Monday 23 January 2012



Some people ask questions like this: "The Buddhist practitioners may change the results of his life without suffering?" For the majority of Buddhist religious thought, how many sins in advance, what they do for the suffering, are due to religious merit which vanish at all.
Some people ask questions like this: "The Buddhist practitioners may change the results of his life without suffering?" For the majority of Buddhist religious thought, how many sins in advance, what they do for the suffering, are due to religious merit which vanish at all. If the change is contrary to the question of what effect this? In business since Buddha was a Buddhist monk, but also affected the needle trade, circuit identification, retribution is still life as usual. Victim was injured foot metal sword stabbed him with his back. Victim identification circuit is all he had to eat horse rice for three months. Reason for Buddha said in the past he has been sown for the human suffering but it has now become a Buddha, but also must pay the old results. His disciples big-event-related Items famous psychic First, the old alms was a pagan fin mill. At beaten because he did not use magic to pay off old debts, then president of severe pain and always. If the practice of his A-la-Sure, the past performance should be exhausted, why still have to pay?
Therefore, the monks he asked questions about this Buddha. Explained by the Buddha before he has made today's murder should have been something like that. Through the responses which we think? People were created to bear fruit for those who do not witness it, but to have someone witness the questions.
Or as in the case of King Ke-pagan neo hear The Lion damage. He held first hanger to The question: "He told the aggregates themselves are not, so my head is not?" He answered: "My five aggregates were not, what sá head." So he beheaded Group . So to say that before he had the gift to the king resentment in many lives, so he must return to this life. The ability to Hue in China, after spreading an enlightened time, he met up y San bowl television and said: "I was a bit of liability." He went to that country preacher, with the ship with He said the tri heresy, causing public disorder, the associated intellectual captivity until his death always.
We see from the Buddhist monk is totally fulfilling and then, to his See-saw event-related A-la-draft, payable to the Group also unfairly led previous lives. So say practice may be cause and effect change, right? Most say no, if not then change it to question, such practice to do? That is the question of causality, for it is difficult to understand. So today I must address the question that you all Buddhists to understand, no doubt, the progress on the new practice, gain benefits for themselves, their families and society.
In Buddhism they say they are referring to causation always shift smoothly without stop. So from the nucleus to the results can vary depending on his shift. Or change in this way, or change in the way it is, not fixed. If anyone thinks any of this fruit is not properly fixed truth, to find that charming custom causation, depending on conditions of reciprocity, it always changes. However the news has changed and not have to change what was consistent integrity is, to confirm the clear cause and effect.
We use an example so you see the change of causality. People are nuts or something original, or the final result is contrary. For example, we have sown a seed of corn to the ground, from corn that if enough land, enough water, enough sunlight, it will move once was the germ of corn. From maize germ was once a baby corn, baby corn from the corn was transferred was large. From large corn gradually into bonds. Such a shift flow from a small seed was once a tree, then there are the left and the final result takes destroyed. We find it does not stop at one stage? From people to change is a continuous line. We can say there will be certain corn ear of corn to eat? Not really. There is no ground corn, no water, sunlight, is it not to care ear of corn. There's corn is there, that people can achieve the results that can not achieve the results.
Buddhism look very real. Look away, look direction, looking at all of our actions, is a line of people to effect change. While the change, it also has the support of the people agree to help to shape or make of adversity dissipate. As with corn planted into the ground then, but it is good soil, irrigation water will be the new corn seed germination. When germinated and then we have to care, fertilizing, pest view about a break or not, we endeavor to grow good corn are achieving the best results. If we let down and giving up her corn, no watering, no fertilizing, no care is thoroughly dry corn will die, and not into the ear of corn. So there's not been confirmed there will be results, but again the auxiliary conditions. Upon the growth of auxiliary results. In contrast, the standard against erosion auxiliary perish. It is very delicate, if not you will start to rot out on the religious mind.
Many Buddhists believe people are sown through this, find someone to help poor support, hardly willing to help the suffering people. But a long long time you see a sad accident, the authorities "do good, why have bad results." This should be cautious, if not healing encounter bad situation again, we will rot the Bodhi mind is no chance of liberating enlightenment.
In the past I wrote a newspaper article from Quang, entitled "Human grassy fruit." The reason I wrote this article because when I have to have lung Fragrant Palm am the master Nhat Hanh in for treatment and convalescence. I like to plant a few flowers around the furniture, she should have some on Ni Da Lat to visit, she bought some flower seeds gium a little down. I dug a parcel of land in accordance with the rules of gardening, flower seeds sprayed down, steady watering every day. My nails and security in the abdomen about half a month to complete all flower seeds. Yes, I saw half a month after spotting a lot, I'm glad too. Until it up a little look back at all is not grass, no trees flower. I was surprised, flower beds around scrutiny, discovered several ant-like line going into the roadway. They swim from each of several flower beds and eat my flower seeds. Until then I think you should run down flower seeds, watering regularly, but forget to care for preventing ants, so ants go out tha flower seeds, leaving only grass seeds. I kept watering, ultimately where flowers do not see, just see all the grass. Whereupon I wrote "In the grass fruit." It's true I contemplate.
The fact that has caused me to think more. To preach the old days, Buddhists wonder why I do well, but just an accident. A Buddhist couple days it has several children, doing relatively well. When he husband and wife do not know why both of them were dead, leaving two children. The trade that brought Aunt strawberry farming. That's good. She raised up, for decent school, but to the two children to school, it's treated her very cold. She sad to see us, ask why I do well, but returned negative results. I do not answer. At last he asked the kids asked, "How good aunt to us that the rest of us behave like that?" We answered this: "Early aunt well with us, we owe much. But Lord, each time working in the home, the heavy part us, there is a little lighter you. When I see children singing aunt to ten thousand, five thousand children are us. "They tell everything about the unfair treatment of strawberry aunt. I see good people first, if we not careful to preserve, it will take. But when the child knows how to rely weak, it shall, if able to split it, it's ignored for the treatment of incomplete faithful aunt. Good at first, but the middle is not good, just like my flowers so. There are reasons, not random.
We find that, for cause and effect if only a look at never seen intimately. As the technical aunt if his actions sure do not blame her. Just as I do not see the grass on my comments so surprised. If I see them walking very, I would not be surprised. There's not smart to protect, preserve, help it grow it will take effect, not necessarily the result. Human then we have sown, from which it is a continuous flow. In the continuous flow was divided into two parts: a change in the growth, a change in the decay. What changes to make it grow, the Buddha called upon people or upon grace. For example, corn has enough land, good water, the sun and insect care, etc. .. it is upon human help it grow. If enough people agree it will ensure progress corn maize, corn for the results. Conversely, it does not meet the approval of the insects will be food or water shortages, lack of sun ... and die. So although a corn kernel corn that never results.
Buddhists understand so you wipe out, will find the meaning of the practice. Our spiritual practice is also a line change. Why? Since we are tu tu three of his career, in family practice, in the mouth, in mind. Body and mind we always practice smart. For example, Buddhists vow y jewels rules, keep the five precepts, that's good then sown. But when medical procedures, you thought I was provided y jewels, had a gentle, not repair, nail health and security that they provided, certain Buddhist Bliss picked up, that is wrong.
Many Buddhists think medicine is essential regular healthy living happily, is the Buddha's death. But in reality, you are required then y is not always healthy, the Buddha eyes are not? Thus y is only required personnel only. From then until hundreds of years as a line shift. Buddhist refuge is required skilled, close your mouth from then on always thought that good, do good, they say the good healthy new growth. Otherwise we say that the good is evil, think evil, evil, the goodness that does not exist. So do not be complacent and then his health required that all good deeds, is like that. Do not ever think so.
We sow, and to facilitate assistance to coastal human growth. That is the meaning of the practice. The rules on medical complacency is done is not known. I say more, many have children two or three years, bringing wealth to the temple rules it up good health. Qui y with strong ideas for the good, not for the religious. Therefore, many temples have kids practice raising. He is on the table altar Buddhist faith Quan Yin, to a red cloth on the first team, every word that technical information, design small cloth he tore the column for him. So make sure its good strength. Consequently y sense rules to no longer practice.
We spontaneously, so that causality is a basic teachings of Buddhism, could not be ignored or poorly understood, but to understand the new intimately from suspicion. As in previous Buddhists do evil, now practice it can convert the bad results before they do not? I stated that if we can cultivate true conversion, and end it or not, do not have to convert. I said this to you understand, I do not have in the past hundred others suffering, religious life is now being paid hundreds of results as the old format. Thus practitioners do? So there is bound to change, but change how it is another matter.
Here for more thorough, we just give you that sense of cause and effect that long a way we understand. For example, people do good work, I thought good to someone, tomorrow will be another good result again. But if fresh fruit is not to, he pierced the heart rot. Thus the causal reasons not fully understood.
The Buddha said the cause and effect are two cases: one is to create good human is good, two is to make people better but not good. Why? For example, in the past have treated her with her very bad, now that their own difficulties to help. In the past hundred percent bad, now last four years to help tens of percent, that thought was gratitude to the people then. When you see them not even grateful, then you instant help so why not be grateful? But compared with his evil past, the old offense charged is not enough that now demands thanks, how acceptable? So while helping the other person is not satisfied. If we understand the cause and effect only smiled, as more angry. In contrast with the people we help them a bit, but they are grateful, really missed her. Because we do not owe them, they should help a little feel good. Understand that, when that person to help someone less grateful, to try to reciprocate, we know that people do not have the old debt. And people are worried that their only concern they have not even grateful, and nothing shall, smiling only. Understanding cause and effect so reassuring you new Buddhist practitioners. If you are not sure of causality, we look at life very frustrating.
What Buddhist monk rather, the creation of enjoying instant results. As you master your help she or Buddhists who do not think they have to repay her. Seeing the suffering any help, where the ability to help to them, provided they reduce their suffering is happy, they happy you happy, like enough, does not seek anything. So I created to help people who suffer less, be happy. Seeing her happy as happy, that people reap sow immediately. Cause and effect is just the death, unexpected distant. All day I help this person happy, it's the fun. They pleased her how much fun they were. Clearly, people immediately get results generated. If we expect to repay, much as people answer my desire is not as easy to get angry, more responsible. Just saw the end of suffering people are happy, I was well pleased by it.
So the Bodhisattva to help all beings without getting bored. For all suffering beings, the Bodhisattva is fun and fun, where there waiting. And we help being bored very easily. Why? In his wish to help people who are grateful and reward it. If they do not appreciate his reward is sad, not to help anymore. Bodhisattva saw beings are hungry, give them bread to eat. Finished eating their happy smile is Bodhisattva and, needless to think. Such attitudes create two different causal, an enemy would have the answer, do not expect a response to the enemy led to two different results. Cause and effect is not expected the response characteristics of the known direct causal depth. Creating such causation is probably the chief Buddhist monk.
Causal changes are also two ways: first, the changes due to external effects, the second is due to internal changes. For example, in the past in his high position, there are those who assist in their low status. Now I do not think about the suffering of the people below, so do their suffering bullying. Because they are less so tormented her, they dared not speak, do not dare show their resentment, but in our embrace of one hundred percent resentment. To change at any time,they have their higher status, then he will start his revenge idea. Luckily, when I awaken religious study and know. Thus I understand the law of causality should be happy to receive the fruits of their suffering had created earlier, resentment uncomplaining people. It was a moving cause and effect.
Buddhist chanting your Bat-elegant "aired during the five aggregates no comments, the yoke necessarily suffering" is not true that the aggregates themselves, immediately overcome all suffering yoke. My five aggregates are not real words contempt, verbal abuse is not true. In the past I despise people curse a hundred percent, now they seek to revenge, contempt also cursed her one hundred percent. If you understand the direction, the aggregates do not really see yourself, when was scolding her relax or laugh? - Smile. The fine old days they made themselves miserable, now they are not suffering the punishment I laughed so paid or not paid? Pay or no pay, can not say confirmed. If not paid why they curse, the punishment you? They cursed their administrative penalty is revenge then. For the person that paid them, but I do not see paying for anything. When you say they love cows, they are angry too long. Now his province, saying his cows, his smile, knowing he Utter Rubbish. So is that such payment does not pay anything.
The earth shall be subject to provincial or love? To take love. So Buddha said being pitiful. All of us are suffering because of delusions. From deluded themselves constantly suffer unnecessary things angry, not sad, unnecessary suffering. If the province to hear people say words wrong end of his style is, what's sad is easy.
Many Buddhists say, his fast is verbally harass them, do not harass them verbally how fast. I will answer that they do not verbally harass each, I love them because they are crazy, do not understand how anything new verbal. I do verbally harass people, you get to edit. I do not ever do wrong, they loved them verbally. Is this not religious? - Tu. School education director is aware, do not love. Buddhism study Buddhism but that have little more love scene contrary shall be the province. That is pitiful.
The second case, if you do old people suffer a lot, they would now have the opportunity to take revenge, that is, as suffering, but in hard times and know them to direct practitioners, thus they see if the return is paid by all resentment never any superposition of all, understand it and then they linked blowing exhaust, remove all. In the past I do them pain, now have the opportunity, but they did not make their suffering, it is because they know tu. Heart of the recipient know tu resentment is also down to the fruit causing resentment.
We know, who cultivate hatred, forgive blowing exhaust. Who is creating suffering for his people, did not return. As practitioners know whether other people want to pay too bad, I still own in peace. Thus the change in religious soul of the person and the results returned, the two sides are positive changes. Conversely, if both parties do not know enough to pay tu then, in the past one hundred percent loans, now pay up to two hundred, because it is larger over time, as well as loans with interest so. So do not pay the loan repayment.
So religious teachings is to understand thoroughly to remove the moral resentment, pain. We are happy, happy new people. Tu is bringing benefits for themselves and others. If you're not religious, we just tense the other person, to pay the loan repayment, life life life life in resentment hatred, never-ending suffering. That is the meaning of causality.
Other cases, the cause and effect can not due to reduction of the inner or ours. As my old aggressive behavior, others dealing with a ruthless, now they have the power to retaliate. But since we know the religious awakening, healing, help this person and that, everyone around the brand, and you. The other person to retaliation, the neighbors found themselves immediately advised as well. Thanks to dissuade many people, who also dropped another ten years only seven. It is also a change in direction of causality reduced. Thanks to our religious reduced fruit size, so cause and effect is always changing, not fixed. Sometimes changing direction agreement, with the reverse change. Standing on a cause and effect, we believe some people no matter how bad, but if we try to convert it also changed somewhat.
As he was Section-event-related people beat to death, he remembered his past life has been harmful to them, they now revenge. He shall move to pay off old debt relationship, be free of birth and death, then he is upset or relaxed? Stay relaxed, pain that is not news, not sad that this is the last visit paid to it. Such payment to him is jokes, paid without suffering. As The Hue Kha when locked in check, he said, but some liabilities then this trip.
Do Buddhists debt of one year for ten years, until now still little, if any amount paid or to be in debt? There is money to pay for hands-free minutes. So please bring payment and not upset. So The Lion said the aggregates themselves are not real, what sá head. For every paid his debts, pay for not laughing hard as we do. The more you learn direct Buddhists see as fun. Because all that, we find thorough and laugh, not sadness.
The director is not hard to understand everything, they say more than his reputation as a subject is not known, drowned a little bear is not known, into contempt a little bear is not known. What is not well bear out, riet whole chest filled with resentment of heart disease, nearly extremely agonizing death. Now I understand everything we see only smiled. You are angry with someone that we contain in our hearts, every time is to sleep, woke up hatred remembers not sleep anymore. Just remember how restless they do so, roll over back to sleep, eat and lose, that's sick. I get it late, over the past always something slightly disturbing where anger. So we relaxed in order, live life happy. Tu is thus not as strong rules for good health.
Many Buddhists practice is misunderstood by the end of all accidents. How through it all! Tu tu is, but stories have caused resentment than before, it is more plaintive. In the past I make it too hard, they are angry with yourself. Now that peace tu the pure mind, but where have all the other angry. Mai-one meeting, they were discharged once angry, if we know that these things are not religious values, its just pathetic alone is not suffering. So you are willing to pay the debt, but paid gently disengaged.
I would say this life has in store for us so many things dissatisfactions. To obtain peace we must cultivate smart, only smart new tu escape the pain when having any such idea, do not have to pray. Buddhists pray too, pray for all suffering, for the victims from disasters. Prayer is not so? Sometimes I'm ashamed of this place. Buddhists believe, who also wanted to send him to name the police, that he went to medical doctors, not self-police themselves to be. Members that I was embarrassed not enough to make an Buddhists. I only taught Buddhist teachings to understand, then your own solution to their security, their province, do not necessarily need an the police. As long as all day throughout the month throughout the year I am not sick, not real like me dare to demand an Buddhists. Do not you he was sick, and see what dissatisfactions it difficult for Buddhists to you too. It is truth, truth to say that sometimes antagonizing a bit.
they should let me remind you remember Buddhists, we must cultivate the awareness, that is the truth, see the truth. Understand the truth then, all the difficulties we resolved very easily. In the past, or say it unfairly left the new husband, father, mother, brothers and sisters ... to hatred or unfairly left in love. The parent child contrary to trade much, much less her filial back injury. It is also a cause and effect, because the business to pay the debt, but not all hate to pay. Parents have to trade unruly children, dismissed not intended to pay, paid until the end, not chase it away. And the children are curious as parent debt, it must pay, sometimes parents do not even look anymore. Because if it returns any parents care so much back then as long as all debts? Therefore, anyone who paid that parents do not even look so happy, so quickly out of debt.
Understand that, to meet the circumstances do we suffer against their will smile, debt must be paid not blame anyone else. Those who cultivate the mind has the good, you know the Buddhist temple, listening to your teacher is very good. Because the good available to the site should look good today. So from now on you must be smart to make the best of your affinity support their ongoing endless forever. May provide new Buddhists live a happy life in order, are many good things. So smart practice is very serious, we need to practice thoroughly, not to say empty. More and more practitioners of all suffering, the more religious growth, joy, peace grow. Who tu tu is not so incompatible with Buddhism.
In closing, I remind you Buddhists try to create good grace, as the goodness of their growth. How every year you clear awakening, to become a Buddhist, live happy and peaceful life, at home in this world more sad. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).24/1/2012.

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