Friday 20 January 2012


In the early years of Western history, Buddhism from northeast India to China, from which Buddhism passed into the Korean peninsula and Japan. In these countries, Mahayana Buddhism is the masses believe in and maintain life. As the other Pure Land sect, Chan and Pure tones of Mahayana Buddhism. The fundamental teaching of the Pure Truth tones similar to the Mahayana sects such as Zen Buddhism, Tibetan Tantric sects are gaining popularity in the West into practical.
"Truth Pure tone" means "the essence of the Pure Land teachings" . This capital is not the name of a sect, because the whole idea of him Shinran (Shinran) not to light up a new sect. His goal is to present to us only the important content of the main teachings Pure by 7 monks India, China and Japan to spread and grow. Seven is the seven monks of the Pure Land To Japan: The first is the Bodhisattva Nagarjuna (-250), the second is Bodhisattva The Body (-400), the third Great Loan compaction ( 476-542), the Act as an ambassador Wednesday scratches (562-645), the ambassador Thursday that Act (613-681), the venerable Friday the Tin Nguyen (942-1017), The Saturday Originally not a saint (France Nature) (1133-1212)
From the Pure Land sutras and the arguments before the seven monks, Shinran formed a teaching system can save sentient beings, this is the start of the coastal Pure tone legs. Pure tone after the famous Zen scholar DT Suzuki called Chan Chan is Pure tone tone (Shin) is in the West often use this name to perceive Truth Pure tones. Although Suzuki is a famous meditation, but he translated the first four chapters of the fundamental works of Shinran "Church of the believers" (Kyogyoshinsho) into English, and writing-related referrals to tone legs Dr. West's. From here we will use the term short "legs tone" for "Truth Pure tone" .
Pure Land Buddhist teachings often take the Buddha Amitabha centered Buddha Amitabha residing in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss (also known as "An Lac National", "An International Nursing" ). A Di Da is negative translation of Amita, Amita is the ancient Indian languages ​​(Sanskrit text). A Di Da is the shorthand of Amitabha (Infinite Light) and Amitayus (Boundless Life). So people who are very familiar with Western second word Sanskrit Amitabha and Amitayus.
Amitabha Buddha is revered in Japan. People worship him even more than the Buddha Sakyamuni. As a Vietnamese Buddhist super space-time, the Buddha Amitabha to save all those who have sincere faith recite his profession. Buddha Amitabha aura photography using countless household life and those who have sincere faith to Him, and to lead them born on Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss of God. Well-being willing to save him the second patriarch of the Bodhisattva is Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and pro Mahasthamaprapta over. Statue of Buddha Amitabha and two Bodhisattvas of this (Western St. Tam) immensely popular in Japan and other Asian countries into practical thoughts Pure.
The texts relating to the history of the Buddha Amitabha, the well-being and salvation consists of three volumes Pure (called Pure glass). The content of this economic explanation of process, methods and rebirth in the Pure Land Pure Land practice to attain Buddhahood.
Before explaining the contents of the glass Pure.
First we need to understand a few concepts and basic teachings of Buddhism, which is cause and effect and karma. Causality are usually Brahmanism in India accepted, but only new insights of the Buddha is perfection. As of causality, all born destined beginningless past to present are due to the wrong cause and effect and karma use, the existence of birth from the current clause would also like to keep for the future. So not being destined for death but lost or suspended, but will switch to other forms of continuity in the cycle of reincarnation. The good bad of future life are caused by bad karma in the past and the present decision. In other words, the life of our present is the result of karma, what we make today will affect the work of our future. As seen here that Buddhism does not accept the policy with the Master and universal creation. Buddhism's causality was not sufficient so a review clause (review par-Sufficiency as they say "all of the sky," "natural destiny" ...). All of our work consists of language and thought would be "masters" to create the current situation and our future.
Two is the reincarnation, ie the last clause of birth, is suffering. But we can move onto heaven born (the Pure Land paradise and is two completely different concepts, not to confuse these two words), but this realm is not permanent, eternal realm. Once karma merit of all, we will fall into the evil paths that take pain. Buddhism is teaching us how to escape samsara reincarnation. This realm is freed into the Buddhist Circuit, ie nirvana that we usually refer to.
Ba , Buddhism not only teaches people to work good, but also teaches us aware of the new work center is extremely important. No matter how we attempt whatsoever to do good, but if for attachment of fame, because it wishes to reward institutions that do good, the benefits achieved very little, can not accumulation of merit to give us evidence of Buddhahood. The righteous do so to improve beyond the ego attachment to fame, but to fully achieve this realm, still need to coordinate new diligent meditation.
Four , dependent origination and management , "not" is the key concept of Mahayana Buddhism. Simply put, all things are born clause (beings) are to be associated very closely, can not exist alone (shifting causal comparisons). Thus a "self" is not even space-time, conditions and other beings not affect survival. So understand the point above, Bodhisattva (the Buddha's effort to direct and develop the mind of saving sentient beings) do all the good that is not attached to any object.
Finally should be aware that there is merit by good deeds in the mind of great compassion can manifest into Buddhas and Buddha's Pure Land of God. All this merit buddhas are giving birth to them. It was someone who was this merit can lead quickly attain Buddhahood.
All beings can become Buddhas. Mahayana Buddhists believe beings have Buddha nature. Who to trust our own Buddha nature, Buddha nature and make flourish development, which is a Bodhisattva. The beginning of the bodhisattva is the simulation of vows, strong desire for supreme wisdom (Bodhi) and make all the miseries of beings are liberated. Mahayana Buddhists believe that in this universe there are innumerable Bodhisattvas are operating or have attained bodhisattva.
Based on the "Business life countless Buddhist doctrine" (referred to as the General Business), a huge business and is extremely important in the glass Pure Land, Buddha Amitabha, which is a king. After meeting with the Buddha, the king has profound impression and the bodhisattva renunciation. At the time of his legal name is "France Tibet" , also means "Museum of the Dhamma" . He sought the Buddha's strong direction and make vows to save all sentient beings. Do Museums request, the Buddha World At United Auto show and explain the realm of Pure memory 210. After observing the Buddha, meditation thinking went characteristics founded the Pure Land in five life time (life is the long-term picture can not be measured). After five lives, he found that his Pure Land and to establish the path of liberation of suffering beings, so play 48 And he vows.
"Great experience," said the museum was using his wealth of life force bodhisattva practice in countless lifetimes. We should know just empty vows, does not mean that will turn aspirations into reality. In order to achieve the aspirations, who vows to do the good deeds and religious attainment of supreme wisdom. When reached the pinnacle of wisdom, virtue and kindness to the development of flawless perfection, his Museum of Buddha, as A Di Da. The supreme virtue of His infinite y is the first prayer cards that show the luminous Buddha and Pure Land immeasurable dignified. In 48 prayer, prayer for 18 Pure Land Buddhists extremely important, because it can cause people with heartfelt faith claim recite Amitabha Buddha's release. Four principles are founded bridge between beings and the Buddha Amitabha. Those who profess faith recite the Buddha that territory merit of the Buddha, there is merit to this, people could Pure Land rebirth.
Buddhas with happy feelings of being voluntary, not concepts of ordinary thought and we can measure. No. 2 Department of Pure economic glass is "Kinh Quan Buddhist theory of infinite life" (called Kinh Quan). Ministry of trade introduces legal methods used to visualize the label's own Buddha Amitabha and Pure realm. Simply put, all with 13 permits visualization. First, one toward the West, focused on the sun about to dive and remember this image in a sense, regardless of eyes open or eyes closed not to let this image target loss. After this achievement realm, he visualizes the water, first visualize flooded throughout the realms of Western countries. The water freezes and turns into a glass store. Because of the wake-me-make it into the realm of customary after-me, the next you can imagine the other features of the Pure Land with Amitabha Buddha. "Quan Business," said the divine successful people visualize Amitabha and Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, bad karma will be eliminated after the public network and will definitely be reborn in the realm of Ultimate Bliss.
In the history of Pure Land Buddhism in India, China and Japan, for Buddha is an important behavior for Pure Land rebirth, is the mouth concept "Male models Amitabha Buddha" . This sentence means "provisions network Amitabha Buddha" or "feast of Amitabha Buddha" . Customary business introduced 13 allows complete visualization went divide the religious, virtuous, virtue and karma of the vow made ​​to the Pure Land birth to 9 products. For those who demean create negative karma, Buddha Shakyamuni taught their mouth recite Buddha can eradicate the karma itself. As of causality, these people will definitely fall into hell unpleasant, but rely merit for Buddha, the sin of them was destroyed and cause them to be reborn Pure.
Pure economic shortest in the glass is "Buddha Amitabha economic theory" (referred to as "sub-economic" or "A Di Da Business" ), as well as being the business professional nembutsu teaching. Primary economic explained simply from one to seven one-day recite the Buddha proclaimed, the living beings can be reborn Pure. But the important thing is the 18th prayer of the Buddha, also the trust deeds by making them recite the Buddha's birth is the Pure Land rebirth, suffering attained ly optimistic.
Compared with the practice meditation, Buddhist teachings concept is practiced most easy way, without any, or the time and place restrictions. But easy method nembutsu practice, but does not mean that the merit and efficacy nembutsu will get smaller. All Pure Land Patriarch of old, from Nagarjuna Bodhisattva in India was the first initiated the practice Buddha, Dao ambassador to China and Shanghai people are allergic France Nature Japan exports hit the bar strong oral nembutsu this method. He Thien Dao (613-681) Tang Dynasty - China is one of the pioneers and positive revision of the Pure Land teachings. After visualizing achievement Method And he authored a review of "Pub business cards quartet number" explain "Pub Business" , along with other writings explain the method of the source of religious teachings and meditation. But that, of his religious system approach is taken to recite the Buddha primarily religious deeds. The other virtues, including permits visualization of Amitabha Buddha, just start helping more side effects. His Master Dao Thien Dao as he scratches (562-645) each day recite Buddhist thousands turned 70, He Shan Dao is also essential to recite the Buddha. He recited Buddha's teachings to spread everywhere and then transmitted to Japan. Master of Honen (1133-1212 Fuel France) has inherited the practice of his nembutsu Shan Dao. Master Honen's Pure Land established Japan based on dedicated teaching profession can recite Buddhist Pure Land rebirth. His disciples to follow him out the time for Buddha, also wrote works Xien intelligent and enlightening his teachings
Before he Honen founded the Pure Land, nembutsu teachings were circulating among the common folk and nobles, this is the Ambassador of Genshin (942-1017 Tin Nguyen) and the saint's Pure Land like traders Koya (No Field 903-972). Genshin his famous work "weak collective rebirth" of him. In this work, he described details in the realm of suffering and evil realms of peace in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, to encourage public prayer Pure birth. At the same time he also founded The Buddhist concept on a date together in January nembutsu practice. An aristocratic contemporary named Fujiwara Michinaga (whole Path Head 966-1027), when the dying hand he took a string of five colors, but the other columns in the hands of the Buddha Amitabha. According to the "Pub Business" and "weak collective rebirth" , ordinary people dying if possible and remember to recite the Buddha Amitabha, the Buddha is the Buddha and Noble to lead to the realms of Western Pure Land. Shining wire whose functions are thought to be the Buddha to guide forest itself.
When we mention the term Pure Land Buddhism, we not only refer to Pure tones in Japan, but in China, Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam and Asian countries with overseas Asian convergence zones practice in Europe, America will survive the kind of Pure Land sects. The director of the school and the monastery are the Pure Land sect by Assistant Professor monk or abbot in that locality.
In Japan, Pure Land and Chan Pure tones have become Buddhist sects are the most popular welcome. According to the government's investigation in 1987, the Buddhist monasteries of Pure total of 30,368 home, the followers of the Pure Land is 20,446,912. This figure is about 1 part 4 Buddhists of Japan. 9481011 Zen believers only. Although we have no way of knowing the actual number of believers and the monastery of the sect, but from the figures we can know the thoughts Pure profound influence on Japan .
If you have a chance to Tokyo (Tokyo) - Japan travel, on the way from Tokyo to Kyoto (longitude) should not be overlooked Kamakura (Business Integrity). Kamakura is famous political center of the government over 140 years of old Admiral. The landscape of this region is best known as the Buddha Amitabha sits, 15 feet high, his hands pressing fetters Di Da, was founded in 1250, his compassionate eyes looked through the change of variable the world. For visitors from other parts of the world, he seems to say "Welcome to Japan is the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha."
When you get off the bus from Kyoto station and go up north a distance, you will see a Buddhist temple solemn. This temple is the home of the sect The Great Bangkok, one of the two major sects of Pure tone legs, people often call this temple is not closed four principles. If you continue to go west about 10 minutes, you will see a large temple as his accomplices Prayer Temple, West Temple are four principles which, according to statistics surveyed in 1990, the Bon monasteries of the West Temple May include 10,369 home, the Sangha includes 27,238 faculty position. Also the national domain has nine college and university short term, including Ryukoku University, where I teach both western temple under the four principles. The middle level colleges and the four principles of western temple include 35 schools. Besides the four principles in western temple has 97 temple America, South America and Canada 59 house has 18 temples, in Europe with three home and a director of the nembutsu.
Patriarch of Chan as he Shinran Pure tones, born in 1173 in Kyoto - Japan, because their parents died early, so 9-year-old ordained. At the time of his social disorder is not an action, no way people live. Then two Minamoto and Taira clans for rights dispute which caused the civil war, eventually won the Taira clan, and in 1192 in Kamakura, Yoritomo Minamoto shoguns government building
Shinran then to Mount Hiei (Billion Due) Tiantai practice. His sojourn here 20 years devoted to practice the teachings of Eden, but eventually found his way is not enlightened and eliminate mental impurities. So he went down the mountain to Kyoto to find the appropriate way for their liberation. Then God's greater Honen Shinran 40-year-old honor nembutsu teachings for all classes of men and women in society. Shinran went down would make his subjects and found the practice to recite the Buddha can make living beings are liberated.
His old sect because of our numerical Jealousy should ask the court to prohibit the teaching of the nembutsu Honen, Honen with disciples persecuted. Shinran in 1207 as well as that which was sent to northern Japan, and later married married here. After the pardon, he went to the Hitachi province in northern Japan, on the one hand praised the practice Buddha Recitation for the local population, a hand writing a review of the massive concrete legs "Church of the believers" . Shinran returned to Kyoto 60 years old, 90 years old until death, in this time of Shinran all essential resources are put into the writings of concrete legs.
Shinran lived a life like other normal people. He is married Eshin Ni (Ni Hui Tin, as a young woman of nobility in Japan) and lower birth a male 5 females (1 male 5 females two other theories). According to Buddhist precepts, monks must not ordain married childbirth. Thus the Buddhist practice director and a family is seen as contradictory. When Shinran was exiled, increasing his status has been revoked but I am considering being grafted into the good credit (Under current law, no law monks probation, so if you want to report a crime, the head monk First president to cancel his or her growth, and transplantation into a crime.). With a situation like that, He was aware that he is not a rose is not continuous. So he married a girl is a very appropriate nature. With this act of marriage, Shinran wanted to show ordinary men and women, too, was saved by the Buddha Amitabha.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).21/1/2012.

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