Sunday 15 January 2012


SEN THANH Conditioners

Banh Thanh International

Vietnamese Translation: HT. Thich Thien Tam

Sen-conditioned bar: Part 1

First of
This book translated from the original pen fake recruitment into universal nature of Chinese Buddhism Clerk. Pure force of the Holy Ministry by Pang International Layman Hy Thanh same speed as me, who lives Qing Qianlong nembutsu collection of stories designed to be reborn. By the end of life Quang Dao, Qing, The lay Quy Ho Top stories collected to record more rebirth. Life to the Republic of China, Germany Sum Mage the collection of the accumulation of the Pure Land is complementary to fulfillment. Before, after and have all been nearly a thousand stories.
Actually, Tinh spiritual rebirth of a lot, feel free not only him alone. The reason the stock by the lost satellite, the poor scribes missing the old days the flow is not easy, so recite the Buddha about wine being not spread widely and fully recorded. Imagine the scene at his Shan-tao in Chang'an, he deficiency in Tan Dinh Khang, English wine nembutsu over the roads, all persons born on Pure know some want more than memories. But how many stories in the collection area, well enough to call it a model for the spiritual life as the Pure Land.
In the short, pen counterfeit notes over several decades about nembutsu rebirth in Vietnam, regret at the battle of lost victims. Therefore, had to dem things reborn in China as an example to encourage spiritual Pure tons. Where this book, the only job available in the area is somewhat unique in the original, because too much will cause the e boring for readers. Previously, Van Duc Venerable (Thich Tri Tinh) have been translated by a third, named Bliss Road, is popular. Some joint ownership I would request that further work, and translate the story of the rebirth of the recent radical, so that this life can be tracked. So in this book, noted author pens the story translated to the National People more modern.
The words of the saints and sages and religious behavior Pure rule, is the music, the station mirror to encourage, enlighten joint ownership of the goods. Stock multiplication has the Pure Land book, entitled The United Gonorrhea sounds. Contact Gonorrhea is the hour shower, take a shower area where clock of his Bach Hue Vien Lien Commune. Sound is the tone of elegance to encourage people to recite the Buddha. But as you can fake that, place the title of this book is Conditioners THANH SEN.

Every religious sect, in addition it also has a theory or a fact of experience. It has to prove the theory, just a good example to encourage spiritual reminder. This book was epic proof Dewachen true, have merit nembutsu existing benefits now until the network. Dewachen were true, then heaven, hell, the three realms of six lines, the causal crime blessed, holy ghost demons, also have inferred it is not bogus. From this careful examination of more extensive, but all can stop evil things, HR trends in wages so good.

"Nuong their titles to see the old project

Hiding in the mirror ball implicit conversion. "
Readers expect to see this book, waking life is impermanent, suffering consequences, soon find the way the mind free, vegetarian religious blessings nembutsu. From the self-cultivation, extension of the kinship to everyone to practice, then this world but not of Ultimate Bliss, in a region of a country song, is also much good fortune happiness.

In addition, the full details of the contents of the book, leading the mind can quiet the audience. As eating chewing cane from tip to base, it was time to enter it during the scene.

Contact DU


International Ambassador Hoang, they Dao, automatic Chu, who in Yuyao. At childhood, he had to tip on temple Protection Area in the villages. In sixteen, the new hair completely down, ordained novice. True age of twenty, to be ordained.
University law professor holding very serious neglect, Mage Princess by The Son of Eden Full assigned learning. Soon, the practice has been to the smooth sophistication. He used to practice the method of procurement such as Pure Land, France United, Kim Quang Minh. One day in the Ambassador Minh Tu religion that gave false rhino tree as that from which eloquence as streams flowed fluently.
Yuan Dynasty, the source to the Thai people, he was invited Vien Giac Pagoda in Van Tho district. The following year, in districts nearby points of intense storms, sea waves about to be broken, the people around were scared after payment. Exit Festival excess Minister is worried, for the Ambassador invited the local body to place sea-Thuy continent boy up now to pray. He landed, imported from the heart of eighty, for every word Dai Bi sand, scattered along the dike. Heel he is, where dikes are trying to stabilize, calm and turbulent times would end. Everyone compliments the magic! Graduate engineers in turn presided over the great old house lam: Episode Khanh Hien Tu, Vin Information. At age returned Bao Tich Pagoda in the home, special training and eighty Buddhist mindfulness.

Dating to the sixteenth Chi District, three th October, the Ambassador felt slightly sick, for the disciples to, open market meaning Pure idealism. In them there who do not understand, he raised his voice serious charge said: " Bank of birth and death is very dangerous, hard to stay so, why has not awakened? ". Finished, immediately accepted the hand of nembutsu.


German ambassador, from Central India, focusing on old age as a function multiplication Son, son of their house in Kim Thai Lang. Mothers dream that Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva gives pupils joked that he was pregnant. When born, there are two white coating. In nineteen he made, experts Buddha mind. A dream that night University Professor Amitabha incarnation in the middle of nowhere, toward the sunset. Buddha eye you clear, lucid solemnity, which usually appears in front. Next to his non Wutai, a mind enlightened meditation, vows business description Avatamsaka blood injection, each stroke is nembutsu a question. Long days are like a pure action.

In the tenth Wanli Ming Dynasty, Lao Ambassador to the head area in the Son. Ly virtue dear Queen heard the name, made money for people to take the temple, four signs that Hai An Pagoda. Then the Empress Dowager of China often wrong clothing to create the temple towers over the place. In every right to be who you dislike with a central Ware, a scheme to induce group ascetic sect Eastern drumming workshop report filed early, saying he invaded the correct direction to the scenery library. The cause was implicated to University Professor, he was removed to give up, guilt-ridden Asia. When they leave college to go, he remained calm, write wills shelf show that:

Ca sa off the site or change classes

Is arbitrary where the VTP!

Despite having a red fire scene seemed predestined

Hearts more easily melt ice?
Depending on where to go to the Ambassador still keep top class lectures, business preaching to the vow of Mahayana, element sets as Surangama, Lankavatara, Vien Giac. In Wanli first forty-two, he was chartered for complete absolution and increase recovery. On the way over Lot Son, Ambassador of the bar scene like u, am under the language as Phong, following the example of Public Telecommunications, digging planting lotus lake, moments of religious demarcation Pure diligently.

Now can you meditate in Hai Duong, while ordained legal requirements, workers asked about the principal only. University professor said: "The Buddha taught many media practitioners to get out of life and death cycle of reincarnation, forward Buddhahood. Tuu medium is subject only to recite the Buddha's Pure Land birth, no one questions that the Buddha himself sparse said enough importance to see what appears! subject was covered throughout the three-door, all four of them recorded, not the right means for lowering base level that set up. Kinh said: "For pure Buddha, before his pure heart . "So Pure Land practitioner should take care net basis. For the mind is pure, what's needed first is a base to keep clean. The sex who are many, but not outside the three main conventions of the industry itself, Four of the mouth and three industrial enterprises of the will. Keep it clean ten healthy industry, the size of the anchor's eight district map. Use care about purity so, start feeling compassion, boring pain I remember the evil in her, Ultimate Bliss vow to fast for delivery into the direct result of their beings, that well-established right to recite the Buddha. nembutsu way back in arbitrary units of each scene, but it should be very happy new center brings efficiency set real results. "

Tinh Tam lay back there to ask for instruction, asked: "Why have not many Buddhist concepts into a diligent and hard to block?". General revelation: "The most critical of the practice is earnest as life and death escape from the suffering of samsara. If no earnest thought to this, how can recite the Buddha's effort and a block? beings from countless lifetimes now, let every idea under the delusion, the root deeply erotic, right in the realm who suffer a lot less fun, but in the HR realm of reincarnation is born on such land which multiplication of natural nails , vicious three-way down the great evil, such as local domain land! Stock multiplication told: "Three thousand items like a rotten life. Reconstruction body know when to multiplication? ". If in this life is not necessarily because of the suffering of samsara living dead, each concept is the infection status, to bring confidence to recite the Buddha's superficial to escape, they would use any other water shell like a train to save the red? Tu like e when the body takes to be hard surface, a concrete phen late hate castles sorry! So our effort must be developed, using happy thoughts out over thousands of Buddhist outlook thought, depending on the option will keep the question where is the money Buddhist name. Determined to set down hard so meticulous, long days will be the corresponding maturity, and the question nembutsu itself into a block. This is all due to where they meditation and exercise wholeheartedly. If the question brought to recite the Buddha's appearance, there would certainly difficult rebirth release date. "

University Professor at Lot Son was several years ago to head at the Tao Khe area. October Tuesday dating to the revelation, he felt slightly ill, told him that: "Old Increasing coastal life was about to end!" , burning incense and bath, sitting upright, but passed. Then a bright light at dawn sky. Ambassador enjoy life are seventy eight.


Like to receive, legal name of old-fashioned, their effect Trac Tam Chau, who in Huangyan, Zhejiang Province. Shamans nature has planted lily, base available fresh enough, twenty years and where the temples of Baiyun district in Linhai. Two years after being ordained at the temple in non Thanh Thien Thai International.
From that eastern meditation, summer study Buddhism, Dharma Master diligent practices, close to levels sufficient period, and obtained very similar to the old Greek Man Nhon. He had France United lectures, listen not confer the full set of color led Tam tam restaurant empire. Next is the sitting state appellate court instruction, the words of deep colors smoothly, making the set are terrified of admiration. Man of praise and sighing for a long step in the Method object. In twenty eight years old, open-Mage Assembly Clerk France U.S. where the temple in Hangzhou Information. When teaching to the "Declaration of Buddhist wisdom" . He suddenly in the silence. Teaching the next moment of eloquence is not afraid, meeting rooms as problematic per flush water, opens automatically recorded in words nobody managed floating. From then on, often taking the birth missionary activities beneficial to their responsibilities. Shamans wisdom worry so much afraid of stumbling at the direction, the closing retreat at the temple where the sound through Cixi. Free at leisure for further research on the Mahayana sutras.
Three years later has just lost, he immediately accepted the invitation for visiting the Lotus Sutra at the Longhua Temple in Shanghai. Lectures on Kim Son completed the self-meditation, then self-Quoc Thanh Pagoda. Over time, the solution treatment of Shamans as to where the color depth, the group selected as favorite TV Nhon Doan Dung Tiantai sect life fortieth three. From here to the more than twenty years later, he responded to a visiting instructor constantly going around at the peak free, open meeting law as a few thousand times. Each day Shamans were chanting Kim Cang, Vien Giac, Boundless Life Pub, Pho Hien Hanh Buddhist Prayer concept than a product and want you to take regular course work. On the fifteenth and thirty additional Brahma Net Sutra process.
In a life of preaching, he had the same tank has hung in Wenzhou, Van Nien at the Thien Thai Pagoda, Quan Tong Temple in Ningbo, Brahma Temple in Hangzhou. Buddhism also open the way to increase financial education, setting up institutes for mass purification practice. Quan Tong Temple is built of the Mage permanent. His many testimonies are remarkable art market, the adaptation to the coast, on the intensive management of the Buddha, which makes the majority of direct benefit to have penetrated. The way the teachers teach only open Tiantai, Pure Land behavior specialist, so every business faculty are only provided on the Buddhist concept. Professor of French itself was well under way, the happy resolution of them cum all admired and honored by all Thai teachers are secondary mania of the time. Until the public interest, the charity he helped found were not available.
In the two lower spring smell of the Committee established in New France where Professor teaching business in Shanghai Jade Buddha Temple. In addition to visiting it again responded to the lay of Wuxi, teaching literature Phat Am Still Bodhichitta of great teachers. Human as advanced age, hot weather, weary Dharma too, so after the lecture professor of forest disease. Now back to the self, the spirit with the food each day decline. He went out of sheer grace, the idea being to specialize nembutsu. My summer in Nham Sang, Mage offers procedures and regulations in the General entrusted the temple is completed, subjects assigned to the serial multiplication is spread over the Report.

On July two mosquito nets, before midday, Mage hand suddenly toward the West accept quiet moment and then said: "Amitabha has optical-directed clinical, multiplication obtained from this old goodbye" . Said paragraph, security attendant to cook their aromatic bath. After changing new clothes clean, finished up sa coffee, French teaching her to the Buddha hall, and helped to protect themselves lotus position in the security check. Next, they unanimously before nembutsu teaching. He wished to say briefly that extensive shelf:

We ask nembutsu

Net current cash

The true life

We try fine professionals!

A three-hour midday moment, he smiled peacefully rebirth in the English concept of public assistance. Then the color aspects of Shamans seem very bright, the first few hours after initiation still hot. Now to th July two, five twenty-first National Population (1932), Shamans enjoy life seventy-five years, up fifty-five Greek, remains the subject multiplication enter the tower where the temple ceremony Cixi, non torpedoes.


Professionals interested in self-West Life Center, they Mao, who in The City in Eastern Philosophy. From birth, the master of frugal eating only, no milk and meat. Growing up, boring ceiling scene work, set up practice leaves the secular media. In eighteen years, engineers at Linh Son Pagoda in The West Elementary, princess by Gender Am ordained Mage hair down.

At about ordained, he About Am severe pain, consciousness thinking, "This must propagate Buddhism through the rank-sufficient religious as his teacher. Free Yourself delicate downy kind of stuff, where the network is more unfortunate! . " Thus the cooking bath lotions, burning incense before Prayers, Three Jewels, then return to their own rooms abdominal surgery, to cut the liver out with drugs for healing for him. What knife or just bring light into the abdomen, the pain suddenly gray building fell to the ground. Professor momentarily regained consciousness, leaving the eastern sun beds were full of light. Mass revealed, together lo bandages for drug charges lawyer. About Am or know Him, the Great Life Center to insist that: "The heart of your child's taste but powerful, but not the whole conduct of the religious right. Case ourselves again the weather of conditions, was clearly born which you were born, there is more killing? The children made ​​entirely of delusion, but we think the trade a curious concept, should temporarily stay a bit longer. " expected, after his return has ordained the a month, he shall immediately Am About President. Tho moral character filial piety, mourns the part, take care of the burial integrity attack, per each were attentive.

Soon, engineers bring the temple was entrusted to legal practitioners The Road, but I shall take the place to visit school. Teacher strictly keep the precepts, the first track practice, identified barefoot, down only a more winter clothing, usually dedicated nembutsu. People are claiming that the great master known as Chain charge. Autumn in New Snake in the year of Quang Chu, consciousness returned Xiaoling Son Pagoda. At that time the sun had long-term, these villages were established around the island now martial. The district is the heart lo Sun as burning, day and night but have not found invoke fulfilled. Life Center compassion, go straight to the release of Chun, comfort tips for the care, the rain needs to take responsibility themselves. The next day was Nham Ty, Professor holding the bowl to get a shallow stream of things like a pet. On Yi Mao, Life Center shall pay up now, after worship. Thin Binh Dan hours to days, the sky but the rain stopped the moment. The false religion of his family proud by Bruce to guide, to pray more islands. Master said: "You do not worry, there will be rain tomorrow." That night Mr. Tam Tho uncle stronghold prayer, pay homage to the light. As expected in mid-day on a certain percentage, the rain pouring down to the evening, upland fields were filled with water. The people in the cheerful happy. Religious leaders of relatives of the mountain proud thanksgiving. The district keeps disciple ceremony, hand-written four large letters "Bat Long Jiang" to celebrate. Master is an omen but still, do not worry about other expenses. Ton of coal that: "Now faith To know wisdom, is inconceivable."

In the autumn of Nham Ngo, Tam Tho great weight loss closed the coast, each day shall pay one hundred and eight Great Bi variables, like nembutsu ten sentences. There is also recite Guanyin title, The Chi a thousand times, holiday red title Venerable Thich Tam Thanh Ton and Western, each have thirty bows. In really have a dog and cat every day because they take refuge in prayer notes. Therefore, cats should not eat rats, dogs do not eat dirt. After three years, on September nineteenth, the lost master. By early November, Life Center mild dysentery infection a few days and then healed. But since then his body was weak, monks alternately servant, not master, said: "The renunciation, of course everyone has to practice, do not deserve a chance to each other. If the results so far, will give the call. " evening to the twenty-sixth day, Life Center map them to the near bed teaches: "Tonight we will be on the west, brown background fragrance brings" . After shaving, bathing and changing clothes is done, send all lawyers agree to sit cross-legged Buddha, tells us in peace. At nembutsu over hundreds of questions, little was known low professor, head slightly bent down. Cotton head looked straight back, saying: "I go here! University we should respect" . Then nembutsu high voice which passed a sentence. That night two pet dogs and cats in the ventricles, also sat out the goods. Everyone told her odds and ends being the master.

Then the order in At Dau, dating Quang Chu.

A thousand years

Originally Posted favorite short order, the Ta at their home in Hangzhou Qiantang. At young age he studied thanks to the birth of Chu. Soon feel that life is impermanent, the Three Jewels of refuge, to take over the education level and knowledge of the Apostolic Church. After he heard Ngoc Phong urban shaman declared: "To demand freedom from suffering, the only Buddhist Mindfulness is the practice to achieve" , immediately give rise to six per day over the Buddha's name you want to get the key question. Average delivery is made ​​more merit, both in the direction of the Pure Land. In the same year of Nham Body Treatment, the development team's mental life where Hai Trieu Temple.

In Quang Chu ninth, he bored the ceiling work, want to release soon, so bring the house entrusted to two children, go straight to the National Household temple, Venerable Glass Room ceremony to ordain hair down. The winter of that year, the teacher is your affinity ordained place in Member States Tuc Son Pagoda. Then returned to cough magnetic Nations specialized professional. Do try the hard labor was long, short-time infection disease, but medicine treatment in many ways, but the patient heal and then relapse. Two memory dear son, pick a professor of nursing home patient where, opening a net loss of time to place the adjective. Fall fifteenth Quang Chu, Professor of down suddenly King cups, medicine was not effective. From there the food was poor but down, but very respectful nembutsu additional earnest. Th September to October. Two short calls that says: "At the teacher's rebirth had arrived, two children go home visiting monks to recite the Buddha seven days, to households that of the West" . Master the early morning of December starting any Buddhist retreat, protect the monks Lang Feng that he is only seven more days storage time. To the full moon day, the hand-held property is up Dinh Son said: "Only three days, I will of Ultimate Bliss" .
By the evening of seventeen, to the fourth watch, professor asked what time, two hour meeting is the Ox. From Ngan said: "Now Buffalo News has over eighteen days, the term teacher is reborn. So the monks sometimes claiming benefits rose list concept" . When we initiated Buddhist name, according to lawyers and concepts. Estimated half-plant brutal incense, quietly closed his eyes suddenly. Long-serving second hand suddenly opened his eyes, for they profess weights up and said: "I have been to the West probably need Amitabha with two great artists. Buddha net ru y mercy given to me. The Quan Yin Bo Slapping the stems holding nectar sprinkled positive first place. Look away, I see the Contact Tri teachings are great teachers for the upper multiplication good to hear. Bay walk on the large pond immense loss protection offers, looking across the golden lotus I see a pink building where his name being on. Buddha taught me to temporarily return to me her place for people to report that I was born on Pure Land. Please try to serve professionals should encourage the crystal Buddha, to meet the same day the Federal realm " . Finished sure to bring drinking three sips of cool water, then lie on the bed on the right hand, recite the Buddha's statement that the escape of a few decades.
The next day, the coffin, marked or still hot.

Chi Thien

Chi Thien Zen master, the life bar, origin unknown. In the same year of Quang Tri word, he opened the temple where customs legalization Son Block Association. Zen master supreme virtue, they rely on the threshold of love, faith in the level domain name in the modern Jiangxi. After treatment for eight tones, he moved to Buddha, the self-cultivation and are taking advice of the Pure Land as a place specified direction. So in the meantime, residents of the mountains where he, who are wearing chains, houses are Buddhist. From farm to work for woodcutters who shepherds, when free of the many places to sit on a rock or tree blindly recite the Buddha is often seen no one wonder. Di rooms that are still in serial transmission.
At older ages, Zen masters to bring the high temple of items entrusted to the monk Thanh Hu, and his place is in the net loss of special training. Studies are sometimes useful when the loss, he will protect himself to sit, then customize the application for that instruction. There are monks retreat, to the Museum as an inventory home to the temple every day and vegetable chopped firewood meditating Buddha, they all look like ordinary people. One year in early winter, the staff lawyer to resign. Damaged Venerable Thanh says: "Often the Buddha lost its head start period, he do not hurry to leave soon, so stay here all year and then will go" . Master said, "The time has finally come, can not wait" . The monk said: "I held back because of him that" . Retreats holidays and then back to weights. Spring into th March, please go back to master. The monk said: "Early last year the concept will he go, so hang in there a couple more days" . Retreats back out again.
Through th October, lawyers on the staff would go and said firmly: "I take the same fellow had long lived together, have post-sex relationship. Through Raw Text information, increase most they would go wandering through the radiator where, later no longer meet the coast. So I want you to put together a co-ramp " . Venerable heard approval. Thanksgiving retreat, then to his audience Chi Thien. Zen master plan in advance, make available a cup of clear water, told attendants that: "If Cam Museum came home, told to drink this cup, do not have to launch" . Attendant said to bring things back, retreats cult leader drink. By mid-day, the monks monks still life left. Trai Party members, transparency with our venerable that "coming home away from Cam Museum. So two hours after mid-table, please bring the public the small robes and opened the newsrooms to the funeral home red-tape" . We heard most of them seem bewildered wonder. Until now, Duy na instructions monks arrived, Cam Rooms were clean furniture clean and empty, the center for Buddhist incense table, two seats going to the general public. Venerable next moment, Cam Phong bowed, and bowed toward the monks. He graciously said Thanh Hu extensive shelf solutions. Then will the public know is going to die possessed, born in the West. After the monk went back, Duy business na initiative Amitabha election, retreats on our seats in the recitation. When the next verse to spread Buddha, incense the flame trees of an inch more, little was known of the low, where the chain holding hands down the projector. Monk sat near the probe to visit, and the owner had turned off a little oil. Public business did not dare, it is as old Buddhist concept. One time, retreats suddenly opened his eyes, the monks requested alternate assistance is always a day concept. Finished speaking, the connection goes straight eyes.
In Mau Tuat in the year of Quang Chu dynasty the new policy changes. Chi Thien He lamented that: "At the decline of Buddhism have come, how we age and do not help it! Only voluntary early birth of Ultimate Bliss after experiencing results you were born, will return to this world to upholding teachers " . Finished speaking, writing poetry Venerable sent letters everywhere, open goodbye. Then the monk Thanh Hu is in the temple abbot in Nanchang Telecommunications, is believed to hurry back to poetry. When the monk enters the temple, then he Chi Thien sit still to write extensive project will. See Monk, Zen master then smiled cycle all the work said: "The big are entrusted all to him. We go here" . Finished building that sits just out of place.


Wear Am university professors, legal title Raw Truth traders themselves, they Chau Chau Heng people in Hunan province. Father Confucian school, meet the early childhood he swiftly culminating realization morning, glanced through some of the book was read. In fifteen years, writing talent advance beyond peers, school teachers think about the career will be brilliant after all. Next two years there, he arrived at the inn has not received Phong study of economic Kim Cang copy to the sentence: "Mind the past, present, future, will not be" , the thought suddenly popped birth of the ceiling.
In Ham Room Saturday, I want to find out where his wife asked for, he secretly fled to the temple Nam Phong, shifting the spectrum Screening ordained Zen monk. The following year, to attain the upper world where Thuy Dinh Phuoc Nhon in strictly. Great Professor Amount Chuc Thanh hear the teacher very successful legalization, to press consciousness. Over the next year, the French audience Van Zen master, going into the teachings, so for all information booklets also. The Name property master degree course heard Ambassador, have come to enjoy socializing. He strongly on the direction of the upper area should be to hide in South America is also aimed at the image, along with Van Thiem another shaman shifting research encourages practitioners to participate.
Song dating Tri Dong, University Professor visit burns across the religious order north-south power inputs sufficient interest, then return to browsing Dai Phuoc Nghiem organs. Chu Quang fall Monday, he again took the monasteries in South Music Chuc Thanh Pagoda, suffering set security prison, long days of treatment proved even more profound. Since then, the total foreign books are thorough, every name who seeks to socialize the same. Shan Temple University in South Music, originally an ancient beauty, was the invasion of the Ambassador raise money to redeem it restored. His adaptation of Enlightenment principles of Jeet meditation practice organizations, the monks gathered about ten, hungry enough to accommodate. All we learn there are all general information nature, keep solemn law behavior. Thien Thai Ambassador assigned to take forward to every scholar, took place Amida Pure Land to rely on the end. University professor Nhut kept pristine nembutsu six key questions you want, go to the scene not long on self-concept idea, the question always red list not interrupted.
In the spring of tiger, Temple University professor brought the disciple entrusted players and said: "I'm going to the West" . To the east, he lost Buddhist celebration. More than a week, during the Great Master see merit bowl sparkling water pond where stately furniture protection. Soon he felt mild disease, a heart medicine refused to recite the Buddha and told them alternately supporting concept map. Then wet Ambassador hunger, located in auspicious style in favor of the right hand, holding increasingly responsible legal Kim thought. The next day he saw Amitabha embodiment, Minister bright white aura, immediately got up to sit cross-legged toward the West, make out clean bedding. The sparse hesitate attendant cold weather, the ambassador said: "I'm going to give currency to appreciate in exchange for, the district itself rather mess protected material itself pretty seriously" . Increase public or private gathering went, he looked impressive all around and slowly asked: 'What is deliverance? " . They all looked at each other contracts not meeting. University professor smiled said: "It is so, more by his old school in her home all season, frankly vegetarian Buddhist concept is certainly more" . Then they rated teaching fields or concept, steam fields moment than English, told him to stop, just unanimously proclaimed South tissue Amitabha Buddha. When the concept of over a hundred questions, accept the hand that Ambassador passed away. Then the order dated December thirteenth, in Quang Chu eighteen Monday. A few hours later they found his name to visit hot, smooth body are like.
University Professor of age are entitled to sixty-four, forty-four particles increase.


Lay Kiet Duong, from manual, the Song Dynasty, in the district tasteless, as tasteless performance should Tzu. In the year of Nguyen Phong, he served with Thai generally, primarily interested in Zen dear, to every law of God Health Assembly Hoai Zen master, part of the terms of the Bang at laypeople. When the projector to serve in top international Thai Son, that red sun rises like a bright circular rim, suddenly enlightened age.
Ninh Hy Last year, he was mourning his mother at home, people browse at leisure Tripitaka, associated regulations towards the Pure Land. Lay Amitabha Buddha draw an audience of six high, bring to the constant contemplation. Average age-old art are remarkable beings have, most are direction of Ultimate Bliss. He has written a foreword in the book Pure Natural Cross thai his reasoning as follows: "Ai no contamination heavy heart, she was not born in me. nembutsu Nhut all such professionals are not born of Ultimate Bliss. We women are evil realms Remember, Ultimate Bliss domain is pretty clean. I live in her network are limited. Life is not the same number at Bliss! Where we meet all her suffering, there is little joy. South Pole suffering no longer trouble us, limitless happiness . - I follow her career reincarnation, not when it is detached. Dewachen once born, all is not retrogression, in turn witness to great visual effect. If you want of the ten directions, in arbitrary order, that business is no longer required. At the two realms, of the: bad memory, nice clean, trouble suffering, happiness, life short, some long-life, reincarnation forever, quickly realized, were left different. Thus the confusion that living beings do not know, it not worth much mercy it? " Di Da Germany to lead a life in photography degree of Ultimate Bliss. Shakyamuni is the direction in Pure Ta her. So in the Mahayana school of his case, most words are all thoroughly counseled rebirth. Guanyin Bodhisattva, by supporting The Chi Amitabha, the Sea Princess sailing the reincarnation of great aspirations, no head side to side along the shore between the lines, which makes the international level. So Amitabha Sutra says: "If the death of good men, good women do multiplication, heard of Amitabha, the idea of keeping the title, or from one day to seven days without a heart disorder. Next time networks, the Buddha Amitabha with them out in front of St.. The general was pleased when the network is not crazy about the plane soon was reborn the Ultimate Bliss of Amitabha Buddha " . So when the old hospital in U.S. Impermanence transgender clinic, the patient is Buddha day facing the West, born on Pure Land thought. Why is that? By virtue of Amitabha release the light around the legal world, photography nembutsu being taken not to miss. Because a heart can contract finished, so the feel of each other, all with application concepts. So being in the mind of Buddhas, that if the back, each of our thoughts is the Pure Land. The Buddhas of beings, spiritual inspiration farming throughout, each room are compassionate. Get here but consider: the intellectual rebirth easy, except for termination or suspected. The rebirth of meditation easily, so please do not stampede. The rebirth over the world easily, so far from the infected cell. The rebirth giving easy because let go of the ceiling. The patient is not easy rebirth as conceived resentment. The rebirth diligent easy, because color achievements contemplation. People do not create good without creating evil reborn as easy, because a pure heart shall user Divisions. People do evil, karma appeared, reborn as easy, if that shameful fear that nembutsu. In contrast, although who create good merit, if not voluntarily dedicate faith, of rebirth is not so! Oh! Effect Amida very easy concept, a kid Pure Land! We do not want delivery concept, not for birth, Buddhist compassion nor even know how to be? Moreover: rotten way to create negative karma suffering, Amida concept being happy realms, two things are Buddha's teachings. Being only fear hell, but doubt the rebirth, nor deluded opens u? In Nguyen Huu, he worked in order to form the Bi Philosophy, then meet in that section. Upon death, said shelf that life is not spent attachment Falls discharge is not spending approximately mid-nowhere move leather Even more lakes! night making the differences in the Western Realm of Ultimate Bliss! Before that, the Friendship Force from participating United Society, the time of the Manual, has been in his life learning the practice Buddhist mindfulness, which asked: "How to be unbroken?" . He replied: "After the suspect was no longer assured, that is not interrupted" . Important Islamic leaders heard enlightenment, joy crooked start, from weightlifting to leave. The following year, as the Deputy Public in Danyang, a dream night to Society said, "Before, because he taught the Pure, now I have been reborn, so to eat here" . Finished back and pay homage. A few days later, he was poetry obituary of the United Society. In it, including the father clearly knows rebirth, have friends from all over the house special. When Saturday of a dummy part, have a dream Kinh Duong Phu Nhon plane ride to the West, find a serious body radical minister sitting on lotus flowers, crowned with pearls, wearing his optimism, flyaway dress in light winds. She asked if anyone, was told tasteless Ziyang masterpiece.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).17/1/2012.

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