Thursday 19 January 2012


Venerable Thich Thien HoaOpen Thread
Trees have roots, the source country. We share many Buddhist religious teachings nembutsu to demand delivery of the Pure Land (Ultimate Bliss), they must understand the history of the Buddha Amitabha, how, and how prayer 48. Amitabha Buddha is great merit and very generous voluntary behavior. He has predestined of beings in this Saha world very much.
Want to beings of this realm beyond the misery of the lives of suffering, birth, aging, illness, death, the Buddha Shakyamuni's place well clear of Amitabha Buddha's teachings and revelation Pure Land practice. From upper-class intellectuals to ordinary citizens, if one of special training, and are reborn at all.
District Threads
I. Interpretation Awards "Amitabha"
Amitabha is a negative word translated Amita. Vessels means Boundless Life and Boundless Light, Boundless Life means living long years without number; Boundless Light as He is wise unexpected glory.
II. A Brief History Of Performance Certificates and Private Buddha Amitabha
Place of location of Amitabha Buddha in a previous life so much, can not be untold now say 4 life strategy as follows:
1. Lotus in vintage French food, for example, into a copy:
"Buddha Amitabha, the Buddha's previous life as the General Information Tathagata alignment. He often lectures merit because the Lotus Sutra for being heard, so the effect is Buddha Amitabha in the Western realm of Ultimate Bliss" .
2. Kinh Quan Buddhist eighty-two, copy:
"His past life as monks, take our homage to visualize white hair between the eyebrows Minister of the Kingdom Not Buddha, life should be signed as effective as Amitabha Buddha."
3. Business Bi Hoa, copy:
Every galaxy sa past life past life, he was named King Who Turns the Wheel Mindfulness unaccountable. He had called the Great Spirit Bao Sea, is rich in our beliefs. One day the Buddha King Museums listening to the sermon in the garden of Hell just near the line, he with the spirit Bao Dai Hai came to listen and was very pleased. King found a visiting Buddhist center of mass in the basilica and offering a full three months for precious blessing.
The Buddha advised the king to develop bodhicitta to direct Supreme supreme Buddha.
Then the Buddha told reporters climbed shining glory, shed all over the world as the Buddha of ten directions, the board found them. Hai Bao vessels associated with higher mental Mindfulness Avoid the King Radio: "Now thanks to Your Majesty's great compassionate Buddha, seen the world, so Majesty wants the world to get what?".
Buddhist king bowed, his knees clasped the hands of the said college chapel, asking after the Buddhist monk, country and people of his degree, are solemn purification. Do multiplication grace, following his performance as the Buddha Amitabha in the Western realm of Ultimate Bliss.
4. Shakyamuni said:
"Life is a long distant past, way more than 10 lives, a country name is Joy, his father is King Gong Yue Shanghai, cashew mother wins. Princeling born three children: son Nguyet Minh Nhut growth is , the second child Kieu Thi Ca, the third son so that they are. When Buddha was born with performance in the Kingdom is The Self Tathagata. Kieu Thi Ca leave your home in honor of Buddha's World Self The renunciation, Life's parade States, Tibetan Buddhism to the effect that French monks. His first French for Tibetan Buddhism, prayer measures 48 wide, throughout all ten directions of sentient beings; if there is a prayer that such chronic inflammation, and he vowed not a Buddha. At that gods rained flowers, praise, the earth shook, the air sound that compliments:
"France will decide the Tibetan name is Amitabha Buddha."
Thus, we know that Buddha Amitabha formerly Prince Ca Thi Kieu, leaving the throne to, religious renunciation of the fruits of Amitabha Buddha.
III. 48 Great Vows of Amitabha
May 1: When I become a Buddha, if in the realm of me, hell, hungry ghosts, animals, the chief feeling I'm not at home.
May 2: When I become a Buddha, if the multiplication of natural water in my realm, after the common life, but again fall into the three evil paths, I'm not at home the chief sense.
May 3: When I become a Buddha, if the multiplication of natural water in my realm, no yellow body all the time my chief feeling at home.
May 4: When I become a Buddha, if every natural multiplication in the realm of my body is bad for people who did the same, the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 5: When I become a Buddha, if the multiplication of the natural realm I have no network Further, at least aware of the hundreds of thousands of memories from tha na life (countless lives) the feeling I'm not at home Chach.
May 6: When I become a Buddha, if the multiplication of natural water in my realm, like unto the Heavenly label, at least as seen by hundreds of thousands of memories na tha world of the Buddhas, the chief feeling I'm not at home.
May 7: When I become a Buddha, if the multiplication of natural water in my realm, not God's ear is informed, at least listen and life over all words of the sermon by tha na hundred thousand memories of the Buddha, while I am not in The chief home feeling.
May 8: When I become a Buddha, if the multiplication of natural water in my realm is not Tha Press, at least know the mind of all beings, in the hundred thousand memories na tha world because, while I do not Right at home feeling.
May 9: When I become a Buddha, if the multiplication of natural water in my realm, like unto the gods sufficient information about a concept, at least go through hundreds of thousands of memories from the na tha world, I'm not at home the chief sensory .
May 10: When I become a Buddha, if the multiplication of natural water in my realm, has accepted the concept involved taking the body, the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 11th: When I become a Buddha, if the multiplication of natural water in my realm, not the religious head, the whole passing rings, while at home I do not sense the chief.
May 12: When I become a Buddha, if clarity is limited, at least by the projection lens hundred thousand na tha world, the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 13th: When I become a Buddha, if life span is limited, at least to the tha na hundred thousand lives, the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 14: When I become a Buddha, we Thanh Van in the realms of my country, if anyone knows the count of how many, whether they are countless gay Pratyekabuddhas count in hundreds of thousands of lives, while I'm not at home chief sense.
May 15th: When I become a Buddha, if the multiplication of natural water in my realm, but finite life span, but who owe personal prayer, the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 16th: When I become a Buddha, if the multiplication of natural water in my realm, there are people who hear my word evil is not external to the chief sense.
May 17th: When I become a Buddha, if the cross innumerable Buddhas in the world, are not claiming the title of my praise, the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 18: When I become a Buddha, the cross being, even of open mind, like the birth of my realm, ring the 10 concept, if not born, while I'm not at home the chief sense, except the five who sins against , and defame Dharma.
May 19th: When I become a Buddha, being legal cross bodhicitta, practice of virtue, may my country of birth on plane, the time of death, if I did not embody the same mass before him, while I do not Right at home feeling.
May 20: When I become a Buddha, being the cross I heard the title, professional realms of my mind, and cultivating the virtues, dedicated media center, like the birth of my realm, if it is satisfied, when I no sense in house chief.
May 21: When I become a Buddha, if the multiplication of natural water in my realm, all thirty-two generals not enough great multiplication, the chief feeling I'm not at home.
May 22: When I become Buddhas, Bodhisattvas are beings in other realms of my country, to the end are the foremost being the processor, but who owe personal prayer, gathered in the goods is, as beings that escaped luteal Bradley, from the merits, free of any species, anywhere in the world, from potash well, offering the Buddhas, declaration of countless beings, making everything stand where supreme right direction sense, super-deeds of the frustration of normal, pre-existing practice of Samantabhadra Vow, if not so, the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 23: When I become a Buddha, the Bodhisattva in the realm of my mental surplus power of Buddhism, which offered to the Buddhas, during a meal, if not to all the innumerable multitude of memories na by tha world, the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 24: When I become a Buddha, the Bodhisattva in the realms of my country, when in front of the Buddhas, the merit of his, to have the offerings, if not the chief sense.
May 25th: When I become a Buddha, if the Bodhisattvas in my realm, not necessarily location Nhut, the chief feeling I'm not at home.
May 26: When I become a Buddha, if the Bodhisattvas in my realm, there are diamond body Na is crazy, I'm not at home the chief sense.
May 27th: When I become a Buddha, the realm of my all natural cycles of multiplication, the colors are brilliant, clean, very good as magic, can not know the oil is the natural label. If anyone knows the name of the objects that are clear, while I'm not at home the chief sense.
May 28: When I become a Buddha, if the Bodhisattvas in the realms of my country, oil is less merit Nhut, not see that the VTP tree like the high four hundred weeks, countless excellent optics, while I'm not at home The chief sense.
May 29: When I become a Buddha, Bodhisattva realm them my country, if life maintenance, recitation, preaching economic law is wisdom without eloquence, the chief feeling I'm not at home.
May 30: When I become a Buddha, if one term of the intellectual eloquence of the bodhisattvas in my realm, I'm not at home the chief sense.
May 31: When I became a Buddha pure realms of my country, the places that are all inspired countless requests from numerous real world in ten directions, as seen his face in the mirror light. If not so, the feeling I'm not at home District.
Prayer # 32: When I become a Buddha, in the realms of my country from the field was up to nothing, the palace pond floor plant flowers, all things are very valuable and the amount of hundreds of thousands of beneficiaries, the general agreement that cities are beautiful things magic, stormed across the cross fragrance world. Bodhisattvas smell the aroma of the place that, while all of the Buddhist monk. If not so, I'm not feeling at home District.
May 33 th: When I become a Buddha, and countless species of beings in the real world from the ten directions, the clarity of my reference to softer natural multiplication, if not so, I'm not at home the chief sensory .
May 34th: When I become a Buddha, and countless human beings tong from the real world in ten directions, hearing the name of my very being without legal status, with the subject of intensive maintenance, while I'm not at home The chief sense.
May 35th: When I become a Buddha, and countless women in the real world from the ten directions, happy love message found Bodhicitta, idle girls hate themselves. If after the public network, but also more female body, the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 36th: When I become a Buddha, bodhisattvas in immeasurable them from the real world in ten directions, I heard the title, often religious virtues, until a Buddha. If not so, the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 37th: When I became a Buddha of limitless multiplication of any nature from the world in ten directions, I heard the title, his head bowed, in size planted to the ground, happy happy news from potash love, time gods and life are respected person. If not so, the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 38th: When I become a Buddha, in the realm of natural multiplication of clothes I wanted, the good clothes as lawful immediately that person's mind to the body. If the dye may have to cut washing time my chief feeling at home.
May 40th: When I become a Buddha, if the multiplication of natural water in my realm, optionally want to see the world strictly net countless Buddhas in ten directions of, the whole place soon was seen in the golden tree, just as you like , such that the face in the mirror light. If not so, the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 41: When I become a Buddha, Bodhisattva them in the other world I heard the title, since it is time to ring, but the lack of bad units, I'm not at home the chief sense.
May 42: When I become a Buddha, Bodhisattva them, in the other world I heard the title, all come to be free and eighty. Head of eighty, in the span of a concept, offering countless real from the Blessed Buddhas, but still not losing mindfulness. If not so, the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 43: When I become a Buddha, bodhisattvas in the other we hear the title I, after the public network operators are being place your Religion, if not so, the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 44th: When I become a Buddha, bodhisattvas in the other we hear the title I'm more than happy to open, from potash happy, full enough merit, if not so, the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 45th: When I become a Buddha, bodhisattvas in the other we hear the title I, are city is eighty, eighty head for a long time to become Buddha, usually seen from the countless real all the Buddhas. If you do not like the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 46th: When I become a Buddha, Bodhisattva in our country in my realm, to hear what measures, the associated legal nature that are listening. If you do not like the feeling I'm not at home District.
May 47th: When I become a Buddha, Bodhisattva, if we in the other world, I heard the title but not be bothered to retrogression, I'm not at home the chief sense.
May 48th: When I become a Buddha, Bodhisattva, if we in the other world I heard the title, but not immediately be First tone ring, where Buddhism is not immediately bothered retrogression, while I'm not at home The chief sense.
In short, the history of the Buddha Amitabha, the 48 great vows. The merits of Amitabha is very large, because of his great compassion tha advantage of great aspirations. He intended to remove all the noble house, when a Buddhist monk vows, above a magnificent stately realm, so to beings. Over time the result, press right y appears vibrant as He vows.
We Buddhists, since what until now, that recite Amitabha Buddha, knowing the practice to recite the Buddha's birth of Ultimate Bliss (Pure Land) is due to Shakyamuni Buddha taught us.
So please suggest all Buddhists, following the example of the great vows of Buddha Amitabha, vow to give rise to large, dying for the birth of Ultimate Bliss, born of the Lotus, maintenance of real frustration to rot, then Saha back plane of the relatives of her children and all living beings to practice the Buddhist Circuit.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).20/1/2012.
Author: HT. Thich Thien Hoa.

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