha? "Section. Buddha replied that, they say that is "inconsistent with what I have said, is to slander me." Thus, the Buddha denied he had a kind of wisdom is always present and realize that the same throughout, as well as during sleep mode. Vacchagotta asked: So to say how the new right? Buddha taught that if you want to say right then Sa is subject Gotama has three intelligence levels. "When I want, I will remember many past lives, as a life, two lives ... so many past lives together with the outline and details. Vacchagotta Hey, if I want to label it with the pure God, I see life and death of beings, who listed high to low, the rough pretty bad guys, good luck guys who are so unfortunate ... the career of their . This Vacchagotta, with the cessation of defilements, right now, with the position upstream of enlightenment, I smuggled the mind to dwell very liberated, liberating wisdom. Says so right on me "(Business intelligence Vacchagotta Ba).
Thus proving Tam: Further network card, smart label and Gonorrhea Natural intelligence is content to take the Buddha's enlightenment. Especially only Buddha had full three cards in the fullest sense, although in practice the route, three cards are considered the ultimate achievement of an enlightened yogi.
For magic, he has sufficient sequence information to attain God, through God's ear, Tha Press before he became a Buddha. On the night of enlightenment, a new witness to his final three divine order online Further information (intelligence), Heavenly label information (intelligence) and gonorrhea get information (intelligence). He tells us: "When we have evidence supreme enlightenment, I have 5 attempts to practice law: I am Spirit-sufficient practice with the essential needs of Education, the fine should act diligently, the ardent mind of, thinking of ardent and reward the effort, according to Ta radial else, I can reach the legal documents that "(Business Expenses Increase II). Without any legal barrier to the Buddha, there is no law that Buddha did not see clearly, to know, so often called his disciples who the French King.
Celebrating Buddha's Birthday Buddha's birth calendar 2550, a few words about the greatness, the purity, the Buddha's enlightenment only to express reverence of the Buddha and to honor who gave birth the path of liberation for humanity. With limited language between life full of pollution, people can not all be praising the greatness of Buddha.
To conclude, in the words of poet Abdul Atahiya praised the Buddha: "If you want to see the noblest of mankind, look in the clothes the emperor a beggar; that he is super products, finished his calculation is great between people "(the Buddha under the eye of knowledge). END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).22/1/2012.

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