Thursday 19 January 2012


Buddha SakyamuniBuddha Sakyamuni from the where the legal body that is eight generals into direct marketing in the realm Sa Da, teaching economic theory in the 49-year legal purposes only wish for all beings be happy-suffering, the Buddha who directed.
Just as in business, said: "Tathagata mind using great compassion inexhaustible mercy beings in the three worlds that arise in life, skewers Dharma pants because he wanted to save love, the true benefit for our area students " . True benefits of glass saved by the Buddha to give them the students are off except the root of birth and death of countless lifetimes, to living beings to Nirvana blocked, quickly into the party, the Supreme Enlightenment.
But beings in the realms of deep infection structure Sa She lost the love interest, passion play in the house fire that stumbling block the path. After Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, in about 21 days for 41 doctors and the general method of natural family fruit bowl of the world has sufficient maturity based charity that the United strictly speaking business, the higher the Bodhisattva as Van characteristics, etc. ... all domains Samantabhadra explain that the benefits of liberation, but the customer documents and files found bodhisattva mind is not heard, not seen as deaf as innocent.
When Buddha was thinking: "Teaching our profound confusing of hard to know, all beings trapped in the legal world, craving in sex so why do not understand, not in themselves an but nirvana is more " .
Then Pham and Wang De favorite reverently visiting Buddha head, since beings that Ms. Sa realms legal transfer wheel. After three times for visiting, promises to silence the Buddha. He immediately entered the apartment for introspection of our students who are able to sell to the teachings they will. He came to Deer Park of Benares, for years he Kieu Tran As you move higher that Falun, preached the Four Truths teachings.
Buddha Dhamma teaching experience is high and low depending on the identity of beings different, depending on which drug patients and facilities set up in excess leads to the next. A time function, first as inferior beings based hearing that teaching the Four Truths, the Twelve of conditions, then it is right to education etc. ... Tam redundant. By the time the Critical Level The Hinayana serving "French" , then remove the Prajna ego (ego are not legal) cover more than 40 years to the French Assembly declared the right to display the new United, Assembly of First Buddhist Tam excess redundant. A life of the Buddha's teachings are divided into eight school years time, should say: "option of tri beings Response Measurement" (depending on the mind of sentient beings that meet the necessary knowledge and appropriate).
The Buddha in the instructive, to subdue beings are connected with Buddhism, he observed that their birth identity has gradually matured, may be great shoulder of the law, he immediately praised the skeptical it is the practice to recite the Buddha preaching to students Pure. Amitabha Sutra is the very question itself legal theory, pointing Western Pure Land, which is towards intellectual First grade - Shariputra to introduce this ground only of the practice or the Pure Land is the upper base intellectual interests, whose intellectual shallowness can hardly assume, believe deeply that there is no doubt.
So the Pure Land teachings position in the teachings of the Buddha? As everyone knows the Flower Adornment Sutra and the Lotus Sutra is Japan's teacher. Flower Adornment Sutra is recognized as the king of the business, but the essence of all the acquired business are products Avatamsaka Hanh Samantabhadra Prayer; the essence of the Universal Current Prayer is that Bodhisattva Samantabhadra using 10 guide provided great aspirations of the Western world of Ultimate Bliss.
It could be shown and Pure Flower Adornment is very profound magic vi. In the Lotus Sutra has said that: "Best Male model profess Buddhism, Buddhist Circuit during the course" . That is just a statement claiming Nam Buddhist model will generate direct causal become Buddha. Pure is the only specialized maintenance method name nembutsu rebirth Bliss will surely become a Buddha. Incidentally Ich Grand Master praised that "the United shirt is strictly organ France United secret marrow, low center of all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas lodestar of thousands of fatalities, are from that" .
Hua-yen is full member, France United is pure Vienna marrow organ and its secrets are not out of the Pure Land teachings, it indicates that Pure Land teachings shape their members. Moreover Hoa Hoa Nghiem and France but it means cutting staff, just over the name of Buddha, can be linked to direct industrial users. The Tri University professor as he said: "Most Vietnamese tam vu term memory, numbness Noble blade vu language" , meaning a net credit concept can enter the great basin Amida Buddha's deeds can be super Vietnamese practice in three A Rising U.S. college life; serving over 6 letter red list Namo Amitabha Buddha (blade language) can be associated intellectual merit equal to that great word Bodhisattva Guanyin, The Chi, Manjusri, Samantabhadra ...
Thus, both the Pure Land teachings just means the end, we can say is that most legal willow willow in the legal sense, is extremely welcome measures in the legal pick.
Tong Pure photography collection and a Vietnamese super fullness and all the teachings. A question of Amitabha Buddha enough all four tones only question:
1. Get idealistic as Tong (ie Buddha wholeheartedly)
2. Taking materialism to Tong (ie Buddha wholeheartedly).
3. Get great content to offer users Tong (outside center is absolutely no preferential scene - definitely never heard beings treat heart and mind is the Buddha who use photography and other content).
4. Ants do love Super Tong Company (beyond ordinary love leave, leave prejudices).
Dharma teachings are boundless, but we shall not outside the four subjects are: Friendship subjects, no subject, no herons Diệc subject property and not subject non-African friendship. This proves that photography collection Pure Land teachings all the way fullness. Tong saw super idealistic subject property; Tong not only super Buddhist subjects; Tong vast super heron herons are not subject property; Tong super super love ly non-organic non-reviews are not subject. This demonstrates that Vietnamese Tong operating in a pure perfection all the teachings.
On the other hand the collector to super, super to the collector; super Vietnamese photography collection at the same time without hesitation. All of proving that a statement obtained photographic Amitabha Buddha, all the Vietnamese super way the Method fullness, is the practice of responsible age of 12 the business, such incredibly high deep inconceivable.
Ambassador with full AI Director has instructed: "Tathagata appears the reason for explaining where life just wide of deep prayer of Amitabha Buddha" . Statement was cleared for the deaf ears, open eyes to the blind, arise; these things had never been initiated, all to a point that Shakyamuni Tathagata (up to ten all three generations buddhas) manifested in this world only to a single purpose statement is subject nembutsu teachings.
Saying it was not ordinary people can figure out. In the brief story of Western Shan-tao honored him as the reincarnation of Buddha Da Di, Tri, the Ambassador said: "Religion is ambassador religious people claim to be the reincarnation of the Buddha Amida, if not the reincarnation Amida Buddha is the incarnation of the University as Guanyin Bodhisattva, The Chi, Manjusri, Samantabhadra etc. ... "
Incidentally Ich Ambassador also said: "One question Amitabha Buddha is the Supreme law that the party enlightenment Sakyamuni attained degenerations where evil lives in this, now get the feeling that results given life to all beings evil before. But as the realm of the Buddhas, the only Buddha to Buddha can grasp the end, not the power of the nine realms of beings can understand. " marketing implications of the testimony of Ambassador Incidentally Utilities with his clever marketing director of the ambassador is not no other two, the notice of the saint but at different times but also very coincidental, it is worth our obedient hands.
As can be seen on the Pure Land occupied central position in the entire teachings of the Buddha, is the doctrine that touches all the teachings acquired in the Great organ allocation and cultivation of its fruit is the seat of the Assembly Dharma tam excess.
As Indian Ambassador Quang said: "France Pure vast subject is nothing beyond it, all three units profit, lower revenue base upstream location photography. They give birth in the nine realms of the practice do not get directed to members of a Buddha; Ten Buddhas leave the practice do not get the pants love genealogy. Out of total comes from the practice of law about which stored all of the subjects were returned to the legal world " .
It is possible to get deep position of the central teachings of Pure Land teachings of the Buddhas will arise conception credit profound teachings to life Pure Land nembutsu.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).20/1/2012. 

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