Tuesday 17 January 2012


Provincial Grand Master International
Provincial Grand Master International
The Second Lien Tong Cross
The Provincial Health Foundation, self-sterilization treatment, effective Load Street, the life bar, the code in their home districts Phong Peter.
childhood he was familiar with economic history. Once ordained, the school to visit the place, wide throughout the two-tone: Nature and General. His site is the most fully agree only collect Thua Tam Quan of the Lotus Sutra. Then, you were part interview with the teacher in the pancreas as Thuan Quang Thong, expressed enlightened understanding, communication center is set. After about nursing in public Thuan Van Tho Temple, Ambassador succeeded in Quang Thong, post-process your return book, cardboard style very successful.
Binh Sunday, Ambassador often said: "He Vinh Minh former Secretary level in the meditation subjects , but also provided about the Pure Land. This case is the degenerate, we must follow. " Therefore, he specialized in magnetic industry, policy Contact tone. Each day time limit or to teach them domestic travelers a home tree. Also specialize in holiday shopping nembutsu only.
Very soon, Ambassador to the Giac Pagoda Sanh. Then again retire to live in Hong Phuoc Pagoda Private Loa Son. Increase our faith and love which rely on increasingly crowded, making it become the accomplice of forest. University professor because our law does not block any benefit delivery, all make you use Pure fun. Every faculty to grace the sufferings of the Tathagata fun, fall under the usual hours. The audience listened sa tears were touching. In bed at his two books, the advice of the more media devices. Great strategy as follows:
- "Early relationships within our life and death, only two of: Heart energy and karma. Mind is mind there are many forces act, the act of death followed the most severe. karma carriers such as debt, the creditor draws up first. Although great karma, but mind the greater force. By nature shall not completely rely on the heart, so when they do focus the mind for more powerful business . If we use the Pure Land practitioner focus that, turn off power industry, while death decision born of the West. For such a high tree to the wall, leaning toward the West, has poured all day as well towards the Western way.
What key? We cultivate the Pure Land, where deep trust precious, precious aspiration where necessary. As believers pray deeply set, and all heresy could not shake, all the charming scene could not move, all coastal landscape can not be dragged. Say is when we recite the Buddha suddenly appeared, placed Ma, told to leave charitable instant enlightenment can, it will not dare to follow words from weightlifting. Or even Sakyamuni embodiment, security is other than the Pure Land teachings, the Buddha taught us to give thoughts to other religious subjects, we also pay homage to that refusal. Maintain thus we called deep faith.
As for prayer, such as a red-hot iron ring on the first spell rotation, we are not suffering because he only lost even rebirth. Back as a sensual scene of the mystery is to Dharmaraja, because we did not forget the joy that Bliss temporary memory requirements. Meet the charming scenes of extreme adversity such agreement, which remains constant heart, a new call is earnest aspiration.
deep faith, his aspiration device, called the focus. Using this center nembutsu, the net industry was once strong and mature. When pure Bliss career maturity, all her grace I have to stop infection. Thus, whether you like deathbed scene is the reincarnation, the same virtues wake Di Did not the money, can not be. But he credits set at normal deep prayer time to train up, when the last death from us into the way of others. As the ancient faith was about to joint network, six gods in heaven troi chalky hold music, followed by the procession, which is fixed from a panic Buddha, the Buddha is to wait for a new take off. death is about to disperse four great scenes, gods to pick a good scene great! If the average credit period vow not mind a solid ten, when faced death scene, how autonomy is "
Yes philanthropist asked: "All the measures, as dreams are illusory. Cõi Ta-grandmother but still illusory, but also scenes Bliss is a dream. Thus, for Buddha of the Pure for any useful information be?
University professor replied: - Not the first! The Bodhisattva level from local to actually backwards, practice in dreams are illusory. To such degree equiangular big dreams still in ignorance. Duy has great enlightened Buddha is level, fully awake. is at an early dream, the happy scene is flexible but miserable! Thus, the suffering endured in Ta her dream scene, back in the dream scene entitled Bliss happy place? The cost, romantic in me She is from dream to dream. Mộng at Bliss is from dreams out of love, turn to Great Sense throne. So the dream scene, still, which sometimes results in very different places, so demand must recite the Buddha's Bliss!
Year: Gia Khanh fifteenth, in February, the Ambassador of the forest that day general, no longer how far away from the foreign household retired, told that "no lasting Coast bogus, so precious extra hours of life unfortunately. The position try to recite the Buddha's day will meet the Federal realm. "Th second to December, Ambassador felt slightly ill, are even recite the Buddha, suddenly found a wealth of colon phan from the West fly to, immediately look disciples said: "Landscape is the Pure Land was, I was about West!. Then told the mass and rotational support concept. To day 17, the body now, he told us that: "Yesterday I saw three great artists: Manjushri, Quan Yin, and The Chi. We are now back to the Buddha to guide itself. I come here! ". Mass heard, even setting nembutsu as the Ambassador sat straight, his hands toward the West, said: "Anak a rose to fame, that a minister is good"! Stop words, the president of Jet set.
At that time, they all heard strange sweet smell stuffy. Seven-day visit to road, sharp text as live Ambassador fresh, gray hair turned black. At the cremation, which is more than one hundred sparkling relic particles. University life is seventy lawyers, up to forty-nine particles. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).18/1/2012.

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