Sunday 15 January 2012


Sunday, 15 January 2012


Consecutive years, as a routine for Tet, Sung Nghiem Zen Monastery often donated books to your fellow Buddhists, as well as those who visit the temple and Buddha. Source: (Buddhist Vietnam Net)
This year, the notice of the Monastery, the book "Why not open your eyes while living rebirth" of purity Thich Nu Lien Chan Meditation Meditation will also be sent to your countrymen as a Spring gift to Thin early days of Ren. Over 265 pages and 42 articles, the book "Why not open your eyes rebirth while living" is not only beautiful in form, but also very nice for the content. The post independence but complement each other. Read any article before, all that follows is also without the order before then, because each brings a particular topic. There are listening posts very real, very close as welcome the new year, Happy Spring, a pilgrimage, Tho Bat Quan Trai, Industry, the Ministry shall also seems, Occupation, chanting, Buddhist mindfulness, Tri Note ... And also the Act the article sounds very, very high-sounding as the Second Crossing the Border, No Two Paths life, the Son of Man and the Universe, Everything in the output?, Mental, I Am ... But no matter what type posts, or The Practical Path, subliminal or close, all carry a single message that the author would like to recommend, it is the sincerity, equality and Physical Best of things . With an unobstructed view through the articles, purity Contact, Thich Nu Chan Meditation has led the reader to look on how to identify the properties as like that of want of all things, from which the view it is something that is so. It does not make anyone confused. It does not make anyone suffer. It is equal, no higher no lower. And all the things that they want to contact tangled, close together, as inseparable from each other, by "One is all, all is one" (quoted page 241.) Generally, few people no name wrote his book in one sentence in question. Yet Zen Master Chan chose the question "Why not open your eyes rebirth while living?", Entitled to do! ... "Why not open your eyes rebirth ?..." question might have been embraced, were repeatedly asked to ask life of someone who desires to address issues of life and death. Obvious question as an affirmation. Question as a powerful impulse. Question friendly advice quiet as ear ... and finally, the question has been answered as well as specified in article 42 that the reader does, and if received, will often touch lives, even in the order in life. Let's rebirth when he opened his eyes away. Please bring rebirth when this body. Let's rebirth when existing in this world. And let's rebirth right now, do not wait until it hands down eyes. There are many people that have been death to rebirth, where the new Buddha, is the absolute joy and happiness, not is the force that pain. Also many people believe that this world is impure, is full of suffering and sorrow, should forward to finally breathed a little, to give this body away to enjoy peace eternal realm Niet Ba2Un ... Nirvana is because only the truth, is eternal. The purity Contact, if you think so we can only accept one-way, is missing. Because through Surangama Sutra, Prajna, France and Duy Hoa Ma kidney, the body and mind we can not leave each other, because "... if you accept to kill face to go, then let go, to go for the Bliss is formless, is Nirvana, then we will go into the 'There where no body' is completely contrary to the truth ... "(quoted p. 15) because" ... as the Buddha said the World Dharma does not leave France ... "(quoted p. 16). It was quite the habit, we always accept everything as fact. From the fact that students accept the distinction. Then from the distinction that was born from that, take away, love and hate ... gas to generate multiple files, such as greed, hatred, sorrow ... Thus was created Karma Causation and six to go into HR reincarnation. According Contact purity, we have no real peace because it constitutes it. By way ascertained, in the first article, as well as the preface to the whole book, Zen Master Chan has identified: "If you want to rebirth while still alive, just to understand the ultimate 'Prajna Heart Sutra '(quoted p. 11). " Thus, throughout the 265 page book, Zen Master Chan was trying to lead the reader to work out how to pass the threshold of "Matter / No". How do I look out of consciousness; is a side view, which look really want to accept the things are "really there" or "not true", presented to show the Prajna wisdom is direct insight , is looking to overcome the "yes" and "no." The "Real Self-Lap, Special Education Foreign Media, Online Only Human Mind," this requires meticulous practice, can only be directly received by the its not by any other concepts. Prajna th3e not use words to say, the mind can not be used to infer, much less be framed in a "normal understanding of the world" when talking about Prajna. This place, despite arguments by some not to be. Because the core is the fact of Prajna-General Radio General, how to describe? How could confide? Oh, is difficult. Master Chan Meditation, by means of 42 posts have said that temporarily, to take the reader to place sophisticated, the place to get away the idea that speech, the noun; to depart almost discrimination to receive treatment to be yourself and understand exactly: ... "Lust" not "Lust" the true "Lust" , "No," not "No" new truth "No." Such talk did not say negative acknowledge that beyond all recognition and negation (cited page 17). Also in many ways, purity Contact has spent most of the article to explain the Matter of the Heart Sutra No, take the time to read each step in the middle, so that is where the minister that General refuse (no attachments available), where there are not ignoring (Excludes not). Since then understand that all of France is not true self, because all are suffering arises from craving, from the ego and awakening to realize that the "Five Aggregates Age Not" where Body yourself, which can enter the "vacuum" but his own mind where. The "No" did not mean nothing, not a "No" to the "Yes", which is the "No" does not feel free edge, it embraces the whole universe all things. Indeed, if Food took a superficial look and saw that everything, all things are "Yes", should accept everything as fact. But if you look in mind the profound Prajna, you will see all "No", so leave it be accepted ("not" here is not "No" to "Yes", is not neutral No news Nothing; that "No" here means that no self, is a "no" empty, vast, without limitation, the "No" no place, no place). Which Contact purity, Thich Nu Chan Zen "... this is not in a vacuum, is emptiness, is the capital tasteless. It is calculated that, The Listening, The Hay Know; the As this is only a. It is also known as Mind Prajna enduring constant ... "(quoted on page 17). So, just where "Lust" that shows that Matter is "No" means that understanding, do not be confused , no landscape barrier. When you realize everything, everything is "No" then we and the same scene is nothing like the other? So that when you see just to see, do not mean pretty bad, regardless of how disturbing is? Upon hearing is heard, no mind, or bad processing commended the students how painful? When you know just know, do not mean compare, calculate how the depression started? All I see, hear, know that it does not work. It is intact it is passed "Matter / No" Prajna. As soon it was rebirth, where you need to wait until after death. Read all the book, the book, then opened it. I never liked looking at the cover, flip each page, by each, and then pour the contents page, read each item ... know how that works, how is the sharing. I feel infinitely grateful to the writer. Complete book with 42 articles, all which also brought little benefit to the reader. Not all that high, not all that low. Depending radical and reader level is high for low only. Pore all the articles in this book, we certainly will be eligible for lower wages craft lady, to go beyond the ring accept and not accept vicious, volition or intention, to not so happy reunion, not too sad at parting, and to have the common touch is liberation in life. So when "... ultimately understand the Body Mind and Space Physics with a Universal Truth that, they must not we have been during the life rebirth, rebirth that is the open eye, it vi is very wonderful !..." END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).17/1/2012.

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