Wednesday 18 January 2012


Subject advised tons nembutsu
Buddha is the gurus of the three worlds, the good father of four species. The return of confidence in him, to destroy sin as much as the sand of the Ganges; who profess boundless memory be blessed.
Ordinary want to start nembutsu confidence, if not all such information either. Therefore, cultural texts "like this" is to gain confidence. Tin is an important step to the initial direction. Tri is the last place magical. After saying "Well done" is the location. Therefore, the Amitabha Sutra says: "If people believe students should vow to Dewachen" . This is where the extension found the confidence of Sakyamuni Buddha.
Kinh also said: "The message he should experience New Title impossibility of German thought" . This is where the extension found the confidence of all six the Buddhas.
Kinh also said: "Thuan in this business, because that is the faith" . This is where the extension found the confidence of the Lotus Sutra.
Reviews say: "If a healthy plant based, no doubt, the flowers bloom. The pure faith, flowers bloom immediately see the Buddha " . This is where advice found confidence in Reviews rebirth.
Besides, who can not trust any such establishment, such as axis vehicles there surely can not go. This is where the extension found the confidence of outside books.
Moreover, upon information of the speech, upon the achievements lead teachers. Business, not a review is meaningless estimating the abundance or, if no Credit can not be transmitted. That's where the trust of his promotion play Million Increase.
Great Venerable Hanh says: "France nembutsu this subject, such review is up to men and women, on man, rich and poor just have enough faith" . This is where the extension found the confidence of the Most Venerable Hanh University.
Q: Having said that message, so do not know what information these measures?
Answer: Information that is in the business said:
- Tin nembutsu Pure certain rebirth.
- News nembutsu eliminate certain sins.
- Tin Buddhist nembutsu is certain proof.
- Tin nembutsu Buddhist certain holders.
- Tin nembutsu Buddha's time the public network will result.
- News nembutsu, whether they are students who have faith are as many as rebirth.
- Tin Pure Land nembutsu rebirth is certain thirty two great generals.
- Tin nembutsu rebirth into the Pure Land Real rank rotten.
- Tin Pure Land nembutsu rebirth themselves at certain, peaceful, dignified.
- Tin nembutsu rebirth in the Pure Land is the place of immortality.
- News rebirth Pure Land nembutsu forever befriend Bodhisattvas.
- Tin rebirth no longer leave the Buddhist Pure Land
- Pure Tin rebirth, lotus biochemistry.
- Tin Amitabha is the sermon.
- Pure Tin rebirth no longer fall into three lines of hell, hungry ghost, animal.
So it must recite the Buddha. According to Boundless Tho Quan said: "Reciting the Buddha a serious crime known to destroy life and death of the life of eighty memory, it is the merit of magic in the lives of eighty memory" . Therefore, it would recommend that development of trust.
Venerable Hanh told the notion Great Buddha: "Mind only believe Buddha, the Buddha immediately known, because Buddhism is Tha Press. Oral only Buddha, Buddha immediately heard, because Buddhism is through God's ear. My only Buddhist scriptures, Buddha immediately see, because Buddha is God label " . This is where the extension found the confidence to recite the Buddha's Great Venerable Hanh.
Trust as well as fruit trees, rooted to the wind did not move. Later, cotton tree will bear fruit, to help people through hunger. The nembutsu is so, so deeply believe that the West is to achieve true enlightenment direction, help all the danger to all living beings. So if they did not trust anything.
In the business says: "Bodhisattva Head Cross has started to recite the Buddha faith, albeit with bad grace on after losing my life, would rather die and not rot lost faith."
Duy Kinh Ma said: "Believe deep solid like diamond detector legal protection throughout the nectar like rain."
Therefore, people must believe deep nembutsu.
Reviews also say rebirth, for Buddha with five doors. In subjects that are:
1. Mon worship: My professional Buddha Amitabha.
2. Subject of praise: Trade professional title claim Amitabha.
3. Subject To volunteer: All the merit of the ceremony purely voluntary world Sukhavati rebirth.
4. Contemplation Subject: Travel, standing, lying, sitting just visualizing Amitabha Buddha to soon be born on Pure Land.
5. In user license: All merit for Buddha, Buddhist ceremonies are voluntary only Pure Land rebirth, would lead quickly achieve Supreme Enlightenment.
It is the practice of nembutsu Reviews rebirth.
In the business says there are four ways to practice. Four ways that are:
1. From the long term: That is from the new Buddha mind, until the rebirth of Buddhism absolutely no retrogression.
2. From the Bible: That is generally Western-oriented, persevering professional visualizations.
3. Tu is not interrupted: That is exclusively for Buddha, not mix other good things to interrupt, is not interrupted by the disturbing greed, hatred and evil intermingled.
4. Most professional Tu: That is not to bring other things interwoven makes sound interruption. Why? Because of good practice are interwoven many new lifetime achievement, by the self. Nembutsu exclusively from one day to seven days and the Pure Land rebirth, at the level of non-retrogression, leading quickly achieved Supreme Enlightenment. Due to the shifting power of Amitabha prayer be accomplished quickly, so called most professional practitioners.
Besides the economic Boundless Tho Quan, who will be diligent nembutsu Superior Superior living products. Kinh said: "If living beings pray for the other realm, it was found three mental rebirth."
Tuesday of interest is:
1. Press the center.
2. Care deeply.
3. The vow to dedicate mind.
The center is full all the three Pure Land rebirth.
- Why call a media center? My professional Buddha Amitabha, professional verbal memory Amitabha confess, that professional news Amitabha, until the Pure Land rebirth, until Buddha was not born of temporary transfer, call Press into the center.
- Center profound: That is true faith arises, professional recite Buddha, Pure vows rebirth, the Buddha took the term, absolutely no doubt, be called a deep interest.
- The vow to dedicate Center: Any merit Buddha, for Buddha pray only rebirth Pure lead quickly achieve Supreme Enlightenment, so-called dedicated mental vow.
This is a legal commodity in the economic life Quan Master of Boundless Life.
Business Manjusri Prajna also said: "No general appearance consistent, professional practitioners claim to the title of eighty Nhat Hanh. If you want the color to Nhat Hanh Buddhist practice just this eighty. Want to know all the full Tri should also cultivate eighty Nhat Hanh. To be quick rebirth should also cultivate the Pure Land Nhat Hanh eighty. "
This is a legal concept in the economic rebirth Buddha Manjushri Prajna.
Amitabha Sutra said: "This Shariputra! If there are people of good men and good women heard about the Buddha Amitabha and serving over the title. Or a day or two days, until seven days no disorder of mind. He shared network at the same Amitabha Noble appeared before them. He did not mind dying crazy, soon was the rebirth of the realm of Sukhavati Amitabha " .
Q: If a date is to recite the Buddha Pure Land rebirth what is necessary to seven days?
A: One day, seven days are dying at the Pure Land rebirth. Mau, one day, within the seven days, this is the law of God's rebirth in Amitabha Sutra products.
The product according to Ha Ha in the economic life of Boundless Life Quan said: "Or do the evil beings, made ​​in crimes against the ten evil things not healthy enough. Practitioner that, by the way bad karma to fall into evil through many lifetimes of suffering immensely. He was going to fool the public network, having good knowledge teaching profession recite Amitabha to ten times, eliminate guilt, linked the Pure Land rebirth. "
This is a legal Ha Ha born in the economic products of Boundless Life Pub.
Boundless Business Tho Quan also said: "Until a rebirth concept Pure Garage" . These are all measures of lower rebirth of the product.
Q: What is The Buddha, but why ten product concepts as Ha Ha born, and a day seven days to be commercially sensitive environment?
A: One idea is that the concept ten concepts should merit at least, so only lower birth products.
One day seven days because so much merit more memory, so that the upper student merchandise.
Furthermore, a concept to ten concept is to give rise to late example, a day and seven days is enough for early heart development. Song, a concept idea to ten a day and seven days, are given rebirth in the Pure Land of the order No rot, leading to achieve Supreme Enlightenment.
Moreover, for Buddha for example crying child, his parents immediately quick to help, hungry fed, clothed cold, hot, cool. It is the capacity of parents, children can not do it. The Buddhist concept as well, just know nembutsu. Buddha was higher compassion, hear instant help, how much evil karma will kill the Buddha, the Buddha how many diseases are cured, how many obstacles are Buddhist but clean, like the adoptive parents do not other. So the Lotus Sutra says: "All human beings are of us. I am the father. The many lives our children are suffering burn everything, we are making them out to save the three worlds. "
So be diligent monk nangniem Buddha. Duy Kinh Ma said: "For mental defilements, the cultivation of mindfulness."
Subjects self, others force
Q: Speaking of the practice is a vast amount. France is self-reliance, which is tha legal force?
A: As Lai said although eighty-four thousand teachings, but only one subject is tha power nembutsu, the practice other subjects are self-reliant?
Q: From the self-help, medical follow Buddhist teachings ever accomplished? Other Power shifting cultivation to ever new achievements?
A: From the teachings of self in the Buddhist scriptures, from the new University Center experienced a growth period A new life to the Profile field. The general practice through increased public life A new addition to the level of Bodhisattva Dish. These are all self-reliance.
Tha power is in the Method for Buddha, fast, one day later than the seventh day, thoughts of Buddha Amitabha Pure Land rebirth, ie Dish Bodhisattva. Why? Because of the shifting power of Amitabha prayer.
In Amitabha Sutra says: "We are born are born to rank retrogression" . Already a retrogression step is Bodhisattva Dish.
Q: Self and Other Power sense like?
A: Self-force like the child three years old, a thousand miles away from the capital city and told the boy that he himself came to bridge officials. So how to be! Why? Because even small children. The practice of other subjects as well as, many lives need to cultivate new achievements. Like a child going to use self-came to be is not to be, because self-reliance.
Speaking of tha force, just as the child is small, but rely on parental effort and elephants, horses, cars, soon came to, the party officials. Why? Because the Other Power. Nembutsu practice is that, at about the network's general power Princess vows of Buddha Amitabha, only moments of rebirth in the West, is on the order of Real rot. Like parents bringing elephants, horses, vehicles carrying children, she soon came to find officials.
Moreover, poor self-similar, but much that is physically very little money. Other subjects such practice, but use very many little merit. Same as employed for the other poor.
Tha capacity as employees of the royal family, used very little money innumerable. Why? So stick to the imperial power. Nembutsu and, since shifting the place of Buddhist prayer resources, use of the very few, infinite merit. A day for seven days dedicated to Buddha, Pure color is rebirth, soon attained Supreme Enlightenment direction, as employed for the royal family is no different.
Moreover, others like ants clinging force on eagles wings, bring comments to consecutive eagles on Mount Meru. Expected to be up, enjoy the exciting life. Ordinary nembutsu as well, shifting the power of Buddhist prayer colors are reborn in the Western birth, life enjoying the fun, like ants shifting the power of the eagle that is on the mountain. This is tha force.
The other religious subjects like ants crawling up the mountain using self, can not reach. This is self-sustaining.
Self as shrimp, prawn-like dragon force tha. There are shrimp closes cloves into scaly dragon, dragon shrimp shrimp brought quickly into the sea. Do sentient beings nembutsu should quickly bring to the West.
Moreover, self-similar ordinary man crippled can not walk fast. Tha force as Dharmaraja flying out of nowhere, crossing over from the galaxy, because shifting the power of the precious wheel. Rely on prayer and the power of the Buddha, in a moment of rebirth soon was on the order of real rotten West.
The other religious subjects like walking on flat land; nembutsu practice is like sitting in a boat on a river surfing, do not move quickly beyond obstacles. Recite the Buddha's rebirth as well, but early use of the very few realize Bodhi.
Nembutsu teachings rely on the power by the will of the Buddha Amitabha Buddhahood so quickly, ahead of other subjects than hundred thousand thousand times.
Mon nembutsu benefit
Q: Mindfulness of Buddha Amitabha Pure Land rebirth wins, how much general interest?
A: Le Thien Dao Xa Y as Tap, Buddhist legal concepts including twenty-three-fold benefits. Twenty-three things are:
1. Eliminating obstacles deep offense. 2. Life light photography.
3. Amitabha household concept.
4. Bodhisattvas are involved.
5. The Buddhas of protection.
6. Eight of the defense.
7. The treasure of merit accumulation.
8. Multicultural understanding.
9. No internally to retrogression.
10. Seeing Amitabha.
11. I followed them to Holy Communion.
12. From optical shine.
13. You are the good St. praise.
14. You heal them the next Holy Communion.
15. Magic flying out of nowhere.
16. Wilt won identity.
17. Long life.
18. Born where the enemy win.
19. Meet them in person St.
20. Abhidharma hear.
21. French enlightenment Infertility ring.
22. Through serving the Buddhas in the Buddhist life and be signed.
23. Return to the realm of his Da la ni.
These are the benefits of mindfulness of the Buddha set in the Western Snake Le Thien Dao Kinh.
Back in the venerable Dai Hanh nembutsu ten benefits:
1. Being Buddhist is imposing force.
2. Easy to practice.
3. A lot of merit.
4. I and very happy.
5. Mau found Buddha.
6. Regardless of the order of certain rot.
7. Given birth to Bliss.
8. Not far from the Buddha.
9. Long life.
10. No different than saint.
Y back in the business, for Buddha thirty rebirth benefits:
1. Eradication of sin.
2. Infinite merit.
3. With the victory in the legal characteristics of the Buddhas.
4. Buddhas proved unanimously.
5. Buddhas clock concept.
6. Buddhas in ten believe the recommended concept.
7. How many diseases are caused by benign nembutsu
8. Now do not mind dying crazy.
9. A recording method nembutsu many legal photography.
10. At about the public network to further Buddhism guide.
11. Use colors that are less sophisticated Pure Land rebirth.
12. The biochemistry of the sepals.
13. Body color yellow.
14. Long life.
15. Alive not dead.
16. Body is light.
17. Being thirty-two ministers.
18. Six miracles.
19. Infertility is a legal entity.
20. Often see the Buddhas.
21. Befriend Bodhisattvas.
22. Floral scents, music, six-time offerings.
23. Clothes, food, full of natural, many lives not end.
24. Natural straight to enlightenment.
25. Often ageless.
26. Often healthy, not sick.
27. No longer fall into three dark lines.
28. Life expectancy at birth itself.
29. On Friday night the Abhidharma hear.
30. Head where the real rot levels.
This is according to the economic health, recite the Buddha's Pure Land rebirth contains thirty articles of interest.
Posted in business again by Nirvana, with five hundred bandits in the mountains were caught king Pasedena, then hook the two eyes, strong legs, put them down cellar. The robbers have ever been in the Buddha, the Buddha heard of the concept of passion for research, teaching each other went consensus nembutsu. Then, the robbers with the vow, profess the Buddha's name three times. At that time, his eyes are recovered, the same limbs. So that, the benefits of such inconceivable nembutsu.
In this prayer is said, in countries with a Buddhist Thien Truc Tam information security glass, often preferred offering them up. In them up with a sick Bhikkhu, physician to diagnose the soup meat intake to heal disease. Now, Buddhist women as temporary protection glass on the cut of meat went to the monks offerings. Monks was eating and then immediately reduce disease. The wound on the other Buddhist women unbearable pain, she should immediately recite the Buddha are all suffering, as old wounds heal. Therefore to know the benefits of such inconceivable nembutsu.
Back in eighty menstrual Post said: "There are wounds that heal all sickness suffering are eliminated by specialized Buddha mind."
Economy that says: "If that person dying, suffering severe urgent, can not give up therapy is not Buddha eighty patients suffering were all destroyed."
So at Le Thien Dao Xa Dai Hanh and venerable lifetime, few people have illnesses healed by the Buddhist concept.
In addition, other diseases can be healed by the Buddhist concept of boundless wealth, not to mention all. Not only Buddhist concept of illness from recently this place has the feel of the previous nembutsu are few relics particles, so they are offering. Know the benefits of hard thinking nembutsu desk!
Subjects were rebirth
Q: Amitabha Sutra says: "It's rebirth, is rebirth, will rebirth" , but previously advised to recite the Buddha Amitabha, but do not know now how much the number of rebirth, a rebirth of the and affordable?
A: According to the Pure Land said, her world I have sixty-seven Bodhisattva retrogression memory concept Amitabha is rebirth. On the other realms as well as water, countless people were unbounded rebirth.
United back in business strictly speaking, monks recite the Buddha's rebirth Duc Van Bliss. In the Amitabha Sutra, the A nan, Shariputra Buddha said ... are happy to hear to believe, is instant rebirth.
According to Quan Boundless Life, Mrs. Hy Vi to five hundred ladies-concept and Amitabha Pure Land rebirth. All these people are not Bodhisattva, Thanh text that is rebirth.
Moreover recently in North City, a Zen master director scratches, Soap Bar in West Le Kinh Thien Dao, Hoai Thanks Mage, Monk Hanh University, the conference more than a few hundred monks concept rebirth of Buddha Amitabha Pure Land degree.
Not only the monks rebirth, in Tokyo, Business West and other places also have been the rebirth Venerable Pure.
Professor Ni is not only the rebirth, in West Kinh, Dong and others also have the layman, who is female and ... Buddhists recite the Buddha Amitabha, dying at the current realm of healthy sperm degree.
Other products like that, can not tell the complete rebirth of the series. This means someone has been rebirth. Recite the Buddha's teachings is that ordinary teachings, and bodhisattvas II with extra practice.
Comparison subjects merit
Q: In the Amitabha Sutra, some people can not merit grace, good base, but the other realms are rebirth. Not that I called a few good base, I called a lot of good base?
A: Eight-four thousand teachings of the Tathagata, when compared to recite the Buddha's teachings are good things mixed base impurities are less healthy, have a practice of nembutsu as many good base, more merit.
Why is that?
According to Quan Boundless Life, the Lower House product life and achievements ten consecutive rebirth concept that province nembutsu a most serious crime to be rid of the mortal life of eighty memory.
One idea was to kill the mortal sin of severe depression in eighty lives, surely knew that it was the merit of wonderful memories in the lives of eighty. Therefore should know, a legal concept that is more base healing Buddha.
Besides, what good is self-mixed impurities, many lifetimes of spiritual practice to new achievements. Nembutsu practice as a refuge where the power of Amitabha prayer so quickly, one day, then seven days later, immediately head Pure where students grade retrogression, so that in the Amitabha Sutra says: "If there e good men, good woman heard of the Buddha Amitabha shall immediately accept the title. Or a day or two days, until seven days no disorder of mind. He deathbed, Buddha Amitabha and Noble are out front. The death was not crazy mind, the rebirth Dewachen of Buddha Amitabha. "
Therefore know, a nembutsu teachings are many good base, more merit.
Q: Buddhist mindfulness can kill an hour of mortal sin in the lives of eighty memory, a lifetime is not known how long?
A: A life can not be counted. Under the doctrine, taking a high stone forty miles wide, is in heaven Dao natural health benefits are very thin and lightweight, three years of playing through it once rock, waving until the vi bare rock, is a great life.
There are a lot of poor people who create, or killing, stealing, adultery, lying, speak two tongues, say evil, greed, hatred, wrong, made in crimes against, any taste, libel Mahayana, make all the evil business. If this Buddha, in mortal sin all come to destroy, again merits of wonderful memories in the lives of eighty. So said a nembutsu teachings are many good base, more merit.
The calculation of the number of lives, tens of thousands of new life in a thousand lifetimes, ten thousand new life into a lifetime memory. From ten to eighty-life depression lifetime memories for a long long time that very matter.
Now only a concept also known Buddhist merit as much, let alone what is the concept ten thousand questions a day Amitabha Buddha, or the twenty thousand thoughts a day sentence, merit was so unspeakable.
According to the Amitabha Sutra, one day or seven-day Buddhist concept of merit immeasurable boundless. Do a lot of merit to the Pure Land rebirth, rebirth is Bodhisattvas Pure Land Eight or more. So in the Amitabha Sutra, the Buddhas of the ten directions praise together is inconceivable.
The healthy mix of other complex considerations are limited, calculated at base number to call good, which is inconceivable.
Nembutsu vast immeasurable merit, could not consider the mind, not your mouth to talk. Thus, texts such inconceivable.
So that, a Buddhist dharma concept is much good base, the base could not catch up with other good.
Moreover, comparison of the Buddhist concept of merit are classified into three grades:
- One is a comparative concept.
- The idea is to compare ten.
- Three is to compare one day to seven days.
According to Quan Boundless Life: "Reciting Buddha to eradicate a known weight of mortal sin in the lives of eighty memory, it is the merit of wonderful memories in the lives of eighty."
Only merit such a life is unthinkable, let alone what is a hundred lifetimes. Merit in a hundred lifetimes is not inconceivable, let alone what is a thousand lifetimes. The merit of a thousand lifetimes is not inconceivable, let alone what is universal life. The merits of such universal life inconceivable, let alone what is a lifetime memory, up to eighty merit in life. Do not know which number to call is inconceivable merit. So in doing Boundless Tho Quan said: "The charges made ​​in adversity, defame the Mahayana sutras, general networking concepts at about ten consecutive sentences Amitabha Buddha Pure Land rebirth." This is a legal product Ha Ha of birth. The merits of an idea but limitless, let alone what the two concepts to ten concepts.
According to Quan Boundless Life, the Mahayana sutras slander, use of permanent materials, breaking several precepts, made ​​all the bad karma, but at a death sentence if justified concept is Amitabha Buddha is meritorious, How many crimes have created all come ngiep kill, Pure Garage rebirth. So, experience says: "The concept of a serious crime eradication of the mortal life of eighty memory" . This is a legal Ha Trung life products.
Q: Sin karma was too much, why do thoughts ten hours can eliminate sin in several lifetimes?
A: ten hours of certain Buddhist mindfulness can eliminate sin in many lives. Do know what is this? Please set examples to explain:
For example, with the wood contains a thousand days, but not on fire burned more than half a day. Poor suffering as well as firewood, as well as the Buddhist concept of merit strong fire. Sinful karma from countless lifetimes to date, by virtue of the ten questions are nembutsu total defeat.
Besides, karma and guilt at home thousands of years, has shed light, dark empty. The merits of nembutsu as well. Sinful karma from countless lifetimes to date, by virtue of Amitabha Buddha concept all come to destroy all. So should know, for Buddha or eliminate certain sins of many lifetimes. GLASSES Boundless Life Buddha said: "As the Buddha's name he should confess the sins are destroyed. I have come to guide him. "
Moreover, the merit of ten questions nembutsu is infinite, what is the one day event concepts are ten thousand questions Amitabha Buddha, a date of conception was twenty thousand questions Amitabha Buddha.
Buddhist concept of merit is infinite in one day, what situations merit nembutsu from two days to seven days.
According to Amitabha, who was about networks, fast, one day, within the seven days immediately recite the Buddha Pure Land rebirth. And said, "These beings are born on Pure Land are grade retrogression" , ie BatDia Bodhisattva. This is the Supreme law of commercial life.
Because he knows where?
For example, the doors of the world, the more money the better type doors, the door of the poor to bad.
The nembutsu is so much more meritorious, was born on Pure Land in Shanghai commercial goods. The Buddhist concept of Ha Ha very little on food.
As Lai said although eighty-four thousand teachings, only a legal subject nembutsu is paramount. As Lai said although the Protestant faith, the only legal basis nembutsu is more healthy, more merit. The other method was not subject to equal it nembutsu teachings.
So that, a subject that many base nembutsu healthy, much merit. Moreover, the legal concept of Buddhist texts very difficult to come by. Where Do know that?
Business Boundless Life said: "The past is a king, trust arises the nembutsu practice. The king came to seek good legal knowledge nembutsu. Now, good general knowledge told King that:
- Li supreme Buddhist concept of this method is difficult to hear. Royal is the level where you learn respect.
The king said to the ambassador:
- If people can talk about solutions for the essentials of Buddha, we will make a lifetime supply, little lower.
Then the king good security knowledge that:
- If the king wants the essentials of legal religious nembutsu should give up his throne, came to the supplier. Over the long term not retreating, I will discuss key legal concept of Buddha for him.
The king then left his throne, take the good you provide the knowledge needed. Meanwhile, countless people live longer. Over eight thousand years, the king be miserable, do not be afraid any hardship, no loss center back. During that time, the king had heard twice eighty Buddhist mindfulness. Later, the king met two thousand eight thousand Buddhas as he talks about the Buddhist mindfulness eighty. "
The king then, upon hearing the Buddha should be legal concept of a Buddha. Case we are now hearing the news media but also thoughts, perhaps that is not the world Sukhavati rebirth u?
To block deep moral beings in the Buddhist way is not evil, just because the practice does not meet this nembutsu. So that, it is difficult legal nembutsu seen!
Phuoc comparison subjects over son
Q: In the Method for Buddha, the more responsible son is not?
A: The French also have to recite the Buddha's left over. Venerable brother General practice once a day, over the long term is not physically committed.
Q: How many boys Tri merit?
A: Business General Van his organ, illegal Kinh Thanh Tinh, Phuoc Loi Trai amount Communications Business, said the boys are in:
1. The boys over now Dan (3g - 5 am) is excess food in memory of eighty-four thousand years.
2. The boys over time Tip (5pm - 7pm) is the excess food in the eighty-year depression.
3. The boys over Thin hours (7am - 9am) the excess food in memory of six thousand years.
4. The boys now lead the Snake (9g - 11g) is excess food in memory of four thousand years.
5. The boys now maintain Horse (11g - 1g) is excess food in a hundred days.
After the brother Ngo impossible, even with a guilty and not the merits.
Speaking of food surplus food that is not the end user sales. This life full of clothes and food, were left over from childhood past that have been. So Dai Hanh said the Venerable Buddhist concept should lead brother.
Moreover, as food for a day but not inconceivable, what the food situation in ten years; be food for ten years but not inconceivable, what the food situation in the hundred years, to be Food in the memory of thousands, thousands of memories, memories eighty years.
According says, know the merit of not inconceivable over boys. So people need to recite the Buddha's left over.
Mon doubt, guilty of libel
Q: Praise be to recite the Buddha what meritorious, decrying what nembutsu guilty?
A: According to Business Review Group said: "One time disparaging the Buddha, fall into hell Ne Le thousands of lives. Once praised the Buddha, kill the evil very important industry in a hundred lifetimes. "
Great Venerable Hanh says: "People do not even mind the Buddha, the Buddha is disparaging disparaging France, bear right into the A monk suffering no date."
Q: A Hell was made up like?
A: According to Tam Mei Quan Buddha said: "Hell A Spleen length by week eight thousand, seven layers of iron, seven floor grating, the identity of seven trees, forests for eighty-four thousand, eighty-four thousand pans boiling water, bronze dog, solid iron, iron bird, filled in hell. A man in prison were also filled, many people in prison are not tight. "
Once you fall into this hell to suffer no long day out, without interruption. Over the eight Great new life, then fell on the animal species.
Do decry legal nembutsu should fall into hell, suffer without interruption. If the Buddha in mind, the sin is not so free to be very indirect. If you can even become Buddha, the very sin all come to kill cockroaches.
Back in the Lotus Sutra says, if there is a recitation, clerical, maintenance experience this life despise Jealousy, hugging heart to hate, will fall into hell Infernal, who decry what circumstances nembutsu. Serious crime against the person who decry recitation, clerical experience than hundred thousand thousand times.
So Venerable Hanh University can tolerate things contrary, beaten scolded not respond for fear of asking for sin. So economic heresy says: "He robbed the enemy of faith is nothing more than anger. Anger than fire data, so the monks should generally not to hedge its intrusion. Fire burn data or precious objects in the world. Data center fire of anger burning seven or property of the saint " . So people need to recite the Buddha's patience.
Flower Adornment Sutra also says: "Run a center field, generated hundreds of thousands of obstacles."
Pub back in business Boundless Life says, "Praise the good of the order of merit was so bad scolding other people's sin should notice."
Where Do know that?
India Business Report said: "Military Threads for novice monk scolded you sound like barking dogs. Do a bad word, Sa di Force to five hundred family life as a dog. "
So know, verbally abused others, the sin itself.
In Business Review A function is said: "There is a healthy compliment of months of work, so in the face of hundreds of radical life is beautiful district. Partly mouth emits fragrance, body odor pure as flowers Advantages La Bat, forty miles against the wind still smell the fragrance. "
Therefore should know, praise others reported good results, the nembutsu practitioner should praise good work.

The Lotus Sutra says: "There is talk of good and evil or bad of others" . So exclusively for Buddha, Pure Land rebirth soon, no specific end immersed in reincarnation.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).19/1/2012.

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