Thursday 19 January 2012


French WheelFree path of Buddhism is basically in the center, ie, personal effort, not the Pure Land teachings out that way, by boats carrying large rocks that float on water, but was transported to rock the boat must be meticulous self, to get 10 concept of mind and salvation of the Buddha, he must have accumulated large sophisticated, meaning that there is a process of cultivation. Later, when the development of other sects have influenced the Pure Land thought, especially in Pure Land thought in mind as "Self-awareness Di Da, Pure idealism" as the Pure Land teachings have much self-reliance but perhaps that's not the idea of the Pure Land.
Pure is one of the practice common practice for Buddhists in many countries such as China, Japan, Vietnam. Pure Land teachings of Mahayana and ideology appear during the development of Buddhism.
Theravada Buddhist self-focus, development of Buddhism (Mahayana) diversified practice guidelines should focus on the teachings tha force, ie by the Buddha directed force that results or achievements to escape suffering, ideal as the Pure Land teachings. So Pure is a popular way to practice and meet the spiritual needs of an eternal life and completely free of human suffering.
I. History and the Pure Land tradition
Pure theory is developed in India, is a way to practice but not established sects, just as the classic Chinese Pure Land is transmitted into the Pure Land sect.
Buddhism introduced in China in the late first century to early second century, but the texts of the Pure Land teachings to the third century appears. At Wei (250), Mr. Khang To Ngai (Sanghavarman) translate Boundless Life, Chi Impaired layperson (the Religious Right) translation of the Amitabha Foundation business. Until something Frequency (IV century), he translated La Cross Amitabha Buddhist economic theory, also known as the primary business of Amitabha, the Buddha Bat his Da La (Giac Hien) New Boundless worship service, Mini Buddha three black experience, he is strictly translated Pure Tri eighty. Liu Song Dynasty period (fifth century), he was General Liang Da Xa (Kalayasas) Pub Boundless worship service, he Bo Liu Chi (VI century) translated texts Boundless Life. In particular, he authored The Body Pure Land rebirth ... review, the Pure Land teachings is relatively complete.
Three works are considered on the basis of the Pure Land of Boundless Life is experience, Quan Boundless Life, Business, Amitabha, plus work rebirth review of The Body Pure. Although only a few economic deployment of the Pure Land teachings, but many texts in the Mahayana teachings system praised the Pure Land thought, making Pure tone became popular and prominent in the Buddhist thought Chinese school.
History of the Pure Land tradition is not the normal way before the transfer to the next as the other sects, but only based on the contribution of Parlay at Pure Land doctrine.
Pure tones of China, Mr. Hui Telecommunications (333-416) is regarded as the founder. He was born in Nhan Mon, 21 ordained his disciple An Act. He made them smart, An Act to be his praise. As chaos situation, he emigrated to Tuong Duong, then on their way to lead, he came to Lot Son, that scene u President, in accordance with the aspirations of practice, he stayed there and established the East Pagoda Forest. He advocated the practice nembutsu practice, practice is not hidden so the film ... especially close relationship with the king. To oppose the king's edicts on the export to take part in adoration, he wrote the royal cult Sa subject any comments. In 402, he founded the Buddhist Society in Lot Niem Son, named White inter-communal, this is a form of mass organization practice, an egg the way we practice Pure Land for the following quarter. White inter-communal organization, regardless of home or family, the practitioner is simply respectful worship and recite Amitabha Buddha's name. France Telecom was his religious Hue created the Pure Land path.
Century later, his T'an-luan (476-542) followed the Pure Land teachings Xien positive. He was also at Sprint PCS, very ardent practice, research notes halfway through books but serious illness, he found healing, Human Dao Hoang ascetics that have taught the art scene and assigned to 10 first business book. On the way north he met Bo Liu Chi (Bodhiruci) gave him the works of the Pure Land teachings, based on his special training that Pure Land. His writings are set: Note rebirth review, Tan Buddha Amitabha shelves ... He taught them and sloping practice Pure Land doctrine, focusing elements , "Tin Buddha mind" , this is another aspect of the Pure Land.
He scratches Act (562-645) is predestined to live with his Dam Loan even decades apart. He has received the Pure Land teachings in special cases. He scratches Religion ordained at age 14, who studies concrete Nirvana, one day to the Temple Mount Thach Bich Huyen Trung, read the stone tablet recording the area he is pleased Dam Loan appreciate life, he turned to religious and Pure Pub regular teaching experience Boundless Life. His efforts in the education of the people who cultivate the Pure Land and beads to invent ways over the list nembutsu teaching. For farmers, he shows how to retrieve a bean counting Buddhist concept called "little bean nembutsu" . An optimistic set his writings and some other files, deploy easy and meaningful tu tu tu difficult to conclude that Pure is easy. He justified sense tha power of the Buddha Amitabha made ​​everyone enjoy the practice. His disciples quite large, including Good Excellent Dao, Dao Phu Dien Increase ...
He Shan-tao (613-681) see only their connection Xien Pure Land doctrine. Buddhism flourished Tang, Pure tone and strong growth, largely due to the merits of Shan-tao. He was in Linzi, the study found direct renunciation, he met director Pure scratches school teachings. After he died, he Institution An Quang Minh Pagoda and temples from India, teaching and spreading the Pure Land teachings. He wrote 10 books of thousands of business 300 Amitabha and draw graphs of the context of the Pure Land, Pure makes the world come alive in the mind and spiritual reality, they follow very crowded. He authored many books like Quan Tho Boundless awe, spreading rebirth ceremony, contemplation method, European Commission approval. The line of his practice was later praised and became a typical method of Pure Land.
From his Man (680-748) is a Pure Land practitioner popular in the Tang Dynasty, following the example of his elders, on the road "to enter the legal Architecture" . He left in 702 (the Wu Zetian), to North Heavenly Bamboo (India) have been the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara teachings given to the Pure Land. His 18 years in India on water, the king Huyen Ton title "Man from eight organs" . His writings rebirth set to spread the Pure Land Pure Land teachings that He has led Indian Affairs on the land, becoming a line of thought Pure independence. But his system did not flourish long.
Thus, the system inherited from the Pure Land teachings preliminary until Tang not followed that life after life, depending upon the causes and conditions of each practitioner. Starting with the new Tang lineage, and most obvious have to wait until the Song Dynasty. Later, scholars divide the practice direction of the Pure Land teachings into four systems: Hue Far focus "Quan Buddhist memorial" , Dam Loan attention "Tin Buddha mind" , Thien Dao focus "Trade nembutsu confess " , The Natural Man on "Good base to recite the Buddha" .
By the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Buddhism remains the ideology and practice of traditional sects. Pure tone while still maintaining their traditional independence, but still affected by the impact of other ideologies. At this time, the sect in general tend to fusion, such undertakings cum Tiantai Pure Land practitioners, representing his undertakings weeks of this, from the ceremony, administrator. Law cum tu tone and by his Raw Pure Screening guidelines. Zen and Pure Land because he cum tu policy Dien Tho ... Pure tone so colorful looks like. These associations appear nembutsu racing, notably the Assembly "social behavioral" His love.
Life Minh (1360-1661), Pure tones were developed by the great master Van World, The Tri, Tri Huc, especially Pure Land lay practitioners develop broad popular among the masses.
By Thanh life, thought of all Pure fusion method, sect. The great master has his degree Xien positive Am Still - It Hien (1686-1734). India at the end of his life Quang Thanh is a higher moral teachings Pure spread.
Pure Land teachings inspired in China, then passed through Tibet, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, and received quickly flourished.
II. Pure Land teachings
Pure Land sutras and a third took the comments as the basis for his thoughts:
Business "Boundless Life" talking about the precursor Buddha Amitabha as a French Tibetan monks have 48 vows vows to save sentient beings;
Boundless Life GLASSES clear nembutsu allows visualization;
Amitabha Sutra describes the world of Ultimate Bliss is pretty solemn Amitabha Buddha is the sermon;
The rebirth of a review of his The Body Pure praise and lectured on the economic significance of the three above.
According to Quan, the Boundless Life Pure Land teachings was Buddha Sakyamuni, the theory is the queen of Kosala country Videhi. She was confined to her own son and deeply depressed at the sight of love in general. She wished the Buddha to save through this misery, the Buddha has appeared, and the introduction of international peace not only suffering, she choose the Buddha Amitabha. Buddha taught her methods to recite Buddhist rebirth of his realm. In economic Originally organs did not mention details that can be said economic organs Primitive less concerned tha power factor. By the early development of Buddhism, he Nagasena gave Buddhist theory of salvation in his reasoning, became the ideological premise of the Buddha's power.
Bliss in the world, translated from Sanskrit Sukhanati Han, where happiness without suffering. This realm by the Buddha Amitabha teachings of. We can say the world of Ultimate Bliss is a different concept of Nirvana, because Nirvana (Nirvana) means to stifle sorrow suffering. In a narrower sense it is a real world in the West, the other with her ​​world full of pain I experience is that Amitabha-called "five degenerations evil world" .
World of Ultimate Bliss is the typical advantages such as no contamination, no suffering, long-life, self catering, with the divine ... Beautiful country made up of precious materials like gold, pearl,-me ...; trees, lakes, palaces, roads are in each of these treasures, which like music music heaven, the birds such as the sermon ca ... In summary, there is an ideal world, a good environment for the practice and achieve ultimate happiness.
Amitabha Buddha is the teacher's world of Ultimate Bliss. Amitabha is a negative word translation of the Amitabha, Boundless Light translated means, while Amitayus life is immeasurable. Countless rays of light only immeasurable, a symbol of perfection or wisdom Dharmakaya (Dharma-kaya). Only boundless life for eternal life, the symbol of the university, also known as the Liberation itself (Vinuktikaya). With such significant titles, Amitabha Buddha symbolizes eternal life and complete liberation of suffering, that noble purpose and attractive to people of all time.
According to the Buddha of Boundless Life Amitabha was a king. Once enlightened, he found the heart of your home and became known as the French Tibetan monks (Dharmakara). His commitment to Buddhist practice and the vows of all beings in his realm of Ultimate Bliss. He made 48 vows to help sentient beings to liberation.
The second prayer is important to pray 18: "For I was Buddhist, ten being the realm of human beings to the media information center concept from a concept dear to ten concept, if not human beings, not the supreme sense. Only those who make me sleep except against, defame Dharma " . May 19th: "For you are a Buddha, ten being developed bodhicitta, practice of virtue, steep our vows to the realm of human beings, to the network at all, for I did the same mass surrounding the front of it, then I fail supreme sense " . May 20: "If you are a Buddha, sentient beings throughout the ten directions hearing the name, remember to think of the country, cultivating the virtues, and our dedication to the slope of the realm of human beings, if not satisfied I failed the supreme sense " (Business Boundless Life, trauma services, The Buddhist city. Ho Chi Minh published, 1992).
Through prayer content 48 shows the path-based Pure volunteer force of Amitabha Buddha and the Buddhist concept of mind is the easiest path, which is why Pure tones are spread widely one.
* The way the practice of Pure Land teachings based on three principles:
1 - Belief (Faith)
This is a prerequisite, not a belief or faith is not strong enough they can not cultivate the Pure Land. The trust is the foundation arises the desire and direction about the world of Ultimate Bliss. Like all other teachings, faith is the mother of all goodness and virtue arise.
Belief of Pure Land practitioners very well, believe that the Buddha Amitabha and the World of Ultimate Bliss is real, Buddha and St. degrees are always available for us, just believe and concentrate nembutsu determined rebirth is sure to be reborn. So the books and the Pure Land Pure Land practitioners often say affirmation rather hesitant attitude, division two.
2 - Prayer resources or desire to care (May)
Confidence will lead to stable desire rebirth is called aspiration. All activities are oriented psychotherapy Pure, all desires are stimulated by the boredom of life before and insecurity is unclean. If it is material desires, emotions, thoughts of this life is not strong desire rebirth. Associated with industrial life is not reduced, the Pure Land that is not attractive, so bored I wish she was strong on the Pure Land. That is why older people preferred the Pure Land practitioner rather than the young.
Expression of the Pure Land is the wish of all acts, words and mind must express that desire. With a powerful prayer to give UE the Pure Land rebirth, would be able to save sentient beings. Last wish so wish corresponds to the Pure Land, the new touch with them at the Buddha and St. Ultimate Bliss.
3 - Administrative responsibility (Hanh)
When the user wishes of the Pure Land, all actions, languages ​​are continued practice, ie practical method for Buddha, meditation ... were taken to the unified body and mind, not to earthly objects draws to mind is scattered. All merit, we are all good measures in the direction of the Pure Land, often practitioners set themselves a retreat concept, for example in a day divided into six times a night to chant course, create your own criteria How many standard concepts, practices through which one can attain to, we see the Buddha and the Holy Land of Great Bliss.
III. The method recited Buddha
The purpose of the legal concept of Amitabha Buddha is brought to one mind, conquer all delusions of the mind. Buddhist concept of mindfulness is to practice, so in terms of nature, the practice to recite the Buddha did not differ with meditation, is the core of the teachings.
The method recited Buddha has four ways:
1 - Tri nembutsu Name: recite Amitabha, or whisper or sound concept.
2 - Local memorial Buddhist: Mindfulness Buddhism and gazed at the Buddha statue, Buddha's apparent general good, or good minister of the Bodhisattvas and St. them.
3 - Local commemorate Buddha's image Contemplation of Amitabha Buddha until you see the spirit of Buddha. France is different from the custom shop is not using the external image. In the business of Boundless Life Pub 16 refers to customary law.
4 - It's Memorial Buddhist: Mindfulness Buddhism reached the spot very concept, no longer the subject and object. This French restaurant offers a more nuanced Pure Meditation is not so common.
Pure cultivation method is widely accepted and practiced, especially Tri name for Buddha, who practices also can be called high concept sound loud over and whispered concept called Wear over and map each machine without Kim is a growing voice over. The ancients also offers four nembutsu nuances: the concept of peaceful thoughts from no hurry, no impatience, just persistence, can both work just for Buddha, not to "delay tempera tu" ; second Visit the initiation of two concepts, is to recite the Buddha's question on the height of the mind, that is always the money nembutsu, not governed by the work, determined to high, set time and should have clear results ; Tuesday Meditation is mindfulness, the mind on the news and that he used to recite the Buddha's mind. This is based on the profit from the original tradition, when the center reached, then the radial mind, here radial practitioners of Pure Land and Amitabha Buddha; Wednesday is Join saving concept, is influenced by Zen Buddhist concept of the project, raising questions as: What is Mindfulness Buddhism? The burning love to think the peak will break down consciousness and enlightenment. This nuance of Zen marked than that of the Pure Land.
Pure tones of emphasis on personal faith and salvation of the Buddha Amitabha. Practices mainly recite Amitabha Buddha and meditation to the world of Ultimate Bliss. This is a sect is the most widely available and also many other sects and common practice. Recite the Buddha's teachings as the path is quite consistent with many other radical. Indeed, the practice of the nembutsu is Theravada Buddhism, the Buddha of contemplation in which the object is to recite the Buddha head, because this is the easiest to concentrate on mindfulness, in the Theravada, Italy Buddha means the power has been included in the legal concept of Buddha. Through the pre-Mahayana monk Nagasena Comments (Na monks Korea) policy doctrine of salvation through the direct advice of King Milinda (Greek emperor). King said that is not acceptable when an evil person to be saved if he believes in a Buddha on the eve of death. Nagasena replied: "A small stone how much oil remains submerged, but still a rock float in water if placed in the ark" . Later, the Mahayana commentator implement more radical theory and salvation through Buddhist scriptures, clearly Pure tone typical for that theory.
Free path of Buddhism is basically in the center, ie, personal effort, not the Pure Land teachings out that way, by boats carrying large rocks that float on water, but was transported to rock the boat must be meticulous self, to get 10 concept of mind and salvation of the Buddha, he must have accumulated large sophisticated, meaning that there is a process of cultivation. Later, when the development of other sects have influenced the Pure Land thought, especially in Pure Land thought in mind as "Self-awareness Di Da, Pure idealism" as the Pure Land teachings have much self-reliance but perhaps that's not the idea of the Pure Land.
In conclusion, please discuss the idea, citing the king's Buddhist, Zen Master of the Tran Vietnam, Tran Thai Tong in his course record broken: "The Buddhist concept of three levels: the upper position, the Buddha did not entertain small evidence, Buddha is our body does not have two generals, generals nature not two, but permanent status, even without knowing. That means Buddha. Secondary stick to recite the Buddha's position, noting attendance, do not forget nembutsu pure good nature. Mindfulness is good has evil thoughts associated targets. Niem spent only evil but good idea. By concept concept concept concept all away. When thoughts were killed, surely on the right path. to be happy when the public network nirvana . Step down memory location, the Buddha's mouth specialist, to see the Buddha mind, body, born of Buddhist prayer, day and night hard not quit moving. After the public network through the kind thoughts that are born into the Buddha, the Buddha said legal hearing that witness Bodhi " (Course record broken, HT. Thanh Quarantine, The Buddhist city. , 1992). He concluded the three categories of people on here run deep, but different purposes and as a result, although the upper position is easy to say it is difficult, if mid-level professional position should attempt to achieve in this life, but if the industry definitely not heavy, it is difficult achievement, lower grade position to benefit from taking nembutsu step ladder step by step through the Buddha's strong aspiration would then become. So to achieve the super Vietnam must start with the simplest.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH HOA.NAM MO BON SU THICH CA MAU NI PHAT.( 3 TIMES ).20/1/2012.

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