Friday 20 January 2012


The meaning of cultural and religious methods of Pure tones can not only meet the expectations of modern humans at high levels but also have the ability to effectively treat the disease of society today.
1. Pure tone matches the predestined of today's society
Pure tone for today's social problems are so many people inside and outside the Buddhist interest. Pure tone acts as a cylindrical quartz center of Buddhism and society now and in the future. There are two main reasons as well:
One is the mysterious sign of the legal operation of Sakyamuni Buddha, Buddhist works inspired Pure tone: In Business "Statue of the suspected law" and economic "Great set monthly organ" as well as many other Mahayana sutras, the Buddha offers measures divided into three periods, namely: the law, legal statue and the loss. Every time the French were fully characterized it. In business copy: "The year 1000 was a period of legal morality solid; statue measures in 1000 was a period of Buddhist mindfulness solid" .
In the said business during the memory block is degenerate but the practice, but rarely have been enlightened person, only just shifting the nembutsu teachings that are out of samsara. " A sign of the legendary Buddha wisdom is indeed midnight black torch to dispel all the darkness, only to beings righteous path well, it is also the driving force makes the strong growth in concrete the present day.
The degenerate point out ideas and suggest the practice as early as Pure Act scratches Ambassador Tang in China, he brought the teachings of the Buddha divided into two subjects are Qingdao and Pure. From the Catholic perspective is relevant today have undergone more than 500 years of degenerate period, thus leading to renounce Holy door (based on self-certification period or foot) navigation satellites subjects (based on Buddha's power zone industrial rebirth).
Following that thought ambassador Dao is a great set of notes on "tha power of prayer" . Great teacher commented that: "Pure Land teachings is the practice facilities are set up specifically to help sentient beings degenerate level beyond the three worlds, the Buddha who directed" . Beings sunk, leaving the practice is hardly out of the way of life and death insurance. The next time through the life, the Pure Land patriarchs ranks as University Professor Vinh Minh Tri Ambassador, Ambassador Ich Incidentally, Jeet Meets Ambassador, Ambassador of India Quang ... inherited and promoted ideological education award allergic practices of that period degenerate initiated the practice Pure Land, the Buddhist monks crowded high response rate.
Today the trend of globalization Buddhism a profound development, Pure tone and presence and mark up all over the world, from China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam ... for to European and American countries, unions, associations, inter-communal nembutsu flourished.
Both are characteristic of modern society and features simple straight off of the Pure Land teachings naturally adapt to each other, it proves that the Pure Land is of modern concrete is of age. Modern society is a society of science and technology high technology and market economy, has brought material civilization of human society, information society, knowledge society rising up multiplied.
That urge people to increase the speed of modern cognitive skills, acquire knowledge of modern and renovated to accommodate the outside world. Trend of globalization, market economy has changed the mode of thinking of the whole society, it is a practical materialism, split into two extremes in wealth dramatically. Increasing population, natural resources to be exploited, depleted to the extent of damage makes it struggles for survival of human society became more intense ...
The fact that as a word of challenge to propagate Buddhism in modern times. So now to cultivate student achievement willow and death is indeed a very difficult thing. So the moral problem in order to select a type of Buddhist teachings to adapt and transform modern society, the inner meaning and characteristics of the Pure Land in accordance with the requirements of modern society.
Catholic religious means and methods of Pure tone best matches the predestined human society today. People today live and work with high-paced, fiercely competitive, with no idle time to practice Buddhism, but the method of the Pure Land practice is very appropriate. If every day there is not much idle time, just use the practice concept is being collected (just 5 minutes is enough).
The type, method very flexible nembutsu should not have the VTP, which measures air support at all anywhere, anytime, acts, gestures are sitting walking can recite the Buddha is that no obstacles. Modern people preferred short simple, fast, recite the Buddha's teachings also fully characteristic.
For example, you are faced with a difficult problem, but give up, psychology is very confused, then you take a deep breath and recite the Buddha's attention a few sentences, the spirit of an instant, clear reason to handling problems. If you encounter adversity, the mind can anger arises, you recite the Buddha's attention a few sentences, the court may extinguish the fire, the mind becomes peaceful when gently until death, if slopes heart recite Amitabha 10 concept or even a concept can also ask the Buddha Amitabha to lead blissful rebirth the end of a Buddha. This demonstrates that students recite the Buddha's teachings is the Pure Land teachings are consistent with consumer psychology of modern society: "Do not leave the Dharma that the law, the law does not give the certificate that Buddhism" .
Pure tones reflect the spirit of freedom of thought liberal Mahayana Buddhism, it is more appropriate to the practice of Buddhists; is in place that make Buddhism the ceiling work, moving into secular corolla pure lead, bring nembutsu method in all daily life to perform "activities of nembutsu, Buddhist concept of living" . So happiness can become a success.
The Flower Adornment Sutra, Shan Tai pupils visit the school with 53 Compassion knowledge, of which only 4 are a renouncer, the remaining are in lay representative to the world, all classes and all profession in society, it proves that the legal world is no barrier to religious Buddhism. Characteristic simplicity and breadth of the Pure Land is consistent with the nature of modern society.
Today the scientific, technical and material civilization developed at high speed, it makes the environment, circumstances, lifestyle, ethics, humanities ... severe degradation. Sakyamuni once mystical sign: "After we entered Nirvana, to the degenerate, leading eventually to destroy business, people lie and deceive each other, racing each other to do the evil, now missing year burning, slowly fifth prevalent chronic pain " . This passage is a description of today's society, like birth and death touches, leading members of the Buddhist Pure Land teachings needed.
2. Pure tones with ecological settings
Industrialization and globalization, and provides material civilization, follow it as eco-environmental situation polluted seriously degraded. It is the consequences of industrialization brought mankind unforeseen. That problem has become severe, making the governments attention. Scientists have predicted: If people continue to disrupt ecological settings such as current speed is 50 years from now will not have room for people to live on this earth. Thus a very serious problem posed in front of everyone that is: "we only have one earth, we must do to live peacefully with the earth?" .
Want to neutralize the risk of ecological degradation situation effectively, need to treat the roots of chronic disease in today's society. In this regard, the Pure Land teachings may be because people today that the proposed method useful:
Pure cultural meaning to purify body and mind focused man, taken to minimize the waste material to bring the existence to life, brought spiritual deliverance and spiritual, as well as completion of human morality. At the premise "The goal of life" enjoying the material senses need to reach a reasonable regulation.
The reduction of material consumption, one side will expeditiously reduce the rush of life, prevent crime launched by greed, on the other hand will reduce the exploitation of natural resources, thereby nature will be protected, people establish relationships live in harmony with nature.
For every facet of the universal property of natural, cultural Pure maintain equal compassion. We not only not destructive to the destiny of nurturing themselves, but also to establish friendly relations live together in peace with all things natural.
In Buddhism there are three kinds of mind: that is predestined from birth, from legal and ungainly from grace, will be the same as the great compassion. Which method is predestined from all things only one that moves the feelings can arise from gas central to world (all things). See all local college, university is water front of us. "The encouraging data inadvertently given location" or "necessarily beings direct solution of the Buddha" is the most wonderful treatment that members of the Pure Land text. The notion that the concept "God's best" concept of Confucianism or "God the address data base falls, everything falls homogeneous data" of Taoism is the corresponding homogeneous.
With the leading point, the basis for survival of mankind itself is the rational use of natural resources, and must have the renewable resources such as afforestation, rational utilization of water resources, protection of rare plant and animal sources ... As for the non-renewable resources are such as minerals, oil, metal ... they must limit exploitation when necessary use and proliferation of, use of synthetic materials instead.
Through meaning "the newspaper reported y not the other two are not" of the Pure Land, we find natural situations and circumstances outside human society (medical reports) to the human body and mind (right report) is provided corresponding law of another. The state of mind of the clear, thanks to the national mind pollution. Compassionate mind is pure dimensional feel of the Buddha's law, ethics wind rain flowers, land of pure gold. Common good in mind the contingent world (people - ceremony - that - location - credits), the human realm dimensional feel peaceful happiness, a concept, lust, anger arises, the moves left the realm of hell mountain forests for training , volcanic cauldron of oil ...
3. Pure for world peace
Since the human race so far, people on earth live in the shadow of war and fear. In 100 short years of the 20th century, the world has happened over 300 large and small wars are different, at the beginning of the 21st century there was a series of wars of aggression and terrorism. The modern weapons and devastating damage ever growing range.
Currently the world number of weapons and ammunition is already more than 5,000 times the number of weapons used in World War II, in addition to nuclear weapons, biological weapons are at risk ... destroy the world. Faced with the choice of survival and destruction, the peoples, peace-loving nations around the world are shouting in favor of the "World Peace" that many schemes proposed to avoid the accident reduction go to war. There strategist said: "Atoms can change the world but can not change the mode of thinking of mankind, so mankind must be directed to a world without war accident" .
Want to neutralize the accident of war, it is crucial to the reform of human thinking, thinking of ways to bring humanity as the heart desires, appropriate, hostile and self out of the dark cloud mud it. For this problem, cultural Pure tones are the effective feasible measures.
Buddha understood the business ends of the realm of beings always take the field Sa Ba si dictate, pressing the myriad crimes artifacts. The strong dominating the weak, competing against each other, killing destructive, not known to eat up one another to do good, for after the disaster suffered tribulation. They are born in this world fear contempt weak strong, ferocious hatred against tyranny ... do more evil. They are born ignorant, once sown into human evil, naturally difficult to get rid of suffering which, when living injustice injustice faced similar situation reports, go to death threats to three HR evil hell, hungry ghost, animal.
Rotation which, in this life after life, does not know when can escape. The Buddha saw this great compassion inexhaustible interest using traditional hand Buddhism is suffering beings want to be happy, we get to teach people compassion, care equality, justice center that offers more of animals, taking care modest patience to remove the resolution of conflict in the world. We birth the one body, self and no other benefit is the benefit of his killing of others is to kill him.
So people have to understand the causal process, heal up like evil is surely good result, do not worry peaceful galaxy. Just as the Buddha's teaching: "The place to Buddhism, urban villages are steeped thanks instructive, lower natural harmony, updated monthly in the morning, rain upon the accidents of disease does not arise, the country's prosperity Security, the weapons no longer have to use, the people's devotion moral sense, just good hard work, the water is not theft, no one was unjust, not strong dominating weak, people are happy contented mind " .
It can be seen Pure cultural ideal is good for the world peace-making, it is also consistent with the ideal "course of your peace" of our people. Government has always taken the principle of peace for external or internal, it represents the spirit of traditional culture of ethnic VietnameseNamfavored peace. Ideally, harmony, equality, compassion patience, charity Pure tone is effective remedy to treat your body every day society are the evil forces, strengthening rights of infection.
4. Pure tones with the construction of human morality
Ethics is an indispensable factor in the stabilization, maintenance and social development. Moral status and level of social civilization is intimately related to each other. Vietnamese feudalNamcultural influences Confucius ideology and Buddhist policy should "use of national virtue" . So the moral of Vietnamese traditionalNamhas a rich history for thousands of years, until now the traditional values ​​eroded instead very way of moral status that previously appeared unprecedented.
The cause of degradation of ethics there are many, but it's most basic: People today do not believe cause and effect, cause and effect even ridiculed, for that honesty is the original man, wicked financial officer is intelligent. Because of that psychology should be a dominant part in society without fear, intolerance is not anything that they dare not do. Despite being prohibited by law, to punish but not limited to how much.
Add to that the market economy and material civilization is the motivation and the desire of the human ego rising prosperity, it every day, every hour destruction, threatening the moral issues which have weakening. Prior to that fact that people must be aware that: If you can not restore a culture of ethics for today's society, not only related to the industrialization, modernization and economic integration of our country , but also related to the rise and fall, the country's survival.
The corruption of moral psychology upset the values ​​and standards, the concept of human society and relationships. To improve this situation, first proposed ideas "evil effects of retribution" . In the Pure Land classic example was understood: "The beings in this world do not know good, after the disaster suffer the penalty along with the poor beggars, lonely, dumb, blind, goose, deaf , crippled, crazy ... all the previous lives do not believe ethics, not healing. Then there is the venerable, rich sage, bourgeois, intellectual courage, talent ... all the previous life of Virtue, filial piety, faith healing that contain ".
After specifying the Buddha advised of causality beings should keep healing. The meditator should religious Pure "Pure business confidant" are: Tu collective fortune of four earth content: Hieu their parents; teacher worship; From the mind is not killed, and ten good deeds. These crimes, acts of moral depravity largely out of killing, stealing, lustful, deceptive lie. If more people practiced the contingent world, collect good, the room air morals are basically complete.
One step further is to Mind, Buddha, spirituality, the society we have a world Pure. Thus it is possible to understand and believe that is the primary causal fundamentals are indispensable for building social ethics, that is the Pure Land dedication in improving the direct care staff. Indian Ambassador Quang had taught: "Cause and effect is the principle to the holy world, of lower natural world average value, is university authorities to free the sentient beings" . Today, if not take personnel on duty results urgent to save the country and people, then the moral sublime subtleties of the position is a lie.
These words come from the set boundless compassion of the Buddhas, the text is the lodestar for our rescue, rehabilitation and vibrant culture of the traditional morality of the nation.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).21/1/2012.

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