Wednesday 18 January 2012


Male model Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara
Body and mind bringing my mind even bowed and supreme masters (the host household) he Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. In contemplation of any real future of things past, he dedicated efforts benefit to beings.
fully enlightened Buddhas, source of all peace and happiness, where arises the school achievement night of victory. This is because by understanding the practice of directing, so I will explain the bodhisattva practice.
1. Rare were body full freedom and fortune, so let professionals need to listen, think and meditate day and night regardless of their own to liberate beings from the sea suffering and reincarnation - It is the practice bodhisattva.
2. Because attachment to loved ones, we are disturbed, such as water waves. Because he hated enemy, I burn like fire. So in the darkness of chaos, I forgot what to do and what not to do. Give up the ego - This is the bodhisattva practice.
3. Isolated objects bad defilements will gradually reduce. Not to preserve memory loss, the natural law will improve clarity, faith in the teachings will arise. Keep practicing pure - This is the bodhisattva practice.
4. Longtime friends and relatives is going to break up. Assets created by sweat and tears will be left behind. Consciousness, the house guest of the body, it will have to go. Do not cling to this life - This is the bodhisattva practice.
5. Contact your knowledge evil / bad you will do three independent increase in the time we learn, think and practice. They will rot our compassion lost. Stay away from evil knowledge / you bad - This is the bodhisattva practice.
6. Rely on the teacher / good knowledge of the mistakes we will eliminate, and virtue would fullness (like the full moon progress). Let's cherish the teacher than his body - This is the bodhisattva practice.
7. Trapped in the prison of samsara samsara, how the secular gods may bring us to be upholding? So is the refuge where they take refuge in the Three Jewels, the true refuge - This is the bodhisattva practice.
8. Sense Almighty has said all that suffering can not be described in three lines are the result of bad karma. So despite the loss of life, we decided not to do evil [cause bad karma] - This is the bodhisattva practice.
9. As the first drops of dew on the grass, in the three realms of pleasure in just a transient moment and then disappears. Strive to achieve the ultimate state of liberation - This is the bodhisattva practice.
10. When the mother had loved me from the cortex, are suffering, your own happiness be beneficial? So to save countless beings have altruistic aspiration formation - This is the bodhisattva practice.
11. All are suffering because of the desire for personal happiness, while fully enlightened Buddhas from altruistic mind. So let's trade our happiness take the suffering of beings - This is the bodhisattva practice.
12. Although there are smart guys with greed, promote or protect him stealing other people deprived of our property, please forgive / donation to his body, wealth and merit have been collected, in the past, present and future - This is the bodhisattva practice.
13. Although there who want us beheaded while we did not do anything wrong, let's develop compassion received all their crimes - This is the bodhisattva practice.
14. Although there are thousands who appeals to the world bad things about us, please get repaid compassion by honoring their virtues - This is the bodhisattva practice.
15. Although there who defame public ridicule us among the crowd, let's bow and honor them, see them as a teacher - This is the bodhisattva practice.
16. Although care who we loved as children see us as enemies, let's treat them like a mother loves gentle children sick - This is the bodhisattva practice.
17. If a man equal or inferior to us, just for pride, back to denigrate us, put them on top of his head with reverence as we do with the guru - This is the bodhisattva practice.
18 . Despite living in poverty and often scorned, suffering from dangerous diseases and evil spirits were harassed, but not our little frayed. Let's get criminal burden and suffering of beings - This is the bodhisattva practice.
19. Although we have known and respected people, as well as wealth is equivalent to Pi sa celestial kingdom subjects [all the gods of wealth], let's recognize the futility of fame, nothing worthy of pride - This is the bodhisattva practice.
20. When that anger is the main enemy [internal ma] can not be controlled, it is whether conquered enemies outside, just make them [the enemy within us] increase only. So let's controlling it with two armies and compassion - This is the bodhisattva practice.
21. Pleasure as well as salt water, drink more and more hungry. Let go immediately what caused the craving - This is the bodhisattva practice.
22. All things were created by the mind. From the beginning, the nature center has not been attached in the record reviews [extreme delusion]. To know this is like, and do not be tempted to ring center duality [subject and object] feature of treat - This is the bodhisattva practice.
23. When confronted with the hottie, even see them as beautiful rainbow down the middle, please know that we do not have your own nature and let go of clinging attachment - This is the bodhisattva practice.
24. All forms of suffering are like vanity (the title of child death in the mother's sleep). Accept the illusory image is real hard to make our mind. So the face of adversity, see them as virtual illusory - This is the bodhisattva practice.
25. Who reach enlightenment sometimes have to let go of all my life, so no need to pay attention to material outside. Please pray for alms without reward - That is the bodhisattva practice.
26. If you do not keep the precepts, we can not reap what results, reliance on information from the desire to benefit sentient beings, this is so sad smile. So let's morality without the hope of the world needs - This is the bodhisattva practice.
27. For the Bodhisattva to cultivate merit, those who hurt them is the precious treasure. So exercise your mind has no patience with hatred - This is the bodhisattva practice.
28. As soon as customer documents and Single sense, seek only self-discipline, hard work and practice intensely as is promptly extinguished the fire on his head. So diligent efforts to benefit all sentient beings are the root cause of all friendly units - This is the bodhisattva practice.
29. Be aware that the impurity will be eliminated only by meditation and contemplation. Practice paying attention to Vietnam four super formless realms - This is the bodhisattva practice.
30. There are five paramitas without wisdom paramitas can not lead to direct results. So let's practice of skillful means out with the wisdom to touch on three realms - This is the bodhisattva practice.
31. If not self-consistent error review, that is just the name of the practitioner without practice. Therefore, always introspection and eliminate mistakes - That is the bodhisattva practice.
32. If the urge because of affliction which our line faults of others, then self-harm ourselves. So do not arouse the mistakes of other practitioners - This is the bodhisattva practice.
33. Fame only caused the dispute, making the learning, thinking and practice degradation. So do not give up attachment to relatives friends, the relationship, for all, etc ... - This is the bodhisattva practice.
34. Export evil disturbing others and do minds Bodhicharyavatara decay. Therefore, please avoid harsh words cause discomfort to others - This is the bodhisattva practice.
35. Sorrow when orders have been set and it's hard to stop using the treatment method. Be equipped with guards of mindfulness and awareness, eradication of defilements such as craving - This is the bodhisattva practice.
36. In short, no matter what is done, we must ask ourselves "Our mind is in any state?" Always mindful and aware to benefit all sentient beings - This is the bodhisattva practice.
37. Eliminate suffering of countless beings, understanding the clarity of the three worlds. Use the merit of these efforts to dedicate to enlightenment - This is the bodhisattva practice.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).19/1/2012.

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