Thursday 19 January 2012


So even for Buddha, or religious meditation which calm the mind focused from one day to seven days, given the direction that achieve results. Buddha nature of things seen, but the evidence from meditation to preliminary results from the fruit. We find it difficult tu? Buddhist term only seven days. How much our whole life, just 7 days on most professionals are not even an issue until the day only, such fine professionals will gain direct result. But why no one sacrificed one day, two days to seven days, or single-mindedly recite the Buddha's real disorder, or attention, do not move out of the four foundations of mindfulness, the Buddha will be welcome to Bliss or fruit bar text documents ?
1 - Accommodation not encounter between Zen and Pure Land
Point one: As we know, Pure Land practice is always to take on faith, Pure Land cultivator should have enough credit-Hanh Nguyen. Faith is trust; sure there Dewachen, his conviction will be nembutsu Buddhist procession of Bliss. From conviction, a new departure, or attempt to recite the Buddha, known as Hanh. I vow to recite the Buddha's birth on Dewachen. So enough Hanh Tin-May, in which trust is the first step on the road repair.
In contrast, Zen does not get the confidence, which took the first step to wisdom. The basic intellectual property, discrimination, while confidence is confirmed as such, any information then do it, the other two parties n hau. From the Zen, Zen wants to step away from the entrance door No. No door is Prajna wisdom. From Prajna wisdom, get understanding of the truth of the law in the world want, not mistaken for the author's true love. The interdependence of law is only temporary damage lies, knew it, we have no difficulty in practice, the mind serene silence. Apparently the meditation to be used for pure mind sees intellectual contemplation, understood not to be confused, thereby not bigotry, not caught, so gentle mind rang hollow. This is the first step in the direction of travel.
Monday Scores: Pure Land of voluntary birth Dewachen. There are not any practice Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss where to birth? Everyone has to recite the Buddha when the Buddha welcomes death of Bliss. In the business says Bliss in the West, the realm I want her memory ten in the world. It is far. Therefore, if the Buddha did not catch what they do not know which way to go. As we now wanted by Japan, France or the U.S., if they ever going to have kin in the welcome that dare to go. Dewachen case is a plane I want her to ten block this world, how dare we go? Therefore, to recite the Buddha and Buddhist prayer to welcome us, the eyes are the realm of Ultimate Bliss. Thus, from Pure Land is outside our reporters, targeted towards the West, aimed Dewachen to be born through it.
In Zen practice teaches us to observe the interior of his own. On the interior, many Buddhist division. According to Duy mode, we have the consciousness, mental states. In the mental has good mental, mental ill etc. .. but meditation is not distinguished as such, just that in our mind, is the mind that we have long thought that his mind, but it was not. Buddhists as you think, what usually calculate your mind to think that calculations of my mind. If it is "my heart" is the moment without thinking, without calculations, I was or am I missing? If it was me, when it is, I have to lose. But in fact, not thinking, not computing, I also found the money. Therefore, if the mind is that I think is a calculation mistake greatly. But most of all we are doing so. Meditator knows that calculating mind to think I should not really let it calm down, find out the truth yourself. For it is quiet concentration method. So-called meditation. Quiet the mind and outlook, we recognize our own honesty, which is the purpose of meditation. Thus, Zen practitioners look at their internal needs and not outward, and the Pure Land cultivator Dewachen it looks on the outside, so not the same.
Tuesday scores: how the meditation remains for the life, suffering many things clean karma, karma clean mental distress then be available to appear true, there is Nirvana, which is the Buddha Nature. In Pure Land, have recently said that the Pure Land cultivation is easy, just ten questions, the Buddhist nembutsu Ultimate Bliss picked up immediately. Although professional who created evil, theft but also Buddhist concepts 10 questions picked up Bliss; because they think "tropical career rebirth," which is carrying on the business still being there, without waiting for new pure rebirth . The meditation does not accept it. The realms of pure bliss of the Buddha that brought bad business who is unclean to accept. So says "tropical industrial rebirth" story is not acceptable.
For example, we adopted a dog, it's scabies, we think in our culture underground it scabies; now brings up the stairs make it all but not scabies. On the ground or on the floor, not to cure all diseases scabies, it is also the same. Scabies is itching for example career, if not healthy, then no matter where taken away at any place, nicer, better do not escape. Want to give it out to do? We adopted it on the ground that know how to find medication for it all, it is good on the ground or on what floor is strong at all.
Also, if I said that in her confusion beings create karma, karma out of Ultimate Bliss is not necessarily sex. An instruction to enter the place must be purified of all karma, but karma is a party to bring to said plane and will clean after purification. Thus, the two policies are not the same. That is the point of Zen and Pure Land is not met.
2 - Accommodation Zen and Pure Land Meet each other.
Point One: On Pure Land, the Amitabha Sutra is a paragraph saying that men of good credit from a woman who recite the Buddha's day, two day, three days ... for seven days "any disorder of mind" when the dying Buddha and the Holy See them is immediate. So single-mindedly recite the Buddha is any disorder a maximum of seven days, or six days, or five days, or four days, or three days until finally one day only, then close your eyes and see the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the previous . We hear too easy right?
I read in A Ham (Business A Ham teaches meditation in Theravada), Satipatthana Sutta, the Buddha taught, if any autonomy from the four foundations of mindfulness one day, two day, three days, up to seven days without heart Mindfulness, the person left with my eyes closed for at least preliminary results of stream-winner, binary function from momentum, tam na A function result, four Arahatship. Thus, the only consistent Satipatthana full seven days, not moving, not moving, her eyes were closed Arahatship. If less than or six, or five days, the result of A na function, four days or three days they could see the momentum resulting from the function. If less, only one day of care not to relocate the stream-winner results. Stream-winner is the result of non-retrogression, but seven lives birth and death, but only go up not down. So Amitabha Sutra and Mindfulness in Business A Ham said no other.
So even for Buddha, or religious meditation which calm the mind focused from one day to seven days, given the direction that achieve results. Buddha nature of things seen, but the evidence from meditation to preliminary results from the fruit. We find it difficult tu? Buddhist term only seven days. How much our whole life, just 7 days on most professionals are not even an issue until the day only, such fine professionals will gain direct result. But why no one sacrificed one day, two days to seven days, or single-mindedly recite the Buddha's real disorder, or attention, do not move out of the four foundations of mindfulness, the Buddha will be welcome to Bliss or fruit bar text documents ?
Now you try to recite the Buddha from six o'clock this morning until six o'clock tomorrow morning, no one thought Monday chen should certainly be very welcome in Western Buddhism. The charity shop the impure body, feeling the pain, the mind is impermanent, selfless solutions; are always allowed to move in four shops, not to insert the very notion that, in seven days or at least a day vouchers winner, St. certain fruit forward, not back again.
Thus the practice easy or difficult, can it? But how long we keep peace skeptical slipped, fell climbing up? As for our very low concentration, it is thought this is something else soon chen cover. As you're being crushed nembutsu rosary third sentence, insert another idea suddenly worthless. So repetitive, do not know until finished. Remember who is the current ball, remember the temple, the temple is the ball, remember the football fraternity is brotherhood. Buddha only seven days when no one is even a day, not so bad? Clearly tu tu Zen Pure Land or something too, if we resolve the question as to recite the Buddha died, died in the four foundations of mindfulness are both consistent success the same. So the practice is easy to see that it is very difficult. It is easy because no more time. It is difficult because the mind does not agree to do. To see that the road repair, the mastery of mind is very serious problem. Mastering ten, twenty more easily master mind. For as his owner, or owner managed enterprises dozen employees, tell them to do this, the other is easy to look back but sure do not mind it. If done correctly as the Buddha's teachings, perhaps being a Buddhist too much then. But because the thief sneaked into destruction make us lose elaborately convoluted, the Buddha told his control is a very difficult job. The amendment is to control yourself.
For others, because their forces, for the benefit of people, so people should listen to me, to follow her. As for myself, no rights, no power at all, conception before told to do this, but came up with idea after another, first stampede. So it comes to ideology as easy, holding times difficult to string? But if the time series to series, who was doing well, there was so single-mindedly recite the Buddha series, it is hard to do. Sitting Meditation half an hour, an hour, then everyone is seated, which sat an hour stir no delusion, it is difficult to talk people do.
On the specific appearance of the body, the scene is very easy to arrange. But appearances do not mind, no place where, just leave it open as delusions jump out of our elaborate. So this month in its spiritual pouring his wife does not mind trying to preserve open space, as little kids watch it from theft interrupted, so ten years, twenty years is not possible, cases are considered often. Tu is a delusion to watch. Many people say it any delusions they do not think what to watch? It is mind, then leave it and thought it was time.
You should not say so tu, tu do not have to see. For years we thought themselves mistaken delusion that mind. Because the mind imagines, should pursue pleasure and make the world go in the business of birth and death, this life to it constantly. Because it is all generated power industry, it has led us to the birth and death. Cleanup is it, that is, being his master, not karma, all the binding, a free, birth and death is what is dragging! Buddha called this the liberation from samsara.
I would ask - we repair to do?
- to free birth and death
- What led you to the birth and death?
- Business mobile leads us in birth and death.
- What is karma?
- body, speech and mind business is to create three seats.
Obviously our goal is liberation of birth and death . What career should I do first? Body lying, dumb mouth shut right? Not so. Body work, that comes from the mouth speaks. The said body, speech, mind, but really good idea, then say good mouth, good body; telling her bad thoughts then bad, bad body work. Said three but that was the original initiative. Want all business, we must end the concept of mind. Want to end the first concept we must know the damage the false notion is not true. For years we said, "I think so" underground for the news that's true. Now that it's unreal is not it, trying to stop it from being quiet to work longer dread monster effects. The Buddhist meditation or the thoughts, too, the best idea that mind is no longer chaos. The idea of meditation is also quiet. No longer artificially industry, what has led us to the birth and death?
Body by the big four, when the dead returned to the big four. We know the body will decay, and magical thinking. When stopping the mind is illusory then what else? Tu is to recognize what is freedom, not to damage the body and calm mind, not perhaps gone back? So from the filter body and mind training, just where our mind is something real, something to break. Knowing the damage, abandoned by it, so it appears, is called free birth and death.
The truth that has many names such as Buddha nature, such as legs, Bodhi, Nirvana ... always with us. But we have a long "y" to this cover. You try to sit for five minutes with no idea what sparked view. Say sit, do not recall yesterday, yesterday, never mind rang hollow so we keep getting the sense of covering sales, because the illusion spinning just do it so we do not recognize the sincerity of her. So meditation to concentration unreal, the things that spin again. Concentration was then the truth will out.
Meditation and tried to stop the illusory notion of consciousness. Buddhist concept of mind is to stop the illusory notion of consciousness. A party that Bodhi, Nirvana, one side of the Buddha Amitabha to pick. Because the deep mystery of meaning as such, we use the practice, do not trivial if the practitioner do? If you have not understood all that we see the work of a monk is not the external form of respect; it deep inside. Once you get your mind whirring then, delusions calm down, the truth is money. Living with the truth that is free of birth and death, never ever lose. And bring the lost business created by the will of this body take the other body, other body take its own loss, birth and death that never end?
In doing so, the Buddha said, children who are born and die, life after life and that, how much each partner cry tears. If you collect every tear of being in a much more life than the life of the sea. Samsara samsaric suffering was not the same. End one's life for decades. In a lifetime of tears many times. In birth mother cried then, to the dying old man cried, too, a long string crying and crying. By losing this body, find other relatives continued to cry again, into a long string crying and crying. As industry is suffering as result. So wanted to free birth and death to stop all business. Want to stop the industry from all the attention, because it is mainly made industrial engines.
Why we should meditate two or three hours, limb numbness pain but also tried to sit? Sitting in advance for goods to relatives, family owned and vanquished the idea that design. Want to have mastered that a long time, as if sitting in three minutes or half an hour, a little peace of mind recently, the first hour, two hours to sit a long time that we see clearly is aware of the strength or I was weak. In the monastery I started meditating two or three hours. There are many people at first to apply for collective religious enthusiasm, a few hours and then apply for withdrawal as well as not. I advocated so not to abuse themselves in vain. Because there are two reasons:
a. One, if we do not master this body, we are dependent on it easily, so pain is pain, it can be won over. We all know the moment of breath is the most painful moments, if not very close to home is perfectly peaceful deathbed. Mastering yourself is the moment that we still go on. Otherwise, the disorder at that time, something that was taken, was in danger. Should first have mastered the body.
b. Two, is to master the mind. Consciousness is very flexible, easy to reporters outside. Without means used to subdue the mind will be hard to quiet the mind. Thus from the Buddha until now, methods of meditation is seen as the most wins at the center. So I want to advocate religious nuns move to be diligent meditation. More control over body and mind and then go to free birth and death.
We look at Buddhism, whether concrete or other parties are different but the same end goal is to stop whirring thoughts , for what is true is shown, it is a place to meet. So Pure Land practitioner or, "Tam constant purification industry, the current Western Buddhism" means clean it every three professional contract with Buddha Buddha head no doubt. From the bridge of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and meditation is getting a hybrid to get the item or Dharmakaya, etc. .. This is the first of similarities between Zen and Pure Land.
Monday Rating: talk about and the Pure Land. The Pure Land is that we want to believe how this ten block plane is the world called Ultimate Bliss. Do not doubt believe should try to recite the Buddha, as long as single-mindedly, as long as the eyes see the Buddhist procession on the West, no longer happy in the realms of misery as I her anymore. This is the Pure Land. On economic rationality graph in which cut Duy said: "Mind Net net it." If you want pure water plane must first be purified of his mind. Pure mind, the realms of pure water. Or a place to say "Da Di nature, idealistic Pure Land"; ie its identity is Amida Buddha, his heart is pure land. Thus, Pure Land and Amida Buddha in his right place, not in the western sky. Pure Land Management is very suitable for meditation.
Why work for you? Because meditator turning back the inner core of yourself. When Clean delusions whirring then purified mind is the legal body called immortal beings constant real sense, every tri. That is our practice to recognize the pure mind no delusion, no body can enter the legal birth of eternity, and reign every sense. Pure Land Buddhism is said Di Da is nature, but the mind is pure pure land. Amitabha Buddha is Amitabha Buddha read Sanskrit. Chinese translation of the Infinite Life and Infinite Light. Life is very long life of boundless, means any legal body being immortal. Boundless Light is always lucid, meaning that every tri Buddhahood every sense. Amitabha is the Buddha represents Buddha Nature. Pure Land Management is Zen, nothing different at all.
For comparison the same to us that the meaning of spiritual meditation and Pure Land is not two, not the other. Therefore we as Buddhists practice Buddhist concept that I do not do this, this and that, Buddha will heap blessings. Such notions are wrong. Tu to take his initiative. Italian industry is calm down, release the Buddha is not really grace bless us. Buddha is the causal origin of the practice. Good people enjoy good results, not given to me to be Buddhism. Song Buddhists we only want to ask the Buddha only. Tu seemed to bother you time. Just offering a little Buddha then gave these children that it is finished. Just to temple twice a month, to spend less money on 30 or full moon, floral shop, fruit ... he beat you ring, my three bows, offering the disk performance is enough. Buddhist Temple so go with the director of real truth is like miles away! We must realize that the core Buddhist practice how to become enlightened man, no longer leading professional error on birth and death again. It is the ultimate purpose of us. Although this life we ​​cultivate not complete, but back and forth to this world but that the ultimate purpose to maintain, not to deviate. As seafarers need a compass so, must assert not mistaken. Close your right, this life is how much tu, tu to life after another, and so continued tu forever, as long as the new completion time.
In religious texts the Buddha countless lives, or is three a growth period of life, ie three countless lives. Play three countless lives you have not bored? The word is not a life where your life. Life is gone through millions of years. So three is how many countless lives of millions of years, you think that bored right?
Buddha for fear we should be bored says: No problem! If love is the smart religious beings, feeling a Buddha. As fast as the backstroke, flip into their backs are facing. 're Feeling the love that only a Buddha soon. So the fact gotten us? Do not wipe, but there are many ways to become Buddha. Because Buddhism is self-consciously, feeling forgiven, feeling happy consummation.
For us, the self is best then to have more sense tha. That is when you and others a new sense of all the Buddhas. Should realize the Buddha nature is called a Buddha. A Buddha that Buddhism is only a flash of his time. And how many afflictions, set to air for ever put away again. I used to practice as such we take in the night sky turn thirty rain. From time to time that lightning flashed, so we see a paragraph. It was dark again, and then flash to see more text. So gradual cultivation. The health practitioners now aware that time is like lightning. Now hear this is that provincial economic or meditate much, but now other people immediately exposed to forget, and sad and angry as well. When you sit back from that province, that touches the senses but also as someone suffering. So on from year to year, ultimately closed my eyes have not finished. It is common disease of all. We need to know is not a complete sense now.
Buddhists always confident of his teachings, trusting to you as a teacher, that anger is a vice, is the erosion of merit criteria. But having recently left ear speakers do not use instant anger. At best, keeping the liver who do not grip the outside but not inside an warm memories. We know it's bad habits, to know 100% so that is not easy to remove. We see how many go through life confused now awake but still not out. Drug addiction like the server, so alcohol. Known alcohol or drugs is harmful, sitting alone, the fast that you to take the medicine at once. So see how collective air drag. The matter has never been addicted to drugs they did not even get invited, so long as the seed has been decorated to the left now is very difficult.
For years we used to think older people goofing easy repair job, but little kids 15, 17, hard practice. This is only true in part only. Age, have the time goofing off, but filled with air inside the file, so sit back year on year is less remembered, not how to cultivate it. Whirring but the kids work as hard to find religious education, but contains at its center in the white seed. As they do not ban alcohol alcohol Buddha heard laughing immediately, easily too. In the Buddha's alcoholic liquor ban immediately see right size. Non-addictive, quitting drinking is about extra security, while the lovers, make up the wine is bitter. The other stuff too. So young but fast forward function from it. And though older people have time to extensively cultivate long process but, because the seed lot. It just turned around to leave, leave without it. Furthermore elderly mental impairment is not strong enough to get rid of old habits so hard to stop. Therefore, each generation has a difficult individual, but also easy to own one. So then we understand that the practice is not exclusive to gender at all, who determined that person is religious.
Our practice is to destroy the artificial industry. Artificial fruit industry, the industry is no longer silent. It no longer the result ourselves in, not rolling around in the birth and death, that is called liberation. Liberation of birth and death but is still a place of their true existence. While still in this world, people ask Buddha: This body is dead or out? Buddha did not answer. Because the industry is also born again. If speaking out, people thought nothing at all. Only clean business since then in order not circulate in six career wrong. He tells us: When you take this body, kill the mind being able to destroy the purity and wisdom throughout your boss. He can not have general appearance, nothing dominates the so-called liberation of birth and death.
Currently we are available always be true that. When prompted to start computing concept than that, than lose distinction, whirring, it is the original karma. But when that business does not stir the mind is not? The mind is the "know" it. This notion though not stir, but we still know. Eye know, the nose knows, tai said that the tongue, the body knows, is so constant that. The wandering he knew not where to place our detection, but always there. So when the second cover, confusion and silence, it is clear, but now because of ignorance obscures so we do not realize it. When we speak thinking I think, I think. When not thinking, we still reign every sense. Having said that, but because of his silver eagle so we can not figure out.
Only when conscious thought stirred together with a new silhouette. As the ball just remember who is who, remembering the temple, the temple is the ball, remember the football fraternity is brotherhood. Remember to stir thought. The Buddha called it the legal ceiling. This section is consistent with psychology. As the day then to North America Thuan, I saw uncle youth damaged gutters on one foot shoulders, and a foot, anti-stick. Before that note, in my mind that there is no shadow, but remember that far back then, that image is clear. I remember the shadow in the heart of it, the Buddha called "the legal ceiling." The word "ceiling" is the shape of a delicate line, not rough; shape he should stay in our minds when we remember it out immediately. So from small to old records in the shadow of which our minds are more or less? If the split is not known for hundreds, thousands of class? Therefore, when sitting still, this class jumped out to other classes of constant short-husband. So when we try to cultivate is brushed it aside for now the truth is presented. Because only when the silent shadow of all the new boss of this ancient manifestations. Therefore the use of tu is very subtle and not often.
It was found in the temple too simple, open each business type, going back and forth is what is important. But in fact spiritual introspection must always shine to master his whole being, no longer subject to the legal ceiling is very difficult. In summary, all measures of the Buddha's teaching but is divided into many subjects, many parties, but the y are dispatched according to what Buddha taught that spiritual practice. But there are other means but were met at the glass. The practice Pure Land Buddhism to the concept of mind. The meditation must be.
Some people say tu Zen-Pure song, that is at once both legal practitioners. So how tu? Because the Pure Land trust set up. Tin has Dewachen, believe in Amida Buddha advised to prepare to recite the Buddha's heart, thoughts come to mind most media attention, it succeeded. Through faith so strong religious commitment, but determined to succeed. But meditation is to know the grace of law, as it should not take illusory not before, not attached, trying to cover up the inner shadow makes it quiet clear the mind should be. Thus, a lifelong practice of which is then put back the two methods do afford? Hide Him Bach, a Japanese Zen Master says this example: A charity is not enough to cultivate Pure Land as more people want to fold the river, a fear of going slower, so called two then stood on one leg these units, the other leg. So walk to the shore, or half way down it will be? We must understand thoroughly. If not, surely, want to quickly and easily repair, we do not expect major problems of their cultivation.
From the teachings of the Buddha as the climber. A high mountain, in the west who have access to the West, people in the East is the way to the east, south, north, too. The four approaches we like the way it does go that way. Selected and determined to go. Whether climbing difficulty, but also tried to climb to the summit. Path from four different directions, but to top it all come together then. Also, the practice Pure Land, Zen teachings, etc. .. different names, different religious direction, but were met at the glass.
As such and then we no longer practice this side processing, compliments the other, but should not try to blame themselves, not determined. We hope that we all try to make his meticulous practice to achieve perfection results, the causes and conditions of each person in a spirit of harmony and the spirit of Buddha.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).20/1/2012.

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