Tuesday 17 January 2012


Grand Master An Quang
An Quang Grand Master
Contact Tam Tong Cross Group
An Quang Grand Master, down into volume, alias pitiful, the late Qing Dynasty to the Democratic National Era, the Agreement of their home in West Zhao. He studied Confucian childhood, growing up to take Confucianism as the maintenance responsibility, so the theory of Du Han, Tu Ouyang, gambling Buddhism. After several years of illness, self-examination that mistake again, it would host the first in mind.
dating life Thanh Quang Chu Saturday, just turned twenty-one years old, based healthy maturity, with his renunciation of Thuan Dao monk at the temple Lotus Chung Nam Dong in the mountains. Shortly after, it was predestined ordination where the temple Song Khe, Hung An district, Hai Dinh Indian lawyers.
He had sore eyes when born just six months later but had already healed, but items impairments. Has reddish eyes, only dimly visible landscape. When ordained, because he was careful and smart writing, should be appointed as the secretariat. Do write too much, his eyes red as blood to play. At the front of economic exposure is considered the Long Tho Pure Land, known Buddhist mindfulness merit, so it's public life, night after they have sat resting his nembutsu. During the day until the writing, the mind will not leave the Buddha. Thanks to this development but the red eyes, can still try forced a record copy. When the world now has chronic eye diseases are also healthy. Because of this, he knew the Buddhist concept of merit unthinkable! And this predestined he also provided the clue which direction the Pure Land, and recommended that nembutsu. From there, the ambassador move forward on the road through the practice of Landscape: From Phuoc Tu Tu Long Tuyen, Vien Quang Tu, and finally to martial law in Putuo Temple Son.
In time, when the participating school , was approved Tipitaka, when the retreat, should he back street to the upper excess, are very afraid of the Ambassador of superior knowledge, working carefully so the two phen patterns and to identify Venerable Master invited as a visiting fellow to the capital base for the French three Tripitaka in Putuo Vo Tu Son and Self in Wenzhou First Da. Unfortunate affection virtue, pattern monk asked him about the floor Museum Business in France Pagoda Martial religious concept to retreat. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, more than thirty years of ordained, before the next ambassador to communicate back and forth early Thursday tu yen, for eighty of Buddhist mindfulness.
But inside the bell in the though type, language bar is leaking out . Whether you want to hide her high up, God also offers grace spectrum of long. Dating to the early Republic of China, Cao County School lay pilgrimage to the temple of the French Vo, was back to bring some of the general literature on Buddhism Professor Tong newspaper published in Shanghai, under the topic name is pitiful. Still do not know who it was, but Prajna texts so that the reader has arisen based healing, many people rush accommodation inquiries. At that time, Ambassador just in fifty-two years old. Years later, their whereabouts are also seekers know; who turn over the tank to non testimonies market demand, private borrowers rose slightly convex swallows magnets. From Huat As lay believers of his collection of documents in the Master of the An Quang Van Sao, reproduced and attached many turn up, both to spread abroad.
The documents, when they lay From the mountain to bring her for refuge, but persevere Ambassador refused to accept retreat, told to seek refuge with God in the Divine Master Nhan Tong in Ningbo. By eight Democratic National Letter, Do Manh Chau lay under the mountains to bring relatives, three of four phen bowed imploring, would take over as a disciple at home. Reviews of the Embassy of grace, of hard refuse, unwilling to accept. As of that year, he was fifty-nine years old, the new recording refuge first disciples. Since then, a good credit who write to make disciples, who would be premature to seek refuge, all of which serve the medical school, vegetarian Buddhist concept. In a school of life, part of the general practitioners in the right grade teacher from precious wealth, celebrity artists to learn who retired civilian villages, some up to nearly three hundred thousand people. There are many Buddhist religious concept was born of Bliss.
University professor elite maintain attention, keep her very cum-convention. Map to good use, with good food brings people give precious, if not to be denied, also change the position ordained gift to others. As usual supplies, they are transferred to the warehouse of the temple, to the masses and enjoy life. How much amount of people offering their own credit, he will bring in books, or the victims of disaster relief, or help to the charity. I just keep the rice separate coarse cloth to life. Great teachers do not like gimmicky nature, some Buddhists find love to take home ethics, collections from the area when he was little over the period home and the spread of life, wrote a great sign, and then sent to application performance The main, broad general plan handed out. He will refuse, send the original back, so I would suggest that up to leave. Two of the show: Training in East Ham and Huang Chi can bring pious letter of Ambassador to the ROC president. He was from the President awarded plaques of "Thorough List Minh Ngo." Sai delegation brought until Putuo Temple, and devoted many floral supplies, but his own is apparently unaware calmly. University professor has three different features than those of contemporary position. A leader is not as great abbot of the monastery, as for his bad faith, e tu obstacles to the bar. The two are not recorded monastic disciples, as considered at the time was deeply degenerate, who deserve the very few ordained duty, should not want to cause many implications. Ba is not permitted to open the extension of, by the shame that many of his name sake, but loss of religious purity.
On the grace of preaching, University Professor, restaurant review on the moral degenerate transport was impaired, most people base less weak. Section at the level hold Quy Tam, Ng Gender, vegetarian Buddhist concept only. So well known is healthy and has many units. In super-class of the few really great. So, roughly only advice he usually keeps the whole rotation, sure causality, do good and avoid evil, believers pray for Buddha, for being Western. The considerable discount to even small tools sufficient level meditation, to the name of artist, also outspoken critics. Photography who are feeling, but every post-primary school life, rural public servant, and loving counsel. His way of teaching, only to bring these theories to real normal useful extension, but I understand the apostolic teaching, but not popular legendary high review talks. University Professor at the meeting generally sustained release delivery nembutsu, it is recommended to help in the hospital from "u, a nursing home. He also founded the Hoang Hoa Commune, assigned to look after, their leader the direction of master plans or issue scriptures and Buddha, Bodhisattvas and more than five million books the opportunity to adapt.
Regarding the guardian, at the First European War, the government can decree death at the German colony in the temple. Great teachers try to exercise power levels, making it skip. From Monday to Democratic National Democratic credentials in twenty-five, was in many ways the government says the current proposal of the materialistic mind right, turn to newspaper assets temples sung in public funds, accounting for the monasteries as schools. Ambassador meets with Ambassador of monks and lay people who protector, up to the rescue, making escape disaster victims have been through. In addition, other details, he only sometimes used depending on the word, or a life style poetry victims were targets.
As for inspiration, seventy years old Ambassador was visiting the temple Sangha National Newspaper. And last summer, where many bugs are born. From mattresses blankets pillows, window project to economic, ubiquitous cows that they stick around. Every disciple is not afraid to trade his old age endure harassment, applying to enter the bidding. University Professor of disapproval, the only assured nembutsu prayer for them, not how long bugs are absolutely positive. In addition to the Buddha, he often recite the Great Compassion focus on incense, rice, or water, to save the seriously ill that the doctors were insufficient. Each time were curious fulfilled. One day, where Bao Quoc Pagoda Museum Business floor, discovered a wealth of each page. He was immediately over the notes or the Great Compassion in the country, make offers on them scales. Termites are pulling together go elsewhere. Lay County High School to benefit from the arts: The reason he said the An Quang Grand Master is higher up, because he said those words very often, but more and more that reflect the true situation and then are fulfilled. Putuo Mountain States by the First, at the bar still, people living in the temple for a long time, lay people have asked Grand Master of the area tomorrow. His impromptu meeting with a test:
Circulation lifetime of the very tragic!
Bliss escape suffering than the state?
Try Di Da on the landscape concept
Do not touch maze implications exile
Rose bushes before industrial romantic life damage
Red flames on the water level graphics
Encourage early life far from many accidents
Walk together to the United way.
In the test, he refers to soldiers fire on the victims, and suggest that the nembutsu.
In the seventeenth National People Ambassador established in the VTP Pure Land temple Linh Nham, regulated program designed for foot traffic photography it monks abbot. From there on in his true identity in Suzhou. After the Buddha, meeting with Ambassador Hua Only laymen, four book list revised Son Chi, said the spirit of the mountain area, "Putuo, Thanh Luong, Emei, Nine Flowers". In seventy years, as an urgent war, he moved from Suzhou Linh Nham, nembutsu settled three years.
In twenty nine Democratic National Monday, October 24, Ambassador of the said period of rebirth, for millions training monks and laymen of the temple Linh Nham. During the talks, he gestures failure Chon successor abbot monk, extradition of the future, and said: "France has no more subject nembutsu particularly strange. Khanthiet Just press up, then no one did the Buddha to guide ". Through November 4 th, Ambassador felt slightly sick, but still diligently recite the Buddha. Complete concept, sure to bring water wash your hands, then stood up and said: "Buddha Amitabha came to lead, I'm going to go here. Great news we have to pray for the Western Buddhist concept." Said the step the lotus seat, hands over the name of the English concept of public support and passed away peacefully. At that time, Dai particles are sixty monks, the life of eighty years.
full moon night in February the following year, more sacred to Buddha entered Nirvana, also just in the Great Master is reborn a hundred days. Every directed to the Assembly on Linh Nham where over twenty thousand people, arranged cremation ceremony. Contain the sky at that time but am stopped in the clear. When barefoot monks held torches fire sent smoke flying up as white as snow, is light in color. The next day the monk Noble Chon arrive with mass screening, see the relics of many shapes, all colors, things are composed of five colors. All hardware such as minerals, type of sounds in the bar. Mass selection is divided into six sections:
1. Dentists relics, including thirty-two teeth.
2. Shining European relics, many light seeds round.
3. Shining Flower primary relics, like the little flower.
4. Shining Flower amnesty benefits, like the big flower.
5. Shining far beneficial blood, flesh into the blood.
6. Shining relics blocks, including blocks of many shapes and colors.
all to the glass cage, treasured museums in the paint.
Next monks and disciples of worship and ask, you do have to consider when swim back are looking for relics. As Ad Master Agreement in Singapore, France by traders in Wutai, Ngo Quoc Anh lay in the Philippines, Hue Vo layman Music in Shanghai, each of them are relics of blue, yellow, blood or iridescent colors. University Professor at the normal time, the true language well, do not indicate that more exotic, so that he can not attain anywhere. Song of up to consider the pious, the spread of childhood was being money, to the west and up the relics provisions when passed, will receive him as the future saint's re-birth and to customize the upholding of France. So, celebrating a year passed, the joint property up to the Grand Master to the worship of the thirteenth of the United concrete.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).18/1/2012.

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