Thursday 19 January 2012


Spring it on!
Blooming like the rose to welcome the warm Spring sunshine. The landscape as innovation. Everyone, rich and poor, as well as to the cowardly, old and young, felt something strange, new, fun flaming barriers in mind. From fun in the new heart to make fun new surroundings outside, it was how much labor shopping, preparing, or old renovation to wait to welcoming and fun in three Tet.
waiting to welcome Spring, not too many people are not expected in the future, a future good fortune than the previous year. Whether people live in harsh circumstances of suffering, they also forced a pleasure to place my hope in the Spring light rays. But there are some who, because of obstacles on the road Round fame that heroes contingency erotic indifference to the sight of Spring, or as a romantic poet soul sensibilities that injured six Xuan Xuan crying in the rhyme poems lamenting flinch, but most are still happy to welcome Spring, Spring and hope to enjoy the new year, luck is over, luck will come, or if in the previous year have been lucky, in the new year, people hope to get lucky more.
In the beginning of Spring, one abstaining, to place each gesture, each word, what is the secret of the ugliness of his face and tried to create elegant smiling respectful, polite gentle, generous ... with everyone. People are choosing now to catch the Spirit of property, people go to Mass at the temple, Temple, Mausoleum, Temple and their implementation, to ask for good luck card, they go to the theater early Spring wallpaper, etc. ... All are hi expected in the future ... Meet beautiful, people praise each other, people wish each other the thousands of like mind, centenarians live longer, traders may sell expensive, especially the universal benefits, promotion, early born son, late births, etc. ... Well, then all the praise or perfunctory cough.
But, on such short arms Spring gang! Tet was a few days passed quickly, that Spring with dried slowly, flowers in Spring time dwindles away, the life back to life's daily struggle for survival. People live life and interest in the series full time day workers suffering a welcome waiting hopefully next spring, a second spring of endless false hopes of Social Life circulatory changes, very often.
The Buddha e live in the life of insubstantiality, of course, on New Year comes, the Buddhist must follow the traditional practice of the same ethnic people fun in social situations. However, be imbued with teachings of the Buddha, the Buddhist concept of "Universal Property to be one" do not even have a distinction glorious warm spring, hot Summer frustrating season Thu cool pleasant winter cold, dreary. Indeed, as the country where people eat Chinese New Year in different days. For example, for Chinese New Year day, the Vietnam that seems particularly important, as the innovation landscape. But, on Chinese New Year, for foreigners living in Vietnam, where they feel anything? They found nothing more on New Year day usually, that there is nothing special, nothing new there? Day before New Year and Tet, the universe was still, still the scene object. If you feel different, feel change is due to the Hope Center's own ego Vietnam, but one which is Physical Injury As Real As. In contrast, Vietnam is indifferent to its own on New Year that Westerners considered important, as their new year. It is true Buddhists received the truth, his heart was calm as the water Thu clear, no longer may slightest disturbance. In the Can Equal Foot Injury kill not two, the concept of method and time it was definitely still do the penance of the four-season cognitive change and the happy and sad landscape of constant change that is often seen by the World eight distinctions.
The concept of life, Spring brings joy to the universe, but to celebrate the new spring, they killed an animal species, almost a full deck plate that previously offered high, after eating! In contrast, with immense compassion and equality for all species, the Buddhist can not cruel killing of animals even though life was like on New Year often.
The Law of Cause and Buddhists believe - Fruit Samsara Phuc said that the U.S. and will come with her ​​or because Karma own work before and now have self-fertilization, as in the verse: " Let natural life department, the Department of Operational any deaths, the causal encounter, fruit press complete self-fertilization " (ie: oil for hundreds of thousands of lives, Company has made ​​no loss, As of conditions met with, bear any fruit press). Thus, unlike the life, not bowing Buddhists, quite right, imploring the gods gave their blessings God help them avoid or dried flowers. They also do not believe these practices beg the Spirit tells the graphics being said before, only to tie his own purchase, where no fear or joy vain baseless.
They know that doing so is the dependence and superstition, contrary to the spirit of self, that self-confidence because they were true to the teachings of German self-respect. How good is the well-being, evil must be guilty; may or risks in this life that we have created by themselves or moral evil people from many past lives. What matters to the professional self-determination where we take, or worse future because our own place, the Holy Spirit because love can not hate that Christmas blessing or menace to anyone.
So, for the Buddhist New Year to Wat Buddha is revered by the sincere heart and wisdom. Buddha, Buddha, Buddhists do not pray for good fortune to receive property that is illegal to commemorate, picture page appearance, intelligence and his ethics, which is concentrating on one spot, thought to be focus is the mind of all expectations, it is Dinh. Through the power of the concept that induction forces between the Buddha and Buddhism as seen in the last two sentences of Contemplation, " Energy Department holidays are not holidays the President, directing traffic sensors nan thought to myself ... ". Previous station radiating floral incense Buddha, Buddhists respect the Buddha offered incense pure compression Center, said the footsteps pray, pray according to his teachings and prayer essential process of learning, almost definitely be Tam Single View - Golf - Si, and sincere towards Nirvana. Buddhists also pray in the right direction to eat, because people forget, strong progress on the path of self-awareness, sense forgiveness, self-interest, self-forgiveness, not management employees hard time to repay the gift of jewels in like one.
vowed to end greed, Buddhists unhappy scene last Spring in silver leaf, because gambling is also greed to money the property of others, which can also lose money because the product is scattered in defeat. Want to be lucid mind, the force is resilient, the Buddhist moral habit to hide the wine. So, despite the happy Spring with galaxies, Buddhists do not drink, because if alcohol is drunk like great wisdom.
Xinchun Human sessions, refined Buddhist soul, shall review the Wash what is evil and what good has acquired in the past year. Make an order to review the past years, will be processed further efforts to study with their increasingly progressive, according to the four permitted hard truth is this: " The wicked shall not prevent students not to Birth - Evil was born, the end to accept the connection but not necessarily more delays - The good life is not made ​​for immediate delivery - It is good that it gave birth to further growth "(Can Amendment)
While People will ivy cheerful bustle in the desire to chase things, the Buddhist education in the context welcoming the contemplation gently radiate censer smoke, subtle flavor space; around as calm in the moments spiritual purity; heart as rising towards morality, as pervades the universe, as can enter the Boundless ...
That way, even in the scene "often the" Buddhist custom has always charming people living with and also means welcoming, happy Spring to everyone. If there are other reasonable for Buddhists, have no longer any distinction attachments, but always an order at the moment but there is no Spring. It is the eternal Spring, Spring release, leading the Spring!END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).20/1/2012.

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