Wednesday 18 January 2012


AmitabhaThe question often heard in the 48 vows of Amitabha Buddha as: "give rise to the name calling, rings and ten times," "I remember even thinking mind," "if there are sentient beings develop a calm mind, even one time. " GLASSES Boundless Pure Life teaches spiritual "refuge Amitabha Buddha" because when Buddha proclaimed spread of "Amitabha Buddha" will escape criminal stumbling block in 80 lifetimes. In economic theory, Amitabha Buddha, Buddha advised people to recite the name of Amitabha Tathagata, when death will be assured that the plane departed this life. In a review Head Cross Ti Ba Sa, Nagarjuna said that if people want to move quickly to place non-retrogression, that person should have deep respect recite the name of Buddha Amitabha.
In the rich literally "Cu Tran Lac Dao" of King Tran Nhan Tong with the affirmations of Amitabha Buddha is the purity of his mind:
Pure heart is clean, but do not expect to ask the West.
Di Da is the nature quiet soi, buy hard to find on Bliss.
Let us not hear the Chinese Zen master cup Long live the 15th century, discusses the Buddhist concept:
Recite the Buddha's teachings is the Buddhist path is the shortest possible. Do not believe in the existence of this bogus identity itself, because the mind prior to the consistent failure of the life world is the root of samsara. Pure Land is the most significant and seek permission to recite the Buddha is the most trust worthy. Do not ask how nembutsu rushing or relaxing; do not ask utterance of his name, how high or low tone voice; not confined by law to do, but to any disorder of mind, tranquility and quiet even thoughts. When most of the seats without external interference, and then one day an unexpected event will cause a kind of modification in their psychology, and thereby realize that President Quang Pure realms of the earth is , and Amitabha is also the mind. But be careful not wandering expect a scene like that, because it becomes a hindrance to attain.
Recite the Buddha literally means "think of the Buddha" and is counted as one of the six subjects of meditation. They are:
1) Mindfulness Buddhism;
2) Mindfulness France;
3) Increase Mindfulness;
4) About Mindfulness;
5) Town and Mindfulness
6) Mindfulness Devas.
According to his Grand Master Value, Tuesday the Organization of Thien Thai Tong, in the files to explain the Lotus Sutra, the Buddhist concept is "thinking about Buddha," and thinking to be considered for more severe states of evil thoughts and the fatigues of the body. For Buddhists, the Buddha thinking about what is natural, because his personality is great optical overriding doctrine he taught in the scriptures, because he is teaching people how to live by the His life show. The depressed when on religious or liberal mind the surroundings, the best way to encourage faith effort to Buddhist thinking on the Buddha.
Originate purely nembutsu practice is a way of morality, but because of a powerful mysterious title has stimulated intense on the imagination of the religious nature of Indian Buddhists, thinking about Germany He regarded the Buddha as a personality with great virtues as a great intellectual (great location), a great love (great compassion) and a will to a large (Mainland) has been replaced by the title of the reminder him. When Amitabha Buddha attained enlightenment, he wants to give his name echoed throughout the great natural world, so that He can save people that hear his name. The question often heard in the 48 vows of Amitabha Buddha as: "give rise to the name calling, rings and ten times," "I remember even thinking mind," "if there are sentient beings develop a calm mind, even one time. " Kinh Quan Tho Boundless Pure spiritual teaching "refuge Amitabha Buddha" because when Buddha proclaimed canopy effect "Amitabha Buddha" will escape criminal stumbling block in 80 lifetimes. In economic theory, Amitabha Buddha, Buddha advised people to recite the name of Amitabha Tathagata , when death will be assured that the plane departed this life. In a review Head Cross Ti Ba Sa, Nagarjuna said that if people want to move quickly to place non-retrogression, that person should have deep respect recite the name of Buddha Amitabha . We seem to see the difference between "mind" and "claim spread," but in terms of practice, the mind is the Buddha's name with the name calling spreading pink or whisper quiet.
Eighty Eight Kinh Chu, one of the sources competent Pure tones, translated into Han culture first century by Mr. Lo Ca 2 Lac Delete (Lokaraska), also mentions the name of Buddha Amitabha as follows: "when hearing the name Bodhisattva Amitabha and would like to see him, he could see the state of his memory forever. " Here, use the word "concept" rather than "name calling." As The Buddha it became the object of thinking, the Buddhist notion of emptiness of his own future. So in addition to the Pure Land practitioner of the key religious name nembutsu always lived with four or six digit red letters the name "South tissue Amitabha Buddha," is always used for the memorial center. The nembutsu attention is needed to deepen the faith, for without faith there is never reborn.
Buddhas save people by four methods:
1) In theory, such as exports recorded in the Sutra Pitaka;
2) In general excellent clarity;
3) By virtue of the numerous miracles, transformed all things;
4) By the title of his, but a student as they say, would eliminate the obstacles and will certainly rebirth fine.
He scratches Act (562-645), an eminent practitioner of Pure tone, said: "The Buddha is a four-five hundred years, is our time to repent at Chapter, and profess to practice Buddhist merit the title. Kinh said it not even once thought to remember the Buddha Amitabha and immediately proclaims his name except the mortal sin of our stumbling in 80 lifetime memories? Only one thought that was that, generally driven from concept , constant repentance? " All Buddhist monk since his conception Director scratches are eager to accept this theory, and recite the Buddha (Buddha mind thought) was identified with the name calling (say the title).
So when it comes to the Pure Land teachings are said to "lead list nembutsu." Mindfulness In Buddhist books Weak Cross, Heart ambassador there over the method presented ten list is as follows: 1) Name Phan Van Tri, 2) European books over the list; 3) Options News over the list; 4) Go over the list empowerment; 5) Sense projection over the list; 6) over the name of worship; 7) Signed collected over the list; 8) The name of chemotherapy; 9) Optical medium over the name and 10) Pub Name Development. University professor, said: "Tri nembutsu list included all three units (upper, middle, lower), the favorable effect quickly, everyone can really act. Tri fine if the list would have felt the way, the money that day district the medical reports Dewachen, expressed enlightened the mind, although this is not of real life generals, after the well being of rebirth. "
Nembutsu is the name Tri-language concept or idea whispered four words or six red letters the name "Amitabha Buddha Namo." As you read on this title, the Pure Land cultivator use all minds focused on the Buddha's name but not in the Buddha. Thirty-two of his generals well dignified not drawn in the mind of author. With an enthusiastic lady, a great faith, a passionate desire, the title occupies the environmental consciousness of the practitioner. Business profile of Amida (the Amitabha Buddhist theory) said: "Good man or good woman who heard the Buddha Amitabha, lead idea his name ..." Maintenance concept (accept responsibility) means is "to maintain an object in mind," is focused on the title and not just mere utterance. Sure nembutsu way from this center will greatly assist the file specified, that is accessible realm "any disorder of mind." When the Buddhist concept of maturity and concentration, the object of interest is the question 'Nam tissue Amitabha Buddha " can become one with the mind of the practitioner and each one thought to save all back to the source of the chief of them; list and may not be assigned two, then the title is in all senses of the Chief, and because the chief could sense it is like to be the rebirth of all beings in the ten directions.
Business profile of Amida said, "can not only bring good to remember (least friendly units) as factors to the birth of Ultimate Bliss .." Good to remember that the title deeds outside the nembutsu over. Boundless Life Kinh Quan said: "Ultimate Bliss wants students to do the three blessings: one taste and support their parents, serving chief, from real close attention, as ten good deeds; two is life over tam provisions, kept pure enough world, not violating majesty, three developed bodhichitta, conviction of causality, reciting Mahayana, encourage spiritual progress. " There are only three and blessed to do, so that people who give a lifetime is not well! Improved such that said base is small, only because new factors and circumstances may make a seizure, do not, and kept interrupting. For example, I want to taste but also their parents because their parents can not be too gold Mind has sometimes forget it's working language of the Buddha that is being put to the road entrance demons etc.. The talk is "good to remember" but you still have to support the birth of Ultimate Bliss. Ultimate Bliss Factor should have main effects. The main factor is the Buddhist concept of mind a real disorder. "Most any mental disorder" is the Buddhist concept of maturity and consistency of care for the minds of practitioners in the name of Buddha. Xuanzang translated his subject is the primary economic Da Di "Title Tan Pure Land, Buddha Photography Business Life," and translates "any disorder of mind" is "any system memory disorders." disturbances that forced us any idea the mind to think of themselves in the name of Buddha, but do not remember thinking anything else, whatever else it is good or bad. If the practice direction "concept any system disturbances," Tomorrow is a "close one becomes South tissue Amitabha Buddha and mind one becomes South tissue Amitabha Buddha . "
The goal of transparency by the Division of Pure To make concrete, which shall recite the Buddha's name is the practice of liberation easy thing for all beings. Y goal that every course on the will of the Buddha Amitabha . In this Buddhist prayer with the disciples convinced they will rebirth of Ultimate Bliss, just sang his name, and expressed their net credit and aspiration "because that bridge bodhi wisdom born Pole optimistic. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).19/1/2012.

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