Monday 23 January 2012



  • Cold and Hungry is a test

    We here in the "fridge" is ("ice-box" *), for Buddha is going to be three days. The first day is the thought: "It's unbearable! Here the cold just because there is no heating, it has been hungry for a day eating only one meal! Just go and sit all day, go and sit down, but concepts 'Nam tissue Amitabha Buddha', the more memory the more hungry, more idea as that cold, it's unbearable! "However, in two days, did I have suffered what they could not bear, if quit for fear of ridicule, it will be a coward, no willpower. Today is the third day and then, he did not feel too much discomfort. "Hunger is not something a little bit, a little cold it does not matter at all!" This is simply testing your willpower alone.
    You did not run away again but the Buddha, and thus , improve your base is growing. I know there has been a Buddhist concept that saw the light, see the flowers, see Buddhism; some people even see the Buddha Amitabha Vya remove the top. Someone asked: "Really? Why can not I see? "This is to ask yourself, need to release it into the public realm of new enemies to win the money! Someone said: "It is hard, make me die!" If so, please give their lives away. Ultimately, you want to keep threatening to do? Have a saying:
    "Throw not death, it will not be a life change;
    Remove not the author would not change the truth. "
    If you just want to enjoy then you will not have the law of that. If you want to be the legal production, revert to fertilizer, it will suffer a bit, watch a little worldly light, should not it too seriously.
    Talk to me of this poem by lay The fruit do when she realized at home, doing nothing. She handed her self a job and wrote that:
    Very unique self-expression in long
    white peach Peng dispatched three prisms seabirds
    Shui into three
    three for coastal marine infections retired
    fertilizer revert du took advantage.
    Temporary Service:
    The top floor alone quietly, watching flowers wave
    wave movement surges, seabirds fear in the air wing.
    Water up waves, water waves in the quiet,
    charming off infections, nature is, in leisurely self.
    remain silent as meditation, she looked up to see the ocean waves, waves at each other, splashing water like white flowers, and hear the waves causing screaming seagulls fly away terrified. "The up-wave" is example for nature when negativity starts sparking and "quiet water wave" represents the negativity no matter how severe, can also become the Bodhi nature, making " coastal contamination off ", letting go of all worldly. Until then, you can return to roots, see the section of his future, even love to do also. But now we have not been so, so we need to comply with the roots and the Buddha's mind, thoughts until any disorder of mind, perception to "recite the Buddha's eighty," it is now situation can be even leisurely.
    The ancients said: "frigid weather the harsh new coniferous species that are finally fading." San Francisco has never ever cold like this, the temperature drops below 20 degrees, which most people are indoors and open heaters. We here are not outside, but rather open, heating, air conditioning we are! Meet the cold weather, coniferous species may be fading at last, but we're showing that we are solidly Kim Cang!
    In here you have a lot of people can enjoy at home, but they came here voluntarily for Buddha, pain clinic practice. This is very hard to be, prove you have little interest in, will make Buddha Amitabha emotion, certain he will bless you, until your death, He will guide you the world Sukhavati in the West.
    Amitabha Buddha entered the Kim Cang in San Francisco, making the ground more solid here. We must also enter the Kim Cang, to make land in San Francisco turned into solid as Kim Cang. Last night I did not say that "It is not possible earthquakes, the land that is not allowing the" or what? Who has the right to exclude land? It is the Buddha Amitabha, because his world is Bliss. So where does the title of his mind where he will become a part of the world's Bliss. If you do not believe, then wait until Jan. 4 next year will prove it!
    December 10, 1972 - Opening market Buddha Decor, day 3.
    (Bodhi Sea Online Newspaper of 83 - Ten Thousand Buddhas United States)

" The German rejoice "French learners Buddhist Practice Award In Cooking

Trade praise, hate the processing in the world is very normal, like the praise, not like the criticism, jealousy over losing, jealousy decry. Praise be criticized for conduct most of all life on earth, so that the folk have a saying "As often as every well rounded youth, when hate is distorted to the better." The last to know, hear the good that should not rush to believe that praise must review, so for the other bad review and say the industry tops. He taught her his "know, sparse, do not know, based column that hearing."
Commendation of Buddhism known as praise or "Options Joy of Germany" . Cooking in Buddhism referred to defame, also known as "short chapter Aryan" . Why? Praise rejoice in the healing of others are increasing their fortune, industrial plant with good grace, and vice versa if decry defame the good of others, making yourself suffer blessed, married to industry data, separated from Buddhist Religion, obstacles in practice. The Master Ha Tinh damage teach: "The Ten Great Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Kingdom, the chapel Thursday as" rejoice merit "very easy to practice, take the virtue of the merits of their work. This is a gentle unhurried French tu. For the good of the people, we are not happy even prevent the damage complained blessed. And rejoice (excited by) the additional merit ...".
The Master Declaration upper lower merit rejoice Chemistry is taught: "Options" means in or upon the same, "pleasant" is happy, " public "is being established," faith "is made ​​of virtue. Rejoice also called other people happy by the merit he had done, I can say is pleased by the merit that others have done ... Have merit rejoice involves doing all good. All merit good, you should rejoice; all the faults severe crime, you should not do. "
Compassionate Water In Sam is talking about the Aryan career stumbling block: "... or industry due to three causes of sin, or because inner delusions, or because of external contamination before our enchanted life. Thus karma to ten, eighty-four thousand workers died. The sin was yet more boundless, but not out of three things: suffering, karma, retribution. Three evil This is the path legal hurdles, prevent natural retribution nice people. "
rejoice France The first is German himself used the French mind, that rejoice praise praise good work of others and themselves give rise to good works make others rejoice in, this is the good behavior of the French rejoice of Germany , this is the most difficult measures in the healthy behavior of law rejoice.
Ancient Germans taught: "A while processing compliment to know, what praise and blame something " , such as yourself have to do that, find someone else to do the same but do not enough, do not correct, do not care and do not reach out should be tea mind interested in helping, processing in mind to help them achieve what they do, most only draw attention to the other person know where the place is not reached to withdraw for a better experience. Cooking is known so-called processing.
If that mode so it should vows. In Luong Hoang Sam says: "The Fourth us the name ... from now on, forever and ever pray, the same everywhere, if they no sound being heard by us, the mind immediately be secure, eliminate crime structure, the Da la ni, freeing eighty, full of cause, eloquence infinity, so the local law, a supreme sense ".
People do not know who is doing the processing work, but that they do not understand the work, listening to others processing mode as well as, or is it you do not, find themselves worse than the people, jealous jealous consciousness hate, not disparaging basis, tell other people sad heart rot. Cooking is so unaware mode.
disparage others are tongue career, this industry caused severe offense. In Sam Shui taught to repent: "Back from the cortex, so far, because weaving industry says ( dependence term) create as many sins; use sound euphemistic, glossy literature, distort wrong, wrong jewelry that left ... or from enemies bohemian, embroidered on crime writing, to the next life for the truth .... The poor language caused by such dependence, boundless wealth, today we are applying even to repent. "
People know who commend themselves to the good works and then, without success, because of grace is not enough, or is not a merit, learned yet sophisticated enough now that people can do things that was accomplished, joyful consciousness of respect, learning, praise praise the work of the then, make them happy consciousness, spirit cheer, continue to do better the work done. Praise known so-called merit.
If so, that compliment the teaching salary should Phat Nguyen Hoang Sam: "The Fourth us name ... from now on, forever and ever willing, and everywhere, for all sentient consciousness often equally unreal, not the hearts of merit processing; resentment body the same, going into the vast heart, learn the wisdom of Buddhas, see beings as complete career Rahula Cross shelter, separation from attachment there, do not let go of attachment, usually from the middle ...".
The praise is not known who never made ​​it through, did not understand themselves, their own interests which merit , the other sycophantic praise, but praise to harm others, wrong trends that merit, regardless of their merit to do right or wrong, good or bad, for the sake of their own should be commended, make people do not know the truth of his work is right or wrong, sometimes just because of his praise, leading them to do things in themselves wrong, but do not know, keep on doing strokes, cause a fire not all, people who do not merit such praise that.
Praise criticized tongue career, this industry caused severe offense, in Sam Shui taught to repent: "Back from the cortex, so far, because industry said two tongue caused many sins; merit front, back mode, treacherous hundred-way, talk to other people, to talk to other people, only know their interests, do not look bad to others, giving Siem de ly my recent, humiliating cancellation slander honest people, so I thought hydrophobic king together, father and son at loggerheads together, to give each spouse, relatives apart, destabilize teachers, stop line back to your friends ... Industry says two blades caused immeasurable boundless sin so, today we release into the ten directions Buddhas, Religious law, St. thereof, are confided to ask who repent. "
rejoice merit careful in praise of the French mode is a very difficult subject in Buddhist practice. Rejoice when their own merits are known to work well, so how to make others play follow the heart, then his new job right as well, if someone compliments your own processing must be considered the dog itself is not correct, if yes, the review is known or unknown merit praise blame, if they should learn is that, even if they have not found joy because of what that person not have enough grace to accomplish, if so who is himself a practicing Falun rejoice merit.
Seeing others do well, we should know the joy of praise praise, causing people good work being joy, if they need help, your health should take his vows, his karmic aid for people who are working well, so if it is itself being French tu rejoice merits of others.
rejoice in the merit of Buddhism commended processing method for processing when not affected compliment blessing, life is not retribution, is a legal claim to spread Mahayana, is well-spread Ocean Jewels. If merit is known, then he knows mode permanently create bad karma of body and mind, Tam always pure business, from threats to Tam map, full of grace enter Buddha Gaya.
rejoice merit, not only rejoice that his own merit should give rise to rejoice in the merit of others, this is the fundamental truth self-awareness, sense of Buddhist Religion tha, when reached this realm rejoice, then step The next practice is legal to rejoice in all good faith of all the beings in the world France, for member of the fullness of feeling happy, Bodh achievements. If there are three methods can achieve this rejoice, they may know themselves to be sure that the date of Buddha Gaya is coming.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).24/1/2012.  

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