Friday 20 January 2012


When it comes to subjects Pure French people think of the economic Da Di, economic Boundless Life, Business Pub Boundless Life, and Pure Land rebirth Reviews of The Body Bodhisattva or Buddha Mindfulness Paramita business is the business Concrete is essentially about the Pure Land teachings. Few people know that economic Avatamsaka is the most legal texts surplus teachers also spoke of the Pure Land, Pure Land teaching practice, born of the world voluntarily recommend Bliss.
This suggests that voluntary birth Pure Land is not just the four principles multiplication of common prayer, but also the obligation of the upper great base location. But United are strictly talking about how the Pure Land? The Pure Land practitioners in the United strictly the same as the Pure Land cultivator normal or not? There are anti-left or similarities with a prayer?
First of all, business is strictly for the United Nations we know all the options are karma by virtue of birth or volunteer forces of the Buddhas attained. Avatamsaka Dharma Realm, choose to stand on to see It's all French Minister Dieu Huu Chan Khong, the mind and the scene as the most correlated. Pure heart is pure scene, though the mind is defiled solemn scene also becomes unclean evil degenerations.
Avatamsaka particular emphasis on the importance of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The plane which he came, where it becomes pure. When his death or leave the realm that most solemn. Thus, economic Avatamsaka indicating the formation of the world shows net infection. Especially the realm of the Pure Land, the world consists of countless United organ world is formed.
Ta Ba or Bliss is just one of innumerable realms in the United Tibetan world. In that world, there are innumerable solemn scene serene Buddha, not only a world Bliss.
But, being the eastern realms Saha appeals only to Bliss to clear the scene Buddhist Bliss being carried to prison.
Kinh Amida Pureland only praise for the solemn trust arises, religious vows, for the most unfortunate being the Pure Land Buddhist mindfulness. Business Boundless Life specifying precursor Amitabha emits 48 Bliss tectonic prayer procession of rebirth, and the dignified realm of pure Bliss, clearly defining nine reborn products for students of Buddhism.
GLASSES Boundless Life for only 16 measures consistent with 500 Hy Vi to market to women clearly intimately observe vows of Bliss.
Kinh Paramita Mindfulness Buddhism practices thoroughly just to be Chief of the Buddha, was general achievement nembutsu.
Flower Adornment Sutra also teaches practitioners believe in Buddha, Dharma, the Sangha, but goes further to teach us tu Buddha, Buddha's message with bodhicitta, recommended development of Mahayana center offering the most Buddhas Buddhist mindfulness real to countless Buddhas, penetrating Dharmakaya Tathagata's estate, pray for the happy Buddha of Buddhist Circuit. Pure demand offerings is to close from time to Zhuan Falun, happy Buddhist learning, to members of Buddhahood, not tropical career rebirth.
Mindfulness Buddhism is first essential that the legal practitioner to enter the French world to cultivate. Tai Shan Dong Tu after the Bodhisattva Manjushri own mind open market, indicating the recommended operating browse bodhisattva, bodhisattvas cultivate happy to visit your school with 53 Compassion knowledge. His first teacher to Germany to study Van Bhikshu Fa taught Tai Shan His subject, "Memory design concept Nhut realm Buddhas wisdom spectral luminous ants", ie using pure mind all memory realm Buddhist thought as said shelf racks.
Realm unto me if you want to reach,
Discretion should be as pure nothingness,
It leaves delusions and attachments,
Career Center to place such constraints prevent.
When most pure mind as the Buddha, the 10 current money, clearly knows no other buddha mind, no Buddha outside the mind, this is where economic Boundless Tho Quan said: "This is the Buddha Mind, Buddha consciousness do." When clear throughout this process to achieve true minister and Buddhist nembutsu know the one body. But thanks to Dong Tu Tai Shan Buddhist concept is French for not being on Raw Bliss found that the administrative center for Buddhism, the bodhisattva, the benefit of all beings.
It was not until the Thursday Good knowledge of the thirteenth a new Samantabhadra taught Tai Shan Dong Tu and his will of those ten, usually close to offering the Buddhas, hearing solutions, from time to Zhuan Falun. When the Buddha about Nirvana invited to head the peaceful beings. When the Buddha about Nirvana servant to serve.
Hanh wisdom and virtue to all well-directed Samantabhadra. At birth the network dying wish Bliss World of Amida Buddha, Buddhist lotus blossom immediately see the sign directing Bodhi life, full of wisdom, prayer means of force, to benefit beings throughout the world.
As such, Business also towards the Avatamsaka Bodhisattva monk born in Bliss but different from other Business. Pure Land cultivator just following in the Buddha, Buddhist prayer convinced, give rise to recite the Buddha's birth to the West is like prayer. Do not have merit wisdom volunteer force to carry the following should be career rebirth, birth of a new Western wealth effect of birth certificate. Over the last countless lifetimes of Buddhist Circuit. We can say normal practice for Buddha, born in St. The Housing whatsoever to show output, delivery, distribution center director Bo advanced Buddhist practitioners.
yogi practitioners in business throughout the United strictly specify the source of interest to Mahayana vows are associated be reborn. Practice certainly result in commercial products, in front of Buddha's life soon was signed Bodhi, the realm of fact remain as Ornament High Alert. Chan called the Pure Land cultivator Saha degenerations unclean Pure being peaceful prayer, shifting cultivation Buddha's power forward, before the very birth certificates, then develop bodhicitta, bodhisattvas practice behavior. Hoa Nghiem Tu in front of the French Dieu, the direct experience itself, the Pure Land prayer being offered close to members of a Bodhisattva ... direct and relatives in the order, enter the UE to the solemn relief being close to the Pure Land logistics offerings to Buddha notary unfortunate results.
Looking in another aspect, the Hua-yen tu is the path of the Bodhisattva, under the Pure Land is the dedication of Thanh Van supreme Bodhi. The strategy looks like, but if the fact the Minister for Buddha, enlightened true Mahayana practice of any discrepancies. The Lotus Sutra says: French legal equality without difference, from all members of the Buddha dhamma is directed. The reason for discrepancy is due to the mental well-volunteer force like each other.
Do not say that the U.S. is strictly higher tu, tu as low Pure Land. Thus, the Hua-yen is definitely the way to the body of Buddha cut staff redundant. Hoa Nghiem practiced yogi must be complete wisdom, happy virtuous, happy to arrival Samantabhadra does state that the solemn purity.
The nembutsu practice as eighty members of the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta where to go also the realm of stately, six-tone gold, it sprayed large golden flowers. Thus, if the lens of color, Hua-yen, Pure Land any difference. Do inborn racial difference of different nature should have sent thousands of other want, not the high and low.
nutshell! Flower Adornment Sutra on Pure Land also said clearly shows only raw multiplication is inert and pure source form in the world. If the Pure Land is the common law for the masses, the United strictly for the upper base damage. The Avatamsaka tu tu be happy virtues of wisdom, compassion water raised the Bodhi mind, the Bodhisattva of the Buddha's direct relief to members. Pure Land Buddhist practitioner clearly recite Buddhist News, Buddhist remember seeing Buddhas, offering legal neighbor heard it was a Buddha also was not wrong. Though other means, but the nature of the peer.
Especially when we see the fullness of well-being needs Samantabhadra is the Pure Land, Amida met. Standing on the nature of Amida is, the use of a dummy variable, but the French have entered a new body being deacons, members of Buddhist Circuit. Buddhist concept goes back to nature. How happy are all who merit the holy city, to achieve Dharmakaya Buddhas do not like the other incorrect. Road of a thousand different messianic, but they all lead to members of a Buddha. Flower Adornment Sutra Noble has made ​​a clear legal Pure light is reasonable. General warning text information, are not separated from France's most feet. May all Buddhist practitioners throughout the United strictly clear and Pure Land use information is not contrary to the evidence entered against Japan's Buddhist Circuit.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).21/1/2012. 

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