Wednesday 18 January 2012


Venerable Pende Hawter, founder Karuna Nursing Guide To Road (Compassion) to care for dying persons in the city of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, conducted interviews with Tibetan monks as higher Dalai Lama, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Kirti Rinpoche Tsen-shab, Garje Khamtul Rinpoche, and Geshe Lamrimpa, the process of dying, death and rebirth of man. The interview was conducted in May 1995 in the province of Dharamsala, northern India.
Q: Please tell me the best way we can help the dying and who died?
Germany Dalai Lama : When you see people dying avoided bother them. A battery, especially not make them angry or crying consciousness attached to them. Conversely, to remind them to practice, practice in the last minute, such as visualization images of the Buddhas, the moral teacher, Jesus, or a teaching that, depending on their beliefs . If he does not follow any religion, should help them die in peace and tranquility.
When he becomes comatose, if the practitioner, the practice is that they remind meticulous routine, especially when they're gone. Then recite a prayer. If family members want better for themselves dying, the chanting monks or provide home visiting to pray for them. Where there are no monks to lead, a family member who can recite the mantra Om mani padme hum, mantra or else they know, to further guide for the dead. After the funeral, family life continue to lead and chant until day 49 for soul find easy entrance into the realms of sound reproduction.
The work was cremated remains discretionary in each culture or mores of the dead, this is not that important, because once the consciousness (consciousness) has to escape the dead he is like a pile of soil . In a village not Buddhist domain of South India, their practices are buried corpses and graves crop up. This is a way to stop air pollution (Air Pollution) from wood torch cremation, a practice common in India, this will avoid the destruction of forest trees, a valuable national resource in. T This is a method using iodine as though it's not in the West where electricity for cremation.
Ambassador Garje Khamtul Rinpoche: For both the dying and the dead, the best way that you want to help is to start your own compassion towards the dying persons. Love and your compassion is good for the dying, because it arises from your heart so you can express compassion for him unconditionally that the dying are needed. True compassion you will create a peaceful atmosphere for the dying thought of lofty spiritual dimension and its path in the future. One other important thing is that you do not shunned and left dying alone. Death is the truth and is a most terrible fear for humans. Therefore, you should stay beside them, holding their hand or speak words of comfort, or look into their eyes with faith empathy. Body language can also be loving it, please do not be afraid to use it for fear that their stinking, dirty or afraid they caught her in, if you express the affectionate gestures like that, then you will bring the dying greatest bliss at the end of their lives.
When you are sure he is dead, you still maintain the infinite compassion of friends and with people from morning next to that big action title Buddhas as Shakyamuni Buddha, Amitabha or Name 35 performance Buddha etc. .. If you recite the Buddha with boundless compassion will help a dying person the way of regeneration.
Ambassador Tsenshab Kirti Rinpoche: There are two categories of people to consider here. The first is the believers. Monday was not a particular religion. If the dying person is a Buddhist and we chant the nembutsu to super for them. If he does not follow any religion, it's best to help advise them to think they are good people and good things in life the most. When a person is dying and the moment of embarrassment was nothing better than giving them a sense of peace and warmth of our people, this feeling is good for their minds.
I will explain in detail what to help the two classes of people. For Buddhists, we can suggest to them in the direction of what they once refuge and practice. We can remind them of Bodhicitta mind, awakening the mind, calm the mind and concentration meditation ... This is very beneficial to a Buddhist. For the layman, we may advise them to think that: "May everyone be happy, may all beings be happy, pray for all beings free from suffering their grief " . The idea of the good to others, is very useful for the dying.
For Buddhists time of death, should prompt them to remember the deeds of the Buddhas, remember the image of a Buddha that can put a Buddha image in their rooms ... This is very useful and help to shade conditions rebirth in pure land.
Shortly after he died, it is important to note that not to touch their bodies to the dying process is not interrupted, the process ends when only intermediate state (Bardo / Intermediate state) completely out of the body. In Tibet, relatives must wait 48 hours after the funeral proceed.
Great Geshe Lamrimpa: Generally, you have identified the person will die, it is important to fulfill all their wishes. If they proved to be always angry, we should be how to prevent their anger, keep them always in a state of peace and tranquility. Avoid making noise and moving frequently travel with the person. If the attachment dying relatives, wife (or husband) , parents and children, not the best ones to close the morning. Try to do this to stop our attachment to the dying person. If it is determined to make sure that they will die, then we should give them food and drink and the things that they claim to they please and satisfy even the food abstinence during treatment. However, not providing food poison and e can threaten the life of Israel.
If we try to speak French for the dying, but they do not like to hear, it is best not to say, as this gives them a grudge against the Dharma. With that in mind so the next life they will not like close to Buddhism.
Similarly, if they prefer that their food does not satisfy their desires, will make them angry and caused them to fall into species preta (hungry ghost) .
If a person believes in the help of others and also help others who in this life, we should remind them remember their good deeds and praise the good that they did. This will make them happy and their care will be born in a place of happiness. If we help the dying wishes of completion, they will be very satisfied. This prevents the rise craving, anger, attachment and the other wrong mind of the dying, enabling them to regenerate to heal without realms fall into evil realms.
For Buddhists and who lead a life that is the practice it is advantageous if they are ten things we recall the Buddha before his death as follows:
1. Do not start craving-attachment concept of desire in this life. Should try and avoid radial loving attachment to their loved ones, because even have to meet again later, it must be separated. In the dying moment, we must leave everything behind. We should not accept their body immersed plate, because when we have to leave it dead. I do not regret things like food, clothing, shelter, because of what he finally abandoned it.
2. We should rise to compassion and love for all beings.
3. We should take all the resentment and hostility, if not then it will harm us in the next life.
4. All of life's legal responsibility if they have violated must try to atone for purity before she died.
5. We have found strong interest in life expectancy over the future will be peaceful and legal precepts.
6. You have to feel bitter about the bad karma they have caused others to give in this life to repent and be born again easily.
7. We must remember that they have merit in this life, the merit of others have done and will continue to care in the future.
8. I think it's time to go to get to their lives, no fear at all, because it is the natural law is surely a living death.
9. Be consistent phenomenon that all things are predestined by birth and also because of conditions that pass away.
10. We shall see that all things consistent phenomena are selfless to escape from our grief and achieve peace.
Great teacher Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche: The best way to help the dying person is his words and his actions must be motivated by compassion. If possible, also from time to master the virtue to do the legal transference of consciousness (transference of consciousness) for the dying. This is called Tibetan Powa, the practice is considered a particularly valuable and most effective way to help the dying. You visualize the Buddha image at the top of the dying. Visualize light shine on dying persons clean their nature, and observe that they melt into light, integrated in the light of the Buddhas. The transference of consciousness is successful or not depends on the strength of meditation practices are doing this. This particular practices not only for the dying person but also can help purify and heal the survivors. The position L at which this method is often used for life-safety requirements for the elderly. Some teachers believe that the transference should be done about stopping the mind between breathing in and breathing out. Others say that this should lead life as much as possible after the person dies to intermediate holders for their ease of recycling.
According to the Apostolic teachings of the Law should be cremated bodies as soon as possible after death. But Tantric it is best not to move his body after death in three days
Q: People are dying from physical pain and horror to fear death. What is the best method to help them overcome that fear?
Ambassador Garje Khamtul Rinpoche: In the West people often use drugs or sedatives to reduce the physical pain of the dying and help them die in peace. But according to Buddhism, people need to die fully conscious, the conscious self and as much as possible. So the need to control the pain so that it can not obscure the sense of dying persons, it is essential terms of reducing physical pain.
Monday, do to help people overcome fear of dying, death? First, you must calm yourself and also to overcome his fears. When helping the dying, you need to note your own reactions each, for your response reflects the response of the dying and it will contribute greatly to their comfort or destroyed them. When you recite the Buddha to guide, you should note that reassure the dying in the final hour, they will face a multitude of different horrifying scene that they never knew a long time, and that makes them extremely frightened. However, you must reassure them that it was just absolutely no illusions that it is just the product of hallucinations of the dying. If possible, please give them the Mani pearl chain, or a string of beads of the virtues he will help them overcome fear. (beads here symbolizes the power of masters).
Q: For people who are not Buddhists, they do not follow a religion, then I do to help them?
Ambassador Garje Khamtul Rinpoche: For someone who does not believe or do not know anything about Buddhism, only for them as well as Mani jewel of comfort and explain to them the horrible scenes they are about to see just a moment visions in a dream and not real. Due consideration before this, they will overcome fear of dying.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).19/1/2012.

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