Saturday 21 January 2012



Dalai LamaFrench anger antidote is patience . Airport Fire burned like embers glowing fire in your heart. It turns people into bad people pretty terrible. What are quiet, cute, peace becomes dark, ugly, horrible. But as soon as you apply the doctrine and practice patience, then immediately turn off the fire ground sips, both of you to look suddenly changes. You become serene and peaceful tolerance, nice of you to make others happy spread.
Let Ma Zopa Rinpoche
Through the experiences of everyday life, we see can not get no peace when his own mind, but to let anger rise. But every day of your life happily if you meditate and apply the sequential approach to enlightenment, and mind control through practice patience, compassion. Is easy to see that at times strict mind disorders, arising dishonest thoughts, the mind control is essential.
When hovering just anger, you should immediately recognize it and remember it right to harm. Anger does not bring a little peace or any benefits to you or to anyone else. It is only sowing disaster, making you miserable and terrible discomfort. Once unleashed fury raging in your mind then, it will be familiar to you, and then, whenever I meet the similar anger resurfaced. If you do not practice for dealing obstacles, then each time anger emerged, you re-create a habit of mind, making you more and more easy to get angry.
Confusion anger do you mind making an unhappy life. It can make you hurt yourself, sometimes you also threatening danger. When floating airport, you are insecure and make others fear and insecurity in you. You risk destroying happiness and their own property and person; have you even harmful to the center, close to the lives of more people. The larger the fire ground, the more you think about vandalism. You just want to knock them right away as you float the object field. And once you've started to like that idea, you just need a moment to smash, and even murder. This happened very quickly - in just a fraction only.
Anger caused great harm to you and everyone in this life, all day to day. But not all, it was stormy row sowing hundredfold in the next life. It destroyed the faith, liberation obstacles, making clear mind losing. As the heart stops, the end of life, emerging field of fire will destroy all the merit and cut plastic life of liberation. No heart, no life; not have merit, there is no happiness, no freedom, no ultimate happiness of omniscience.
Terribly destructive fire ground. You do not need to think about the destruction of it in the next life, just think of the toxicity of it in this life enough. Only in this life but your anger has caused suffering to many people.
French anger antidote is patience . However, the idea of anger not practice patience or thought of the fire disaster of the yard. There must be another idea to remind you to remember the devastation of the fire ground, making you practice patience. Through meditation and the application of sequential approach to enlightenment, especially the legal transfer of the Mahayana mind, you can practice patience. At last he has peace, relaxation, and happiness in life.
Airport fire burned like embers glowing fire in your heart. It turns people into bad people pretty terrible. What are quiet, cute, peace becomes dark, ugly, horrible. But as soon as you apply the doctrine and practice patience, then immediately turn off the fire ground sips, both of you to look suddenly changes. You become serene and peaceful tolerance, nice of you to make others happy spread.
When craving something the mind has no peace, not relaxed, just as we emerged at this airport. I always felt something lacking. If introspection mind every day, we will always have something that is not stable. Whether you're trying to find fun everywhere like to live in the city or up the mountain to play, go swimming or a black wind park; though you try to sip some delicacies you, the cheesy clothes, or shopping for what its most genuine, most modern, you still find something missing. Despite many close friends for a long time, you would see in any labor. You just see the emptiness in my heart. You never really happy.
Even when having fun story, if you look closely at heart, we still see missing something. I never completely happy. Let's look at mind, carefully contemplate it: "I'm perfectly happy with he?" no. Still missing something.
This is why the Buddha taught, whether at the far corner of the tank horizon, we still suffer; despite finding does not forget the fun, pleasure is the pleasure of his pain; even if you co of you that you also suffer.
How often we also run the desire, it can never be satisfied . Desire to pursue that is essential to be satisfied, but it always leads to discontent. Although our goal is to have a contented mind, but "run by desire" (to be contented mind) is a means of error, the result is dissatisfaction. When we pursue desire, do not be satisfied. Then we desire to chase, and we also continued dissatisfaction. I tried again, and not contented heart.
Elvis Presley's life story is a typical example. Last visit Melbourne when I learned his story. One day during lunch, we follow the life of Elvis Presley on television. Very good story. His life is a Lam-rim teachings practical. He always lived in pleasure and excitement. The last days of life, when you're dying to know, is the spirit of his day into decline. His last song is: "How disappointing to themselves, when we seek forever?" . He sang with tears in his eyes during the final show, and thousands of idols who to see and hear him sing as he cried that day. Since then he was gone.
If you look at the nature of his mind while pursuing a dream, you will always find something lacking. The truth is that running the desire itself is suffering, in itself a problem. The whole sex, which is to suffer. This is the greatest suffering in samsara.
What makes problems and obstacles in life? What makes the internal obstacles, foreign drug in your spiritual practice? What makes your practice not to place to place? It is the desire that desire not be satisfied. Listen to news radio or watch television, we find the cause of the fatal depression that are arising due to memory that is not satisfied.
If you look at the nature of mind, analysis and ask yourself, you will see more and more desire, the more you have no real happiness . You will find a lot lacking. Your new life how tasteless!
In fact, achieve what they want or not achieved, the nature are suffering. There are also suffering; not have the same size. Because no careful examination, we find the story "get" what we want seems to be a termination problem, that is the problem "without being". But then again there are other problems due to the "get" cause.
When there are objects of desire, we assign a "pleasure" to the new feeling arises, when sensory contact with the object of desire. But if you keep looking forever, sooner or later the feeling of "pleasure" which also became fed up, called "pain pain" and it became something unbearable.
When not get to assign the name "annoying" feeling, without looking at it as "pain pain" , you still call it experience a feeling of pleasure, because you've called it the "pleasure " sensations should be considered a pleasure even as it is pleasant to themselves. In other words, whether sensations have been named the "pleasure" , it also arises only in itself.
When there is contact between the senses and objects to generate the feeling we call "life lost" , then we'll see soon become hard life, when the exposure lasts. Only a matter of time; therefore, that any real-life communication is only suffering.
When the five aggregates - by creating business and delusions - see an object, three consecutive sensations arise. First, life is suffering, but usually we see the trouble. Next is feeling optimistic, but ultimately only as suffering, the reason we get to happy yet analyzed. And finally, any size any touch sensation, pain sensation is not unpleasant, which is essentially suffering, because the five aggregates already polluted from industrial and delusions. When not out of business and delusions that bind to the aggregates in samsara it is still suffering the long term, because any feeling arising from exposure of the subjects are the nature of suffering.
Run by a professional desire, because it creates an impression of continuity in the line, do you rebirth reincarnation again. Then, by the control of karma and delusions (from this life), we again experienced pain in the future existence of life and death then this is the size (pervasive suffering). Then we re-experience the pain suffering and damage suffering, that suffering is changed, so the pleasures of life and death is only temporary. This is the painting's long pursuit of desire. How often are run by desire, we can still experience the endless sufferings of birth and death.
In short, even the feeling which we call "pleasure" to start up when exposed to an object of desire, is itself suffering. Since no analysis of the nature of feelings, because the mind haunted (by desire), we assign to feeling a "pleasure" when really it's just hard. Feeling pain when he is happy for us, and we believe it is real fun. I cling to pleasures, and were clinging to our mind, it seems that pure happiness, real property.
The main problem completely by creating a mind like that.
When you have a myriad of problems not stand, if realized his mistake by chasing desires, and we immediately stopped, the immediate problem that the mountain collapsed immediately.
For example, when immersed in a beautiful silk ideas, you really want to be near her. The more you think about the last person in the dream the more you can not stop holding her picture; left to you as being more passionate. You could not dream flowers are removed.
For example, if you keep on thinking about the physical beauty of a person, then you can not stop the desire. Just thinking style that tries to stop her loving attachment is not it just make you even more binding. Can never quench the desire that way.
Imagination more and see her beautiful, and the more you want to be near her. Just thinking back, watching the nature of the other beautiful body is suffering, impermanence, can make you disillusioned.
You might think: "How much trouble so I just poured on top forever?" or "Does anyone in my size!" . So gloomy than body parts will charge disappears the moment you stop every desire. Do identify the root cause of the trouble is that desire, you can stop the desire to pursue a remedy through the teaching of road repair shop. You will be happily serene spot. It is currently residing in touch. Do see the mistakes that you all sexual issues, you will enjoy the happy and carefree days. Stop the liberation of desire .
The Three Jewels refuge ceremony, prayer refuge French: "I ask the princess by their own greed, the most noble themselves." Renunciation of attachment is particularly emphasized here, rather than abandon anger or other afflictions, because all suffering is desire which are due out. If you do not give up desires, we shall keep on birth and death.
As we can not stop our attachment if any bold beauty of something, the more I can not end suffering if any "get done" problems we encountered. The more I see the trouble is suffering, they become unbearable. It is impossible to stop suffering with such thinking, it just makes your suffering more and more red tape.
Instead, consider natural. Do rhetoric forever: "Truth is boring Oh" . Do not tragic the issue, let alone care. You may not see new obstacles are more disastrous.
Quote "transformed into Phuc" by Lama Zopa Rinpoche.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).22/1/2012.

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